SEBA-949 support for publishing bbsim events on kafka

Change-Id: I4354cd026bbadc801e4d6d08b2f9cd3462917b4c
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619836f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
+// License information can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License.
+package zstd
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+const (
+	// For encoding we only support up to
+	maxEncTableLog    = 8
+	maxEncTablesize   = 1 << maxTableLog
+	maxEncTableMask   = (1 << maxTableLog) - 1
+	minEncTablelog    = 5
+	maxEncSymbolValue = maxMatchLengthSymbol
+// Scratch provides temporary storage for compression and decompression.
+type fseEncoder struct {
+	symbolLen      uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table.
+	actualTableLog uint8  // Selected tablelog.
+	ct             cTable // Compression tables.
+	maxCount       int    // count of the most probable symbol
+	zeroBits       bool   // no bits has prob > 50%.
+	clearCount     bool   // clear count
+	useRLE         bool   // This encoder is for RLE
+	preDefined     bool   // This encoder is predefined.
+	reUsed         bool   // Set to know when the encoder has been reused.
+	rleVal         uint8  // RLE Symbol
+	maxBits        uint8  // Maximum output bits after transform.
+	// TODO: Technically zstd should be fine with 64 bytes.
+	count [256]uint32
+	norm  [256]int16
+// cTable contains tables used for compression.
+type cTable struct {
+	tableSymbol []byte
+	stateTable  []uint16
+	symbolTT    []symbolTransform
+// symbolTransform contains the state transform for a symbol.
+type symbolTransform struct {
+	deltaNbBits    uint32
+	deltaFindState int16
+	outBits        uint8
+// String prints values as a human readable string.
+func (s symbolTransform) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("{deltabits: %08x, findstate:%d outbits:%d}", s.deltaNbBits, s.deltaFindState, s.outBits)
+// Histogram allows to populate the histogram and skip that step in the compression,
+// It otherwise allows to inspect the histogram when compression is done.
+// To indicate that you have populated the histogram call HistogramFinished
+// with the value of the highest populated symbol, as well as the number of entries
+// in the most populated entry. These are accepted at face value.
+// The returned slice will always be length 256.
+func (s *fseEncoder) Histogram() []uint32 {
+	return s.count[:]
+// HistogramFinished can be called to indicate that the histogram has been populated.
+// maxSymbol is the index of the highest set symbol of the next data segment.
+// maxCount is the number of entries in the most populated entry.
+// These are accepted at face value.
+func (s *fseEncoder) HistogramFinished(maxSymbol uint8, maxCount int) {
+	s.maxCount = maxCount
+	s.symbolLen = uint16(maxSymbol) + 1
+	s.clearCount = maxCount != 0
+// prepare will prepare and allocate scratch tables used for both compression and decompression.
+func (s *fseEncoder) prepare() (*fseEncoder, error) {
+	if s == nil {
+		s = &fseEncoder{}
+	}
+	s.useRLE = false
+	if s.clearCount && s.maxCount == 0 {
+		for i := range s.count {
+			s.count[i] = 0
+		}
+		s.clearCount = false
+	}
+	return s, nil
+// allocCtable will allocate tables needed for compression.
+// If existing tables a re big enough, they are simply re-used.
+func (s *fseEncoder) allocCtable() {
+	tableSize := 1 << s.actualTableLog
+	// get tableSymbol that is big enough.
+	if cap(s.ct.tableSymbol) < int(tableSize) {
+		s.ct.tableSymbol = make([]byte, tableSize)
+	}
+	s.ct.tableSymbol = s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize]
+	ctSize := tableSize
+	if cap(s.ct.stateTable) < ctSize {
+		s.ct.stateTable = make([]uint16, ctSize)
+	}
+	s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:ctSize]
+	if cap(s.ct.symbolTT) < 256 {
+		s.ct.symbolTT = make([]symbolTransform, 256)
+	}
+	s.ct.symbolTT = s.ct.symbolTT[:256]
+// buildCTable will populate the compression table so it is ready to be used.
+func (s *fseEncoder) buildCTable() error {
+	tableSize := uint32(1 << s.actualTableLog)
+	highThreshold := tableSize - 1
+	var cumul [256]int16
+	s.allocCtable()
+	tableSymbol := s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize]
+	// symbol start positions
+	{
+		cumul[0] = 0
+		for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen-1] {
+			u := byte(ui) // one less than reference
+			if v == -1 {
+				// Low proba symbol
+				cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1
+				tableSymbol[highThreshold] = u
+				highThreshold--
+			} else {
+				cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v
+			}
+		}
+		// Encode last symbol separately to avoid overflowing u
+		u := int(s.symbolLen - 1)
+		v := s.norm[s.symbolLen-1]
+		if v == -1 {
+			// Low proba symbol
+			cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1
+			tableSymbol[highThreshold] = byte(u)
+			highThreshold--
+		} else {
+			cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v
+		}
+		if uint32(cumul[s.symbolLen]) != tableSize {
+			return fmt.Errorf("internal error: expected cumul[s.symbolLen] (%d) == tableSize (%d)", cumul[s.symbolLen], tableSize)
+		}
+		cumul[s.symbolLen] = int16(tableSize) + 1
+	}
+	// Spread symbols
+	s.zeroBits = false
+	{
+		step := tableStep(tableSize)
+		tableMask := tableSize - 1
+		var position uint32
+		// if any symbol > largeLimit, we may have 0 bits output.
+		largeLimit := int16(1 << (s.actualTableLog - 1))
+		for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] {
+			symbol := byte(ui)
+			if v > largeLimit {
+				s.zeroBits = true
+			}
+			for nbOccurrences := int16(0); nbOccurrences < v; nbOccurrences++ {
+				tableSymbol[position] = symbol
+				position = (position + step) & tableMask
+				for position > highThreshold {
+					position = (position + step) & tableMask
+				} /* Low proba area */
+			}
+		}
+		// Check if we have gone through all positions
+		if position != 0 {
+			return errors.New("position!=0")
+		}
+	}
+	// Build table
+	table := s.ct.stateTable
+	{
+		tsi := int(tableSize)
+		for u, v := range tableSymbol {
+			// TableU16 : sorted by symbol order; gives next state value
+			table[cumul[v]] = uint16(tsi + u)
+			cumul[v]++
+		}
+	}
+	// Build Symbol Transformation Table
+	{
+		total := int16(0)
+		symbolTT := s.ct.symbolTT[:s.symbolLen]
+		tableLog := s.actualTableLog
+		tl := (uint32(tableLog) << 16) - (1 << tableLog)
+		for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] {
+			switch v {
+			case 0:
+			case -1, 1:
+				symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = tl
+				symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = int16(total - 1)
+				total++
+			default:
+				maxBitsOut := uint32(tableLog) - highBit(uint32(v-1))
+				minStatePlus := uint32(v) << maxBitsOut
+				symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = (maxBitsOut << 16) - minStatePlus
+				symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = int16(total - v)
+				total += v
+			}
+		}
+		if total != int16(tableSize) {
+			return fmt.Errorf("total mismatch %d (got) != %d (want)", total, tableSize)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+var rtbTable = [...]uint32{0, 473195, 504333, 520860, 550000, 700000, 750000, 830000}
+func (s *fseEncoder) setRLE(val byte) {
+	s.allocCtable()
+	s.actualTableLog = 0
+	s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:1]
+	s.ct.symbolTT[val] = symbolTransform{
+		deltaFindState: 0,
+		deltaNbBits:    0,
+	}
+	if debug {
+		println("setRLE: val", val, "symbolTT", s.ct.symbolTT[val])
+	}
+	s.rleVal = val
+	s.useRLE = true
+// setBits will set output bits for the transform.
+// if nil is provided, the number of bits is equal to the index.
+func (s *fseEncoder) setBits(transform []byte) {
+	if s.reUsed || s.preDefined {
+		return
+	}
+	if s.useRLE {
+		if transform == nil {
+			s.ct.symbolTT[s.rleVal].outBits = s.rleVal
+			s.maxBits = s.rleVal
+			return
+		}
+		s.maxBits = transform[s.rleVal]
+		s.ct.symbolTT[s.rleVal].outBits = s.maxBits
+		return
+	}
+	if transform == nil {
+		for i := range s.ct.symbolTT[:s.symbolLen] {
+			s.ct.symbolTT[i].outBits = uint8(i)
+		}
+		s.maxBits = uint8(s.symbolLen - 1)
+		return
+	}
+	s.maxBits = 0
+	for i, v := range transform[:s.symbolLen] {
+		s.ct.symbolTT[i].outBits = v
+		if v > s.maxBits {
+			// We could assume bits always going up, but we play safe.
+			s.maxBits = v
+		}
+	}
+// normalizeCount will normalize the count of the symbols so
+// the total is equal to the table size.
+// If successful, compression tables will also be made ready.
+func (s *fseEncoder) normalizeCount(length int) error {
+	if s.reUsed {
+		return nil
+	}
+	s.optimalTableLog(length)
+	var (
+		tableLog          = s.actualTableLog
+		scale             = 62 - uint64(tableLog)
+		step              = (1 << 62) / uint64(length)
+		vStep             = uint64(1) << (scale - 20)
+		stillToDistribute = int16(1 << tableLog)
+		largest           int
+		largestP          int16
+		lowThreshold      = (uint32)(length >> tableLog)
+	)
+	if s.maxCount == length {
+		s.useRLE = true
+		return nil
+	}
+	s.useRLE = false
+	for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
+		// already handled
+		// if (count[s] == s.length) return 0;   /* rle special case */
+		if cnt == 0 {
+			s.norm[i] = 0
+			continue
+		}
+		if cnt <= lowThreshold {
+			s.norm[i] = -1
+			stillToDistribute--
+		} else {
+			proba := (int16)((uint64(cnt) * step) >> scale)
+			if proba < 8 {
+				restToBeat := vStep * uint64(rtbTable[proba])
+				v := uint64(cnt)*step - (uint64(proba) << scale)
+				if v > restToBeat {
+					proba++
+				}
+			}
+			if proba > largestP {
+				largestP = proba
+				largest = i
+			}
+			s.norm[i] = proba
+			stillToDistribute -= proba
+		}
+	}
+	if -stillToDistribute >= (s.norm[largest] >> 1) {
+		// corner case, need another normalization method
+		err := s.normalizeCount2(length)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if debug {
+			err = s.validateNorm()
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		return s.buildCTable()
+	}
+	s.norm[largest] += stillToDistribute
+	if debug {
+		err := s.validateNorm()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return s.buildCTable()
+// Secondary normalization method.
+// To be used when primary method fails.
+func (s *fseEncoder) normalizeCount2(length int) error {
+	const notYetAssigned = -2
+	var (
+		distributed  uint32
+		total        = uint32(length)
+		tableLog     = s.actualTableLog
+		lowThreshold = uint32(total >> tableLog)
+		lowOne       = uint32((total * 3) >> (tableLog + 1))
+	)
+	for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
+		if cnt == 0 {
+			s.norm[i] = 0
+			continue
+		}
+		if cnt <= lowThreshold {
+			s.norm[i] = -1
+			distributed++
+			total -= cnt
+			continue
+		}
+		if cnt <= lowOne {
+			s.norm[i] = 1
+			distributed++
+			total -= cnt
+			continue
+		}
+		s.norm[i] = notYetAssigned
+	}
+	toDistribute := (1 << tableLog) - distributed
+	if (total / toDistribute) > lowOne {
+		// risk of rounding to zero
+		lowOne = uint32((total * 3) / (toDistribute * 2))
+		for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
+			if (s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned) && (cnt <= lowOne) {
+				s.norm[i] = 1
+				distributed++
+				total -= cnt
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		toDistribute = (1 << tableLog) - distributed
+	}
+	if distributed == uint32(s.symbolLen)+1 {
+		// all values are pretty poor;
+		//   probably incompressible data (should have already been detected);
+		//   find max, then give all remaining points to max
+		var maxV int
+		var maxC uint32
+		for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
+			if cnt > maxC {
+				maxV = i
+				maxC = cnt
+			}
+		}
+		s.norm[maxV] += int16(toDistribute)
+		return nil
+	}
+	if total == 0 {
+		// all of the symbols were low enough for the lowOne or lowThreshold
+		for i := uint32(0); toDistribute > 0; i = (i + 1) % (uint32(s.symbolLen)) {
+			if s.norm[i] > 0 {
+				toDistribute--
+				s.norm[i]++
+			}
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+	var (
+		vStepLog = 62 - uint64(tableLog)
+		mid      = uint64((1 << (vStepLog - 1)) - 1)
+		rStep    = (((1 << vStepLog) * uint64(toDistribute)) + mid) / uint64(total) // scale on remaining
+		tmpTotal = mid
+	)
+	for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] {
+		if s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned {
+			var (
+				end    = tmpTotal + uint64(cnt)*rStep
+				sStart = uint32(tmpTotal >> vStepLog)
+				sEnd   = uint32(end >> vStepLog)
+				weight = sEnd - sStart
+			)
+			if weight < 1 {
+				return errors.New("weight < 1")
+			}
+			s.norm[i] = int16(weight)
+			tmpTotal = end
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// optimalTableLog calculates and sets the optimal tableLog in s.actualTableLog
+func (s *fseEncoder) optimalTableLog(length int) {
+	tableLog := uint8(maxEncTableLog)
+	minBitsSrc := highBit(uint32(length)) + 1
+	minBitsSymbols := highBit(uint32(s.symbolLen-1)) + 2
+	minBits := uint8(minBitsSymbols)
+	if minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols {
+		minBits = uint8(minBitsSrc)
+	}
+	maxBitsSrc := uint8(highBit(uint32(length-1))) - 2
+	if maxBitsSrc < tableLog {
+		// Accuracy can be reduced
+		tableLog = maxBitsSrc
+	}
+	if minBits > tableLog {
+		tableLog = minBits
+	}
+	// Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values
+	if tableLog < minEncTablelog {
+		tableLog = minEncTablelog
+	}
+	if tableLog > maxEncTableLog {
+		tableLog = maxEncTableLog
+	}
+	s.actualTableLog = tableLog
+// validateNorm validates the normalized histogram table.
+func (s *fseEncoder) validateNorm() (err error) {
+	var total int
+	for _, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] {
+		if v >= 0 {
+			total += int(v)
+		} else {
+			total -= int(v)
+		}
+	}
+	defer func() {
+		if err == nil {
+			return
+		}
+		fmt.Printf("selected TableLog: %d, Symbol length: %d\n", s.actualTableLog, s.symbolLen)
+		for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] {
+			fmt.Printf("%3d: %5d -> %4d \n", i, s.count[i], v)
+		}
+	}()
+	if total != (1 << s.actualTableLog) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("warning: Total == %d != %d", total, 1<<s.actualTableLog)
+	}
+	for i, v := range s.count[s.symbolLen:] {
+		if v != 0 {
+			return fmt.Errorf("warning: Found symbol out of range, %d after cut", i)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// writeCount will write the normalized histogram count to header.
+// This is read back by readNCount.
+func (s *fseEncoder) writeCount(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+	if s.useRLE {
+		return append(out, s.rleVal), nil
+	}
+	if s.preDefined || s.reUsed {
+		// Never write predefined.
+		return out, nil
+	}
+	var (
+		tableLog  = s.actualTableLog
+		tableSize = 1 << tableLog
+		previous0 bool
+		charnum   uint16
+		// maximum header size plus 2 extra bytes for final output if bitCount == 0.
+		maxHeaderSize = ((int(s.symbolLen) * int(tableLog)) >> 3) + 3 + 2
+		// Write Table Size
+		bitStream = uint32(tableLog - minEncTablelog)
+		bitCount  = uint(4)
+		remaining = int16(tableSize + 1) /* +1 for extra accuracy */
+		threshold = int16(tableSize)
+		nbBits    = uint(tableLog + 1)
+		outP      = len(out)
+	)
+	if cap(out) < outP+maxHeaderSize {
+		out = append(out, make([]byte, maxHeaderSize*3)...)
+		out = out[:len(out)-maxHeaderSize*3]
+	}
+	out = out[:outP+maxHeaderSize]
+	// stops at 1
+	for remaining > 1 {
+		if previous0 {
+			start := charnum
+			for s.norm[charnum] == 0 {
+				charnum++
+			}
+			for charnum >= start+24 {
+				start += 24
+				bitStream += uint32(0xFFFF) << bitCount
+				out[outP] = byte(bitStream)
+				out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8)
+				outP += 2
+				bitStream >>= 16
+			}
+			for charnum >= start+3 {
+				start += 3
+				bitStream += 3 << bitCount
+				bitCount += 2
+			}
+			bitStream += uint32(charnum-start) << bitCount
+			bitCount += 2
+			if bitCount > 16 {
+				out[outP] = byte(bitStream)
+				out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8)
+				outP += 2
+				bitStream >>= 16
+				bitCount -= 16
+			}
+		}
+		count := s.norm[charnum]
+		charnum++
+		max := (2*threshold - 1) - remaining
+		if count < 0 {
+			remaining += count
+		} else {
+			remaining -= count
+		}
+		count++ // +1 for extra accuracy
+		if count >= threshold {
+			count += max // [0..max[ [max..threshold[ (...) [threshold+max 2*threshold[
+		}
+		bitStream += uint32(count) << bitCount
+		bitCount += nbBits
+		if count < max {
+			bitCount--
+		}
+		previous0 = count == 1
+		if remaining < 1 {
+			return nil, errors.New("internal error: remaining < 1")
+		}
+		for remaining < threshold {
+			nbBits--
+			threshold >>= 1
+		}
+		if bitCount > 16 {
+			out[outP] = byte(bitStream)
+			out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8)
+			outP += 2
+			bitStream >>= 16
+			bitCount -= 16
+		}
+	}
+	if outP+2 > len(out) {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: %d > %d, maxheader: %d, sl: %d, tl: %d, normcount: %v", outP+2, len(out), maxHeaderSize, s.symbolLen, int(tableLog), s.norm[:s.symbolLen])
+	}
+	out[outP] = byte(bitStream)
+	out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8)
+	outP += int((bitCount + 7) / 8)
+	if charnum > s.symbolLen {
+		return nil, errors.New("internal error: charnum > s.symbolLen")
+	}
+	return out[:outP], nil
+// Approximate symbol cost, as fractional value, using fixed-point format (accuracyLog fractional bits)
+// note 1 : assume symbolValue is valid (<= maxSymbolValue)
+// note 2 : if freq[symbolValue]==0, @return a fake cost of tableLog+1 bits *
+func (s *fseEncoder) bitCost(symbolValue uint8, accuracyLog uint32) uint32 {
+	minNbBits := s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits >> 16
+	threshold := (minNbBits + 1) << 16
+	if debug {
+		if !(s.actualTableLog < 16) {
+			panic("!s.actualTableLog < 16")
+		}
+		// ensure enough room for renormalization double shift
+		if !(uint8(accuracyLog) < 31-s.actualTableLog) {
+			panic("!uint8(accuracyLog) < 31-s.actualTableLog")
+		}
+	}
+	tableSize := uint32(1) << s.actualTableLog
+	deltaFromThreshold := threshold - (s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits + tableSize)
+	// linear interpolation (very approximate)
+	normalizedDeltaFromThreshold := (deltaFromThreshold << accuracyLog) >> s.actualTableLog
+	bitMultiplier := uint32(1) << accuracyLog
+	if debug {
+		if s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits+tableSize > threshold {
+			panic("s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits+tableSize > threshold")
+		}
+		if normalizedDeltaFromThreshold > bitMultiplier {
+			panic("normalizedDeltaFromThreshold > bitMultiplier")
+		}
+	}
+	return (minNbBits+1)*bitMultiplier - normalizedDeltaFromThreshold
+// Returns the cost in bits of encoding the distribution in count using ctable.
+// Histogram should only be up to the last non-zero symbol.
+// Returns an -1 if ctable cannot represent all the symbols in count.
+func (s *fseEncoder) approxSize(hist []uint32) uint32 {
+	if int(s.symbolLen) < len(hist) {
+		// More symbols than we have.
+		return math.MaxUint32
+	}
+	if s.useRLE {
+		// We will never reuse RLE encoders.
+		return math.MaxUint32
+	}
+	const kAccuracyLog = 8
+	badCost := (uint32(s.actualTableLog) + 1) << kAccuracyLog
+	var cost uint32
+	for i, v := range hist {
+		if v == 0 {
+			continue
+		}
+		if s.norm[i] == 0 {
+			return math.MaxUint32
+		}
+		bitCost := s.bitCost(uint8(i), kAccuracyLog)
+		if bitCost > badCost {
+			return math.MaxUint32
+		}
+		cost += v * bitCost
+	}
+	return cost >> kAccuracyLog
+// maxHeaderSize returns the maximum header size in bits.
+// This is not exact size, but we want a penalty for new tables anyway.
+func (s *fseEncoder) maxHeaderSize() uint32 {
+	if s.preDefined {
+		return 0
+	}
+	if s.useRLE {
+		return 8
+	}
+	return (((uint32(s.symbolLen) * uint32(s.actualTableLog)) >> 3) + 3) * 8
+// cState contains the compression state of a stream.
+type cState struct {
+	bw         *bitWriter
+	stateTable []uint16
+	state      uint16
+// init will initialize the compression state to the first symbol of the stream.
+func (c *cState) init(bw *bitWriter, ct *cTable, first symbolTransform) {
+ = bw
+	c.stateTable = ct.stateTable
+	if len(c.stateTable) == 1 {
+		// RLE
+		c.stateTable[0] = uint16(0)
+		c.state = 0
+		return
+	}
+	nbBitsOut := (first.deltaNbBits + (1 << 15)) >> 16
+	im := int32((nbBitsOut << 16) - first.deltaNbBits)
+	lu := (im >> nbBitsOut) + int32(first.deltaFindState)
+	c.state = c.stateTable[lu]
+	return
+// encode the output symbol provided and write it to the bitstream.
+func (c *cState) encode(symbolTT symbolTransform) {
+	nbBitsOut := (uint32(c.state) + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16
+	dstState := int32(c.state>>(nbBitsOut&15)) + int32(symbolTT.deltaFindState)
+, uint8(nbBitsOut))
+	c.state = c.stateTable[dstState]
+// flush will write the tablelog to the output and flush the remaining full bytes.
+func (c *cState) flush(tableLog uint8) {
+, tableLog)