Reorganization pass on Aether Docs

Change-Id: I0653109d6fe8d340278580ff5c7758ca264b512e
diff --git a/edge_deployment/runtime_deployment.rst b/edge_deployment/runtime_deployment.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97f55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/edge_deployment/runtime_deployment.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+Aether Runtime Deployment
+This section describes how to install Aether edge runtime and Aether managed
+We will be using GitOps based Aether CD pipeline for this, so we just need to
+create a patch to **aether-pod-configs** repository.
+Download aether-pod-configs repository
+Download the ``aether-pod-configs`` repository if you don't have it already in
+your development machine.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ cd $WORKDIR
+   $ git clone "ssh://[username]"
+Update global resource maps
+.. attention::
+   Skip this section if you have already done the same step in the
+   :ref:`Update Global Resources Map for VPN <update_global_resource>` section.
+Add a new ACE information at the end of the following global resource maps.
+* user_map.tfvars
+* cluster_map.tfvars
+As a note, you can find several other global resource maps under the
+`production` directory.  Resource definitions that need to be shared among
+clusters or are better managed in a single file to avoid configuration
+conflicts are maintained in this way.
+.. code-block:: diff
+   $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/production
+   $ vi user_map.tfvars
+   # Add the new cluster admin user at the end of the map
+   $ git diff user_map.tfvars
+   --- a/production/user_map.tfvars
+   +++ b/production/user_map.tfvars
+   @@ user_map = {
+      username      = "menlo"
+      password      = "changeme"
+      global_roles  = ["user-base", "catalogs-use"]
+   +  },
+   +  test_admin = {
+   +    username      = "test"
+   +    password      = "changeme"
+   +    global_roles  = ["user-base", "catalogs-use"]
+      }
+   }
+.. code-block:: diff
+   $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/production
+   $ vi cluster_map.tfvars
+   # Add the new K8S cluster information at the end of the map
+   $ git diff cluster_map.tfvars
+   --- a/production/cluster_map.tfvars
+   +++ b/production/cluster_map.tfvars
+   @@ cluster_map = {
+         kube_dns_cluster_ip     = ""
+         cluster_domain          = ""
+         calico_ip_detect_method = ""
+   +    },
+   +    ace-test = {
+   +      cluster_name            = "ace-test"
+   +      management_subnets      = [""]
+   +      k8s_version             = "v1.18.8-rancher1-1"
+   +      k8s_pod_range           = ""
+   +      k8s_cluster_ip_range    = ""
+   +      kube_dns_cluster_ip     = ""
+   +      cluster_domain          = ""
+   +      calico_ip_detect_method = ""
+         }
+      }
+   }
+You'll have to get this change merged before proceeding.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ git status
+   On branch tools
+   Changes not staged for commit:
+      modified:   cluster_map.tfvars
+      modified:   user_map.tfvars
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit -m "Add test ACE"
+   $ git review
+Create runtime configurations
+In this step, we will add several Terraform configurations and overriding
+values for the managed applications.
+Run the following commands to auto-generate necessary files under the target
+ACE directory.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/tools
+   $ cp ace_env /tmp/ace_env
+   $ vi /tmp/ace_env
+   # Set environment variables
+   $ source /tmp/ace_env
+   $ make runtime
+   Created ../production/ace-test
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/
+   Created ../production/ace-test/cluster_val.tfvars
+   Created ../production/ace-test/app_values
+   Created ../production/ace-test/app_values/ace-coredns.yml
+   Created ../production/ace-test/app_values/omec-upf-pfcp-agent.yml
+Create a review request
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs
+   $ git status
+   Untracked files:
+   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
+      production/ace-test/
+      production/ace-test/app_values/
+      production/ace-test/
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit -m "Add test ACE runtime configs"
+   $ git review
+Once the review request is accepted and merged,
+CD pipeline will start to deploy K8S and Aether managed applications on it.