VOL-2629 Modified Makefile to use containerized tools.

Modified existing containers to build internally, rather than bind-mounting the whole project & running make targets.
This repo has C dependencies, which must be made available, which complicates the usage of containerized tools.  Some tool containers are augmented before use.
"build-" targets will continue to use locally installed golang.
"release-" targets will use containerized tools, and will cross-compile only bbsimctl.

Change-Id: I02c999a29361d26aa9198d1f03b2b050febfe954
diff --git a/api/bbsim/bbsim.pb.go b/api/bbsim/bbsim.pb.go
index 729aadd..7d3a9ee 100644
--- a/api/bbsim/bbsim.pb.go
+++ b/api/bbsim/bbsim.pb.go
@@ -1174,11 +1174,11 @@
 // Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
 var _ context.Context
-var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
+var _ grpc.ClientConn
 // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
 // is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
-const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
+const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4
 // BBSimClient is the client API for BBSim service.
@@ -1208,10 +1208,10 @@
 type bBSimClient struct {
-	cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
+	cc *grpc.ClientConn
-func NewBBSimClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) BBSimClient {
+func NewBBSimClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) BBSimClient {
 	return &bBSimClient{cc}