Improve/fix RFC3442 entries and add tests

- Generate the rfc3442 words using a filter plugin, instead of Jinja
- basic sanity test when running plugin standalone
- Improve testing by creating/binding to a bridge0 interface in
  molecule docker container, then verifying that it's running
- Add ntp option
- multiplatform support

Change-Id: I7c2c3081e8919174dd29b3ab2fdd27b4f6eb843a
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b16ce20..9ce7e2e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
 .DEFAULT_GOAL := help
 .PHONY: test lint yamllint ansiblelint license help
-test: ## run tests on the playbook with molecule
+test: filter_test ## run tests on the playbook with molecule
 	molecule --version
 	molecule test
+filter_test: ## test filter plugins
+	python filter_plugins/
 lint: yamllint ansiblelint ## run all lint checks
 # all YAML files