Reorganization pass on Aether Docs

Change-Id: I0653109d6fe8d340278580ff5c7758ca264b512e
diff --git a/edge_deployment/server_bootstrap.rst b/edge_deployment/server_bootstrap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7fe5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/edge_deployment/server_bootstrap.rst
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+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+Server Bootstrap
+Management Server Bootstrap
+The management server is bootstrapped into a customized version of the standard
+Ubuntu 18.04 OS installer.
+The `iPXE boot firmware <>`_. is used to start this process
+and is built using the steps detailed in the `ipxe-build
+<>`_. repo, which
+generates both USB and PXE chainloadable boot images.
+Once a system has been started using these images started, these images will
+download a customized script from  an external webserver to continue the boot
+process. This iPXE to webserver connection is secured with mutual TLS
+authentication, enforced by the nginx webserver.
+The iPXE scripts are created by the `pxeboot
+<>`_ role,
+which creates both a boot menu, downloads the appropriate binaries for
+bootstrapping an OS installation, and creates per-node installation preseed files.
+The preseed files contain configuration steps to install the OS from the
+upstream Ubuntu repos, as well as customization of packages and creating the
+``onfadmin`` user.
+Creating a bootable USB drive
+1. Get a USB key. Can be tiny as the uncompressed image is floppy sized
+   (1.4MB).  Download the USB image file (``<date>``) on the
+   system you're using to write the USB key, and unzip it.
+2. Put a USB key in the system you're using to create the USB key, then
+   determine which USB device file it's at in ``/dev``.  You might look at the
+   end of the ``dmesg`` output on Linux/Unix or the output of ``diskutil
+   list`` on macOS.
+   Be very careful about this, as if you accidentally overwrite some other disk in
+   your system that would be highly problematic.
+3. Write the image to the device::
+      $ dd if=/path/to/20201116_onf_ipxe.usb of=/dev/sdg
+      2752+0 records in
+      2752+0 records out
+      1409024 bytes (1.4 MB, 1.3 MiB) copied, 2.0272 s, 695 kB/s
+  You may need to use `sudo` for this.
+Boot and Image Management Server
+1. Connect a USB keyboard and VGA monitor to the management node.  Put the USB
+   Key in one of the management node's USB ports (port 2 or 3):
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-000.png
+       :alt: Management Server Ports
+       :scale: 50%
+2. Turn on the management node, and press the F11 key as it starts to get into
+   the Boot Menu:
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-001.png
+       :alt: Management Server Boot Menu
+       :scale: 50%
+3. Select the USB key (in this case "PNY USB 2.0", your options may vary) and press return. You should see iPXE load:
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-002.png
+       :alt: iPXE load
+       :scale: 50%
+4. A menu will appear which displays the system information and DHCP discovered
+   network settings (your network must provide the IP address to the management
+   server via DHCP):
+   Use the arrow keys to select "Ubuntu 18.04 Installer (fully automatic)":
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-003.png
+       :alt: iPXE Menu
+       :scale: 50%
+   There is a 10 second default timeout if left untouched (it will continue the
+   system boot process) so restart the system if you miss the 10 second window.
+5. The Ubuntu 18.04 installer will be downloaded and booted:
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-004.png
+       :alt: Ubuntu Boot
+       :scale: 50%
+6. Then the installer starts and takes around 10 minutes to install (depends on
+   your connection speed):
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-005.png
+       :alt: Ubuntu Install
+       :scale: 50%
+7. At the end of the install, the system will restart and present you with a
+   login prompt:
+   .. image:: images/mgmtsrv-006.png
+       :alt: Ubuntu Install Complete
+       :scale: 50%
+Management Server Configuration
+Once the OS is installed on the management server, Ansible is used to remotely
+install software on the management server.
+To checkout the ONF ansible repo and enter the virtualenv with the tooling::
+  mkdir infra
+  cd infra
+  repo init -u ssh://<your gerrit username>
+  repo sync
+  cd ansible
+  make galaxy
+  source venv_onfansible/bin/activate
+Obtain the ``undionly.kpxe`` iPXE artifact for bootstrapping the compute
+servers, and put it in the ``playbook/files`` directory.
+Next, create an inventory file to access the NetBox API.  An example is given
+in ``inventory/example-netbox.yml`` - duplicate this file and modify it. Fill
+in the ``api_endpoint`` address and ``token`` with an API key you get out of
+the NetBox instance.  List the IP Prefixes used by the site in the
+``ip_prefixes`` list.
+Next, run the ``scripts/`` to generate a host_vars file for
+the management server.  Assuming that the management server in the edge is
+named ``mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo``, you'd run::
+  python scripts/ inventory/my-netbox.yml > inventory/host_vars/mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo.yml
+One manual change needs to be made to this output - edit the
+``inventory/host_vars/mgmtserver1.stage1.menlo.yml`` file and add the following
+to the bottom of the file, replacing the IP addresses with the management
+server IP address for each segment.
+In the case of the Fabric that has two leaves and IP ranges, add the Management
+server IP address used for the leaf that it is connected to, and then add a
+route for the other IP address range for the non-Management-connected leaf that
+is via the Fabric router address in the connected leaf range.
+This configures the `netplan <>`_ on the management server,
+and creates a SNAT rule for the UE range route, and will be automated away
+  # added manually
+  netprep_netplan:
+    ethernets:
+      eno2:
+        addresses:
+          -
+    vlans:
+      mgmt800:
+        id: 800
+        link: eno2
+        addresses:
+          -
+      fabr801:
+        id: 801
+        link: eno2
+        addresses:
+          -
+        routes:
+          - to:
+            via:
+            metric: 100
+  netprep_nftables_nat_postrouting: >
+    ip saddr ip daddr counter snat to;
+Using the ``inventory/example-aether.ini`` as a template, create an
+:doc:`ansible inventory <ansible:user_guide/intro_inventory>` file for the
+site. Change the device names, IP addresses, and ``onfadmin`` password to match
+the ones for this site.  The management server's configuration is in the
+``[aethermgmt]`` and corresponding ``[aethermgmt:vars]`` section.
+Then, to configure a management server, run::
+  ansible-playbook -i inventory/sitename.ini playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml
+This installs software with the following functionality:
+- VLANs on second Ethernet port to provide connectivity to the rest of the pod.
+- Firewall with NAT for routing traffic
+- DHCP and TFTP for bootstrapping servers and switches
+- DNS for host naming and identification
+- HTTP server for serving files used for bootstrapping switches
+- Downloads the Tofino switch image
+- Creates user accounts for administrative access
+Compute Server Bootstrap
+Once the management server has finished installation, it will be set to offer
+the same iPXE bootstrap file to the computer.
+Each node will be booted, and when iPXE loads select the ``Ubuntu 18.04
+Installer (fully automatic)`` option.
+The nodes can be controlled remotely via their BMC management interfaces - if
+the BMC is at ```` a remote user can SSH into them with::
+  ssh -L 2443: onfadmin@<mgmt server ip>
+And then use their web browser to access the BMC at::
+  https://localhost:2443
+The default BMC credentials for the Pronto nodes are::
+  login: ADMIN
+  password: Admin123
+The BMC will also list all of the MAC addresses for the network interfaces
+(including BMC) that are built into the logic board of the system. Add-in
+network cards like the 40GbE ones used in compute servers aren't listed.
+To prepare the compute nodes, software must be installed on them.  As they
+can't be accessed directly from your local system, a :ref:`jump host
+<ansible:use_ssh_jump_hosts>` configuration is added, so the SSH connection
+goes through the management server to the compute systems behind it. Doing this
+requires a few steps:
+First, configure SSH to use Agent forwarding - create or edit your
+``~/.ssh/config`` file and add the following lines::
+  Host <management server IP>
+    ForwardAgent yes
+Then try to login to the management server, then the compute node::
+  $ ssh onfadmin@<management server IP>
+  Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-54-generic x86_64)
+  ...
+  onfadmin@mgmtserver1:~$ ssh onfadmin@
+  Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-54-generic x86_64)
+  ...
+  onfadmin@node2:~$
+Being able to login to the compute nodes from the management node means that
+SSH Agent forwarding is working correctly.
+Verify that your inventory (Created earlier from the
+``inventory/example-aether.ini`` file) includes an ``[aethercompute]`` section
+that has all the names and IP addresses of the compute nodes in it.
+Then run a ping test::
+  ansible -i inventory/sitename.ini -m ping aethercompute
+It may ask you about authorized keys - answer ``yes`` for each host to trust the keys::
+  The authenticity of host ' (<no hostip for proxy command>)' can't be established.
+  ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:...
+  Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
+You should then see a success message for each host::
+  node1.stage1.menlo | SUCCESS => {
+      "changed": false,
+      "ping": "pong"
+  }
+  node2.stage1.menlo | SUCCESS => {
+      "changed": false,
+      "ping": "pong"
+  }
+  ...
+Once you've seen this, run the playbook to install the prerequisites (Terraform
+user, Docker)::
+  ansible-playbook -i inventory/sitename.ini playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml
+Note that Docker is quite large and may take a few minutes for installation
+depending on internet connectivity.
+Now that these compute nodes have been brought up, the rest of the installation
+can continue.