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  1. 68221e8 Fix metadata for Galaxy by Zack Williams · 1 year, 8 months ago master
  2. 3cfdc00 Update to version 2.11.12, then 3.1.7 by Zack Williams · 2 years, 7 months ago
  3. 38e28f9 Update to version 2.9.10 by Zack Williams · 3 years, 7 months ago
  4. 048c683 Initial work on netbox role by Zack Williams · 3 years, 9 months ago


This role installs or updates the NetBox IPAM/DCIM System.

By default, it installs in /opt/netbox, which is a symlink to /opt/netbox-<version>

Media and other uploaded files are stored in /opt/netbox_media

This role runs the script during execution, which handles initial database creation, upgrade migration, etc.


Must have PostgreSQL and Redis roles installed.

Likely also want to have the NGINX webserver, configured to proxy to gunicorn, and to serve static files directly:

    proxy_pass: "http://localhost:8001"
    extra_config: |
      location /static/ {
          alias /opt/netbox/netbox/static/;

Minimum ansible version: 2.9.5


See defaults/main.yml. Most of these variables are either related to the database, the initial superuser on the site, or specific to Netbox, in which case you should refer to the NetBox documentation.

Example Playbook

- hosts: netbox
    - nginx
    - postgres
    - redis
    - netbox

License and Author

© 2020 Open Networking Foundation

License: Apache-2.0