Bugfix for setup.sh and add the user manual

  - setup.sh uses python3 to run the script, so we should
    use pip3 to install the requirements package, otherwise
    the script will fail on module not installed.
    (And boot the virtualenv by python3)
  - changing the inventories configuration name to .yml
    the kubespray had updated and generated yaml instead of ini format
    and ansible parses the configuration according to extension name
  - Remove the docker version tag, 17.03 isn't exist on Ubuntu bionic's
    apt source, so I prefered not to assign the docker version and
    let Kubespray to choose.

Change-Id: I5f2ad2e9fb14880c16e8d7e8e8b55d1583f95e95
diff --git a/kubespray-installer/setup.sh b/kubespray-installer/setup.sh
index 51ad780..f0ce669 100755
--- a/kubespray-installer/setup.sh
+++ b/kubespray-installer/setup.sh
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
   # create a virtualenv with specific packages, if it doesn't exist
   if [ ! -x "ks_venv/bin/activate" ]
-    virtualenv ks_venv
+    virtualenv ks_venv --python=python3
     # shellcheck disable=SC1091
     source ks_venv/bin/activate
-    pip install ansible==2.5.3
-    pip install -r kubespray/requirements.txt
+    pip3 install ansible==2.7
+    pip3 install -r kubespray/requirements.txt
     # shellcheck disable=SC1091
     source ks_venv/bin/activate
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
   mkdir -p "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}"
   cp -r kubespray/inventory/sample/group_vars "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/group_vars"
-  CONFIG_FILE="inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.cfg" python3 kubespray/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py "${NODES[@]}"
+  CONFIG_FILE="inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.yml" python3 kubespray/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py "${NODES[@]}"
   # Add configuration to inventory
   ansible-playbook k8s-configs.yaml --extra-vars "deployment_name=${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} k8s_nodes='${NODES[*]}' kubespray_remote_ssh_user='${REMOTE_SSH_USER}'"
   # Prepare Target Machines
   echo "Installing Prerequisites On Remote Machines"
-  ansible-playbook -i "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.cfg" k8s-requirements.yaml
+  ansible-playbook -i "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.yml" k8s-requirements.yaml
   # Install Kubespray
   echo "Installing Kubespray"
-  ansible-playbook -i "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.cfg" -e docker_version='17.03' kubespray/cluster.yml -b -v
+  ansible-playbook -i "inventories/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/inventory.yml" kubespray/cluster.yml -b -v