AETHER-2086 Add description of API Docs

Also added details of Atomix chart version

Change-Id: I9e02cb40ceaa1072e27267f37dd60fc4fb9358f8
diff --git a/developer/roc.rst b/developer/roc.rst
index e3a3dac..4b8c727 100644
--- a/developer/roc.rst
+++ b/developer/roc.rst
@@ -28,22 +28,40 @@
    kubectl create namespace micro-onos
    # install atomix
-   helm -n kube-system install atomix-controller atomix/atomix-controller
-   helm -n kube-system install atomix-raft-storage atomix/atomix-raft-storage
+   helm -n kube-system install atomix-controller atomix/atomix-controller --version $ATOMIX_CONTROLLER_VERSION
+   export ATOMIX_RAFT_VERSION=0.1.8
+   helm -n kube-system install atomix-raft-storage atomix/atomix-raft-storage --VERSION $ATOMIX_RAFT_VERSION
    # install the onos operator
-   helm install -n kube-system onos-operator onosproject/onos-operator
+   helm install -n kube-system onos-operator onosproject/onos-operator --version $ONOS_OPERATOR_VERSION
+.. note:: The ROC is sensitive to the versions of Atomix and onos-operator installed. The values
+    shown above are correct for the 1.2.x versions of the *aether-roc-umbrella*.
+.. list-table:: ROC support component version matrix
+   :widths: 28 24 24 24
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - ROC Version
+     - Atomix Controller
+     - Atomix Raft
+     - Onos Operator
+   * - 1.2.x
+     - 0.6.7
+     - 0.1.8
+     - 0.4.8
 Verify that these services were installed properly.
 You should see pods for *atomix-controller*, *atomix-raft-storage-controller*,
 *onos-operator-config*, and *onos-operator-topo*.
 Execute these commands::
+   helm -n kube-system list
    kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep -i atomix
    kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep -i onos
 Create a values-override.yaml
@@ -172,6 +190,11 @@
 ``aether-roc-gui`` is useful to be able to interactively browse the current configuration.
+.. note:: Internally the ``aether-roc-gui`` operates a Reverse Proxy on the ``aether-roc-api``. This
+    means that if you have done a ``port-forward`` to ``aether-roc-gui`` say on port ``8183`` there's no
+    need to do another on the ``aether-roc-api`` instead you can access the API on
+    ``http://localhost:8183/aether-roc-api``
 Deploying using custom images