Refactor and modularize edgeconfig scripts

- Entirely new netbox helper functions, using pynetbox and objects,
  instead of previous spaghetti code
- Allow for VM interfaces
- Allow device names to specify more than one segment of the DNS subdomain
- Split out forward and reverse DNS
- Fix issues with DHCP zone creation
- Support advertising NTP server via DHCP option

- Add QA, router, DNS, and user creation/config playbook
- Fix YAML formatting issues with playbooks

Change-Id: Id6c010ef1e122f4fd1bd97e9bb2128c4271947d0
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8619e8c..0ebfcac 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 YAML_FILES        ?= $(shell find . -type d \( -path "./venv_onfansible" -o -path "./cookiecutters" -o -path "./ansible_collections" -o -path "./roles" \) -prune -o -type f \( -name '*.yaml' -o -name '*.yml' \) -print )
 # all files with extensions
-PYTHON_FILES      ?= $(wildcard filter_plugins/*.py lint_rules/*.py cookiecutters/*/hooks/*.py roles/*/filter_plugins/*.py)
+PYTHON_FILES      ?= $(wildcard scripts/*.py filter_plugins/*.py lint_rules/*.py cookiecutters/*/hooks/*.py roles/*/filter_plugins/*.py)
 .DEFAULT_GOAL := help
 .PHONY: test lint yamllint ansiblelint license help
diff --git a/ b/
index db1c6e2..50549c9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@
 The `with_items` and other `with_*` iterators should be put at the end of the
+Handlers should be named `<action>-<subject>` for consistency - examples:
+`restart-nginx` or `start-postgres`.
 If you are iterating on lists that contains password or other secure data that
 should not be leaked into the output, set `no_log: true` so the items being
 iterated on are not printed.
diff --git a/inventory/example-netbox.yml b/inventory/example-netbox.yml
index dc31ea0..18fec73 100644
--- a/inventory/example-netbox.yml
+++ b/inventory/example-netbox.yml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## used with the netbox edgeconfig script
- - ""
- - ""
- - ""
- - ""
+  - ""
+  - ""
+  - ""
+  - ""
diff --git a/inventory/group_vars/aethercompute.yml b/inventory/group_vars/aethercompute.yml
index e7d3560..819930c 100644
--- a/inventory/group_vars/aethercompute.yml
+++ b/inventory/group_vars/aethercompute.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,5 @@
-netprep_router: false
-netprep_netplan_file: "01-netcfg"
-  ethernets:
-    eno1:
-      dhcp4: yes
-      dhcp4-overrides:
-        route-metric: 100
-    enp175s0f0:
-      dhcp4: yes
-      dhcp4-overrides:
-        route-metric: 200
-    enp175s0f1:
-      dhcp4: yes
-      dhcp4-overrides:
-        route-metric: 200
   - username: terraform
     comment: "ONF Terraform User"
diff --git a/playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml b/playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml
index d88483a..ba97a0f 100644
--- a/playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml
+++ b/playbooks/aethercompute-playbook.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 # Ansible playbook to configure aether compute nodes
 - name: Configure aether compute nodes
diff --git a/playbooks/aetherfabric-playbook.yml b/playbooks/aetherfabric-playbook.yml
index e5c0a36..5c47a5c 100644
--- a/playbooks/aetherfabric-playbook.yml
+++ b/playbooks/aetherfabric-playbook.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 # Ansible playbook to configure aether fabric switches
 - name: Configure aether fabric switches
diff --git a/playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml b/playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml
index 39be1c4..6e9d2d9 100644
--- a/playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml
+++ b/playbooks/aethermgmt-playbook.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 # Ansible playbook to configure an aether management nodes
 - name: Configure an aether management node
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
     - netprep
     - nsd
     - unbound
+    - chrony
     - dhcpd
     - nginx
     - onieboot
diff --git a/playbooks/dns-playbook.yml b/playbooks/dns-playbook.yml
index 33c4c9b..5c69990 100644
--- a/playbooks/dns-playbook.yml
+++ b/playbooks/dns-playbook.yml
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
   become: true
     - nsd
+    - unbound
diff --git a/playbooks/ntp-playbook.yml b/playbooks/ntp-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aeb92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/ntp-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Ansible playbook to configure an aether management nodes
+- name: Configure an aether management node with chrony ntp
+  hosts: aethermgmt
+  become: true
+  roles:
+    - chrony
+    - dhcpd
diff --git a/playbooks/pxeboot-playbook.yml b/playbooks/pxeboot-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910ca3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/pxeboot-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Ansible playbook to configure a iPXE pxeboot webserver
+- name: Configure a pxeboot chainload webserver for iPXE
+  hosts: static,pxeboot
+  become: true
+  roles:
+    - nginx
+    - pxeboot
diff --git a/playbooks/pxeboot-playboot.yml b/playbooks/pxeboot-playboot.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cbdae0..0000000
--- a/playbooks/pxeboot-playboot.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Ansible playbook to configure a iPXE pxeboot webserver
-- name: Configure pxeboot
-  hosts: static
-  become: true
-  roles:
-    - pxeboot
diff --git a/playbooks/qa-playbook.yml b/playbooks/qa-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81b35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/qa-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Ansible playbook to configure uses on a set of nodes
+- name: Configure users and extra software for QA tasks on the compute nodes
+  hosts: aethercompute:aethermgmt
+  become: true
+  roles:
+    - users
+  tasks:
+    - name: Install QA packages
+      apt:
+        name:
+          - "arping"
+          - "ethtool"
+          - "iperf"
+          - "ipvsadm"
+          - "tcpdump"
+          - "tcpreplay"
+          - "traceroute"
+          - "tshark"
+        state: "present"
+        update_cache: true
+        cache_valid_time: 3600
diff --git a/playbooks/router-playbook.yml b/playbooks/router-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca614a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/router-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Ansible playbook to configure a router
+- name: Configure a router
+  hosts: router
+  become: true
+  roles:
+#   - netprep
+    - nsd
+    - unbound
+    - dhcpd
+#   - nginx
+#   - onieboot
+#   - users
diff --git a/playbooks/users-playbook.yml b/playbooks/users-playbook.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bcc8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/users-playbook.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Ansible playbook to configure uses on a set of nodes
+- name: Configure users
+  hosts: all
+  become: true
+  roles:
+    - users
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 03890a8..2c022db 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc21fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Given a yaml config file (same as ansible inventory for a site), create a
+# YAML file consumable by ansible as variables that configures the managmeent
+# node for that site
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import argparse
+import nbhelper
+import json
+import os
+import pprint
+from ruamel import yaml
+# main function that calls other functions
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # this is passed to argparse, key is option name, rest is kwargs
+    extra_args = {
+        "base_config": {
+            "default": os.path.join(
+                os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "base_edgeconfig.yaml"
+            ),
+            "nargs": "?",
+            "type": argparse.FileType("r"),
+            "help": "Config (optional, default: base_edgeconfig.yaml)",
+        },
+    }
+    args = nbhelper.parse_cli_args(extra_args)
+    nbh = nbhelper.NBHelper(args)
+    # use base_config for additional items
+    yaml_out = yaml.safe_load(
+    dhcpd_subnets = []
+    dhcpd_interfaces = []
+    # reverse zones aggregate across RFC1918 IP prefix
+    dns_reverse_zones = nbhelper.NBDNSReverseZones()
+    for prefix in nbh.all_prefixes():
+        nbhelper.NBDNSForwardZone.get_fwd_zone(prefix)
+        dns_reverse_zones.add_prefix(prefix)
+        dhcpd_subnet = nbhelper.NBDHCPSubnet(prefix)
+        dhcpd_if = dhcpd_subnet.dhcpd_interface
+        if dhcpd_if and dhcpd_if not in dhcpd_interfaces:
+            dhcpd_interfaces.append(dhcpd_if)
+        dhcpd_subnets.append(dhcpd_subnet)
+    #    yaml_out["devices"] = nbhelper.NBDevice.all_devs()
+    yaml_out["dns_forward_zones"] = nbhelper.NBDNSForwardZone.all_fwd_zones()
+    yaml_out["dns_reverse_zones"] = dns_reverse_zones
+    yaml_out["dhcpd_subnets"] = dhcpd_subnets
+    yaml_out["dhcpd_interfaces"] = dhcpd_interfaces
+    print(yaml.safe_dump(yaml_out, indent=2))
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75195e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Helper functions for building YAML output from Netbox API calls
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import sys
+import argparse
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import pynetbox
+import requests
+from ruamel import yaml
+# create shared logger
+logger = logging.getLogger("nbh")
+# to dump YAML properly, using internal representers
+# see also:
+ydump = yaml.YAML(typ="safe")
+    pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict
+    pynetbox.models.dcim.Interfaces, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict
+    pynetbox.models.ipam.Prefixes, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict
+    pynetbox.core.response.Record, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict
+    pynetbox.models.ipam.IpAddresses, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict
+    pynetbox.core.api.Api, yaml.SafeRepresenter.represent_none
+def parse_cli_args(extra_args={}):
+    """
+    parse CLI arguments.  Can add extra arguments with a option:kwargs dict
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Netbox")
+    # Positional args
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "settings",
+        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+        help="YAML Ansible inventory file w/NetBox API token",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print additional debugging information"
+    )
+    if extra_args:
+        for ename, ekwargs in extra_args.items():
+            parser.add_argument(ename, **ekwargs)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # only print log messages if debugging
+    if args.debug:
+        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    return args
+class AttrDict(dict):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.__dict__ = self
+class NBHelper:
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        self.settings = yaml.safe_load(
+        self.nbapi = pynetbox.api(
+            self.settings["api_endpoint"], token=self.settings["token"], threading=True,
+        )
+        if not self.settings["validate_certs"]:
+            session = requests.Session()
+            session.verify = False
+            self.nbapi.http_session = session
+        self.nb_version = self.nbapi.version
+    def all_prefixes(self):
+        """
+        Return a list of prefix objects
+        """
+        p_items = []
+        segments = 1
+        if "prefix_segments" in self.settings:
+            segments = self.settings["prefix_segments"]
+        for prefix in self.settings["ip_prefixes"]:
+            p_items.append(NBPrefix.get_prefix(self.nbapi, prefix, segments))
+        return p_items
+    @classmethod
+    def check_name_dns(cls, name):
+        badchars ="[^a-z0-9.-]", name.lower(), re.ASCII)
+        if badchars:
+            logger.error(
+                "DNS name '%s' has one or more invalid characters: '%s'",
+                name,
+      ,
+            )
+            sys.exit(1)
+        return name.lower()
+    @classmethod
+    def clean_name_dns(cls, name):
+        return re.sub("[^a-z0-9.-]", "-", name.lower(), 0, re.ASCII)
+class NBPrefix:
+    prefixes = {}
+    def __init__(self, api, prefix, name_segments):
+        self.nbapi = api
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.name_segments = name_segments
+        # get prefix information
+        self.prefix_data = self.nbapi.ipam.prefixes.get(prefix=self.prefix)
+        self.domain_extension = NBHelper.check_name_dns(self.prefix_data.description)
+        logger.debug(
+            "prefix %s, domain_extension %s, data: %s",
+            self.prefix,
+            self.domain_extension,
+            dict(self.prefix_data),
+        )
+        # ip centric info
+        self.dhcp_range = None
+        self.reserved_ips = {}
+        self.aos = {}
+        # build item lists
+        self.build_prefix()
+    @classmethod
+    def all_prefixes(cls):
+        return cls.prefixes
+    @classmethod
+    def get_prefix(cls, api, prefix, name_segments=1):
+        if prefix in cls.prefixes:
+            return cls.prefixes[prefix]
+        return NBPrefix(api, prefix, name_segments)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self.prefix)
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(
+            {
+                "dhcp_range": node.dhcp_range,
+                "reserved_ips": node.reserved_ips,
+                "aos": node.aos,
+                "prefix_data": dict(node.prefix_data),
+            }
+        )
+    def parent(self):
+        """
+        Get the parent prefix to this prefix
+        FIXME: Doesn't handle multiple layers of prefixes, returns first found
+        """
+        # get all parents of this prefix (include self)
+        possible_parents = self.nbapi.ipam.prefixes.filter(contains=self.prefix)
+        logger.debug("Prefix %s: possible parents %s", self.prefix, possible_parents)
+        # filter out self, return first found
+        for pparent in possible_parents:
+            if pparent.prefix != self.prefix:
+                return NBPrefix.get_prefix(
+                    self.nbapi, pparent.prefix, self.name_segments
+                )
+        return None
+    def build_prefix(self):
+        """
+        find ip information for items (devices/vms, reserved_ips, dhcp_range) in prefix
+        """
+        ips = self.nbapi.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(parent=self.prefix)
+        for ip in sorted(ips, key=lambda k: k["address"]):
+            logger.debug("prefix_item ip: %s, data: %s", ip, dict(ip))
+            # if it's a DHCP range, add that range to the dev list as prefix_dhcp
+            if ip.status.value == "dhcp":
+                self.dhcp_range = str(ip.address)
+                continue
+            # reserved IPs
+            if ip.status.value == "reserved":
+                res = {}
+                res["name"] = ip.description.lower().split(" ")[0]
+                res["description"] = ip.description
+                res["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip.address))
+                res["custom_fields"] = ip.custom_fields
+                self.reserved_ips[str(ip)] = res
+                continue
+            # devices and VMs
+            if ip.assigned_object:  # can be null if not assigned to a device/vm
+                aotype = ip.assigned_object_type
+                if aotype == "dcim.interface":
+                    self.aos[str(ip)] = NBDevice.get_dev(
+                        self.nbapi,,
+                    )
+                elif aotype == "virtualization.vminterface":
+                    self.aos[str(ip)] = NBVirtualMachine.get_vm(
+                        self.nbapi,,
+                    )
+                else:
+                    logger.error("IP %s has unknown device type: %s", ip, aotype)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+            else:
+                logger.warning("Unknown IP type %s, with attributes: %s", ip, dict(ip))
+class NBAssignedObject:
+    """
+    Assigned Object is either a Device or Virtual Machine, which function
+    nearly identically in the NetBox data model.
+    This parent class holds common functions for those two child classes
+    """
+    def __init__(self, api):
+        self.nbapi = api
+    def dns_name(self, ip, prefix):
+        """
+        Returns the DNS name for the device at this IP in the prefix
+        """
+        def first_segment_suffix(split_name, suffixes, segments):
+            first_seg = "-".join([split_name[0], *suffixes])
+            if segments > 1:
+                name = ".".join([first_seg, *split_name[1:segments]])
+            else:
+                name = first_seg
+            return name
+        # clean/split the device name
+        name_split = NBHelper.clean_name_dns(".")
+        # always add interface suffix to mgmt interfaces
+        if self.interfaces_by_ip[ip].mgmt_only:
+            return first_segment_suffix(
+                name_split, [self.interfaces_by_ip[ip].name], prefix.name_segments
+            )
+        # find all IP's for this device in the prefix that aren't mgmt interfaces
+        prefix_ips = []
+        for s_ip in self.ips:
+            if s_ip in prefix.aos and not self.interfaces_by_ip[s_ip].mgmt_only:
+                prefix_ips.append(s_ip)
+        # name to use when only one IP address for device in a prefix
+        simple_name = ".".join(name_split[0 : prefix.name_segments])
+        # if more than one non-mgmt IP in prefix
+        if len(prefix_ips) > 1:
+            # use bare name if primary IP address
+            try:  # skip if no primary_ip.address
+                if ip ==
+                    return simple_name
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            # else, suffix with the interface name, and the last octet of IP address
+            return first_segment_suffix(
+                name_split,
+                [
+                    self.interfaces_by_ip[ip].name,
+                    str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip.words[3]),
+                ],
+                prefix.name_segments,
+            )
+        # simplest case - only one IP in prefix, return simple_name
+        return simple_name
+    def dns_cnames(self, ip):
+        """
+        returns a list of cnames for this object, based on IP matches
+        """
+        cnames = []
+        for service in
+            # if not assigned to any IP's, service is on all IPs
+            if not service.ipaddresses:
+                cnames.append(
+                continue
+            # If assigned to an IP, only create a CNAME on that IP
+            for service_ip in service.ipaddresses:
+                if ip == service_ip.address:
+                    cnames.append(
+        return cnames
+    def has_service(self, cidr_ip, port, protocol):
+        """
+        Return True if this AO has a service using specific port and protocol combination
+        """
+        if (
+            cidr_ip in self.interfaces_by_ip
+            and not self.interfaces_by_ip[cidr_ip].mgmt_only
+        ):
+            for service in
+                if service.port == port and service.protocol.value == protocol:
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def primary_iface(self):
+        """
+        Returns the interface data for the device that has the primary_ip
+        """
+        if["primary_ip"]:
+            return self.interfaces_by_ip[["primary_ip"]["address"]]
+        return None
+class NBDevice(NBAssignedObject):
+    """
+    Wraps a single Netbox device
+    Also caches all known devices in a class variable (devs)
+    """
+    devs = {}
+    def __init__(self, api, dev_id):
+        super().__init__(api)
+ = dev_id
+ = self.nbapi.dcim.devices.get(dev_id)
+ =
+        # not filled in unless specifically asked for (expensive for a 48 port switch)
+        self.interfaces = []
+        self.mgmt_interfaces = []
+        # look up all IP's for this device
+        self.ips = {
+            str(ip): ip for ip in self.nbapi.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(device_id=dev_id)
+        }
+        # look up interfaces by IP
+        self.interfaces_by_ip = {}
+        for ip, ip_data in self.ips.items():
+            if ip_data.assigned_object:
+                self.interfaces_by_ip[ip] = self.nbapi.dcim.interfaces.get(
+                    ip_data.assigned_object_id
+                )
+        logger.debug(
+            "NBDevice id: %d, data: %s, ips: %s",, dict(, self.ips,
+        )
+        self.devs[dev_id] = self
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(dict(
+    def get_interfaces(self):
+        if not self.interfaces:
+            self.interfaces = self.nbapi.dcim.interfaces.filter(
+        return self.interfaces
+    @classmethod
+    def get_dev(cls, api, dev_id):
+        if dev_id in cls.devs:
+            return cls.devs[dev_id]
+        return NBDevice(api, dev_id)
+    @classmethod
+    def all_devs(cls):
+        return cls.devs
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(
+            {
+                "data":,
+                "services":,
+                "ips": node.ips,
+                "interfaces_by_ip": node.interfaces_by_ip,
+            }
+        )
+class NBVirtualMachine(NBAssignedObject):
+    """
+    VM equivalent of NBDevice
+    """
+    vms = {}
+    def __init__(self, api, vm_id):
+        super().__init__(api)
+ = vm_id
+ = self.nbapi.virtualization.virtual_machines.get(vm_id)
+ =
+        # not filled in unless specifically asked for
+        self.interfaces = []
+        # look up all IP's for this device
+        self.ips = {
+            str(ip): ip
+            for ip in self.nbapi.ipam.ip_addresses.filter(virtual_machine_id=vm_id)
+        }
+        # look up interfaces by IP
+        self.interfaces_by_ip = {}
+        for ip, ip_data in self.ips.items():
+            if ip_data.assigned_object:
+                self.interfaces_by_ip[ip] = self.nbapi.virtualization.interfaces.get(
+                    ip_data.assigned_object_id
+                )
+                # hack as VM interfaces lack this key, and needed for services
+                self.interfaces_by_ip[ip].mgmt_only = False
+        logger.debug(
+            "NBVirtualMachine id: %d, data: %s, ips: %s",
+  ,
+            dict(,
+            self.ips,
+        )
+        self.vms[vm_id] = self
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(dict(
+    def get_interfaces(self):
+        if not self.interfaces:
+            self.interfaces = self.nbapi.virtualization.interfaces.filter(
+            )
+        return self.interfaces
+    @classmethod
+    def get_vm(cls, api, vm_id):
+        if vm_id in cls.vms:
+            return cls.vms[vm_id]
+        return NBVirtualMachine(api, vm_id)
+    @classmethod
+    def all_vms(cls):
+        return cls.vms
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(
+            {
+                "data":,
+                "services":,
+                "ips": node.ips,
+                "interfaces_by_ip": node.interfaces_by_ip,
+            }
+        )
+class NBDNSForwardZone:
+    fwd_zones = {}
+    def __init__(self, prefix):
+        self.domain_extension = prefix.domain_extension
+        self.a_recs = {}
+        self.cname_recs = {}
+        self.srv_recs = {}
+        self.ns_recs = []
+        self.txt_recs = {}
+        if prefix.dhcp_range:
+            self.create_dhcp_fwd(prefix.dhcp_range)
+        for ip, ao in prefix.aos.items():
+            self.add_ao_records(prefix, ip, ao)
+        for ip, res in prefix.reserved_ips.items():
+            self.add_reserved(ip, res)
+        # reqquired for the add_fwd_cname function below
+        if callable(getattr(prefix, "parent")):
+            parent_prefix = prefix.parent()
+            if parent_prefix:
+                self.merge_parent_prefix(parent_prefix, prefix)
+        self.fwd_zones[self.domain_extension] = self
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(
+            {
+                "a": self.a_recs,
+                "cname": self.cname_recs,
+                "ns": self.ns_recs,
+                "srv": self.srv_recs,
+                "txt": self.txt_recs,
+            }
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def add_fwd_cname(cls, cname, fqdn_dest):
+        """
+        Add an arbitrary CNAME (and possibly create the fwd zone if needed) pointing
+        at a FQDN destination name. It's used to support the per-IP "DNS name" field in NetBox
+        Note that the NS record
+        """
+        try:
+            fqdn_split = re.compile(r"([a-z]+)\.([a-z.]+)\.")
+            (short_name, extension) = fqdn_split.match(cname).groups()
+        except AttributeError:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Invalid DNS CNAME: '%s', must be in FQDN format: '', ignored",
+                cname,
+            )
+            return
+        fake_prefix = AttrDict(
+            {
+                "domain_extension": extension,
+                "dhcp_range": None,
+                "aos": {},
+                "reserved_ips": {},
+                "parent": None,
+            }
+        )
+        fwd_zone = cls.get_fwd_zone(fake_prefix)
+        fwd_zone.cname_recs[short_name] = fqdn_dest
+    @classmethod
+    def get_fwd_zone(cls, prefix):
+        if prefix.domain_extension in cls.fwd_zones:
+            return cls.fwd_zones[prefix.domain_extension]
+        return NBDNSForwardZone(prefix)
+    @classmethod
+    def all_fwd_zones(cls):
+        return cls.fwd_zones
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(
+            {
+                "a": node.a_recs,
+                "cname": node.cname_recs,
+                "ns": node.ns_recs,
+                "srv": node.srv_recs,
+                "txt": node.txt_recs,
+            }
+        )
+    def fqdn(self, name):
+        return "%s.%s." % (name, self.domain_extension)
+    def create_dhcp_fwd(self, dhcp_range):
+        for ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(dhcp_range).iter_hosts():
+            self.a_recs["dhcp%03d" % (ip.words[3])] = str(ip)
+    def name_is_duplicate(self, name, target, record_type):
+        """
+        Returns True if name already exists in the zone as an A or CNAME
+        record, False otherwise
+        """
+        if name in self.a_recs:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Duplicate DNS record for name %s - A record to '%s', %s record to '%s'",
+                name,
+                self.a_recs[name],
+                record_type,
+                target,
+            )
+            return True
+        if name in self.cname_recs:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Duplicate DNS record for name %s - CNAME record to '%s', %s record to '%s'",
+                name,
+                self.cname_recs[name],
+                record_type,
+                target,
+            )
+            return True
+        return False
+    def add_ao_records(self, prefix, ip, ao):
+        name = ao.dns_name(ip, prefix)
+        target_ip = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)  # make bare IP, not CIDR format
+        # add A records
+        if not self.name_is_duplicate(name, target_ip, "A"):
+            self.a_recs[name] = target_ip
+        # add CNAME records that alias to this name
+        for cname in ao.dns_cnames(ip):
+            # check that it isn't a dupe
+            if not self.name_is_duplicate(cname, target_ip, "CNAME"):
+                self.cname_recs[cname] = self.fqdn(name)
+        # add NS records if this is a DNS server
+        if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+            self.ns_recs.append(self.fqdn(name))
+        # if a DNS name is set, add it as a CNAME
+        if ao.ips[ip]["dns_name"]:  # and ip ==
+            self.add_fwd_cname(ao.ips[ip]["dns_name"], self.fqdn(name))
+    def add_reserved(self, ip, res):
+        target_ip = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)  # make bare IP, not CIDR format
+        if not self.name_is_duplicate(res["name"], target_ip, "A"):
+            self.a_recs[res["name"]] = target_ip
+    def merge_parent_prefix(self, pprefix, prefix):
+        # only if no NS records exist already
+        if not self.ns_recs:
+            # scan parent prefix for services
+            for ip, ao in pprefix.aos.items():
+                # Create a DNS within this prefix pointing to out-of-prefix IP
+                # where DNS server is
+                name = ao.dns_name(ip, prefix)
+                target_ip = str(
+                    netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip
+                )  # make bare IP, not CIDR format
+                # add NS records if this is a DNS server
+                if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+                    self.a_recs[name] = target_ip
+                    self.ns_recs.append(self.fqdn(name))
+class NBDNSReverseZones:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.reverse_zones = {}
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(node.reverse_zones)
+    @classmethod
+    def canonicalize_rfc1918_prefix(cls, prefix):
+        """
+        RFC1918 prefixes need to be expanded to their widest canonical range to
+        group all reverse lookup domains together for reverse DNS with NSD/Unbound.
+        """
+        pnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(str(prefix))
+        (o1, o2, o3, o4) =  # Split ipv4 octets
+        cidr_plen = pnet.prefixlen
+        if o1 == 10:
+            o2 = o3 = o4 = 0
+            cidr_plen = 8
+        elif (o1 == 172 and o2 >= 16 and o2 <= 31) or (o1 == 192 and o2 == 168):
+            o3 = o4 = 0
+            cidr_plen = 16
+        return "%s/%d" % (".".join(map(str, [o1, o2, o3, o4])), cidr_plen)
+    def add_prefix(self, prefix):
+        canonical_prefix = self.canonicalize_rfc1918_prefix(prefix)
+        if canonical_prefix in self.reverse_zones:
+            rzone = self.reverse_zones[canonical_prefix]
+        else:
+            rzone = {
+                "ns": [],
+                "ptr": {},
+            }
+        if prefix.dhcp_range:
+            # FIXME: doesn't check for duplicate entries
+            rzone["ptr"].update(self.create_dhcp_rev(prefix))
+        for ip, ao in prefix.aos.items():
+            target_ip = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)  # make bare IP, not CIDR format
+            ao_name = self.get_ao_name(ip, ao, prefix,)
+            rzone["ptr"][target_ip] = ao_name
+            # add NS records if this is a DNS server
+            if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+                rzone["ns"].append(ao_name)
+        parent_prefix = prefix.parent()
+        if parent_prefix:
+            self.merge_parent_prefix(rzone, parent_prefix)
+        self.reverse_zones[canonical_prefix] = rzone
+    def merge_parent_prefix(self, rzone, pprefix):
+        # parent items
+        p_ns = []
+        # scan parent prefix for services
+        for ip, ao in pprefix.aos.items():
+            ao_name = self.get_ao_name(ip, ao, pprefix,)
+            # add NS records if this is a DNS server
+            if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+                p_ns.append(ao_name)
+        # set DNS servers if none in rzone
+        if not rzone["ns"]:
+            rzone["ns"] = p_ns
+    def create_dhcp_rev(self, prefix):
+        dhcp_rzone = {}
+        for ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix.dhcp_range).iter_hosts():
+            dhcp_rzone[str(ip)] = "dhcp%03d.%s." % (
+                ip.words[3],
+                prefix.domain_extension,
+            )
+        return dhcp_rzone
+    def get_ao_name(self, ip, ao, prefix):
+        short_name = ao.dns_name(ip, prefix)
+        return "%s.%s." % (short_name, prefix.domain_extension)
+class NBDHCPSubnet:
+    def __init__(self, prefix):
+        self.domain_extension = prefix.domain_extension
+        self.subnet = None
+        self.range = None
+        self.first_ip = None
+        self.hosts = []
+        self.routers = []
+        self.dns_servers = []
+        self.dns_search = []
+        self.tftpd_server = None
+        self.ntp_servers = []
+        self.dhcpd_interface = None
+        self.add_prefix(prefix)
+        for ip, ao in prefix.aos.items():
+            self.add_ao(str(ip), ao, prefix)
+        parent_prefix = prefix.parent()
+        if parent_prefix:
+            self.merge_parent_prefix(parent_prefix)
+    def add_prefix(self, prefix):
+        self.subnet = str(prefix)
+        self.first_ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(prefix)).first + 1))
+        self.dns_search = [prefix.domain_extension]
+        if prefix.dhcp_range:
+            self.range = prefix.dhcp_range
+        for ip, res in prefix.reserved_ips.items():
+            # routers are reserved IP's that start with 'router" in the IP description
+            if re.match("router", res["description"]):
+                router = {"ip": str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)}
+                if (
+                    "rfc3442routes" in res["custom_fields"]
+                    and res["custom_fields"]["rfc3442routes"]
+                ):
+                    # split on whitespace
+                    router["rfc3442routes"] = re.split(
+                        r"\s+", res["custom_fields"]["rfc3442routes"]
+                    )
+                self.routers.append(router)
+        # set first IP to router if not set otherwise.
+        if not self.routers:
+            router = {"ip": self.first_ip}
+            self.routers.append(router)
+    def add_ao(self, ip, ao, prefix):
+        target_ip = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)  # make bare IP, not CIDR format
+        # find the DHCP interface if it's this IP
+        if target_ip == self.first_ip:
+            self.dhcpd_interface = ao.interfaces_by_ip[ip].name
+        name = ao.dns_name(ip, prefix)
+        # add only devices that have a macaddr for this IP
+        if ip in ao.interfaces_by_ip:
+            mac_addr = dict(ao.interfaces_by_ip[ip]).get("mac_address")
+            if mac_addr and mac_addr.strip():  # if exists and not blank
+                self.hosts.append(
+                    {"name": name, "ip_addr": target_ip, "mac_addr": mac_addr.lower(),}
+                )
+        # add dns servers
+        if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+            self.dns_servers.append(target_ip)
+        # add tftp server
+        if ao.has_service(ip, 69, "udp"):
+            if not self.tftpd_server:
+                self.tftpd_server = target_ip
+            else:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "Duplicate TFTP servers in prefix, using first of %s and %s",
+                    self.tftpd_server,
+                    target_ip,
+                )
+        # add NTP servers
+        if ao.has_service(ip, 123, "udp"):
+            self.ntp_servers.append(target_ip)
+    def merge_parent_prefix(self, pprefix):
+        # parent items
+        p_dns_servers = []
+        p_tftpd_server = None
+        p_ntp_servers = []
+        # scan parent prefix for services
+        for ip, ao in pprefix.aos.items():
+            target_ip = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).ip)
+            # add dns servers
+            if ao.has_service(ip, 53, "udp"):
+                p_dns_servers.append(target_ip)
+            # add tftp server
+            if ao.has_service(ip, 69, "udp"):
+                if not p_tftpd_server:
+                    p_tftpd_server = target_ip
+                else:
+                    logger.warning(
+                        "Duplicate TFTP servers in parent prefix, using first of %s and %s",
+                        p_tftpd_server,
+                        target_ip,
+                    )
+            # add NTP servers
+            if ao.has_service(ip, 123, "udp"):
+                p_ntp_servers.append(target_ip)
+        # merge if doesn't exist in prefix
+        if not self.dns_servers:
+            self.dns_servers = p_dns_servers
+        if not self.tftpd_server:
+            self.tftpd_server = p_tftpd_server
+        if not self.ntp_servers:
+            self.ntp_servers = p_ntp_servers
+    @classmethod
+    def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
+        return representer.represent_dict(
+            {
+                "subnet": node.subnet,
+                "range": node.range,
+                "routers": node.routers,
+                "hosts": node.hosts,
+                "dns_servers": node.dns_servers,
+                "dns_search": node.dns_search,
+                "tftpd_server": node.tftpd_server,
+                "ntp_servers": node.ntp_servers,
+            }
+        )
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f4e9d6..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# given a s
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import argparse
-import json
-import logging
-import netaddr
-import os
-import re
-import ssl
-import urllib.parse
-import urllib.request
-from ruamel import yaml
-# create shared logger
-logger = logging.getLogger("nbec")
-# global dict of jsonpath expressions -> compiled jsonpath parsers, as
-# reparsing expressions in each loop results in 100x longer execution time
-jpathexpr = {}
-# headers to pass, set globally
-headers = []
-# settings
-settings = {}
-# cached data from API
-device_interface_cache = {}
-device_services_cache = {}
-interface_mac_cache = {}
-# parent prefixes
-parent_prefixes = {}
-def parse_nb_args():
-    """
-    parse CLI arguments
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="NetBox Edge Config")
-    # Positional args
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "settings",
-        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
-        help="YAML ansible inventory file w/NetBox API token",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print additional debugging information"
-    )
-    return parser.parse_args()
-def json_api_get(
-    url,
-    headers,
-    data=None,
-    trim_prefix=False,
-    allow_failure=False,
-    validate_certs=False,
-    """
-    Call JSON API endpoint, return data as a dict
-    """
-    logger.debug("json_api_get url: %s", url)
-    # if data included, encode it as JSON
-    if data:
-        data_enc = str(json.dumps(data)).encode("utf-8")
-        request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data_enc, method="POST")
-        request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
-    else:
-        request = urllib.request.Request(url)
-    # add headers tuples
-    for header in headers:
-        request.add_header(*header)
-    try:
-        if validate_certs:
-            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
-        else:
-            ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
-            ctx.check_hostname = False
-            ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
-            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, context=ctx)
-    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
-        # asking for data that doesn't exist results in a 404, just return nothing
-        if allow_failure:
-            return None
-        logger.exception("Server encountered an HTTPError at URL: '%s'", url)
-    except urllib.error.URLError:
-        logger.exception("An URLError occurred at URL: '%s'", url)
-    else:
-        # docs:
-        jsondata =
-        logger.debug("API response: %s", jsondata)
-    try:
-        data = json.loads(jsondata)
-    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
-        # allow return of no data
-        if allow_failure:
-            return None
-        logger.exception("Unable to decode JSON")
-    else:
-        logger.debug("JSON decoded: %s", data)
-    return data
-def create_dns_zone(extension, devs, parent_devs={}):
-    # Checks for dns entries
-    a_recs = {}  # PTR records created by inverting this
-    cname_recs = {}
-    srv_recs = {}
-    ns_recs = []
-    txt_recs = {}
-    # scan through devs and look for dns_name, if not, make from name and
-    # extension
-    for name, value in devs.items():
-        # add DNS entries for every DHCP host if there's a DHCP range
-        # DHCP addresses are of the form dhcp###.extension
-        if name == "prefix_dhcp":
-            for ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(value["dhcp_range"]).iter_hosts():
-                a_recs["dhcp%03d" % (ip.words[3])] = str(ip)
-            continue
-        # require DNS names to only use ASCII characters (alphanumeric, lowercase, with dash/period)
-        # _'s are used in SRV/TXT records, but in general use aren't recommended
-        dns_name = re.sub("[^a-z0-9.-]", "-", name, 0, re.ASCII)
-        # Add as an A record (and inverse, PTR record), only if it's a new name
-        if dns_name not in a_recs:
-            a_recs[dns_name] = value["ip4"]
-        else:
-            # most likely a data entry error
-            logger.warning(
-                "Duplicate DNS name '%s' for devices at IP: '%s' and '%s', ignoring",
-                dns_name,
-                a_recs[dns_name],
-                value["ip4"],
-            )
-            continue
-        # if a DNS name is given as a part of the IP address, it's viewed as a CNAME
-        if value["dns_name"]:
-            if"%s$" % extension, value["dns_name"]):
-                # strip off the extension, and add as a CNAME
-                dns_cname = value["dns_name"].split(".%s" % extension)[0]
-            elif "." in value["dns_name"]:
-                logger.warning(
-                    "Device '%s' has a IP assigned DNS name '%s' outside the prefix extension: '%s', ignoring",
-                    name,
-                    value["dns_name"],
-                    extension,
-                )
-                continue
-            else:
-                dns_cname = value["dns_name"]
-            if dns_cname == dns_name:
-                logger.warning(
-                    "DNS Name field '%s' is identical to device name '%s', ignoring",
-                    value["dns_name"],
-                    dns_name,
-                )
-            else:
-                cname_recs[dns_cname] = "%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension)
-        # Add services as cnames, and possibly ns records
-        for svc in value["services"]:
-            # only add service if it uses the IP of the host
-            if value["ip4"] in svc["ip4s"]:
-                cname_recs[svc["name"]] = "%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension)
-            if svc["port"] == 53 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
-                ns_recs.append("%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension))
-    # iterate over the parent devs to add additional nameservers
-    for pname, pval in parent_devs.items():
-        if "services" in pval:
-            for svc in pval["services"]:
-                # look for DNS servers
-                if svc["port"] == 53 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
-                    # make name
-                    dns_name = re.sub("[^a-z0-9.-]", "-", pname, 0, re.ASCII)
-                    # add an a record for this nameserver if IP is outside of subnet
-                    a_recs[dns_name] = pval["ip4"]
-                    # add a NS record if it doesn't already exist
-                    ns_name = "%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension)
-                    if ns_name not in ns_recs:
-                        ns_recs.append(ns_name)
-    return {
-        "a": a_recs,
-        "cname": cname_recs,
-        "ns": ns_recs,
-        "srv": srv_recs,
-        "txt": txt_recs,
-    }
-def create_dhcp_subnet(prefix, prefix_search, devs, parent_devs={}):
-    # makes DHCP subnet information
-    subnet = {}
-    subnet["subnet"] = prefix
-    subnet["dns_search"] = [prefix_search]
-    def dhcp_iterate(devs):
-        # inner function to iterate over a dev list
-        ihosts = []
-        idyn_range = None
-        irouter = []
-        idns_servers = []
-        itftpd_server = None
-        for name, value in devs.items():
-            # handle a DHCP range
-            if name == "prefix_dhcp":
-                idyn_range = value["dhcp_range"]
-                continue
-            # handle a router reservation
-            if name == "router":
-                ir = {"ip": value["ip4"]}
-                if (
-                    "rfc3442routes" in value["custom_fields"]
-                    and value["custom_fields"]["rfc3442routes"]
-                ):
-                    ir["rfc3442routes"] = value["custom_fields"]["rfc3442routes"].split(
-                        ","
-                    )
-                irouter.append(ir)
-                continue
-            # has a MAC address, and it's not null
-            if "macaddr" in value and value["macaddr"]:
-                ihosts.append(
-                    {
-                        "name": name,
-                        "ip_addr": value["ip4"],
-                        "mac_addr": value["macaddr"].lower(),
-                    }
-                )
-            # Add dns based on service entries
-            if "services" in value:
-                for svc in value["services"]:
-                    # add DNS server
-                    if svc["port"] == 53 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
-                        idns_servers.append(value["ip4"])
-                    # add tftp server
-                    if svc["port"] == 69 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
-                        itftpd_server = value["ip4"]
-        return (ihosts, idyn_range, irouter, idns_servers, itftpd_server)
-    # run inner function and build
-    hosts, dyn_range, router, dns_servers, tftpd_server = dhcp_iterate(devs)
-    # assign only hosts, dynamic range, based on the prefix
-    subnet["hosts"] = hosts
-    subnet["range"] = dyn_range
-    # only assign router if specified
-    if router:
-        subnet["routers"] = router
-    # find parent prefix devices, to fill in where needed
-    phosts, pdyn_range, prouter, pdns_servers, ptftpd_server = dhcp_iterate(parent_devs)
-    # use parent prefix devices if dns/tftp services needed aren't found within prefix
-    if dns_servers:
-        subnet["dns_servers"] = dns_servers
-    else:
-        subnet["dns_servers"] = pdns_servers
-    if tftpd_server:
-        subnet["tftpd_server"] = tftpd_server
-    else:
-        subnet["tftpd_server"] = ptftpd_server
-    return subnet
-def find_dhcpd_interface(prefix, devs):
-    # DHCPd interface is first usable IP in range
-    first_ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix).first + 1))
-    # look for interface corresponding to first IP address in range
-    for name, value in devs.items():
-        if "ip4" in value:
-            if value["ip4"] == first_ip:
-                return value["iface"]
-    # if interface not found, return None and ignore
-    return None
-def get_device_services(device_id, filters=""):
-    if device_id in device_services_cache:
-        return device_services_cache[device_id]
-    # get services info
-    url = "%s%s" % (
-        settings["api_endpoint"],
-        "api/ipam/services/?device_id=%s%s" % (device_id, filters),
-    )
-    raw_svcs = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    services = []
-    for rsvc in raw_svcs["results"]:
-        svc = {}
-        svc["name"] = rsvc["name"]
-        svc["description"] = rsvc["description"]
-        svc["port"] = rsvc["port"]
-        svc["protocol"] = rsvc["protocol"]["value"]
-        svc["ip4s"] = []
-        for ip in rsvc["ipaddresses"]:
-            svc["ip4s"].append(str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip["address"]).ip))
-        services.append(svc)
-    device_services_cache[device_id] = services
-    return services
-def get_interface_mac_addr(interface_id):
-    # return a mac addres, or None if undefined
-    if interface_id in interface_mac_cache:
-        return interface_mac_cache[interface_id]
-    # get the interface info
-    url = "%s%s" % (settings["api_endpoint"], "api/dcim/interfaces/%s/" % interface_id)
-    iface = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    if iface["mac_address"]:
-        interface_mac_cache[interface_id] = iface["mac_address"]
-        return iface["mac_address"]
-    interface_mac_cache[interface_id] = None
-    return None
-def get_device_interfaces(device_id, filters=""):
-    if device_id in device_interface_cache:
-        return device_interface_cache[device_id]
-    url = "%s%s" % (
-        settings["api_endpoint"],
-        "api/dcim/interfaces/?device_id=%s%s&mgmt_only=true" % (device_id, filters),
-    )
-    logger.debug("raw_ifaces_url: %s", url)
-    raw_ifaces = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    logger.debug("raw_ifaces: %s", raw_ifaces)
-    ifaces = []
-    for raw_iface in raw_ifaces["results"]:
-        iface = {}
-        iface["name"] = raw_iface["name"]
-        iface["macaddr"] = raw_iface["mac_address"]
-        iface["mgmt_only"] = raw_iface["mgmt_only"]
-        iface["description"] = raw_iface["description"]
-        if raw_iface["count_ipaddresses"]:
-            url = "%s%s" % (
-                settings["api_endpoint"],
-                "api/ipam/ip-addresses/?interface_id=%s" % raw_iface["id"],
-            )
-            raw_ip = json_api_get(
-                url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"]
-            )
-            iface["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(raw_ip["results"][0]["address"]).ip)
-        ifaces.append(iface)
-    device_interface_cache[device_id] = ifaces
-    return ifaces
-def get_prefix_devices(prefix, filters=""):
-    # get all devices in a prefix
-    url = "%s%s" % (
-        settings["api_endpoint"],
-        "api/ipam/ip-addresses/?parent=%s%s" % (prefix, filters),
-    )
-    raw_ips = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    logger.debug("raw_ips: %s", raw_ips)
-    devs = {}
-    # iterate by IP, sorted
-    for ip in sorted(raw_ips["results"], key=lambda k: k["address"]):
-        logger.debug("ip: %s", ip)
-        # if it's a DHCP range, add that range to the dev list as prefix_dhcp
-        if ip["status"]["value"] == "dhcp":
-            devs["prefix_dhcp"] = {"dhcp_range": ip["address"]}
-            continue
-        # if it's a reserved IP
-        if ip["status"]["value"] == "reserved":
-            res = {}
-            res["type"] = "reserved"
-            res["description"] = ip["description"]
-            res["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip["address"]).ip)
-            res["dns_name"] = ip["dns_name"] if "dns_name" in ip else "None"
-            res["services"] = {}
-            res["custom_fields"] = ip["custom_fields"]
-            resname = res["description"].lower().split(" ")[0]
-            devs[resname] = res
-            continue
-        aotype = ip["assigned_object_type"]
-        # don't handle VM's yet
-        if aotype == "virtualization.vminterface":
-            continue
-        dev = {}
-        dev["type"] = "device"
-        dev["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip["address"]).ip)
-        dev["macaddr"] = get_interface_mac_addr(ip["assigned_object"]["id"])
-        ifaces = get_device_interfaces(ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["id"])
-        if ifaces and dev["ip4"] == ifaces[0]["ip4"]:  # this is a mgmt IP
-            devname = "%s-%s" % (
-                ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["name"].lower().split(".")[0],
-                ifaces[0]["name"],
-            )
-            dev["iface"] = ip["assigned_object"]["name"]
-            dev["dns_name"] = ""
-            dev["services"] = []
-        else:  # this is a primary IP
-            name = ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["name"]
-            devname = name.lower().split(".")[0]
-            dev["iface"] = ip["assigned_object"]["name"]
-            dev["dns_name"] = ip["dns_name"] if "dns_name" in ip else "None"
-            dev["services"] = get_device_services(ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["id"])
-        # fix multihomed devices in same IP range
-        # FIXME: Does not handle > 2 connections properly
-        if devname in devs:
-            devs["%s-1" % devname] = devs.pop(devname)
-            devs["%s-2" % devname] = dev
-        else:
-            devs[devname] = dev
-    return devs
-def get_parent_prefix(child_prefix):
-    # returns a parent prefix given a child prefix
-    # FIXME: only returns the first found prefix, so doesn't handle more than 2 layers of  hierarchy
-    # get all devices in a prefix
-    url = "%s%s" % (
-        settings["api_endpoint"],
-        "api/ipam/prefixes/?contains=%s" % child_prefix,
-    )
-    raw_prefixes = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    logger.debug(raw_prefixes)
-    for prefix in raw_prefixes["results"]:
-        if prefix["prefix"] != child_prefix:
-            return prefix["prefix"]
-    return None
-def get_prefix_data(prefix):
-    # get all devices in a prefix
-    url = "%s%s" % (settings["api_endpoint"], "api/ipam/prefixes/?prefix=%s" % prefix)
-    raw_prefix = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    logger.debug("raw_prefix: %s", raw_prefix)
-    return raw_prefix["results"][0]
-# main function that calls other functions
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    args = parse_nb_args()
-    # only print log messages if debugging
-    if args.debug:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    else:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    # load settings from yaml file
-    settings = yaml.safe_load(
-    yaml_out = {}
-    # load default config
-    with open(
-        os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "base_edgeconfig.yaml"
-        )
-    ) as defconfig:
-        yaml_out = yaml.safe_load(defconfig)
-    logger.debug("settings: %s" % settings)
-    # global, so this isn't run multiple times
-    headers = [
-        ("Authorization", "Token %s" % settings["token"]),
-    ]
-    # create structure from extracted data
-    dns_zones = {}
-    dns_rev_zones = {}
-    dhcpd_subnets = []
-    dhcpd_interfaces = []
-    devs_per_prefix = {}
-    prefixes = {}
-    parent_prefixes = {}
-    for prefix in settings["ip_prefixes"]:
-        prefix_data = get_prefix_data(prefix)
-        parent_prefix = get_parent_prefix(prefix)
-        prefix_data["parent"] = parent_prefix
-        pdevs = {}
-        if parent_prefix:
-            if parent_prefix in parent_prefixes:
-                pdevs = devs_per_prefix[parent_prefix]
-            else:
-                pdevs = get_prefix_devices(parent_prefix)
-                devs_per_prefix[parent_prefix] = pdevs
-        prefix_data["parent_devs"] = pdevs
-        prefixes[prefix] = prefix_data
-        prefix_domain_extension = prefix_data["description"]
-        devs = get_prefix_devices(prefix)
-        devs_per_prefix[prefix] = devs
-        dns_zones[prefix_domain_extension] = create_dns_zone(
-            prefix_domain_extension, devs, pdevs
-        )
-        dns_zones[prefix_domain_extension]["ip_range"] = prefix
-        dhcpd_subnets.append(
-            create_dhcp_subnet(prefix, prefix_domain_extension, devs, pdevs)
-        )
-        dhcpd_if = find_dhcpd_interface(prefix, devs)
-        if dhcpd_if and dhcpd_if not in dhcpd_interfaces:
-            dhcpd_interfaces.append(dhcpd_if)
-    yaml_out.update(
-        {
-            "dns_zones": dns_zones,
-            "dns_rev_zones": dns_rev_zones,
-            "dhcpd_subnets": dhcpd_subnets,
-            "dhcpd_interfaces": dhcpd_interfaces,
-            # the below are useful when debugging
-            # "devs_per_prefix": devs_per_prefix,
-            # "prefixes": prefixes,
-        }
-    )
-    print(yaml.safe_dump(yaml_out, indent=2))
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 427395a..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import argparse
-import json
-import logging
-import netaddr
-import re
-import ssl
-import urllib.parse
-import urllib.request
-from ruamel import yaml
-# create shared logger
-logger = logging.getLogger("nbht")
-# headers to pass, set globally
-headers = []
-# settings
-settings = {}
-def parse_nb_args():
-    """
-    parse CLI arguments
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="NetBox Host Descriptions")
-    # Positional args
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "settings",
-        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
-        help="YAML ansible inventory file w/netbox info",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print additional debugging information"
-    )
-    return parser.parse_args()
-def json_api_get(
-    url,
-    headers,
-    data=None,
-    trim_prefix=False,
-    allow_failure=False,
-    validate_certs=False,
-    """
-    Call JSON API endpoint, return data as a dict
-    """
-    logger.debug("json_api_get url: %s", url)
-    # if data included, encode it as JSON
-    if data:
-        data_enc = str(json.dumps(data)).encode("utf-8")
-        request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data_enc, method="POST")
-        request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
-    else:
-        request = urllib.request.Request(url)
-    # add headers tuples
-    for header in headers:
-        request.add_header(*header)
-    try:
-        if validate_certs:
-            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
-        else:
-            ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
-            ctx.check_hostname = False
-            ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
-            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, context=ctx)
-    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
-        # asking for data that doesn't exist results in a 404, just return nothing
-        if allow_failure:
-            return None
-        logger.exception("Server encountered an HTTPError at URL: '%s'", url)
-    except urllib.error.URLError:
-        logger.exception("An URLError occurred at URL: '%s'", url)
-    else:
-        # docs:
-        jsondata =
-        logger.debug("API response: %s", jsondata)
-    try:
-        data = json.loads(jsondata)
-    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
-        # allow return of no data
-        if allow_failure:
-            return None
-        logger.exception("Unable to decode JSON")
-    else:
-        logger.debug("JSON decoded: %s", data)
-    return data
-def get_pxe_devices(tenant_group, filters=""):
-    # get all devices in a prefix
-    url = "%s%s" % (
-        settings["api_endpoint"],
-        "api/dcim/devices/?tenant_group=%s%s" % (tenant_group, filters),
-    )
-    print(url)
-    raw_devs = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
-    logger.debug("raw_devs: %s", raw_devs)
-    devs = []
-    for item in raw_devs["results"]:
-        dev = {}
-        dev["serial"] = item["serial"]
-        dev["hostname"] = item["name"]
-        dev["domain"] = ""
-        devs.append(dev)
-    return devs
-# main function that calls other functions
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    args = parse_nb_args()
-    # only print log messages if debugging
-    if args.debug:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    else:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    # load settings from yaml file
-    settings = yaml.safe_load(
-"settings: %s" % settings)
-    # global, so this isn't run multiple times
-    headers = [
-        ("Authorization", "Token %s" % settings["token"]),
-    ]
-    # create structure from extracted data
-    pxe_devices = get_pxe_devices("aether", "&role_id=1")
-    print(yaml.safe_dump({"pxeboot_hosts": pxe_devices}, indent=2))
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e45a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Given a yaml config file (same as ansible inventory for a site), create a
+# YAML file consumable by ansible that has input for the pxeboot role, for creating
+# preseed files for servers
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import nbhelper
+import json
+import pprint
+from ruamel import yaml
+# main function that calls other functions
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # this is passed to argparse, key is option name, rest is kwargs
+    extra_args = {
+        "domain_extension": {
+            "default": "",
+            "nargs": "?",
+            "type": ascii,
+            "help": "Domain extension (optional, default:",
+        },
+    }
+    args = nbhelper.parse_cli_args(extra_args)
+    nbh = nbhelper.NBHelper(args)
+    yaml_out = {}
+    pxeboot_hosts = []
+    prefixes = nbh.all_prefixes()
+    devices = nbhelper.NBDevice.all_devs()
+    for dev_id, device in devices.items():
+        # only pxeboot for servers
+        if["device_role"]["slug"] == "server":
+            pxe_dev = {}
+            pxe_dev["serial"] =["serial"]
+            pxe_dev["hostname"] =["name"]
+            pxe_dev["domain"] = args.domain_extension
+            pxe_dev["mac_address"] = device.primary_iface()["mac_address"].lower()
+            pxeboot_hosts.append(pxe_dev)
+    #    yaml_out["devices"] = devices
+    yaml_out["pxeboot_hosts"] = pxeboot_hosts
+    print(yaml.safe_dump(yaml_out, indent=2))