[CORD-3069] Moving imagebuilder from the CORD repo
Change-Id: I298018c3178cb934b72474026077b82e64385816
diff --git a/developer/README.md b/developer/README.md
index 16199f0..a0f1569 100644
--- a/developer/README.md
+++ b/developer/README.md
@@ -5,4 +5,12 @@
## Tag and Push Docker images to a remote registry
The `tag_and_push.sh` script will read your local docker images starting with `xosproject`, tag and push them to a docker registry.
-Please use `bash tag_and_push.sh -h` for usage instructions.
\ No newline at end of file
+Please use `bash tag_and_push.sh -h` for usage instructions.
+## Imagebuilder
+python imagebuilder.py -f ../../helm-charts/examples/filter-images.yaml -x
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/developer/docker_images.yml b/developer/docker_images.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866b018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/docker_images.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# docker_images.yml
+# master list of docker images used by imagebuilder.py
+# tag to set on every container built/downloaded
+docker_build_tag: "candidate"
+# pull_only_images: images pulled and used directly without changes
+# you must include a tag (':1.0') on these images to pull the correct version
+# do not include images in this list that are parents of images
+# in buildable_images - those are automatically pulled
+ - "nginx:1.13"
+ - "onosproject/onos:1.12.0"
+ - "redis:3.2"
+ - "node:7.9.0" # remove once the issue with node:candidate is resolved
+ - "postgres:10.3-alpine"
+ - "sebp/elk:564"
+# buildable_images - list of images that we build from Dockerfiles
+# required:
+# name: Name of docker image
+# repo: git repo name (not the path! not what it's renamed to be in the repo manifest!)
+# optional:
+# dockerfile: Name of Dockerfile. Default: "Dockerfile"
+# path: Path to parent directory of containing dockerfile, relative to. Default: "."
+# context: Path to docker build context, relative to path item. Default: "."
+# component: dict of sub-component paths to copy into build context.
+# repo: Name of component repo to copy from (required)
+# path: path in to copy from. Relative to component repo. Default "."
+# dest: destination path to copy components to, relative to context
+ - name: opencord/mavenrepo
+ repo: cord-onos-publisher
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.make"
+ - name: xosproject/xos-base
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/xos"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.base"
+ - name: xosproject/xos-core
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/xos"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.xos-core"
+ context: "../.."
+ - name: xosproject/xos-libraries
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/xos"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.libraries"
+ context: "../.."
+ - name: xosproject/chameleon
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/chameleon"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.chameleon"
+ components:
+ - repo: chameleon
+ dest: tmp.chameleon
+ - name: xosproject/xos-client
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/xos"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.client"
+ context: "../.."
+ components:
+ - repo: chameleon
+ dest: containers/xos/tmp.chameleon
+ - name: xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base
+ repo: xos
+ path: "containers/xos"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer-base"
+ context: "../.."
+ - name: xosproject/xos-tosca
+ repo: xos-tosca
+ - name: xosproject/xos-ws
+ repo: xos-rest-gw
+ - name: xosproject/xos-gui-builder
+ repo: xos-gui
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.xos-gui-builder"
+ - name: xosproject/xos-gui
+ repo: xos-gui
+ - name: xosproject/gui-extension-rcord
+ repo: rcord
+ path: "xos/gui"
+ - name: xosproject/gui-extension-veestat
+ repo: vEE
+ path: "xos/veestat"
+ - name: xosproject/gui-extension-vtr
+ repo: vtr
+ path: "xos/gui"
+ - name: xosproject/gui-extension-vnaas
+ repo: vnaas
+ path: "xos/gui"
+ - name: xosproject/gui-extension-sample
+ repo: xos-sample-gui-extension
+ - name: xosproject/addressmanager-synchronizer
+ repo: addressmanager
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/openstack-synchronizer
+ repo: openstack
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/onos-synchronizer
+ repo: onos-service
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vee-synchronizer
+ repo: vEE
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/veg-synchronizer
+ repo: vEG
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vnaas-synchronizer
+ repo: vnaas
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/volt-synchronizer
+ repo: olt-service
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vrouter-synchronizer
+ repo: vrouter
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vtn-synchronizer
+ repo: vtn-service
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vtr-synchronizer
+ repo: vtr
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vsg-hw-synchronizer
+ repo: vsg-hw
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/kubernetes-synchronizer
+ repo: kubernetes-service
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vsg-synchronizer
+ repo: vsg
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/fabric-synchronizer
+ repo: fabric
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/exampleservice-synchronizer
+ repo: exampleservice
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/simpleexampleservice-synchronizer
+ repo: simpleexampleservice
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vmme-synchronizer
+ repo: vMME
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vhss-synchronizer
+ repo: vHSS
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/hssdb-synchronizer
+ repo: hss_db
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/internetemulator-synchronizer
+ repo: internetemulator
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/sdncontroller-synchronizer
+ repo: sdn-controller
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vspgwc-synchronizer
+ repo: vspgwc
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vspgwu-synchronizer
+ repo: vspgwu
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/vepc-synchronizer
+ repo: epc-service
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/mcord-synchronizer
+ repo: mcord
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/venb-synchronizer
+ repo: venb
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/templateservice-synchronizer
+ repo: templateservice
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/rcord-synchronizer
+ repo: rcord
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/progran-synchronizer
+ repo: progran
+ path: "xos/synchronizer"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
+ - name: xosproject/xos-api-tester
+ repo: cord-tester
+ path: "src/test/cord-api"
+ dockerfile: "Dockerfile.k8s-api-tester"
diff --git a/developer/imagebuilder.py b/developer/imagebuilder.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8627ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/imagebuilder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1438 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# imagebuilder.py
+# rebuilds/fetches docker container images per their git status in repo
+# in addition to docker, needs `sudo apt-get install python-git`
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import git
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import time
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import yaml
+global args
+global conf
+global build_tag
+global buildable_images
+global pull_only_images
+def setup_logging(name=None, logfile=False):
+ global args
+ if name:
+ log = logging.getLogger("-".join([__name__, name]))
+ else:
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ slh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ slh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT))
+ slh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ log.addHandler(slh)
+ # secondary logging to a file, always DEBUG level
+ if logfile:
+ fn = os.path.join(conf.logdir, "%s.log" % name)
+ flh = logging.FileHandler(fn)
+ flh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT))
+ flh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ log.addHandler(flh)
+ return log
+LOG = setup_logging()
+def parse_args():
+ global args
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--container_list', default='docker_images.yml',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ help="YAML Config and master container list")
+ # -f is optional, so using type=argparse.FileType is problematic
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter_images', default=None, action='store',
+ help="YAML file restricting images to build/fetch")
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--actions_taken', default=None,
+ help="Save a YAML file with actions taken during run")
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument('-b', '--build', action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Build (don't fetch) all internal images, nocache")
+ group.add_argument('-p', '--pull', action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Only pull containers, fail if build required")
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry_run', action="store_true",
+ help="Don't build/fetch anything")
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--graph', default=None,
+ help="Filename for DOT graph file of image dependency")
+ parser.add_argument('-l', '--build_log_dir', action="store",
+ help="Log build output to this dir if set")
+ parser.add_argument('-r', '--repo_root', default="../..", action="store",
+ help="Repo root directory")
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--build_tag', default=None, action="store",
+ help="tag all images built/pulled using this tag")
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', action='count', default=1,
+ help="Repeat to increase log level")
+ parser.add_argument('-x', '--force', action="store_true",
+ help="Force removal of tags (may delete images)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbosity > 1:
+ LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+def load_config():
+ global args
+ global conf
+ global buildable_images
+ global pull_only_images
+ global build_tag
+ try:
+ cl_abs = os.path.abspath(args.container_list.name)
+ LOG.info("Master container list file: %s" % cl_abs)
+ conf = yaml.safe_load(args.container_list)
+ except yaml.YAMLError:
+ LOG.exception("Problem loading container list file")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if args.build_tag:
+ build_tag = args.build_tag
+ else:
+ build_tag = conf['docker_build_tag']
+ if args.filter_images is None:
+ buildable_images = conf['buildable_images']
+ pull_only_images = conf['pull_only_images']
+ else:
+ fi_abs = os.path.abspath(args.filter_images)
+ LOG.info("Filtering image list per 'docker_image_whitelist' in: %s" %
+ fi_abs)
+ try:
+ fi_fh = open(fi_abs, 'r')
+ filter_list = yaml.safe_load(fi_fh)
+ fi_fh.close()
+ if 'docker_image_whitelist' not in filter_list:
+ LOG.error("No 'docker_image_whitelist' defined in: %s" %
+ fi_abs)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # fail if pull_only_images in docker_images.yml doesn't have tags
+ for i in conf['pull_only_images']:
+ (name, tag) = split_name(i)
+ if not tag:
+ LOG.error("Images in docker_images.yml must be tagged")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ buildable_images = [img for img in conf['buildable_images']
+ if split_name(img['name'])[0]
+ in filter_list['docker_image_whitelist']]
+ pull_only_images = [img for img in conf['pull_only_images']
+ if split_name(img)[0]
+ in map(lambda x: split_name(x)[0],
+ filter_list['docker_image_whitelist'])]
+ pull_only_images = map(override_tags(
+ filter_list['docker_image_whitelist']),
+ pull_only_images)
+ except KeyError:
+ LOG.exception("Problem with filter list file")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def override_tags(image_list_with_tags):
+ untagged_whitelist = map(lambda x: split_name(x)[0], image_list_with_tags)
+ def inner(i):
+ img_name = split_name(i)[0]
+ tag_override = split_name(image_list_with_tags[
+ untagged_whitelist.index(img_name)])[1]
+ if tag_override:
+ return "%s:%s" % (img_name, tag_override)
+ return i
+ return inner
+def split_name(input_name):
+ """ split a docker image name in the 'name:tag' format into components """
+ name = input_name
+ tag = None
+ # split name:tag if given in combined format
+ name_tag_split = string.split(input_name, ":")
+ if len(name_tag_split) > 1: # has tag, return separated version
+ name = name_tag_split[0]
+ tag = name_tag_split[1]
+ return (name, tag)
+class RepoRepo():
+ """ git repo managed by repo tool"""
+ def __init__(self, name, path, remote_url, remote_branch, short_branch):
+ self.name = name
+ self.path = path
+ self.git_url = "%s%s" % (remote_url, name)
+ self.remote_branch = remote_branch
+ self.short_branch = short_branch
+ self.git_tags = []
+ try:
+ self.git_repo_o = git.Repo(self.abspath())
+ LOG.debug("Repo - %s, path: %s" % (name, path))
+ self.head_commit = self.git_repo_o.head.commit.hexsha
+ LOG.debug(" head commit: %s" % self.head_commit)
+ commit_t = time.gmtime(self.git_repo_o.head.commit.committed_date)
+ self.head_commit_t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", commit_t)
+ LOG.debug(" commit date: %s" % self.head_commit_t)
+ for tag in self.git_repo_o.tags:
+ if tag.commit == self.git_repo_o.head.commit:
+ self.git_tags.append(str(tag))
+ if self.git_tags:
+ LOG.debug(" tags referring to this commit: %s" %
+ ", ".join(self.git_tags))
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(" No git tags refer to this commit")
+ self.clean = not self.git_repo_o.is_dirty(untracked_files=True)
+ LOG.debug(" clean: %s" % self.clean)
+ # list of untracked files (expensive operation)
+ self.untracked_files = self.git_repo_o.untracked_files
+ for u_file in self.untracked_files:
+ LOG.debug(" Untracked: %s" % u_file)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception("Error with git repo: %s" % name)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def abspath(self):
+ global args
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.repo_root, self.path))
+ def path_clean(self, test_path, branch=""):
+ """ Is working tree on branch and no untracked files in path? """
+ global conf
+ if not branch:
+ branch = self.remote_branch
+ LOG.debug(" Looking for changes in path: %s" % test_path)
+ p_clean = True
+ # diff between branch head and working tree (None)
+ branch_head = self.git_repo_o.commit(branch)
+ diff = branch_head.diff(None, paths=test_path)
+ if diff:
+ p_clean = False
+ for diff_obj in diff:
+ LOG.debug(" file not on branch: %s" % diff_obj)
+ # remove . to compare paths using .startswith()
+ if test_path == ".":
+ test_path = ""
+ for u_file in self.untracked_files:
+ if u_file.startswith(test_path):
+ LOG.debug(" untracked file in path: %s" % u_file)
+ p_clean = False
+ return p_clean
+class RepoManifest():
+ """ parses manifest XML file used by repo tool"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ global args
+ global conf
+ self.manifest_xml = {}
+ self.repos = {}
+ self.branch = ""
+ self.manifest_file = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(args.repo_root,
+ ".repo/manifest.xml"))
+ LOG.info("Loading manifest file: %s" % self.manifest_file)
+ try:
+ tree = ET.parse(self.manifest_file)
+ self.manifest_xml = tree.getroot()
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception("Error loading repo manifest")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Find the branch names
+ default = self.manifest_xml.find('default')
+ self.short_branch = default.attrib['revision']
+ self.remote_branch = "%s/%s" % (default.attrib['remote'],
+ default.attrib['revision'])
+ # Find the remote URL for these repos
+ remote = self.manifest_xml.find('remote')
+ self.remote_url = remote.attrib['review']
+ LOG.info("Manifest is on remote branch '%s' with remote url '%s'" %
+ (self.remote_branch, self.remote_url))
+ project_repos = {}
+ for project in self.manifest_xml.iter('project'):
+ repo_name = project.attrib['name']
+ rel_path = project.attrib['path']
+ abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.repo_root,
+ project.attrib['path']))
+ if os.path.isdir(abs_path):
+ project_repos[repo_name] = rel_path
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("Repo in manifest but not checked out: %s" %
+ repo_name)
+ for repo_name, repo_path in project_repos.iteritems():
+ self.repos[repo_name] = RepoRepo(repo_name, repo_path,
+ self.remote_url,
+ self.remote_branch,
+ self.short_branch)
+ def get_repo(self, repo_name):
+ return self.repos[repo_name]
+# DockerImage Status Constants
+DI_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' # unknown status
+DI_EXISTS = 'exists' # already exists in docker, has an image_id
+DI_BUILD = 'build' # needs to be built
+DI_FETCH = 'fetch' # needs to be fetched (pulled)
+DI_ERROR = 'error' # build or other fatal failure
+class DockerImage():
+ def __init__(self, name, repo_name=None, repo_d=None, path=".",
+ context=".", dockerfile='Dockerfile', labels=None,
+ tags=None, image_id=None, components=None, status=DI_UNKNOWN):
+ LOG.debug("New DockerImage object from name: %s" % name)
+ # name to pull as, usually what is provided on creation.
+ # May be changed by create_tags
+ self.raw_name = name
+ # Python's mutable defaults is a landmine
+ if labels is None:
+ self.labels = {}
+ else:
+ self.labels = labels
+ self.repo_name = repo_name
+ self.repo_d = repo_d
+ self.path = path
+ self.context = context
+ self.dockerfile = dockerfile
+ self.tags = [] # tags are added to this later in __init__
+ self.image_id = image_id
+ self.components = components
+ self.status = status
+ self.parent_names = [] # names of parents from _find_parent_names()
+ self.parents = [] # list of parent DockerImage object
+ self.children = [] # list of child DockerImage objects
+ # split name:tag if given in combined format
+ (image_name, image_tag) = split_name(name)
+ if image_tag: # has tag
+ self.name = image_name
+ self.tags.append(image_tag)
+ else: # no tag
+ self.name = image_name
+ # Add the build tag if exists
+ if build_tag not in self.tags:
+ self.tags.append(build_tag)
+ # split names from tag list
+ if tags is not None:
+ for tag in tags:
+ thistag = ""
+ (tag_name, tag_tag) = split_name(tag)
+ if tag_tag: # has name also, use just tag
+ thistag = tag_tag
+ else: # just a bare tag
+ thistag = tag_name
+ if thistag not in self.tags: # don't duplicate tags
+ self.tags.append(thistag)
+ # self.clean only applies to this container
+ self.clean = self._context_clean()
+ self._find_parent_names()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def buildable(self):
+ """ Can this image be built from a Dockerfile? """
+ if self.repo_name: # has a git repo to be built from
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _context_clean(self):
+ """ Determine if this is repo and context is clean """
+ if self.buildable():
+ # check if on master branch
+ repo_clean = self.repo_d.clean
+ # only check the Docker context for cleanliness
+ context_path = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(self.path, self.context))
+ context_clean = self.repo_d.path_clean(context_path)
+ # check of subcomponents are clean
+ components_clean = self.components_clean()
+ LOG.debug(" Build Context Cleanliness - "
+ "repo: %s, context: %s, components: %s" %
+ (repo_clean, context_clean, components_clean))
+ if context_clean and repo_clean and components_clean:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ return True # unbuildable images are clean
+ def parents_clean(self):
+ """ Returns true if self and all parents are clean """
+ if self.buildable():
+ if not self.clean:
+ return False
+ else:
+ for parent in self.parents:
+ if not parent.parents_clean():
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ return True # unbuildable images are clean
+ def compare_labels(self, other_labels):
+ """ Returns True if image label-schema.org labels match dict """
+ comparable_labels_re = [
+ r".*name$",
+ r".*vcs-url$",
+ r".*vcs-ref$",
+ r".*version$",
+ ]
+ for clr in comparable_labels_re: # loop on all comparable labels
+ for label in self.labels: # loop on all labels
+ if re.match(clr, label) is not None: # if label matches re
+ # and label exists in other, and values are same
+ if label in other_labels and \
+ self.labels[label] == other_labels[label]:
+ pass # continue through loop
+ else:
+ LOG.info("Non-matching label: %s" % label)
+ return False # False when first difference found
+ LOG.debug(" All labels matched")
+ return True # only when every label matches
+ def same_name(self, other_name):
+ """ compare image name (possibly with tag) against image name/tag """
+ (o_name, o_tag) = split_name(other_name)
+ if o_tag is None and self.name == o_name:
+ return True
+ elif self.name == o_name and o_tag in self.tags:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def components_clean(self):
+ if self.buildable() and self.components is not None:
+ for component in self.components:
+ if not component['repo_d'].clean or \
+ not component['repo_d'].path_clean(component['path']):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def component_labels(self):
+ """ returns a dict of labels for subcomponents """
+ if self.buildable() and self.components is not None:
+ comp_l = {}
+ for component in self.components:
+ LOG.debug(" component %s generating child labels" %
+ component['repo_name'])
+ prefix = "org.opencord.component.%s." % component['repo_name']
+ comp_l[prefix + "vcs-url"] = component['repo_d'].git_url
+ if component['repo_d'].clean and \
+ component['repo_d'].path_clean(component['path']):
+ clean = True
+ else:
+ clean = False
+ if clean:
+ comp_l[prefix + "version"] = "%s-%s" % \
+ (self.repo_d.short_branch, self.repo_d.head_commit)
+ comp_l[prefix + "vcs-ref"] = \
+ component['repo_d'].head_commit
+ else:
+ comp_l[prefix + "version"] = "dirty"
+ comp_l[prefix + "vcs-ref"] = ""
+ return comp_l
+ return None
+ def child_labels(self, repo_list=None):
+ """ return a dict of labels to apply to child images """
+ LOG.debug(" Generating child labels from parent: %s" % self.name)
+ # only create labels when they haven't already been created
+ if repo_list is None:
+ repo_list = []
+ LOG.debug(" Already labeled with: %s" % ", ".join(repo_list))
+ cl = {}
+ if self.buildable() and self.repo_name not in repo_list:
+ LOG.debug(" Adding parent labels from repo: %s" % self.repo_name)
+ prefix = "org.opencord.component.%s." % self.repo_name
+ cl[prefix + "vcs-url"] = self.repo_d.git_url
+ if self.clean:
+ cl[prefix + "version"] = "%s-%s" % (self.repo_d.short_branch,
+ self.repo_d.head_commit)
+ cl[prefix + "vcs-ref"] = self.repo_d.head_commit
+ else:
+ cl[prefix + "version"] = "dirty"
+ cl[prefix + "vcs-ref"] = ""
+ repo_list.append(self.repo_name)
+ # include component labels if present
+ if self.components is not None:
+ cl.update(self.component_labels())
+ # recursively find labels up the parent chain
+ if self.parents is not None:
+ for parent in self.parents:
+ cl.update(parent.child_labels(repo_list))
+ return cl
+ def create_labels(self):
+ """ Create label-schema.org labels for image """
+ if self.buildable():
+ LOG.debug("Creating labels for: %s" % self.name)
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.name'] = self.name
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.schema-version'] = "1.0"
+ # org.label-schema.build-date
+ time_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ build_date = time_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.build-date'] = build_date
+ # git version related labels
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.vcs-url'] = self.repo_d.git_url
+ if self.clean:
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.version'] = \
+ "%s-%s" % (self.repo_d.short_branch,
+ self.repo_d.head_commit)
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.vcs-ref'] = \
+ self.repo_d.head_commit
+ self.labels['org.opencord.vcs-commit-date'] = \
+ self.repo_d.head_commit_t
+ else:
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.version'] = "dirty"
+ self.labels['org.label-schema.vcs-ref'] = ""
+ # include component labels if present
+ if self.components is not None:
+ self.labels.update(self.component_labels())
+ def create_tags(self):
+ """ Create docker tags as needed """
+ if self.buildable():
+ LOG.debug("Creating tags for image: %s" % self.name)
+ # if clean and parents clean, add tags for branch/commit
+ if self.parents_clean():
+ # add build tag
+ if build_tag not in self.tags:
+ self.tags.append(build_tag)
+ # add branch tag
+ branch_tag = self.repo_d.short_branch
+ if branch_tag not in self.tags:
+ self.tags.append(branch_tag)
+ # Add <branch>-<commit> tag, which is used to pull
+ commit_tag = "%s-%s" % (self.repo_d.short_branch,
+ self.repo_d.head_commit)
+ if commit_tag not in self.tags:
+ self.tags.append(commit_tag)
+ # this is most specific tag, so pull using it
+ self.raw_name = "%s:%s" % (self.name, commit_tag)
+ # add all tags in git that point at the commit
+ for gt in self.repo_d.git_tags:
+ if gt not in self.tags:
+ self.tags.append(gt)
+ LOG.debug("All tags: %s" % ", ".join(self.tags))
+ def _find_parent_names(self):
+ """ set self.parent_names using Dockerfile FROM lines """
+ if self.buildable():
+ # read contents of Dockerfile into df
+ with open(self.dockerfile_abspath()) as dfh:
+ dfl = dfh.readlines()
+ parent_names = []
+ frompatt = re.compile(r'^FROM\s+([\w/_:.-]+)', re.MULTILINE)
+ for line in dfl:
+ fromline = re.search(frompatt, line)
+ if fromline:
+ parent_names.append(fromline.group(1))
+ self.parent_names = parent_names # may have tag
+ LOG.debug(" Parents: %s" % ", ".join(self.parent_names))
+ def dockerfile_abspath(self):
+ """ returns absolute path to Dockerfile for this image """
+ if self.buildable():
+ return os.path.join(self.repo_d.abspath(),
+ self.path, self.dockerfile)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def dockerfile_rel_path(self):
+ """ returns the path relative to the context of the Dockerfile """
+ if self.buildable():
+ if self.context is ".":
+ return self.dockerfile
+ else:
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path,
+ self.dockerfile))
+ else:
+ return None
+ def context_tarball(self):
+ """ returns a filehandle to a tarball (tempfile) for the image """
+ if self.buildable():
+ context_path = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(self.repo_d.abspath(),
+ self.path, self.context))
+ LOG.info("Creating context tarball of path: %s" % context_path)
+ t_fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ t = tarfile.open(mode='w', fileobj=t_fh, dereference=True)
+ # exclude git directories anywhere in the context
+ exclusion_list = ['**/.git']
+ docker_ignore = os.path.join(context_path, '.dockerignore')
+ if os.path.exists(docker_ignore):
+ for line in open(docker_ignore).readlines():
+ # slightly out of spec, we allow whitespace before comments
+ # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file
+ if line.strip()[0] is not '#':
+ exclusion_list.append(line.strip().rstrip('\/'))
+ LOG.debug("Exclusion list: %s" % exclusion_list)
+ # see docker-py source for context
+ for path in sorted(
+ DockerUtils.exclude_paths(context_path, exclusion_list)):
+ t.add(os.path.join(context_path, path),
+ arcname=path,
+ recursive=False)
+ # add sub-components to tarball if required
+ if self.components is not None:
+ for component in self.components:
+ c_ctx_p = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(component['repo_d'].abspath(),
+ component['path']))
+ LOG.info("Adding component %s at context %s" %
+ (component['repo_name'], c_ctx_p))
+ # walk component source path
+ for path in sorted(
+ DockerUtils.exclude_paths(c_ctx_p, exclusion_list)):
+ # path to where to put files in the archive
+ cf_dest = os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(component['dest'], path))
+ t.add(os.path.join(c_ctx_p, path),
+ arcname=cf_dest,
+ recursive=False)
+ # t.list() # prints all files in tarball
+ t.close()
+ t_fh.seek(0)
+ return t_fh
+ else:
+ return None
+ def buildargs(self):
+ """ returns array of labels in docker buildargs compliant format """
+ ba_a = {}
+ for label_k in self.labels:
+ ba_re = re.compile(r'\W') # non alpha/num/_ chars
+ ba_label = ba_re.sub('_', label_k)
+ ba_a[ba_label] = self.labels[label_k]
+ return ba_a
+class DockerBuilder():
+ def __init__(self, repo_manifest):
+ global buildable_images
+ global pull_only_images
+ self.rm = repo_manifest
+ self.dc = None # Docker Client object
+ self.images = []
+ # arrays of images, used for write_actions
+ self.preexisting = []
+ self.obsolete = []
+ self.pulled = []
+ self.failed_pull = []
+ self.obsolete_pull = []
+ self.built = []
+ self.failed_build = []
+ # create dict of images, setting defaults
+ for image in buildable_images:
+ repo_d = self.rm.get_repo(image['repo'])
+ if "components" in image:
+ components = []
+ for component in image['components']:
+ comp = {}
+ comp['repo_name'] = component['repo']
+ comp['repo_d'] = self.rm.get_repo(component['repo'])
+ comp['dest'] = component['dest']
+ comp['path'] = component.get('path', '.')
+ components.append(comp)
+ else:
+ components = None
+ # set the full name in case this is pulled
+ full_name = "%s:%s" % (image['name'], build_tag)
+ img_o = DockerImage(full_name, image['repo'], repo_d,
+ image.get('path', '.'),
+ image.get('context', '.'),
+ image.get('dockerfile', 'Dockerfile'),
+ components=components)
+ self.images.append(img_o)
+ # add misc images
+ for misc_image in pull_only_images:
+ img_o = DockerImage(misc_image)
+ self.images.append(img_o)
+ if not args.dry_run:
+ self._docker_connect()
+ self.create_dependency()
+ if not args.build: # if forcing build, don't use preexisting
+ self.find_preexisting()
+ if args.graph is not None:
+ self.dependency_graph(args.graph)
+ self.process_images()
+ if args.actions_taken is not None:
+ self.write_actions_file(args.actions_taken)
+ def _docker_connect(self):
+ """ Connect to docker daemon """
+ try:
+ # get a "high level" Docker object with conf from the environment
+ hl_dc = docker.from_env()
+ # use the low level APIClient (same as the 1.x API)
+ self.dc = hl_dc.api
+ except requests.ConnectionError:
+ LOG.debug("Docker connection not available")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if self.dc.ping():
+ LOG.debug("Docker server is responding")
+ else:
+ LOG.error("Unable to ping docker server")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def find_preexisting(self):
+ """ find images that already exist in Docker and mark """
+ if self.dc:
+ LOG.debug("Evaluating already built/fetched Docker images")
+ # get list of images from docker
+ pe_images = self.dc.images()
+ for pe_image in pe_images:
+ raw_tags = pe_image['RepoTags']
+ if raw_tags:
+ LOG.info("Preexisting Image - ID: %s, tags: %s" %
+ (pe_image['Id'], ",".join(raw_tags)))
+ has_build_tag = False
+ for tag in raw_tags:
+ if build_tag in tag:
+ LOG.debug(" image has build_tag: %s" % build_tag)
+ has_build_tag = True
+ base_name = raw_tags[0].split(":")[0]
+ image = self.find_image(base_name)
+ # only evaluate images in the list of desired images
+ if image is not None:
+ good_labels = image.compare_labels(pe_image['Labels'])
+ if good_labels:
+ if has_build_tag:
+ LOG.info(" Image %s has up-to-date labels and"
+ " build_tag" % pe_image['Id'])
+ else:
+ LOG.info(" Image %s has up-to-date labels but"
+ " missing build_tag. Tagging image"
+ " with build_tag: %s" %
+ (pe_image['Id'], build_tag))
+ self.dc.tag(pe_image['Id'], image.name,
+ tag=build_tag)
+ self.preexisting.append({
+ 'id': pe_image['Id'],
+ 'tags': raw_tags,
+ 'base': image.name.split(":")[0],
+ })
+ image.image_id = pe_image['Id']
+ image.status = DI_EXISTS
+ else: # doesn't have good labels
+ # if it has a build_tag, and a good image hasn't
+ # already been tagged
+ if has_build_tag and (image.status != DI_EXISTS):
+ LOG.info(" Image %s has obsolete labels and"
+ " build_tag, remove" % pe_image['Id'])
+ # remove build_tag from image
+ name_bt = "%s:%s" % (base_name, build_tag)
+ self.dc.remove_image(name_bt, args.force, True)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(" Image %s has obsolete labels, lacks"
+ " build_tag, ignore" % pe_image['Id'])
+ self.obsolete.append({
+ 'id': pe_image['Id'],
+ 'tags': raw_tags,
+ })
+ def find_image(self, image_name):
+ """ return image object matching name """
+ LOG.debug(" attempting to find image for: %s" % image_name)
+ for image in self.images:
+ if image.same_name(image_name):
+ LOG.debug(" found a match: %s" % image.raw_name)
+ return image
+ return None
+ def create_dependency(self):
+ """ set parent/child links for images """
+ # List of lists of parents images. Done in two steps for clarity
+ lol_of_parents = [img.parent_names for img in self.images
+ if img.parent_names is not []]
+ # flat list of all parent image names, with dupes
+ parents_with_dupes = [parent for parent_sublist in lol_of_parents
+ for parent in parent_sublist]
+ # remove duplicates
+ parents = list(set(parents_with_dupes))
+ LOG.info("All parent images: %s" % ", ".join(parents))
+ # list of "external parents", ones not built internally
+ external_parents = []
+ for parent_name in parents:
+ LOG.debug("Evaluating parent image: %s" % parent_name)
+ internal_parent = False
+ # match on p_name, without tag
+ (p_name, p_tag) = split_name(parent_name)
+ for image in self.images:
+ if image.same_name(p_name): # internal image is a parent
+ internal_parent = True
+ LOG.debug(" Internal parent: %s" % image.name)
+ break
+ if not internal_parent: # parent is external
+ LOG.debug(" External parent: %s" % parent_name)
+ external_parents.append(parent_name)
+ # add unique external parents to image list
+ for e_p_name in set(external_parents):
+ LOG.debug(" Creating external parent image object: %s" % e_p_name)
+ img_o = DockerImage(e_p_name)
+ self.images.append(img_o)
+ # now that all images (including parents) are in list, associate them
+ for image in filter(lambda img: img.parent_names is not [],
+ self.images):
+ LOG.debug("Associating image: %s" % image.name)
+ for parent_name in image.parent_names:
+ parent = self.find_image(parent_name)
+ image.parents.append(parent)
+ if parent is not None:
+ LOG.debug(" internal image '%s' is parent of '%s'" %
+ (parent.name, image.name))
+ parent.children.append(image)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(" external image '%s' is parent of '%s'" %
+ (image.parent_name, image.name))
+ # loop again now that parents are linked to create labels
+ for image in self.images:
+ image.create_labels()
+ image.create_tags()
+ # if image has parent, get labels from parent(s)
+ if image.parents is not None:
+ for parent in image.parents:
+ LOG.debug("Adding parent labels from %s to child %s" %
+ (parent.name, image.name))
+ # don't create component labels for same repo as image
+ repo_list = [image.repo_name]
+ image.labels.update(parent.child_labels(repo_list))
+ def dependency_graph(self, graph_fn):
+ """ save a DOT dependency graph to a file """
+ graph_fn_abs = os.path.abspath(graph_fn)
+ LOG.info("Saving DOT dependency graph to: %s" % graph_fn_abs)
+ try:
+ import graphviz
+ except ImportError:
+ LOG.error('graphviz pip module not found')
+ raise
+ dg = graphviz.Digraph(comment='Image Dependency Graph',
+ graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'})
+ component_nodes = []
+ # Use raw names, so they match with what's in Dockerfiles
+ # delete colons as python graphviz module breaks with them
+ for image in self.images:
+ name_g = image.raw_name.replace(':', '\n')
+ dg.node(name_g)
+ if image.parents is not None:
+ for parent in image.parents:
+ name_p = parent.raw_name.replace(':', '\n')
+ dg.edge(name_p, name_g)
+ if image.components is not None:
+ for component in image.components:
+ name_c = "component - %s" % component['repo_name']
+ if name_c not in component_nodes:
+ dg.node(name_c)
+ component_nodes.append(name_c)
+ dg.edge(name_c, name_g, "", {'style': 'dashed'})
+ with open(graph_fn_abs, 'w') as g_fh:
+ g_fh.write(dg.source)
+ def write_actions_file(self, actions_fn):
+ actions_fn_abs = os.path.abspath(actions_fn)
+ LOG.info("Saving actions as YAML to: %s" % actions_fn_abs)
+ actions = {
+ "ib_pulled": self.pulled,
+ "ib_built": self.built,
+ "ib_preexisting_images": self.preexisting,
+ "ib_obsolete_images": self.obsolete,
+ "ib_failed_pull": self.failed_pull,
+ "ib_obsolete_pull": self.obsolete_pull,
+ "ib_failed_build": self.failed_build,
+ }
+ with open(actions_fn_abs, 'w') as a_fh:
+ yaml.safe_dump(actions, a_fh)
+ LOG.debug(yaml.safe_dump(actions))
+ def process_images(self):
+ """ determine whether to build/fetch images """
+ # upstream images (have no parents), must be fetched
+ must_fetch_a = filter(lambda img: not img.parents, self.images)
+ for image in must_fetch_a:
+ if image.status is not DI_EXISTS:
+ image.status = DI_FETCH
+ # images that can be built or fetched (have parents)
+ b_or_f_a = filter(lambda img: img.parents, self.images)
+ for image in b_or_f_a:
+ if not image.parents_clean() or args.build:
+ # must be built if not clean
+ image.status = DI_BUILD
+ elif image.status is not DI_EXISTS:
+ # try to fetch if clean and doesn't exist
+ image.status = DI_FETCH
+ # otherwise, image is clean and exists (image.status == DI_EXISTS)
+ c_and_e_a = filter(lambda img: img.status is DI_EXISTS, self.images)
+ LOG.info("Preexisting and clean images: %s" %
+ ", ".join(c.name for c in c_and_e_a))
+ upstream_a = filter(lambda img: (img.status is DI_FETCH and
+ not img.parents), self.images)
+ LOG.info("Upstream images that must be fetched: %s" %
+ ", ".join(u.raw_name for u in upstream_a))
+ fetch_a = filter(lambda img: (img.status is DI_FETCH and
+ img.parents), self.images)
+ LOG.info("Clean, buildable images to attempt to fetch: %s" %
+ ", ".join(f.raw_name for f in fetch_a))
+ build_a = filter(lambda img: img.status is DI_BUILD, self.images)
+ LOG.info("Buildable images, due to unclean context or parents: %s" %
+ ", ".join(b.raw_name for b in build_a))
+ # OK to fetch upstream in any case as they should reduce number of
+ # layers pulled/built later
+ for image in upstream_a:
+ if not self._fetch_image(image):
+ LOG.error("Unable to fetch upstream image: %s" %
+ image.raw_name)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # fetch if not forcing the build of all images
+ if not args.build:
+ fetch_sort = sorted(fetch_a, key=(lambda img: len(img.children)),
+ reverse=True)
+ for image in fetch_sort:
+ if not self._fetch_image(image):
+ # if didn't fetch, build
+ image.status = DI_BUILD
+ while True:
+ buildable_images = self.get_buildable()
+ if buildable_images and args.pull:
+ LOG.error("Images must be built, but --pull is specified")
+ exit(1)
+ if buildable_images:
+ for image in buildable_images:
+ self._build_image(image)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("No more images to build, ending build loop")
+ break
+ def get_buildable(self):
+ """ Returns list of images that can be built"""
+ buildable = []
+ for image in filter(lambda img: img.status is DI_BUILD, self.images):
+ for parent in image.parents:
+ if parent.status is DI_EXISTS:
+ if image not in buildable: # build once if two parents
+ buildable.append(image)
+ LOG.debug("Buildable images: %s" %
+ ', '.join(image.name for image in buildable))
+ return buildable
+ def tag_image(self, image):
+ """ Applies tags to an image """
+ for tag in image.tags:
+ LOG.info("Tagging id: '%s', repo: '%s', tag: '%s'" %
+ (image.image_id, image.name, tag))
+ if self.dc is not None:
+ self.dc.tag(image.image_id, image.name, tag=tag)
+ def _fetch_image(self, image):
+ LOG.info("Attempting to fetch docker image: %s" % image.raw_name)
+ if self.dc is not None:
+ try:
+ for stat_json in self.dc.pull(image.raw_name,
+ stream=True):
+ # sometimes Docker's JSON is dirty, per:
+ # https://github.com/docker/docker-py/pull/1081/
+ stat_s = stat_json.strip()
+ stat_list = stat_s.split("\r\n")
+ for s_j in stat_list:
+ stat_d = json.loads(s_j)
+ if 'stream' in stat_d:
+ for stat_l in stat_d['stream'].split('\n'):
+ LOG.debug(stat_l)
+ if 'status' in stat_d:
+ for stat_l in stat_d['status'].split('\n'):
+ noisy = ["Extracting", "Downloading",
+ "Waiting", "Download complete",
+ "Pulling fs layer", "Pull complete",
+ "Verifying Checksum",
+ "Already exists"]
+ if stat_l in noisy:
+ LOG.debug(stat_l)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(stat_l)
+ if 'error' in stat_d:
+ LOG.error(stat_d['error'])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except (DockerErrors.NotFound, DockerErrors.ImageNotFound) as e:
+ LOG.warning("Image could not be pulled: %s" % e)
+ self.failed_pull.append({
+ "tags": [image.raw_name, ],
+ })
+ if not image.parents:
+ LOG.error("Pulled image required to build, not available!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return False
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Error pulling docker image")
+ self.failed_pull.append({
+ "tags": [image.raw_name, ],
+ })
+ return False
+ # obtain the image_id by inspecting the pulled image. Seems unusual
+ # that the Docker API `pull` method doesn't provide it when the
+ # `build` method does
+ pulled_image = self.dc.inspect_image(image.raw_name)
+ # check to make sure that image that was downloaded has the labels
+ # that we expect it to have, otherwise return false, trigger build
+ if not image.compare_labels(
+ pulled_image['ContainerConfig']['Labels']):
+ LOG.info("Tried fetching image %s, but labels didn't match" %
+ image.raw_name)
+ self.obsolete_pull.append({
+ "id": pulled_image['Id'],
+ "tags": pulled_image['RepoTags'],
+ })
+ return False
+ image.image_id = pulled_image['Id']
+ LOG.info("Fetched image %s, id: %s" %
+ (image.raw_name, image.image_id))
+ self.pulled.append({
+ "id": pulled_image['Id'],
+ "tags": pulled_image['RepoTags'],
+ "base": image.name.split(":")[0],
+ })
+ self.tag_image(image)
+ image.status = DI_EXISTS
+ return True
+ def _build_image(self, image):
+ global build_tag
+ LOG.info("Building docker image for %s" % image.raw_name)
+ if self.dc is not None:
+ image_build_tag = "%s:%s" % (image.name, build_tag)
+ buildargs = image.buildargs()
+ context_tar = image.context_tarball()
+ dockerfile = image.dockerfile_rel_path()
+ for key, val in buildargs.iteritems():
+ LOG.debug("Buildarg - %s : %s" % (key, val))
+ bl_path = ""
+ start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ if(args.build_log_dir):
+ bl_name = "%s_%s" % (start_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"),
+ re.sub(r'\W', '_', image.name))
+ bl_path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(args.build_log_dir, bl_name))
+ LOG.info("Build log: %s" % bl_path)
+ bl_fh = open(bl_path, 'w+', 0) # 0 = unbuffered writes
+ else:
+ bl_fh = None
+ try:
+ LOG.info("Building image: %s" % image)
+ buildparams = dict(
+ tag=image_build_tag,
+ buildargs=buildargs,
+ nocache=args.build,
+ custom_context=True,
+ fileobj=context_tar,
+ dockerfile=dockerfile,
+ rm=True,
+ forcerm=True,
+ pull=False,
+ decode=True
+ )
+ buildparams['stream'] = True
+ for stat_d in self.dc.build(**buildparams):
+ if 'stream' in stat_d:
+ if bl_fh:
+ bl_fh.write(stat_d['stream'].encode('utf-8'))
+ for stat_l in stat_d['stream'].split('\n'):
+ if(stat_l):
+ LOG.debug(stat_l)
+ if stat_d['stream'].startswith("Successfully built "):
+ siid = stat_d['stream'].split(' ')[2]
+ short_image_id = siid.strip()
+ LOG.debug("Short Image ID: %s" % short_image_id)
+ if 'status' in stat_d:
+ for stat_l in stat_d['status'].split('\n'):
+ if(stat_l):
+ LOG.info(stat_l)
+ if 'error' in stat_d:
+ LOG.error(stat_d['error'])
+ image.status = DI_ERROR
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Error building docker image")
+ self.failed_build.append({
+ "tags": [image_build_tag, ],
+ })
+ return
+ finally:
+ if(bl_fh):
+ bl_fh.close()
+ # the image ID given by output isn't the full SHA256 id, so find
+ # and set it to the full one
+ built_image = self.dc.inspect_image(short_image_id)
+ image.image_id = built_image['Id']
+ end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ duration = end_time - start_time # duration is a timedelta
+ LOG.info("Built Image: %s, duration: %s, id: %s" %
+ (image.name, duration, image.image_id))
+ self.tag_image(image)
+ # don't push the build_tag to dockerhub
+ built_tags = list(image.tags)
+ built_tags.remove(build_tag)
+ self.built.append({
+ "id": image.image_id,
+ "tags": built_tags,
+ "build_log": bl_path,
+ "duration": duration.total_seconds(),
+ "base": image.name.split(":")[0],
+ })
+ image.status = DI_EXISTS
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parse_args()
+ load_config()
+ # only include docker module if not a dry run
+ if not args.dry_run:
+ try:
+ import requests
+ from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ from docker import __version__ as docker_version
+ # handle the docker-py v1 to v2 API differences
+ if LooseVersion(docker_version) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'):
+ LOG.error("Unsupported python docker module - "
+ "remove docker-py 1.x, install docker 2.x")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if LooseVersion(docker_version) >= LooseVersion('3.0.0'):
+ import docker
+ from docker import utils as DockerUtils
+ from docker import errors as DockerErrors
+ except ImportError:
+ LOG.error("Unable to load python docker module (dry run?)")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ rm = RepoManifest()
+ db = DockerBuilder(rm)