INF-162 - Enable the LDAP configuration from REST API
- Create LDAP configuration
- Create LDAP mappers
- Enable Audit logging
- Verify the LDAP Authentication in Molecule environment
- Verify the user operation, create from Keycloak and search from LDAP
Change-Id: Ie6ea7f40cfe403ee3747a30b0bfb3acc9c72057f
diff --git a/templates/ldap.config.j2 b/templates/ldap.config.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a87b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/ldap.config.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+{% if ldap_id is defined %}
+ "id": "{{ ldap_id}}",
+{% endif %}
+ "name":"ldap",
+ "providerId":"ldap",
+ "providerType":"",
+ "parentId":"master",
+ "config":{
+ "enabled":[
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "priority":[
+ "0"
+ ],
+ "fullSyncPeriod":[
+ "-1"
+ ],
+ "changedSyncPeriod":[
+ "-1"
+ ],
+ "cachePolicy":[
+ ],
+ "evictionDay":[
+ ],
+ "evictionHour":[
+ ],
+ "evictionMinute":[
+ ],
+ "maxLifespan":[
+ ],
+ "batchSizeForSync":[
+ "1000"
+ ],
+ "editMode":[
+ ],
+ "importEnabled":[
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "syncRegistrations":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_sync_registration }}"
+ ],
+ "vendor":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_vendor }}"
+ ],
+ "usePasswordModifyExtendedOp":[
+ ],
+ "usernameLDAPAttribute":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_username }}"
+ ],
+ "rdnLDAPAttribute":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_rdn }}"
+ ],
+ "uuidLDAPAttribute":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_uuid }}"
+ ],
+ "userObjectClasses":[
+ "{{ keyclaok_ldap_user_object }}"
+ ],
+ "connectionUrl":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_server }}"
+ ],
+ "usersDn":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_userdn }}"
+ ],
+ "authType":[
+ "simple"
+ ],
+ "startTls":[
+ ],
+ "bindDn":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_admin_dn }}"
+ ],
+ "bindCredential":[
+ "{{ keycloak_ldap_admin_password }}"
+ ],
+ "customUserSearchFilter":[
+ ],
+ "searchScope":[
+ "1"
+ ],
+ "validatePasswordPolicy":[
+ "false"
+ ],
+ "trustEmail":[
+ "false"
+ ],
+ "useTruststoreSpi":[
+ "ldapsOnly"
+ ],
+ "connectionPooling":[
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingAuthentication":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingDebug":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingInitSize":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingMaxSize":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingPrefSize":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingProtocol":[
+ ],
+ "connectionPoolingTimeout":[
+ ],
+ "connectionTimeout":[
+ ],
+ "readTimeout":[
+ ],
+ "pagination":[
+ "true"
+ ],
+ "allowKerberosAuthentication":[
+ "false"
+ ],
+ "serverPrincipal":[
+ ],
+ "keyTab":[
+ ],
+ "kerberosRealm":[
+ ],
+ "debug":[
+ "false"
+ ],
+ "useKerberosForPasswordAuthentication":[
+ "false"
+ ]
+ }