[AETHER-965] Update Jenkins topics in TOST

Change-Id: I9134817e380d5bdf2cbd580606c17838ce19272a
diff --git a/pronto_deployment_guide/tost_deployment.rst b/pronto_deployment_guide/tost_deployment.rst
index 12acef4..103182c 100644
--- a/pronto_deployment_guide/tost_deployment.rst
+++ b/pronto_deployment_guide/tost_deployment.rst
@@ -23,37 +23,37 @@
    ├── app_map.tfvars
    ├── backend.tf
-   ├── common
-   │   ├── main.tf
-   │   └── variables.tf
-   ├── hostpath.yaml
-   ├── main.tf
+   ├── deepinsight
+   │   ├── README.md
+   │   ├── deepinsight-topo.json
+   │   └── deepinsight-topo.json.license
+   ├── main.tf -> ../../../common/tost/main.tf
    ├── onos
-   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
-   │   ├── backend.tf
-   │   ├── main.tf -> ../common/main.tf
-   │   ├── onos-netcfg.json
-   │   ├── onos-netcfg.json.license
-   │   ├── onos.yaml
-   │   └── variables.tf -> ../common/variables.tf
+   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
+   │   ├── backend.tf
+   │   ├── main.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/onos/main.tf
+   │   ├── onos-netcfg.json
+   │   ├── onos-netcfg.json.license
+   │   ├── onos.yaml
+   │   └── variables.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/onos/variables.tf
    ├── stratum
-   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
-   │   ├── backend.tf
-   │   ├── main.tf -> ../common/main.tf
-   │   ├── menlo-staging-leaf-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
-   │   ├── menlo-staging-leaf-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
-   │   ├── menlo-staging-spine-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
-   │   ├── menlo-staging-spine-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
-   │   ├── stratum.yaml
-   │   ├── tost-dev-chassis-config.pb.txt
-   │   └── variables.tf -> ../common/variables.tf
+   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
+   │   ├── backend.tf
+   │   ├── main.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/stratum/main.tf
+   │   ├── menlo-staging-leaf-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
+   │   ├── menlo-staging-leaf-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
+   │   ├── menlo-staging-spine-1-chassis-config.pb.txt
+   │   ├── menlo-staging-spine-2-chassis-config.pb.txt
+   │   ├── stratum.yaml
+   │   ├── tost-dev-chassis-config.pb.txt
+   │   └── variables.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/stratum/variables.tf
    ├── telegraf
-   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
-   │   ├── backend.tf
-   │   ├── main.tf -> ../common/main.tf
-   │   ├── telegraf.yaml
-   │   └── variables.tf -> ../common/variables.tf
-   └── variables.tf
+   │   ├── app_map.tfvars
+   │   ├── backend.tf
+   │   ├── main.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/telegraf/main.tf
+   │   ├── telegraf.yaml
+   │   └── variables.tf -> ../../../../common/tost/apps/telegraf/variables.tf
+   └── variables.tf -> ../../../common/tost/variables.tf
 There are four Terraform scripts inside **tost** directory and are responsible for managing each service.
@@ -274,6 +274,35 @@
          sample_interval: 5000ns
          subscription_mode: sample
+Create Your Own Configs
+The easiest way to create your own configs is running the template script.
+Assumed we would like to set up the **ace-example** pod in the production environment.
+1. open the **tools/ace_env**
+2. fill out all required variables
+3. import the environment variables from **tools/ace_env**
+4. perform the makefile command to generate configuration and directory for TOST
+5. update **onos-netcfg.json** for ONOS
+6. update **${hostname}-chassis-config.pb.txt** for Stratum
+7. update all switch IPs in **telegraf.yaml**
+8. commit your change and open the Gerrit patch
+.. code-block:: console
+  vim tools/ace_env
+  source tools/ace_env
+  make -C tools/  tost
+  vim production/ace-example/tost/onos/onos-netcfg.json
+  vim production/ace-example/tost/stratum/*${hostname}-chassis-config.pb.txt**
+  vim production/ace-example/tost/telegraf/telegraf.yam
+  git add commit
+  git review
 Quick recap
@@ -298,9 +327,31 @@
 There are three major components in the Jenkins system, the Jenkins pipeline and Jenkins Job Builder and Jenkins Job.
-.. note::
+We follow the Infrastructure as Code principle to place three major components in a Git repo, **aether-ci-management**
+Download **aether-ci-management** repository .
-   All Jenkins related files are placed in a `temporary repository <https://github.com/hwchiu/stratum-example/tree/master/pipelines>`_ and will move to another repo once the Aether Jenkins is ready.
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ cd $WORKDIR
+   $ git clone "ssh://[username]@gerrit.opencord.org:29418/aether-ci-management"
+Here is the example of folder structure, we put everything related to three major components under the jjb folder.
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ tree -d jjb
+   jjb
+   ├── ci-management
+   ├── global
+   │   ├── jenkins-admin -> ../../global-jjb/jenkins-admin
+   │   ├── jenkins-init-scripts -> ../../global-jjb/jenkins-init-scripts
+   │   ├── jjb -> ../../global-jjb/jjb
+   │   └── shell -> ../../global-jjb/shell
+   ├── pipeline
+   ├── repos
+   ├── shell
+   └── templates
 Jenkins pipeline
@@ -318,6 +369,41 @@
    Instead, we perform the clean installation.
    In the pipeline script, Terraform will destroy all existing resources and then create them again.
+We put all pipeline scripts under the pipeline directory, the language of the pipeline script is groovy.
+.. code-block:: console
+   $ tree pipeline
+   pipeline
+   ├── aether-in-a-box.groovy
+   ├── artifact-release.groovy
+   ├── cd-pipeline-charts-postrelease.groovy
+   ├── cd-pipeline-dockerhub-postrelease.groovy
+   ├── cd-pipeline-postrelease.groovy
+   ├── cd-pipeline-terraform.groovy
+   ├── docker-publish.groovy
+   ├── ng40-func.groovy
+   ├── ng40-scale.groovy
+   ├── reuse-scan-gerrit.groovy
+   ├── reuse-scan-github.groovy
+   ├── tost-onos.groovy
+   ├── tost-stratum.groovy
+   ├── tost-telegraf.groovy
+   └── tost.groovy
+Currently, we had four pipeline scripts for TOST deployment.
+1. tost-onos.groovy
+2. tost-stratum.groovy
+3. tost-telegraf.groovy
+4. tost.groovy
+tost-[onos/stratum/telegraf].groovy are used to deploy the individual application respectively,
+and tost.groovy is a high level script, used to deploy the TOST application, it will execute
+the above three scripts in its pipeline script.
 Jenkins jobs
@@ -340,13 +426,12 @@
 Application level
-- **config_review/config_patchset** tell the pipeline script to read the config for ONOS from a specified
-   gerrit review, instead of the HEAD branch. It’s good for developer to test its change before merge.
-- **onos_user/onos_password**: used to login ONOS controller
-   **onos_password** is a key which will load the real password from Jenkins Credential system.
-- **onos_ns**: the namespace we installed the secret file for ONOS, (will refactor in the future).
+- **GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER/GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER**: tell the pipeline script to read
+  the config for aether-pod-configs repo from a specified gerrit review, instead of the
+  HEAD branch. It’s good for developer to test its change before merge.
+- **onos_user**: used to login ONOS controller
 - **git_repo/git_server/git_user/git_password_env**: information of git repository, **git_password_env** is a key for
-   Jenkins Credential system.
+  Jenkins Credential system.
 Cluster level
@@ -354,32 +439,180 @@
 - **terraform_dir**: The root directory of the TOST directory.
 - **rancher_cluster**: target Rancher cluster name.
 - **rancher_api_env**: Rancher credential to access Rancher, used by Terraform.
-- **k8s_conifg**: Kubernetes config to access remote Kubernetes cluster.
 .. note::
-   Typically, developer only focus on **config_review** and **config_patchset**. The rest of them are managed by OPs.
+   Typically, developer only focus on **GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER** and **GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER**. The rest of them are managed by OPs.
 Jenkins Job Builder (JJB)
-We prefer to apply the IaaC (Infrastructure as a Code) for everything.
+We prefer to apply the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) for everything.
 We use the JJB (Jenkins Job Builder) to create new Jenkins Job, including the Jenkins pipeline.
 We need to clone a set of Jenkins jobs when a new edge is deployed.
-   TODO: Automate Jenkins job creation with JJB once the Aether Jenkins is set updated
+In order to provide the flexibility and avoid re-inventing the wheel, we used the job template to declare your job.
+Thanks to the JJB, we can use the parameters in the job template to render different kinds of jobs easily.
+All the template files are placed under templates directory.
+.. code-block:: console
+   ╰─$ tree templates
+   templates
+   ├── aether-in-a-box.yaml
+   ├── archive-artifacts.yaml
+   ├── artifact-release.yml
+   ├── cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml
+   ├── docker-publish-github.yaml
+   ├── docker-publish.yaml
+   ├── helm-lint.yaml
+   ├── make-test.yaml
+   ├── ng40-nightly.yaml
+   ├── ng40-test.yaml
+   ├── private-docker-publish.yaml
+   ├── private-make-test.yaml
+   ├── publish-helm-repo.yaml
+   ├── reuse-gerrit.yaml
+   ├── reuse-github.yaml
+   ├── sync-dir.yaml
+   ├── tost.yaml
+   ├── verify-licensed.yaml
+   └── versioning.yaml
+we defined all TOST required job templates in tost.yaml and here is its partial content.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+   - job-template:
+      name: "{name}-onos"
+      id: "deploy-onos"
+      project-type: pipeline
+      dsl: !include-raw-escape: jjb/pipeline/tost-onos.groovy
+      triggers:
+        - onf-infra-tost-gerrit-trigger:
+           gerrit-server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
+           trigger_command: "apply"
+           pattern: "{terraform_dir}/tost/onos/.*"
+      logrotate:
+          daysToKeep: 7
+          numToKeep: 10
+          artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+          artifactNumToKeep: 10
+      parameters:
+          - string:
+                name: gcp_credential
+                default: "{google_bucket_access}"
+          - string:
+                name: rancher_cluster
+                default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+          - string:
+                name: rancher_api_env
+                default: "{rancher_api}"
+          - string:
+                name: git_repo
+                default: "aether-pod-configs"
+          - string:
+                name: git_server
+                default: "gerrit.opencord.org"
+          - string:
+                name: git_ssh_user
+                default: "jenkins"
+Once we have the job template, we need to tell the JJB, we want to use the job template to create our own jobs.
+Here comes the concept of project, you need to define job templates you want to use and the values of all parameters.
+We put all project yaml files under the repo directory and here is the example
+.. code-block:: console
+   ╰─$ tree repos                                                                                                                                   130 ↵
+   repos
+   ├── aether-helm-charts.yaml
+   ├── aether-in-a-box.yaml
+   ├── cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml
+   ├── ng40-test.yaml
+   ├── spgw.yaml
+   └── tost.yaml
+Following is the example of tost projects, we defined three projects here, and each project has different
+parameters and Jenkins jobs it wants to use.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+   - project:
+         name: deploy-menlo-tost-dev
+         rancher_cluster: "menlo-tost-dev"
+         terraform_dir: "testing/menlo-tost"
+         rancher_api: "{rancher_testing_access}"
+         jobs:
+            - "deploy"
+            - "deploy-onos"
+            - "deploy-stratum"
+            - "deploy-telegraf"
+   - project:
+         name: deploy-menlo-tost-staging
+         rancher_cluster: "ace-menlo"
+         terraform_dir: "staging/ace-menlo"
+         rancher_api: "{rancher_staging_access}"
+         jobs:
+            - "deploy"
+            - "deploy-onos"
+            - "deploy-stratum"
+            - "deploy-telegraf"
+   - project:
+         name: deploy-menlo-production
+         rancher_cluster: "ace-menlo"
+         terraform_dir: "production/ace-menlo"
+         rancher_api: "{rancher_production_access}"
+         jobs:
+            - "deploy"
+            - "deploy-onos"
+            - "deploy-stratum"
+            - "deploy-telegraf"
+Create Your Own Jenkins Job
+Basically, if you don't need to customize the Jenkins pipeline script and the job configuration, the only thing
+you need to do is modify the repos/tost.yaml to add your project.
+For example, we would like to deploy the TOST to our production pod, let's assume it named "tost-example".
+Add the following content into repos/tost.yaml
+.. code-block:: yaml
+   - project:
+         name: deploy-tost-example-production
+         rancher_cluster: "ace-test-example"
+         terraform_dir: "production/tost-example"
+         rancher_api: "{rancher_production_access}"
+         jobs:
+            - "deploy"
+            - "deploy-onos"
+            - "deploy-stratum"
+            - "deploy-telegraf"
+.. note::
+   The **terraform_dir** indicates the directory location in aether-pod-configs repo, please ensure your Terraform scripts
+   already there before running the Jenkins job.
 Trigger TOST deployment in Jenkins
-Ideally, whenever a change is merged into **aether-pod-config**,
+Whenever a change is merged into **aether-pod-config**,
 the Jenkins job should be triggered automatically to (re)deploy TOST.
-This is still being set up at this moment.
-Therefore, we need to manually trigger the deployment by clicking the **Build** button
-of each Jenkins job and provide parameters accordingly.
-   TODO: Update this once the gerrit trigger is implemented
+You can also type the comment **apply** in the Gerrit patch, it will trigger Jenkins jobs to deploy TOST for you.