SiaB Makefile mod to support new values files, DT-workflow and new targets for SD-BNG

See patch as reference on values files modification.
- SEBAVALUES variable is modified accordingly to the modifications made on the values files in the helm-charts repository
- Added support to deploy DT-Workflow, the make ifeq has been substituted with bash if so NEM_WORKFLOW variable can be modified in a make target
- Added 2 new targets to deploy SiaB with stratum (stratum-stable and stratum-latest)
- Added 2 new targets to deploy SiaB with SD-BNG (sdbng-stable and sdbng-latest)
- Added option -f passing SEBAVALUES when deploying nem-monitoring chart

Change-Id: Ie5fb4cd5ff328f9340d312c0f705365d7463593a
1 file changed