Updating GNBSIM image tag to support Deregistration profile

Changed version from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2
Added configuration for Deregistration profile in values.yaml
Adding 5 subscribers per profile

Change-Id: I1eec30a136accfc2b7402fb02e9d45b0b6a3748d
diff --git a/omec/5g-ran-sim/values.yaml b/omec/5g-ran-sim/values.yaml
index dbd4215..42c61e5 100644
--- a/omec/5g-ran-sim/values.yaml
+++ b/omec/5g-ran-sim/values.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     init: docker.io/omecproject/pod-init:1.0.0
-    gnbsim: registry.aetherproject.org/omecproject/5gc-gnbsim:dev-new-gnbsim-fbf1fd1
+    gnbsim: registry.aetherproject.org/omecproject/5gc-gnbsim:dev-new-gnbsim-5f0cac4
     depCheck: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.3.1
   pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
@@ -70,18 +70,29 @@
               profileName: profile1 # uniqely identifies a profile within application
               enable: false # Set true to execute the profile, false otherwise.
               gnbName: gnb1 # gNB to be used for this profile
-              startImsi: 2089300007487
-              ueCount: 1
+              startImsi: 2089300007487 #First IMSI. Subsequent values will be used if ueCount is mo    re than 1
+              ueCount: 5 # Number of UEs for for which the profile will be executed
               plmnId: # Public Land Mobile Network ID, <PLMN ID> = <MCC><MNC>
                 mcc: 208 # Mobile Country Code (3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
                 mnc: 93 # Mobile Network Code (2 or 3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
-            - profileType: pdusessest # profile type
-              profileName: profile2 # uniqely identifies a profile within application
-              enable: true # Set true to execute the profile, false otherwise.
-              gnbName: gnb1 # gNB to be used for this profile
-              startImsi: 2089300007487 # First IMSI. Subsequent values will be used if ueCount is more than 1
-              ueCount: 1 # Number of UEs for for which the profile will be executed
-              plmnId: # Public Land Mobile Network ID, <PLMN ID> = <MCC><MNC>. Should match startImsi
-                mcc: 208 # Mobile Country Code (3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
-                mnc: 93 # Mobile Network Code (2 or 3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
+            - profileType: pdusessest
+              profileName: profile2
+              enable: true
+              gnbName: gnb1
+              startImsi: 2089300007492
+              ueCount: 5
+              plmnId:
+                mcc: 208
+                mnc: 93
               dataPktCount: 5 # Number of UL user data packets to be transmitted. Common for all UEs
+            - profileType: deregister
+              profileName: profile3
+              enable: false
+              gnbName: gnb1
+              startImsi: 2089300007497
+              ueCount: 5
+              plmnId:
+              mcc: 208
+              mnc: 93
+        logger:
+          logLevel: info # how detailed the log will be, values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic