AETHER-3154 Install AiaB using sd-core chart
Change-Id: I17e0da3d8137a5317a142ff5fb9f9de927532f38
diff --git a/sd-core-5g-values.yaml b/sd-core-5g-values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a263ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd-core-5g-values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ enable5G: true
+ mongodb:
+ usePassword: false
+ persistence:
+ enabled: false
+ resources:
+ enabled: false
+ config:
+ managedByConfigPod:
+ enabled: true
+ # syncUrl: http://sdcore-adapter-v2.aether-roc.svc:8080/synchronize
+ smf:
+ cfgFiles:
+ #
+ smfcfg.conf:
+ configuration:
+ mongodb: # the mongodb connected by this PCF
+ name: smf # name of the mongodb
+ url: mongodb://mongodb:27017
+ pcf:
+ cfgFiles:
+ #
+ pcfcfg.conf:
+ info:
+ version: 1.0.0
+ description: PCF initial local configuration
+ configuration:
+ mongodb: # the mongodb connected by this PCF
+ name: free5gc # name of the mongodb
+ url: mongodb://mongodb:27017
+ nrf:
+ cfgFiles:
+ #
+ nrfcfg.conf:
+ configuration:
+ MongoDBName: free5gc # database name in MongoDB
+ MongoDBUrl: mongodb://mongodb:27017
+ #MongoDBUrl: mongodb://mongodb:27017 #works with db in omec name space
+ enable: true
+ config:
+ simapp:
+ cfgFiles:
+ simapp.yaml:
+ configuration:
+ provision-network-slice: true
+ sub-provision-endpt:
+ addr: webui
+ port: 5000
+ subscribers:
+ - ueId-start: 208930100007487
+ ueId-end: 208930100007501
+ plmnId: 20893
+ opc: "981d464c7c52eb6e5036234984ad0bcf"
+ op: ""
+ key: "5122250214c33e723a5dd523fc145fc0"
+ sequenceNumber: "16f3b3f70fc2"
+ device-groups:
+ - name: "5g-gnbsim-user"
+ imsis:
+ - "208930100007487"
+ - "208930100007488"
+ - "208930100007489"
+ - "208930100007490"
+ - "208930100007491"
+ - "208930100007492"
+ - "208930100007493"
+ - "208930100007494"
+ - "208930100007495"
+ - "208930100007496"
+ - "208930100007497"
+ - "208930100007498"
+ - "208930100007499"
+ - "208930100007500"
+ - "208930100007501"
+ ip-domain-name: "pool1"
+ ip-domain-expanded:
+ dnn: internet
+ dns-primary: ""
+ mtu: 1460
+ ue-ip-pool: ""
+ ue-dnn-qos:
+ dnn-mbr-downlink: 20000000
+ dnn-mbr-uplink: 4000000
+ bitrate-unit: bps
+ traffic-class: #default bearer QCI/ARP
+ name: "platinum"
+ qci: 9
+ arp: 6
+ pdb: 300
+ pelr: 6
+ site-info: "aiab"
+ network-slices:
+ - name: "default"
+ slice-id:
+ sd: "010203"
+ sst: 1
+ site-device-group:
+ - "5g-gnbsim-user"
+ application-filtering-rules:
+ - rule-name: "ALLOW-ALL"
+ priority: 250
+ action: "permit"
+ endpoint: ""
+ site-info:
+ gNodeBs:
+ - name: "aiab-gnb1"
+ tac: 1
+ plmn:
+ mcc: "208"
+ mnc: "93"
+ site-name: "aiab"
+ upf:
+ upf-name: "upf"
+ upf-port: 8805
+ enable: true
+ resources:
+ enabled: false
+ config:
+ upf:
+ name: "oaisim"
+ sriov:
+ enabled: false
+ hugepage:
+ enabled: false
+ cniPlugin: simpleovs
+ ipam: static
+ cfgFiles:
+ upf.json:
+ mode: af_packet
+ cpiface:
+ dnn: "internet"
+ hostname: "upf"
+ enable_ue_ip_alloc: false
+ ue_ip_pool:
+ enable: true
+ resources:
+ enabled: false
+ config:
+ gnbsim:
+ yamlCfgFiles:
+ gnb.conf: |
+ info:
+ version: 1.0.0
+ description: gNodeB sim initial configuration
+ configuration:
+ gnbs: # pool of gNodeBs
+ gnb1:
+ n2IpAddr: # gNB N2 interface IP address used to connect to AMF
+ n2Port: 9487 # gNB N2 Port used to connect to AMF
+ n3IpAddr: # gNB N3 interface IP address used to connect to UPF
+ n3Port: 2152 # gNB N3 Port used to connect to UPF
+ name: gnb1 # gNB name that uniquely identify a gNB within application
+ globalRanId:
+ plmnId:
+ mcc: 208 # Mobile Country Code (3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
+ mnc: 93 # Mobile Network Code (2 or 3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
+ gNbId:
+ bitLength: 24
+ gNBValue: 000102 # gNB identifier (3 bytes hex string, range: 000000~FFFFFF)
+ supportedTaList:
+ - tac: 000001 # Tracking Area Code (3 bytes hex string, range: 000000~FFFFFF)
+ broadcastPlmnList:
+ - plmnId:
+ mcc: 208
+ mnc: 93
+ taiSliceSupportList:
+ - sst: 1 # Slice/Service Type (uinteger, range: 0~255)
+ sd: 010203 # Slice Differentiator (3 bytes hex string, range: 000000~FFFFFF)
+ defaultAmf:
+ hostName: amf # Host name of AMF
+ ipAddr: # AMF IP address
+ port: 38412 # AMF port
+ profiles: # profile information
+ - profileType: register # profile type
+ profileName: profile1 # uniqely identifies a profile within application
+ enable: false # Set true to execute the profile, false otherwise.
+ gnbName: gnb1 # gNB to be used for this profile
+ startImsi: 208930100007487 #First IMSI. Subsequent values will be used if ueCount is mo re than 1
+ ueCount: 5 # Number of UEs for for which the profile will be executed
+ plmnId: # Public Land Mobile Network ID, <PLMN ID> = <MCC><MNC>
+ mcc: 208 # Mobile Country Code (3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
+ mnc: 93 # Mobile Network Code (2 or 3 digits string, digit: 0~9)
+ - profileType: pdusessest
+ profileName: profile2
+ enable: true
+ gnbName: gnb1
+ startImsi: 208930100007492
+ ueCount: 5
+ plmnId:
+ mcc: 208
+ mnc: 93
+ dataPktCount: 5 # Number of UL user data packets to be transmitted. Common for all UEs
+ - profileType: anrelease
+ profileName: profile3
+ enable: false
+ gnbName: gnb1
+ startImsi: 208930100007497
+ ueCount: 5
+ plmnId:
+ mcc: 208
+ mnc: 93
+ - profileType: deregister
+ profileName: profile4
+ enable: false
+ gnbName: gnb1
+ startImsi: 208930100007497
+ ueCount: 5
+ plmnId:
+ mcc: 208
+ mnc: 93
+ logger:
+ logLevel: info # how detailed the log will be, values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
+ enable4G: false