Refactor nbhelper

Change-Id: I69d10d164fac3eb319e072447a520905880c31dd
diff --git a/scripts/nbhelper/ b/scripts/nbhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0cfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nbhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import netaddr
+class Singleton(type):
+    _instances = {}
+    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+        if cls not in cls._instances:
+            cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
+        return cls._instances[cls]
+class Container(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.instances = dict()
+    def add(self, instance_id, instance):
+        if instance_id in self.instances:
+            raise Exception()
+        self.instances[instance_id] = instance
+    def get(self, instance_id):
+        if instance_id not in self.instances:
+            return instance_id
+        return self.instances[instance_id]
+class AssignedObjectContainer(Container):
+    # AssignedObjectContainer is the parent class
+    # which is with the shared function of Devices/VMs Container
+    def all(self):
+        return self.instances.values()
+    def getDNSServer(self):
+        for instance in self.instances.values():
+            if "dns" in list(map(str,
+                return instance
+    def getDHCPServer(self):
+        for instance in self.instances.values():
+            if "tftp" in list(map(str,
+                return instance
+    def getNTPServer(self):
+        for instance in self.instances.values():
+            if "ntp" in list(map(str,
+                return instance
+    def getRouters(self):
+        """ Get a list of Devices/VMs which type is Router """
+        ret = list()
+        for instance in self.instances.values():
+            if instance.role == "router":
+                ret.append(instance)
+        return ret
+    def getRouterIPforPrefix(self, prefix):
+        """ Get the first found IP address of exist routers as string """
+        for router in self.getRouters():
+            for interface in router.interfaces.values():
+                # The mgmt-only interface will not act as gateway
+                if interface["mgmtOnly"]:
+                    continue
+                for address in interface["addresses"]:
+                    if netaddr.IPNetwork(address).ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(
+                        prefix.subnet
+                    ):
+                        return str(netaddr.IPNetwork(address).ip)
+class DeviceContainer(AssignedObjectContainer, metaclass=Singleton):
+    # DeviceContainer holds all devices fetch from Netbox, device_id as key
+    pass
+class VirtualMachineContainer(AssignedObjectContainer, metaclass=Singleton):
+    # DeviceContainer holds all devices fetch from Netbox, vm_id as key
+    pass
+class PrefixContainer(Container, metaclass=Singleton):
+    # PrefixContainer holds all prefixes fetch from Netbox, prefix(str) as key
+    def get(self, instance_id, name_segments=1):
+        return super().get(instance_id)
+    def all(self):
+        return self.instances.values()
+    def all_reserved_ips(self, ip_addr=""):
+        ret = list()
+        for prefix in self.instances.values():
+            if ip_addr and netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_addr).ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(
+                prefix.subnet
+            ):
+                if prefix.reserved_ips:
+                    return list(prefix.reserved_ips.values())
+            else:
+                if prefix.reserved_ips:
+                    ret.extend(list(prefix.reserved_ips.values()))
+        return ret
+class ServiceInfoContainer(Container, metaclass=Singleton):
+    # ServiceInfoContainer holds hosts DNS/DHCP information in Tenant networks
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.initialized = False
+    def all(self):
+        return self.instances.items()
+    def initialize(self):
+        if self.initialized:
+            return
+        deviceContainer = DeviceContainer()
+        vmContainer = VirtualMachineContainer()
+        prefixContainer = PrefixContainer()
+        for prefix in prefixContainer.all():
+            subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix.subnet)
+            domain = or ""
+            if not domain:
+                continue
+            # If prefix has set the Router IP, use this value as defualt,
+            # otherwise find router in this subnet and get its IP address
+            routes = (
+                prefix.routes
+                or deviceContainer.getRouterIPforPrefix(prefix)
+                or vmContainer.getRouterIPforPrefix(prefix)
+                or ""
+            )
+            self.instances[] = {
+                "domain": domain,
+                "subnet": prefix.subnet,
+                "router": routes,
+                "dhcprange": prefix.dhcp_range or "",
+                "hosts": dict(),
+                "dnsServer": None,
+                "ntpServer": None,
+                "dhcpServer": None,
+            }
+            # Find the service IP address for this network
+            serviceMap = {
+                "dnsServer": deviceContainer.getDNSServer()
+                or vmContainer.getDNSServer(),
+                "ntpServer": deviceContainer.getNTPServer()
+                or vmContainer.getNTPServer(),
+                "dhcpServer": deviceContainer.getDHCPServer()
+                or vmContainer.getDHCPServer(),
+            }
+            # Loop through the device's IP, and set IP to dataset
+            for service, device in serviceMap.items():
+                for interface in device.interfaces.values():
+                    for address in interface["addresses"]:
+                        address = netaddr.IPNetwork(address).ip
+                        if address in subnet:
+                            self.instances[domain][service] = {
+                                "name":,
+                                "address": str(address),
+                            }
+                        else:
+                            for neighbor in prefix.neighbor:
+                                neighborSubnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(neighbor.subnet)
+                                if address in neighborSubnet:
+                                    self.instances[domain][service] = {
+                                        "name":,
+                                        "address": str(address),
+                                    }
+                                    break
+            # A dict to check if the device exists in this domain (prefix)
+            deviceInDomain = dict()
+            # Gather all Devices/VMs in this tenant, build IP/Hostname map
+            for device in list(deviceContainer.all()) + list(vmContainer.all()):
+                # Iterate the interface owned by device
+                for intfName, interface in device.interfaces.items():
+                    # Iterate the address with each interface
+                    for address in interface["addresses"]:
+                        # Extract the IP address from interface's IP (w/o netmask)
+                        address = netaddr.IPNetwork(address).ip
+                        # Only record the IP address in current subnet,
+                        # Skip if the mac_address is blank
+                        if address in subnet:
+                            # deviceInDomain store the interface information like:
+                            # {"mgmtserver1": {
+                            #     "non-mgmt-counter": 1,
+                            #     "interface": {
+                            #         "bmc": {
+                            #             "mgmtOnly": True,
+                            #             "macaddr": "ca:fe:ba:be:00:00",
+                            #             "ipaddr": [IPAddress("")]
+                            #         }
+                            #         "eno1": {
+                            #             "mgmtOnly": False,
+                            #             "macaddr": "ca:fe:ba:be:11:11",
+                            #             "ipaddr": [IPAddress(""), IPAddress("")]
+                            #         }
+                            #    }
+                            #  "mgmtswitch1": ...
+                            # }
+                            deviceInDomain.setdefault(, dict())
+                            deviceInDomain[].setdefault(
+                                "non-mgmt-counter", 0
+                            )
+                            deviceInDomain[].setdefault("interfaces", dict())
+                            # Set up a interface structure in deviceInDomain[]
+                            deviceInDomain[]["interfaces"].setdefault(
+                                intfName, dict()
+                            )
+                            interfaceDict = deviceInDomain[]["interfaces"][
+                                intfName
+                            ]
+                            interfaceDict.setdefault("mgmtOnly", False)
+                            # Use interface["mac_address"] as the default value, but if the mac_address
+                            #  is None, that means we are dealing with a virtual interfaces
+                            #  so we can get the linked interface's mac_address instead
+                            interfaceDict.setdefault(
+                                "mac_address", interface["mac_address"] or
+                                device.interfaces[interface["instance"].label]["mac_address"]
+                            )
+                            interfaceDict.setdefault("ip_addresses", list())
+                            interfaceDict["ip_addresses"].append(address)
+                            # If the interface is mgmtOnly, set the attribute to True
+                            # Otherwise, increase the non-mgmt-counter, the counter uses to
+                            #  find out how many interfaces of this device has IPs on subnet
+                            if interface["mgmtOnly"]:
+                                interfaceDict["mgmtOnly"] = True
+                            else:
+                                deviceInDomain[]["non-mgmt-counter"] += 1
+            for deviceName, data in deviceInDomain.items():
+                nonMgmtCounter = data["non-mgmt-counter"]
+                for intfName, interface in data["interfaces"].items():
+                    # If current interface doesn't have mac address set, skip
+                    if not interface["mac_address"]:
+                        continue
+                    # In the default situation, hostname is deviceName
+                    hostname_list = [deviceName]
+                    # If the condition is -
+                    #  1. multiple interfaces show on this subnet
+                    #  2. the interface is a management-only interface
+                    # then add interface name into hostname
+                    if nonMgmtCounter > 1 or interface["mgmtOnly"]:
+                        hostname_list.append(intfName)
+                    # Iterate the IP address owns by current interface,
+                    # if the interface has multiple IP addresses,
+                    # add last digit to hostname for identifiability
+                    for address in interface["ip_addresses"]:
+                        hostname = hostname_list.copy()
+                        if len(interface["ip_addresses"]) > 1:
+                            hostname.append(str(address.words[-1]))
+                        self.instances[domain]["hosts"][str(address)] = {
+                            "hostname": "-".join(hostname),
+                            "macaddr": interface["mac_address"].lower(),
+                        }
+        self.initialized = True