SEBA-910 Implementation of Create/Remove TrafficSchedulers
fix formating issue and bump verison to 0.0.16-dev
Updated Makefile fix proto dependency
print in table format
resolve merge conflict with igmp file
bump to 0.0.18-dev
remove overriding onu port no
rebase and update
Change-Id: Ie0dce516a7044cd4ed1de7bafcdcd292e5daf689
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf63ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+// Copyright 2014 Oleku Konko All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This module is a Table Writer  API for the Go Programming Language.
+// The protocols were written in pure Go and works on windows and unix systems
+// Create & Generate text based table
+package tablewriter
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+const (
+const (
+	CENTER  = "+"
+	ROW     = "-"
+	COLUMN  = "|"
+	SPACE   = " "
+	NEWLINE = "\n"
+const (
+var (
+	decimal = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?(?:\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})*|\d+)(?:\.\d+)?$`)
+	percent = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?\d+\.?\d*$%$`)
+type Border struct {
+	Left   bool
+	Right  bool
+	Top    bool
+	Bottom bool
+type Table struct {
+	out            io.Writer
+	rows           [][]string
+	lines          [][][]string
+	cs             map[int]int
+	rs             map[int]int
+	headers        [][]string
+	footers        [][]string
+	caption        bool
+	captionText    string
+	autoFmt        bool
+	autoWrap       bool
+	reflowText     bool
+	mW             int
+	pCenter        string
+	pRow           string
+	pColumn        string
+	tColumn        int
+	tRow           int
+	hAlign         int
+	fAlign         int
+	align          int
+	newLine        string
+	rowLine        bool
+	autoMergeCells bool
+	noWhiteSpace   bool
+	tablePadding   string
+	hdrLine        bool
+	borders        Border
+	colSize        int
+	headerParams   []string
+	columnsParams  []string
+	footerParams   []string
+	columnsAlign   []int
+// Start New Table
+// Take io.Writer Directly
+func NewWriter(writer io.Writer) *Table {
+	t := &Table{
+		out:           writer,
+		rows:          [][]string{},
+		lines:         [][][]string{},
+		cs:            make(map[int]int),
+		rs:            make(map[int]int),
+		headers:       [][]string{},
+		footers:       [][]string{},
+		caption:       false,
+		captionText:   "Table caption.",
+		autoFmt:       true,
+		autoWrap:      true,
+		reflowText:    true,
+		mW:            MAX_ROW_WIDTH,
+		pCenter:       CENTER,
+		pRow:          ROW,
+		pColumn:       COLUMN,
+		tColumn:       -1,
+		tRow:          -1,
+		hAlign:        ALIGN_DEFAULT,
+		fAlign:        ALIGN_DEFAULT,
+		align:         ALIGN_DEFAULT,
+		newLine:       NEWLINE,
+		rowLine:       false,
+		hdrLine:       true,
+		borders:       Border{Left: true, Right: true, Bottom: true, Top: true},
+		colSize:       -1,
+		headerParams:  []string{},
+		columnsParams: []string{},
+		footerParams:  []string{},
+		columnsAlign:  []int{}}
+	return t
+// Render table output
+func (t *Table) Render() {
+	if t.borders.Top {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+	t.printHeading()
+	if t.autoMergeCells {
+		t.printRowsMergeCells()
+	} else {
+		t.printRows()
+	}
+	if !t.rowLine && t.borders.Bottom {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+	t.printFooter()
+	if t.caption {
+		t.printCaption()
+	}
+const (
+	headerRowIdx = -1
+	footerRowIdx = -2
+// Set table header
+func (t *Table) SetHeader(keys []string) {
+	t.colSize = len(keys)
+	for i, v := range keys {
+		lines := t.parseDimension(v, i, headerRowIdx)
+		t.headers = append(t.headers, lines)
+	}
+// Set table Footer
+func (t *Table) SetFooter(keys []string) {
+	//t.colSize = len(keys)
+	for i, v := range keys {
+		lines := t.parseDimension(v, i, footerRowIdx)
+		t.footers = append(t.footers, lines)
+	}
+// Set table Caption
+func (t *Table) SetCaption(caption bool, captionText ...string) {
+	t.caption = caption
+	if len(captionText) == 1 {
+		t.captionText = captionText[0]
+	}
+// Turn header autoformatting on/off. Default is on (true).
+func (t *Table) SetAutoFormatHeaders(auto bool) {
+	t.autoFmt = auto
+// Turn automatic multiline text adjustment on/off. Default is on (true).
+func (t *Table) SetAutoWrapText(auto bool) {
+	t.autoWrap = auto
+// Turn automatic reflowing of multiline text when rewrapping. Default is on (true).
+func (t *Table) SetReflowDuringAutoWrap(auto bool) {
+	t.reflowText = auto
+// Set the Default column width
+func (t *Table) SetColWidth(width int) {
+	t.mW = width
+// Set the minimal width for a column
+func (t *Table) SetColMinWidth(column int, width int) {
+	t.cs[column] = width
+// Set the Column Separator
+func (t *Table) SetColumnSeparator(sep string) {
+	t.pColumn = sep
+// Set the Row Separator
+func (t *Table) SetRowSeparator(sep string) {
+	t.pRow = sep
+// Set the center Separator
+func (t *Table) SetCenterSeparator(sep string) {
+	t.pCenter = sep
+// Set Header Alignment
+func (t *Table) SetHeaderAlignment(hAlign int) {
+	t.hAlign = hAlign
+// Set Footer Alignment
+func (t *Table) SetFooterAlignment(fAlign int) {
+	t.fAlign = fAlign
+// Set Table Alignment
+func (t *Table) SetAlignment(align int) {
+	t.align = align
+// Set No White Space
+func (t *Table) SetNoWhiteSpace(allow bool) {
+	t.noWhiteSpace = allow
+// Set Table Padding
+func (t *Table) SetTablePadding(padding string) {
+	t.tablePadding = padding
+func (t *Table) SetColumnAlignment(keys []int) {
+	for _, v := range keys {
+		switch v {
+			break
+		case ALIGN_LEFT:
+			break
+		case ALIGN_RIGHT:
+			break
+		default:
+		}
+		t.columnsAlign = append(t.columnsAlign, v)
+	}
+// Set New Line
+func (t *Table) SetNewLine(nl string) {
+	t.newLine = nl
+// Set Header Line
+// This would enable / disable a line after the header
+func (t *Table) SetHeaderLine(line bool) {
+	t.hdrLine = line
+// Set Row Line
+// This would enable / disable a line on each row of the table
+func (t *Table) SetRowLine(line bool) {
+	t.rowLine = line
+// Set Auto Merge Cells
+// This would enable / disable the merge of cells with identical values
+func (t *Table) SetAutoMergeCells(auto bool) {
+	t.autoMergeCells = auto
+// Set Table Border
+// This would enable / disable line around the table
+func (t *Table) SetBorder(border bool) {
+	t.SetBorders(Border{border, border, border, border})
+func (t *Table) SetBorders(border Border) {
+	t.borders = border
+// Append row to table
+func (t *Table) Append(row []string) {
+	rowSize := len(t.headers)
+	if rowSize > t.colSize {
+		t.colSize = rowSize
+	}
+	n := len(t.lines)
+	line := [][]string{}
+	for i, v := range row {
+		// Detect string  width
+		// Detect String height
+		// Break strings into words
+		out := t.parseDimension(v, i, n)
+		// Append broken words
+		line = append(line, out)
+	}
+	t.lines = append(t.lines, line)
+// Append row to table with color attributes
+func (t *Table) Rich(row []string, colors []Colors) {
+	rowSize := len(t.headers)
+	if rowSize > t.colSize {
+		t.colSize = rowSize
+	}
+	n := len(t.lines)
+	line := [][]string{}
+	for i, v := range row {
+		// Detect string  width
+		// Detect String height
+		// Break strings into words
+		out := t.parseDimension(v, i, n)
+		if len(colors) > i {
+			color := colors[i]
+			out[0] = format(out[0], color)
+		}
+		// Append broken words
+		line = append(line, out)
+	}
+	t.lines = append(t.lines, line)
+// Allow Support for Bulk Append
+// Eliminates repeated for loops
+func (t *Table) AppendBulk(rows [][]string) {
+	for _, row := range rows {
+		t.Append(row)
+	}
+// NumLines to get the number of lines
+func (t *Table) NumLines() int {
+	return len(t.lines)
+// Clear rows
+func (t *Table) ClearRows() {
+	t.lines = [][][]string{}
+// Clear footer
+func (t *Table) ClearFooter() {
+	t.footers = [][]string{}
+// Center based on position and border.
+func (t *Table) center(i int) string {
+	if i == -1 && !t.borders.Left {
+		return t.pRow
+	}
+	if i == len(t.cs)-1 && !t.borders.Right {
+		return t.pRow
+	}
+	return t.pCenter
+// Print line based on row width
+func (t *Table) printLine(nl bool) {
+	fmt.Fprint(t.out,
+	for i := 0; i < len(t.cs); i++ {
+		v := t.cs[i]
+		fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s",
+			t.pRow,
+			strings.Repeat(string(t.pRow), v),
+			t.pRow,
+	}
+	if nl {
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+	}
+// Print line based on row width with our without cell separator
+func (t *Table) printLineOptionalCellSeparators(nl bool, displayCellSeparator []bool) {
+	fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.pCenter)
+	for i := 0; i < len(t.cs); i++ {
+		v := t.cs[i]
+		if i > len(displayCellSeparator) || displayCellSeparator[i] {
+			// Display the cell separator
+			fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s",
+				t.pRow,
+				strings.Repeat(string(t.pRow), v),
+				t.pRow,
+				t.pCenter)
+		} else {
+			// Don't display the cell separator for this cell
+			fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s",
+				strings.Repeat(" ", v+2),
+				t.pCenter)
+		}
+	}
+	if nl {
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+	}
+// Return the PadRight function if align is left, PadLeft if align is right,
+// and Pad by default
+func pad(align int) func(string, string, int) string {
+	padFunc := Pad
+	switch align {
+	case ALIGN_LEFT:
+		padFunc = PadRight
+		padFunc = PadLeft
+	}
+	return padFunc
+// Print heading information
+func (t *Table) printHeading() {
+	// Check if headers is available
+	if len(t.headers) < 1 {
+		return
+	}
+	// Identify last column
+	end := len(t.cs) - 1
+	// Get pad function
+	padFunc := pad(t.hAlign)
+	// Checking for ANSI escape sequences for header
+	is_esc_seq := false
+	if len(t.headerParams) > 0 {
+		is_esc_seq = true
+	}
+	// Maximum height.
+	max :=[headerRowIdx]
+	// Print Heading
+	for x := 0; x < max; x++ {
+		// Check if border is set
+		// Replace with space if not set
+		if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+			fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE))
+		}
+		for y := 0; y <= end; y++ {
+			v := t.cs[y]
+			h := ""
+			if y < len(t.headers) && x < len(t.headers[y]) {
+				h = t.headers[y][x]
+			}
+			if t.autoFmt {
+				h = Title(h)
+			}
+			pad := ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Left), SPACE, t.pColumn)
+			if t.noWhiteSpace {
+				pad = ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Left), SPACE, t.tablePadding)
+			}
+			if is_esc_seq {
+				if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s",
+						format(padFunc(h, SPACE, v),
+							t.headerParams[y]), pad)
+				} else {
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s %s",
+						format(padFunc(h, SPACE, v),
+							t.headerParams[y]), pad)
+				}
+			} else {
+				if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s",
+						padFunc(h, SPACE, v),
+						pad)
+				} else {
+					// the spaces between breaks the kube formatting
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s",
+						padFunc(h, SPACE, v),
+						pad)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Next line
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+	}
+	if t.hdrLine {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+// Print heading information
+func (t *Table) printFooter() {
+	// Check if headers is available
+	if len(t.footers) < 1 {
+		return
+	}
+	// Only print line if border is not set
+	if !t.borders.Bottom {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+	// Identify last column
+	end := len(t.cs) - 1
+	// Get pad function
+	padFunc := pad(t.fAlign)
+	// Checking for ANSI escape sequences for header
+	is_esc_seq := false
+	if len(t.footerParams) > 0 {
+		is_esc_seq = true
+	}
+	// Maximum height.
+	max :=[footerRowIdx]
+	// Print Footer
+	erasePad := make([]bool, len(t.footers))
+	for x := 0; x < max; x++ {
+		// Check if border is set
+		// Replace with space if not set
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Bottom, t.pColumn, SPACE))
+		for y := 0; y <= end; y++ {
+			v := t.cs[y]
+			f := ""
+			if y < len(t.footers) && x < len(t.footers[y]) {
+				f = t.footers[y][x]
+			}
+			if t.autoFmt {
+				f = Title(f)
+			}
+			pad := ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Top), SPACE, t.pColumn)
+			if erasePad[y] || (x == 0 && len(f) == 0) {
+				pad = SPACE
+				erasePad[y] = true
+			}
+			if is_esc_seq {
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s",
+					format(padFunc(f, SPACE, v),
+						t.footerParams[y]), pad)
+			} else {
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s",
+					padFunc(f, SPACE, v),
+					pad)
+			}
+			//fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s",
+			//	padFunc(f, SPACE, v),
+			//	pad)
+		}
+		// Next line
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+		//t.printLine(true)
+	}
+	hasPrinted := false
+	for i := 0; i <= end; i++ {
+		v := t.cs[i]
+		pad := t.pRow
+		center := t.pCenter
+		length := len(t.footers[i][0])
+		if length > 0 {
+			hasPrinted = true
+		}
+		// Set center to be space if length is 0
+		if length == 0 && !t.borders.Right {
+			center = SPACE
+		}
+		// Print first junction
+		if i == 0 {
+			if length > 0 && !t.borders.Left {
+				center = t.pRow
+			}
+			fmt.Fprint(t.out, center)
+		}
+		// Pad With space of length is 0
+		if length == 0 {
+			pad = SPACE
+		}
+		// Ignore left space as it has printed before
+		if hasPrinted || t.borders.Left {
+			pad = t.pRow
+			center = t.pCenter
+		}
+		// Change Center end position
+		if center != SPACE {
+			if i == end && !t.borders.Right {
+				center = t.pRow
+			}
+		}
+		// Change Center start position
+		if center == SPACE {
+			if i < end && len(t.footers[i+1][0]) != 0 {
+				if !t.borders.Left {
+					center = t.pRow
+				} else {
+					center = t.pCenter
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Print the footer
+		fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s",
+			pad,
+			strings.Repeat(string(pad), v),
+			pad,
+			center)
+	}
+	fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+// Print caption text
+func (t Table) printCaption() {
+	width := t.getTableWidth()
+	paragraph, _ := WrapString(t.captionText, width)
+	for linecount := 0; linecount < len(paragraph); linecount++ {
+		fmt.Fprintln(t.out, paragraph[linecount])
+	}
+// Calculate the total number of characters in a row
+func (t Table) getTableWidth() int {
+	var chars int
+	for _, v := range t.cs {
+		chars += v
+	}
+	// Add chars, spaces, seperators to calculate the total width of the table.
+	// ncols := t.colSize
+	// spaces := ncols * 2
+	// seps := ncols + 1
+	return (chars + (3 * t.colSize) + 2)
+func (t Table) printRows() {
+	for i, lines := range t.lines {
+		t.printRow(lines, i)
+	}
+func (t *Table) fillAlignment(num int) {
+	if len(t.columnsAlign) < num {
+		t.columnsAlign = make([]int, num)
+		for i := range t.columnsAlign {
+			t.columnsAlign[i] = t.align
+		}
+	}
+// Print Row Information
+// Adjust column alignment based on type
+func (t *Table) printRow(columns [][]string, rowIdx int) {
+	// Get Maximum Height
+	max :=[rowIdx]
+	total := len(columns)
+	// TODO Fix uneven col size
+	// if total < t.colSize {
+	//	for n := t.colSize - total; n < t.colSize ; n++ {
+	//		columns = append(columns, []string{SPACE})
+	//		t.cs[n] = t.mW
+	//	}
+	//}
+	// Pad Each Height
+	pads := []int{}
+	// Checking for ANSI escape sequences for columns
+	is_esc_seq := false
+	if len(t.columnsParams) > 0 {
+		is_esc_seq = true
+	}
+	t.fillAlignment(total)
+	for i, line := range columns {
+		length := len(line)
+		pad := max - length
+		pads = append(pads, pad)
+		for n := 0; n < pad; n++ {
+			columns[i] = append(columns[i], "  ")
+		}
+	}
+	//fmt.Println(max, "\n")
+	for x := 0; x < max; x++ {
+		for y := 0; y < total; y++ {
+			// Check if border is set
+			if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+				fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString((!t.borders.Left && y == 0), SPACE, t.pColumn))
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, SPACE)
+			}
+			str := columns[y][x]
+			// Embedding escape sequence with column value
+			if is_esc_seq {
+				str = format(str, t.columnsParams[y])
+			}
+			// This would print alignment
+			// Default alignment  would use multiple configuration
+			switch t.columnsAlign[y] {
+			case ALIGN_CENTER: //
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			case ALIGN_RIGHT:
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			case ALIGN_LEFT:
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			default:
+				if decimal.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) || percent.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) {
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+				} else {
+					fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+					// TODO Custom alignment per column
+					//if max == 1 || pads[y] > 0 {
+					//	fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+					//} else {
+					//	fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+					//}
+				}
+			}
+			if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, SPACE)
+			} else {
+				fmt.Fprintf(t.out, t.tablePadding)
+			}
+		}
+		// Check if border is set
+		// Replace with space if not set
+		if !t.noWhiteSpace {
+			fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE))
+		}
+		fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine)
+	}
+	if t.rowLine {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+// Print the rows of the table and merge the cells that are identical
+func (t *Table) printRowsMergeCells() {
+	var previousLine []string
+	var displayCellBorder []bool
+	var tmpWriter bytes.Buffer
+	for i, lines := range t.lines {
+		// We store the display of the current line in a tmp writer, as we need to know which border needs to be print above
+		previousLine, displayCellBorder = t.printRowMergeCells(&tmpWriter, lines, i, previousLine)
+		if i > 0 { //We don't need to print borders above first line
+			if t.rowLine {
+				t.printLineOptionalCellSeparators(true, displayCellBorder)
+			}
+		}
+		tmpWriter.WriteTo(t.out)
+	}
+	//Print the end of the table
+	if t.rowLine {
+		t.printLine(true)
+	}
+// Print Row Information to a writer and merge identical cells.
+// Adjust column alignment based on type
+func (t *Table) printRowMergeCells(writer io.Writer, columns [][]string, rowIdx int, previousLine []string) ([]string, []bool) {
+	// Get Maximum Height
+	max :=[rowIdx]
+	total := len(columns)
+	// Pad Each Height
+	pads := []int{}
+	// Checking for ANSI escape sequences for columns
+	is_esc_seq := false
+	if len(t.columnsParams) > 0 {
+		is_esc_seq = true
+	}
+	for i, line := range columns {
+		length := len(line)
+		pad := max - length
+		pads = append(pads, pad)
+		for n := 0; n < pad; n++ {
+			columns[i] = append(columns[i], "  ")
+		}
+	}
+	var displayCellBorder []bool
+	t.fillAlignment(total)
+	for x := 0; x < max; x++ {
+		for y := 0; y < total; y++ {
+			// Check if border is set
+			fmt.Fprint(writer, ConditionString((!t.borders.Left && y == 0), SPACE, t.pColumn))
+			fmt.Fprintf(writer, SPACE)
+			str := columns[y][x]
+			// Embedding escape sequence with column value
+			if is_esc_seq {
+				str = format(str, t.columnsParams[y])
+			}
+			if t.autoMergeCells {
+				//Store the full line to merge mutli-lines cells
+				fullLine := strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(columns[y], " "), " ")
+				if len(previousLine) > y && fullLine == previousLine[y] && fullLine != "" {
+					// If this cell is identical to the one above but not empty, we don't display the border and keep the cell empty.
+					displayCellBorder = append(displayCellBorder, false)
+					str = ""
+				} else {
+					// First line or different content, keep the content and print the cell border
+					displayCellBorder = append(displayCellBorder, true)
+				}
+			}
+			// This would print alignment
+			// Default alignment  would use multiple configuration
+			switch t.columnsAlign[y] {
+			case ALIGN_CENTER: //
+				fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			case ALIGN_RIGHT:
+				fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			case ALIGN_LEFT:
+				fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+			default:
+				if decimal.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) || percent.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) {
+					fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+				} else {
+					fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y]))
+				}
+			}
+			fmt.Fprintf(writer, SPACE)
+		}
+		// Check if border is set
+		// Replace with space if not set
+		fmt.Fprint(writer, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE))
+		fmt.Fprint(writer, t.newLine)
+	}
+	//The new previous line is the current one
+	previousLine = make([]string, total)
+	for y := 0; y < total; y++ {
+		previousLine[y] = strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(columns[y], " "), " ") //Store the full line for multi-lines cells
+	}
+	//Returns the newly added line and wether or not a border should be displayed above.
+	return previousLine, displayCellBorder
+func (t *Table) parseDimension(str string, colKey, rowKey int) []string {
+	var (
+		raw      []string
+		maxWidth int
+	)
+	raw = getLines(str)
+	maxWidth = 0
+	for _, line := range raw {
+		if w := DisplayWidth(line); w > maxWidth {
+			maxWidth = w
+		}
+	}
+	// If wrapping, ensure that all paragraphs in the cell fit in the
+	// specified width.
+	if t.autoWrap {
+		// If there's a maximum allowed width for wrapping, use that.
+		if maxWidth > t.mW {
+			maxWidth = t.mW
+		}
+		// In the process of doing so, we need to recompute maxWidth. This
+		// is because perhaps a word in the cell is longer than the
+		// allowed maximum width in t.mW.
+		newMaxWidth := maxWidth
+		newRaw := make([]string, 0, len(raw))
+		if t.reflowText {
+			// Make a single paragraph of everything.
+			raw = []string{strings.Join(raw, " ")}
+		}
+		for i, para := range raw {
+			paraLines, _ := WrapString(para, maxWidth)
+			for _, line := range paraLines {
+				if w := DisplayWidth(line); w > newMaxWidth {
+					newMaxWidth = w
+				}
+			}
+			if i > 0 {
+				newRaw = append(newRaw, " ")
+			}
+			newRaw = append(newRaw, paraLines...)
+		}
+		raw = newRaw
+		maxWidth = newMaxWidth
+	}
+	// Store the new known maximum width.
+	v, ok := t.cs[colKey]
+	if !ok || v < maxWidth || v == 0 {
+		t.cs[colKey] = maxWidth
+	}
+	// Remember the number of lines for the row printer.
+	h := len(raw)
+	v, ok =[rowKey]
+	if !ok || v < h || v == 0 {
+[rowKey] = h
+	}
+	//fmt.Printf("Raw %+v %d\n", raw, len(raw))
+	return raw