Added playbooks and scripts

- New mainweb, pxeboot, dns, aethermgmt playbooks
- Add netbox scripts
  - pxeboot information from netbox
  - full configuration for an edge node
- Update timesheets role
- Ignore files directory

Change-Id: Icfc9ce27b92837563ca01102b8a6793020f79b73
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f30db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# given a s
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import os
+import re
+import ssl
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
+from ruamel import yaml
+# create shared logger
+logger = logging.getLogger("nbec")
+# global dict of jsonpath expressions -> compiled jsonpath parsers, as
+# reparsing expressions in each loop results in 100x longer execution time
+jpathexpr = {}
+# headers to pass, set globally
+headers = []
+# settings
+settings = {}
+# cached data from API
+device_interface_cache = {}
+device_services_cache = {}
+interface_mac_cache = {}
+def parse_nb_args():
+    """
+    parse CLI arguments
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="NetBox Edge Config")
+    # Positional args
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "settings",
+        type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+        help="YAML ansible inventory file w/NetBox API token",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print additional debugging information"
+    )
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def json_api_get(
+    url,
+    headers,
+    data=None,
+    trim_prefix=False,
+    allow_failure=False,
+    validate_certs=False,
+    """
+    Call JSON API endpoint, return data as a dict
+    """
+    logger.debug("json_api_get url: %s", url)
+    # if data included, encode it as JSON
+    if data:
+        data_enc = str(json.dumps(data)).encode("utf-8")
+        request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data_enc, method="POST")
+        request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
+    else:
+        request = urllib.request.Request(url)
+    # add headers tuples
+    for header in headers:
+        request.add_header(*header)
+    try:
+        if validate_certs:
+            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
+        else:
+            ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
+            ctx.check_hostname = False
+            ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, context=ctx)
+    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
+        # asking for data that doesn't exist results in a 404, just return nothing
+        if allow_failure:
+            return None
+        logger.exception("Server encountered an HTTPError at URL: '%s'", url)
+    except urllib.error.URLError:
+        logger.exception("An URLError occurred at URL: '%s'", url)
+    else:
+        # docs:
+        jsondata =
+        logger.debug("API response: %s", jsondata)
+    try:
+        data = json.loads(jsondata)
+    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+        # allow return of no data
+        if allow_failure:
+            return None
+        logger.exception("Unable to decode JSON")
+    else:
+        logger.debug("JSON decoded: %s", data)
+    return data
+def create_dns_zone(extension, devs):
+    # Checks for dns entries
+    a_recs = {}  # PTR records created by inverting this
+    cname_recs = {}
+    srv_recs = {}
+    ns_recs = []
+    txt_recs = {}
+    # scan through devs and look for dns_name, if not, make from name and
+    # extension
+    for name, value in devs.items():
+        # add DNS entries for every DHCP host if there's a DHCP range
+        # DHCP addresses are of the form dhcp###.extension
+        if name == "prefix_dhcp":
+            for ip in netaddr.IPNetwork(value["dhcp_range"]).iter_hosts():
+                a_recs["dhcp%03d" % (ip.words[3])] = str(ip)
+            continue
+        # require DNS names to only use ASCII characters (alphanumeric, lowercase, with dash/period)
+        # _'s are used in SRV/TXT records, but in general use aren't recommended
+        dns_name = re.sub("[^a-z0-9.-]", "-", name, 0, re.ASCII)
+        # Add as an A record (and inverse, PTR record), only if it's a new name
+        if dns_name not in a_recs:
+            a_recs[dns_name] = value["ip4"]
+        else:
+            # most likely a data entry error
+            logger.warning(
+                "Duplicate DNS name '%s' for devices at IP: '%s' and '%s', ignoring",
+                dns_name,
+                a_recs[dns_name],
+                value["ip4"],
+            )
+            continue
+        # if a DNS name is given as a part of the IP address, it's viewed as a CNAME
+        if value["dns_name"]:
+            if"%s$" % extension, value["dns_name"]):
+                # strip off the extension, and add as a CNAME
+                dns_cname = value["dns_name"].split(".%s" % extension)[0]
+            elif "." in value["dns_name"]:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "Device '%s' has a IP assigned DNS name '%s' outside the prefix extension: '%s', ignoring",
+                    name,
+                    value["dns_name"],
+                    extension,
+                )
+                continue
+            else:
+                dns_cname = value["dns_name"]
+            if dns_cname == dns_name:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "DNS Name field '%s' is identical to device name '%s', ignoring",
+                    value["dns_name"],
+                    dns_name,
+                )
+            else:
+                cname_recs[dns_cname] = "%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension)
+        # Add services as cnames, and possibly ns records
+        for svc in value["services"]:
+            # only add service if it uses the IP of the host
+            if value["ip4"] in svc["ip4s"]:
+                cname_recs[svc["name"]] = "%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension)
+            if svc["port"] == 53 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
+                ns_recs.append("%s.%s." % (dns_name, extension))
+    return {
+        "a": a_recs,
+        "cname": cname_recs,
+        "ns": ns_recs,
+        "srv": srv_recs,
+        "txt": txt_recs,
+    }
+def create_dhcp_subnet(prefix, prefix_search, devs):
+    # makes DHCP subnet information
+    subnet = {}
+    subnet["subnet"] = prefix
+    subnet["dns_search"] = [prefix_search]
+    hosts = []
+    dns_servers = []
+    for name, value in devs.items():
+        # handle a DHCP range
+        if name == "prefix_dhcp":
+            subnet["range"] = value["dhcp_range"]
+            continue
+        # has a MAC address, and it's not null
+        if "macaddr" in value and value["macaddr"]:
+            hosts.append(
+                {
+                    "name": name,
+                    "ip_addr": value["ip4"],
+                    "mac_addr": value["macaddr"].lower(),
+                }
+            )
+        # Add dns based on service entries
+        if "services" in value:
+            for svc in value["services"]:
+                # add DNS server
+                if svc["port"] == 53 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
+                    dns_servers.append(value["ip4"])
+                # add tftp server
+                if svc["port"] == 69 and svc["protocol"] == "udp":
+                    subnet["tftpd_server"] = value["ip4"]
+    subnet["hosts"] = hosts
+    subnet["dns_servers"] = dns_servers
+    return subnet
+def find_dhcpd_interface(prefix, devs):
+    # DHCPd interface is first usable IP in range
+    first_ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix).first + 1))
+    for name, value in devs.items():
+        if value["ip4"] == first_ip:
+            return value["iface"]
+def get_device_services(device_id, filters=""):
+    if device_id in device_services_cache:
+        return device_services_cache[device_id]
+    # get services info
+    url = "%s%s" % (
+        settings["api_endpoint"],
+        "api/ipam/services/?device_id=%s%s" % (device_id, filters),
+    )
+    raw_svcs = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
+    services = []
+    for rsvc in raw_svcs["results"]:
+        svc = {}
+        svc["name"] = rsvc["name"]
+        svc["description"] = rsvc["description"]
+        svc["port"] = rsvc["port"]
+        svc["protocol"] = rsvc["protocol"]["value"]
+        svc["ip4s"] = []
+        for ip in rsvc["ipaddresses"]:
+            svc["ip4s"].append(str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip["address"]).ip))
+        services.append(svc)
+    device_services_cache[device_id] = services
+    return services
+def get_interface_mac_addr(interface_id):
+    # return a mac addres, or None if undefined
+    if interface_id in interface_mac_cache:
+        return interface_mac_cache[interface_id]
+    # get the interface info
+    url = "%s%s" % (settings["api_endpoint"], "api/dcim/interfaces/%s/" % interface_id)
+    iface = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
+    if iface["mac_address"]:
+        interface_mac_cache[interface_id] = iface["mac_address"]
+        return iface["mac_address"]
+    interface_mac_cache[interface_id] = None
+    return None
+def get_device_interfaces(device_id, filters=""):
+    if device_id in device_interface_cache:
+        return device_interface_cache[device_id]
+    url = "%s%s" % (
+        settings["api_endpoint"],
+        "api/dcim/interfaces/?device_id=%s%s&mgmt_only=true" % (device_id, filters),
+    )
+    logger.debug("raw_ifaces_url: %s", url)
+    raw_ifaces = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
+    logger.debug("raw_ifaces: %s", raw_ifaces)
+    ifaces = []
+    for raw_iface in raw_ifaces["results"]:
+        iface = {}
+        iface["name"] = raw_iface["name"]
+        iface["macaddr"] = raw_iface["mac_address"]
+        iface["mgmt_only"] = raw_iface["mgmt_only"]
+        iface["description"] = raw_iface["description"]
+        if raw_iface["count_ipaddresses"]:
+            url = "%s%s" % (
+                settings["api_endpoint"],
+                "api/ipam/ip-addresses/?interface_id=%s" % raw_iface["id"],
+            )
+            raw_ip = json_api_get(
+                url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"]
+            )
+            iface["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(raw_ip["results"][0]["address"]).ip)
+        ifaces.append(iface)
+    device_interface_cache[device_id] = ifaces
+    return ifaces
+def get_prefix_devices(prefix, filters=""):
+    # get all devices in a prefix
+    url = "%s%s" % (
+        settings["api_endpoint"],
+        "api/ipam/ip-addresses/?parent=%s%s" % (prefix, filters),
+    )
+    raw_ips = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
+    logger.debug("raw_ips: %s", raw_ips)
+    devs = {}
+    # iterate by IP, sorted
+    for ip in sorted(raw_ips["results"], key=lambda k: k["address"]):
+        logger.debug("ip: %s", ip)
+        # if it's a DHCP range, add that range to the dev list as prefix_dhcp
+        if ip["status"]["value"] == "dhcp":
+            devs["prefix_dhcp"] = {"dhcp_range": ip["address"]}
+            continue
+        dev = {}
+        dev["ip4"] = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip["address"]).ip)
+        dev["macaddr"] = get_interface_mac_addr(ip["assigned_object"]["id"])
+        ifaces = get_device_interfaces(ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["id"])
+        if ifaces and dev["ip4"] == ifaces[0]["ip4"]:  # this is a mgmt IP
+            devname = "%s-%s" % (
+                ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["name"].lower().split(".")[0],
+                ifaces[0]["name"],
+            )
+            dev["iface"] = ip["assigned_object"]["name"]
+            dev["dns_name"] = ""
+            dev["services"] = []
+        else:  # this is a primary IP
+            name = ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["name"]
+            devname = name.lower().split(".")[0]
+            dev["iface"] = ip["assigned_object"]["name"]
+            dev["dns_name"] = ip["dns_name"] if "dns_name" in ip else "None"
+            dev["services"] = get_device_services(ip["assigned_object"]["device"]["id"])
+        # fix multihomed devices in same IP range
+        # FIXME: Does not handle > 2 connections properly
+        if devname in devs:
+            devs["%s-1" % devname] = devs.pop(devname)
+            devs["%s-2" % devname] = dev
+        else:
+            devs[devname] = dev
+    return devs
+def get_prefix_data(prefix):
+    # get all devices in a prefix
+    url = "%s%s" % (settings["api_endpoint"], "api/ipam/prefixes/?prefix=%s" % prefix)
+    raw_prefix = json_api_get(url, headers, validate_certs=settings["validate_certs"])
+    logger.debug("raw_prefix: %s", raw_prefix)
+    return raw_prefix["results"][0]
+# main function that calls other functions
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    args = parse_nb_args()
+    # only print log messages if debugging
+    if args.debug:
+        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    # load settings from yaml file
+    settings = yaml.safe_load(
+    yaml_out = {}
+    # load default config
+    with open(
+        os.path.join(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "base_edgeconfig.yaml"
+        )
+    ) as defconfig:
+        yaml_out = yaml.safe_load(defconfig)
+    logger.debug("settings: %s" % settings)
+    # global, so this isn't run multiple times
+    headers = [
+        ("Authorization", "Token %s" % settings["token"]),
+    ]
+    # create structure from extracted data
+    dns_zones = {}
+    dns_rev_zones = {}
+    dhcpd_subnets = []
+    dhcpd_interfaces = []
+    devs_per_prefix = {}
+    for prefix in settings["ip_prefixes"]:
+        prefix_data = get_prefix_data(prefix)
+        prefix_domain_extension = prefix_data["description"]
+        devs = get_prefix_devices(prefix)
+        devs_per_prefix[prefix] = devs
+        dns_zones[prefix_domain_extension] = create_dns_zone(
+            prefix_domain_extension, devs
+        )
+        dns_zones[prefix_domain_extension]["ip_range"] = prefix
+        dhcpd_subnets.append(create_dhcp_subnet(prefix, prefix_domain_extension, devs))
+        dhcpd_if = find_dhcpd_interface(prefix, devs)
+        if dhcpd_if not in dhcpd_interfaces:
+            dhcpd_interfaces.append(dhcpd_if)
+    yaml_out.update(
+        {
+            "dns_zones": dns_zones,
+            "dns_rev_zones": dns_rev_zones,
+            "dhcpd_subnets": dhcpd_subnets,
+            "dhcpd_interfaces": dhcpd_interfaces,
+            # "devs_per_prefix": devs_per_prefix,
+        }
+    )
+    print(yaml.safe_dump(yaml_out, indent=2))