VOL-455: Instructions for deployment of asfvolt16-driver on OLT
Added asfvolt-bal-prepare.sh and asfvolt-bal-buildall.sh scripts
Moved asfvolt- scripts to top level scripts directory
Moved grpc patches used by scripts to patches directory
Reverted device_simulator/README.md back to original bal_server instructions
Improved src/README.md for detailed build instructions for ASFvOLT16 ONL, SDK and voltha_bal_driver
Change-Id: Ic747853debf54fb06a9455aaeadc2c6f24aff09d
diff --git a/scripts/asfvolt-driver-build.sh b/scripts/asfvolt-driver-build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7995fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/asfvolt-driver-build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Run from OpenNetworkLinux top directory
+#cd /aux/OpenNetworkLinux
+set -e
+: ${MAKE_JOBS:=4}
+# override shell variables to match custom local build environment
+: ${ONL_TOPDIR:=`pwd`}
+: ${BALSRC_RELEASE=bal_src_release}
+: ${VOLTHA_TOPDIR:=${HOME}/voltha/incubator/voltha}
+: ${DEVSIM_TOPDIR:=${ONL_TOPDIR}/${ASFVOLT_REPO_NAME}/device_simulator}
+# archived ZIP files from "https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/asfvolt16-driver/tree/master/third_party"
+# Note: removes existing directories: grpc, protobuf
+rm -rf grpc protobuf grpc-* protobuf-*
+#Clone asfvolt16-driver
+# - The guide assumes that the asfvolt16-driver gerrit repo is cloned under the ONL toplevel directory:
+# - git clone ssh://user@gerrit.opencord.org:29418/asfvolt16-driver ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/asfvolt16-driver
+#git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/${ASFVOLT_REPO_NAME} ${ONL_TOPDIR}/${ASFVOLT_REPO_NAME}
+#steps to install grpc
+# - Download as zip "grpc", "grpc-c", "protobuf" and "protobuf-c" from "https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/asfvolt16-driver/tree/master/third_party"
+wget https://github.com/grpc/grpc/archive/${GRPC_ARCH}.zip
+wget https://github.com/Juniper/grpc-c/archive/${GRPC_C_ARCH}.zip
+wget https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/${PROTOBUF_ARCH}.zip
+wget https://github.com/shadansari/protobuf-c/archive/${PROTOBUF_C_ARCH}.zip
+# - extract grpc at ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc
+unzip -q ${GRPC_ARCH}.zip; rm ${GRPC_ARCH}.zip
+mv grpc-${GRPC_ARCH} grpc
+# - extract grpc-c at ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c
+unzip -q ${GRPC_C_ARCH}.zip; rm ${GRPC_C_ARCH}.zip
+mv grpc-c-${GRPC_C_ARCH} grpc-c
+# - extract protobuf at ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc/thirdparty/protobuf
+unzip -q ${PROTOBUF_ARCH}.zip; rm ${PROTOBUF_ARCH}.zip
+mkdir -p grpc/thirdparty
+mv protobuf-${PROTOBUF_ARCH} grpc/thirdparty/protobuf
+# - extract protobuf-c folder at ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/third_party/protobuf-c
+unzip -q ${PROTOBUF_C_ARCH}.zip; rm ${PROTOBUF_C_ARCH}.zip
+(cd protobuf-c-${PROTOBUF_C_ARCH};tar cf - .)|(cd grpc-c/third_party/protobuf-c;tar xf -)
+rm -rf protobuf-c-${PROTOBUF_C_ARCH}
+#steps to install grpc-c
+# cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc/thirdparty/protobuf
+# - ./autogen.sh
+# - ./configure
+# - make
+# - sudo make install
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc/thirdparty/protobuf
+make --jobs=${MAKE_JOBS}
+sudo make install
+# cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc
+# - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
+# - make
+# - sudo make install
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
+make --jobs=${MAKE_JOBS}
+sudo make install
+#cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/third_party/protobuf-c
+#- ./autogen.sh
+#- ./configure
+#- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/protobuf
+#- make
+#- sudo make install
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c/third_party/protobuf-c
+export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/protobuf
+make --jobs=${MAKE_JOBS}
+sudo make install
+#Apply grpc-c patch
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c
+# Patch 1:
+# Apply patch in following link for grpc-c/lib - "https://github.com/Juniper/grpc-c/commit/353b40cd920cd749ed6cf71f8df17f1d5cf2c89d"
+# Note:
+# (This patch is having very few changes in two files(grpc-c/lib/client.c, grpc-c/lib/service.c.
+# Download these two files from above link and replace at grpc-c/lib or merge these changes manually.)
+patch -p1 -i ${PATCHF_TOPDIR}/grpc-c_compile-error.patch
+# Patch 2:
+# Apply patch in service.c.patch and client.c.patch
+patch -p1 -i ${PATCHF_TOPDIR}/grpc-c_asfvolt16.patch
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux
+# - cp asfvolt16-driver/device_simulator/Makefile.am grpc-c/examples/
+# - cp asfvolt16-driver/device_simulator/voltha_bal_driver.c grpc-c/examples/
+# - cp asfvolt16-driver/device_simulator/bal_stub.c grpc-c/examples/
+# - cp asfvolt16-driver/device_simulator/bal_stub.h grpc-c/examples/
+# - Note: Update voltha adaptor IP in bal_stub.c (Is this required? Not clear which variable needs to be updated).
+cp ${DEVSIM_TOPDIR}/Makefile.am grpc-c/examples/
+cp ${DEVSIM_TOPDIR}/voltha_bal_driver.c grpc-c/examples/
+cp ${DEVSIM_TOPDIR}/bal_stub.c grpc-c/examples/
+cp ${DEVSIM_TOPDIR}/bal_stub.h grpc-c/examples/
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c
+# - autoreconf --install
+# - mkdir build && cd build
+# - ../configure
+# - make
+# - sudo make install
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c
+autoreconf --install
+mkdir build && cd build
+make --jobs=${MAKE_JOBS}
+sudo make install
+#To obtain proto files - Have a repo sync of opencord voltha code base:
+# - git clone https://github.com/opencord/voltha.git ${HOME}/voltha
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/
+# - cp ${HOME}/voltha/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/* examples/
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c
+cp ${VOLTHA_TOPDIR}/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/* examples
+#To autogenerate code from proto files:
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/build/examples
+# - make autogen
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c/build/examples
+make autogen
+#Build voltha_bal_driver:
+# - cd ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/grpc-c/build/examples
+# - Note: Remove "-O2" from Makefile
+# - Note: Set EDGECORE and BRCM_PATH in Makefile
+cd ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c/build/examples
+sed -i -e 's/-O2/-O0/g' \
+ -e "s:^EDGECORE = /home/asfvolt/shared.*:#&\nEDGECORE = ${ASFSRC_TOPDIR}:" \
+ -e "s:^BRCM_PATH = /home/asfvolt/shared.*:#&\nBRCM_PATH = ${BALSRC_TOPDIR}:" \
+ Makefile
+sed -i -e "s:^BRDCM_SRC=/home/asfvolt/shared.*:#&\nBRDCM_SRC = ${BALSRC_TOPDIR}:" \
+ -e "s:^GRPC_C_PATH= /home/asfvolt/shared.*:#&\nGRPC_C_PATH = ${ONL_TOPDIR}/grpc-c:" \
+ Makefile
+# EDGECORE = ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/asfvolt16-driver/src/
+# BRCM_PATH = ${HOME}/OpenNetworkLinux/bal_src_release/bal_release
+# - make clean_all;make
+make clean_all
+#The ultimate executable voltha_bal_driver can be found under ~/grpc-c/build/examples/.libs/
+echo "${ASFVOLT_REPO_NAME} build complete"