Clone this repo:
  1. 0861d48 [VOL-5268] Release patch repo:bbsim-sadis-server (branch=master) by Joey Armstrong · 3 months ago master
  2. aadcaa4 Pre-release build for repo:bbsim-sadis-server by Joey Armstrong · 3 months ago v2.12.0
  3. ee4d826 VOL-5160 - Repo triage build for release branching. by Joey Armstrong · 8 months ago v0.3.5
  4. aeae2bd Post release: bump version string for development by Joey Armstrong · 1 year, 3 months ago
  5. 06e564f [VOL-4674] Connecting directly to the BBSim POD instead than to the service as that might round-robin to the old instance before it's gone by Matteo Scandolo · 2 years, 1 month ago v0.3.4

BBSim Sadis Server

This project is designed to aggregate Sadis entries from multiple BBSim instances running on the same kubernetes cluster.

This tool assumes that:

  • The sadis service is exposed on the default port 50074
  • BBSim(s) are deployed with the default label app=bbsim

This component is part of the the VOLTHA project, more informations at:


helm repo add onf
helm install bbsim-sadis-server onf/bbsim-sadis-server

Configure ONOS to use bbsim-sadis-server

Assuming that bbsim-sadis-server was installed in the default namespace, you can use this configuration to point ONOS to it:

  "sadis" : {
    "integration" : {
      "url" : "http://bbsim-sadis-server.default.svc:58080/subscribers/%s",
      "cache" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "maxsize" : 50,
        "ttl" : "PT1m"
  "bandwidthprofile" : {
    "integration" : {
      "url" : "http://bbsim-sadis-server.default.svc:58080/profiles/%s",
      "cache" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "maxsize" : 50,
        "ttl" : "PT1m"

For more inforation about the sadis application you can refer to: