AETHER-3345 Add AiaB on Real Radios

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-Setting Up Aether-in-a-Box
+Aether-in-a-Box for Developers
 Aether-in-a-Box (AiaB) provides an easy way to deploy Aether's SD-CORE and ROC
 components, and then run basic tests to validate the installation.
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+Aether-in-a-Box on Hardware Radios (4G)
+This document describes how to set up an Aether-in-a-Box (AiaB) with
+a Sercomm eNodeB and connect real devices (e.g., 4G phones).  This
+setup is suitable for laboratory experiments and proof-of-concept deployments.
+To create this setup you will need the following equipment:
+* Server for running AiaB (SD-CORE / UPF / ROC)
+  * Haswell CPU family or newer
+  * At least 4 CPUs and 12GB RAM
+  * Internet connection
+* Sercomm CBRS LTE small cell eNodeB
+  * Firmware version 3918 or newer.  For instructions on how to update the firmware see `here <>`_.
+* SIM card writer and blank SIM cards
+We assume that the server and the eNodeB are connected to the same
+LAN, and the LAN also provides external Internet connectivity.
+Create SIM cards by following the instructions for your SIM card writer.
+Of course you are free to use any values for IMSI, etc. that you choose,
+but these are the values that will work with the rest of the configuration
+in this document:
+* IMSI: each one is unique, matching pattern ``315010*********`` (15 digits)
+* OPc: ``69d5c2eb2e2e624750541d3bbc692ba5``
+* Transport Key: ``000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f``
+If you choose different values for your SIM cards, you will need to
+modify subsequent configuration steps appropriately.
+Insert the SIM cards in devices that you wish to be able to connect to the Aether network.
+Server setup
+The server will run Aether-in-a-Box.  The eNodeB will connect to the server over the local network.
+Perform these steps to prepare the server for the AiaB install:
+* Connect the server to the local network
+* Perform a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 on the server
+* Set up password-less sudo for the user that will install Aether-in-a-Box
+After the steps above have been completed, install Aether-in-a-Box as follows::
+    sudo apt install git make
+    git clone ""
+    cd aether-in-a-box
+Next, modify the file *sd-core-4g-values.yaml*.  Under ``subscribers``,
+add an IMSI range for the SIM cards you created, with the Transport Key
+and OPc values you used earlier.  For example, the following will add
+IMSIs between 315010999912301 and 315010999912303::
+    subscribers:
+    - ueId-start: 315010999912301
+      ueId-end: 315010999912303
+      plmnId: 315010
+      opc: 69d5c2eb2e2e624750541d3bbc692ba5
+      key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
+      sequenceNumber: 135
+Determine which is the interface that has L3 connectivity to the
+eNodeB -- this will be *DATA_IFACE* in the configuration later.  If
+the eNodeB will also be connected to the local network, then this is just the
+server’s primary interface.  If the eNodeB will be connected via an
+isolated L2/L3 network segment, then *DATA_IFACE* refers to the server
+interface on that network.   Remember this interface for later.
+Option 1: Configure Aether with ROC
+The Aether ROC provides a GUI and API for dynamically configuring
+Aether.  If you don’t wish to use the ROC to configure AiaB, you
+can skip to the next section.
+Install AiaB as follows (specifying *DATA_IFACE* from above)::
+    ENABLE_OAISIM=false DATA_IFACE=<iface> CHARTS=latest make roc-4g-models 4g-core
+Next, use the ROC to add information about your SIM cards.
+The ROC GUI  is available at `http://<server-ip>:31194`.
+Choose *Configuration > Site* from the drop-down at top right and edit
+the “AiaB site”.  Change the following values and click “Update”:
+* MCC: 315
+* MNC: 010
+Choose *Sim Cards* from the drop-down at top right.  Edit the
+existing entries to reflect the SIM cards you are adding to devices
+by replacing their IMSI values.  Click “Update” after each edit.
+If you want to connect more than two devices, consult the `ROC
+documentation <>`_.
+Finally, click the Basket icon at top right and click the “Commit” button.
+Now jump to the `Verifying the AiaB installation`_ section.
+Option 2: Configure Aether without ROC
+It is possible to configure Aether without the ROC,
+using static YAML files and the SimApp service.  If you have already
+installed the ROC, you should skip this section.
+Edit *sd-core-4g-values.yaml*.  Change ``mcc`` and ``mnc`` as follows::
+    plmn:
+      mcc: "315"
+      mnc: "010"
+Also add the IMSIs of your devices under ``imsis``, for example::
+    device-groups:
+    - name:  "4g-oaisim-user"
+      imsis:
+        - "315010999912301"
+        - "315010999912302"
+        - "315010999912303"
+Install AiaB as follows (specifying *DATA_IFACE* from above)::
+    ENABLE_OAISIM=false DATA_IFACE=<iface> CHARTS=latest make 4g-core
+Verifying the AiaB installation
+Installing AiaB will take about 20 minutes with a fast Internet
+connection.  If you see any errors / timeouts, try running the `make`
+command again.  The build will finish with a message:
+“Your MME IP address is… ”  This is just the IP address assigned to
+the *DATA_IFACE*.   Remember this for the eNodeB setup.
+When the install is complete, check that the 4G SD-CORE is running
+as follows::
+    $ kubectl -n omec get pod
+    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
+    cassandra-0              1/1     Running   0          7m27s
+    config4g-0               1/1     Running   0          7m27s
+    hss-0                    1/1     Running   0          7m27s
+    mme-0                    4/4     Running   0          7m27s
+    pcrf-0                   1/1     Running   0          7m27s
+    simapp-65dc44b9d-stx6q   1/1     Running   0          7m27s
+    spgwc-0                  2/2     Running   0          7m27s
+    upf-0                    5/5     Running   0          7m27s
+You should see all pods in Running status.
+If you have installed the ROC, check that all its pods are running
+as follows::
+    $ kubectl -n aether-roc get pod
+    NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
+    aether-roc-api-78cc548bb9-7vjs2                1/1     Running   0          4m16s
+    aether-roc-gui-v2-6d674fd446-tttb5             1/1     Running   0          4m16s
+    aether-roc-umbrella-grafana-74f8489c8f-s9p45   2/2     Running   0          4m16s
+    aether-roc-websocket-855d64549b-44fnc          1/1     Running   0          4m16s
+    onos-cli-5d448ff6c4-stq5t                      1/1     Running   0          4m16s
+    onos-config-7f4df96b88-vtp5s                   6/6     Running   0          4m16s
+    onos-consensus-store-0                         1/1     Running   0          4m15s
+    onos-topo-585c7c8976-6jq7b                     3/3     Running   0          4m16s
+    sdcore-adapter-v2-5646d455b9-2d6zl             1/1     Running   0          4m15s
+You should see all pods in Running status.
+Sercomm eNodeB setup
+The instructions in this section describe a basic configuration of
+the eNodeB.  For a more comprehensive guide to
+eNodeB configuration see `eNB Installation <>`_.
+The Sercomm eNodeB has two Ethernet ports: WAN and LAN.  We will use
+the LAN port for configuration of the eNodeB and the WAN port for
+normal operation.  Connect the eNodeB WAN port to the local network.
+Connect the eNodeB LAN port to a free Ethernet port on a Linux machine
+(say, a laptop) that will be used for the initial configuration of
+the eNodeB.  On that machine run `dhclient` on the interface corresponding
+to the Ethernet port, for example::
+    sudo dhclient eth1
+The interface should receive an IP address from the Sercomm eNodeB on
+the subnet.  Check this using `ifconfig`::
+    $ ifconfig eth1
+    eth1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
+        inet  netmask  broadcast
+        inet6 fe80::2e0:4cff:fe68:2f76  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
+        ether 00:e0:4c:68:2f:76  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
+        RX packets 264652  bytes 216094312 (216.0 MB)
+        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
+        TX packets 183978  bytes 36528580 (36.5 MB)
+        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
+The eNodeB IP address should be on that link.  Verify
+this using ping::
+    $ ping
+To access the Sercomm eNodeB admin page, you can run a Web browser on
+the laptop and direct it to ``. Login to the admin
+interface as user: *sc_femto* and password: *scHt3pp*.
+Click the ``NetWork set`` menu at the top. In the first section
+“IP Address”, set *Connect type: DHCP* (assuming this is supported on
+your local network, otherwise set up a static IP address).
+Click the blue ``Save`` button at the bottom.
+Next, click the ``Manage`` menu at the top and then click the
+``LTE Basic Setting`` tab. Change these parameters and click ``Save``:
+* Carrier Number: 2
+* Carrier Aggregation: Unset
+* BandWidth: 20
+* FrequencyBand: 48,48
+* EARFCN: 55440,55640
+* CellIdentity: 2,1
+* PCI: 100,101
+* TxPower: 20
+* Tunnel Type: IPv4
+* MME IP Address: <MME IP address from AiaB installation>
+* PLMNID: 315010
+* TAC: 1
+* Sync Source: FREE_RUNNING
+* Enable CWMP: Unset
+Click the ``SAS Configuration`` tab. In the ``Location Configuration``
+section, enter these values and click “Save”:
+* Location: Indoor
+* Location Source: Manual
+* Latitude: 0
+* Longitude: 0
+* Elevation: -18000
+Next we need to add a static route to the UPF address,,
+on the eNodeB.  Click on ``TR098`` menu and then click on ``IP`` tab.
+Scroll down to ``Device.Routing.Router.`` section.  Click ``View List``.
+Add this info on the blank line:
+* Enable: Set
+* StaticRoute: Set
+* DestIPAddress:
+* DestSubnetMask:
+* GatewayIPAddress: <Use MME IP address from AiaB installation>
+* Interface: Device.IP.Interface.1.
+Then click the “Add” button at the far right.
+Finally click the ``FAPService`` menu and then go to the ``FAPControl``
+tab.  Check the box next to ``AdminState`` in the first section and
+click ``Save``.
+After these changes are made, reboot the eNodeB by clicking the red
+``power button`` square at top right and selecting ``Reboot``.  When the
+eNodeB comes back up, it should have an IP address on the network
+(via the WAN port), and the admin page should now be available on
+Test connectivity from the eNodeB to the MME and the UPF running on
+the server as follows.  Login to the eNodeB admin interface, click
+the “Manage” menu at the top, and click the ``IP Diagnose`` tab.  Under
+``Ping and Traceroute``, select ``ping``, and then type the following IP
+addresses into the box to the right and click ``Run``:
+* <MME IP address from AiaB installation>
+If all of these are working, then you are ready to try to connect
+devices to the network.
+Connecting Devices
+Is there already a document on how to configure different devices
+to work with an Aether SIM card?
+Reinstalling AiaB
+A current limitation of AiaB is that if the host machine reboots,
+AiaB needs to be reinstalled.  We plan to fix this in the future so
+that the AiaB configuration will persist across reboots.  In the
+meantime, to reinstall AiaB on a machine where it was previously
+installed, run `make clean` and then start at the `Server setup`_
+section above.