[VOL-5024] - bbsim unit-test reports UNSTABLE

  o Added debugging around target test-unit
  o Add banners around coverage reports for readability.
  o Unwind shell command one-liner into distinct commands with echo banners.
  o Invoke set -o pipefail, test output | tee will overwrite testing exit status (always succeed).
  o Exit early if testing fails, no need to run coverage reports.

  o Update module funcparserlib to the latest.
  o https://funcparserlib.pirx.ru/changes/
  o v3.5 released 2011 fails on compatibility module.
  o Latest module seems to work and fixed an error.
  o Send through jenkins to check for problems.

Change-Id: I71c2d49243329c7544046fd5fdcdaf66ad47b5cc
3 files changed
tree: cc6e5e530f3619ca980d494e5e5dc85f9e90decc
  1. .dockerignore
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitreview
  4. .golangci.yml
  6. Dockerfile.builder.dockerignore
  7. LICENSE.md
  8. Makefile
  9. README.md
  11. api/
  12. build/
  13. cmd/
  14. configs/
  15. docs/
  16. examples/
  17. go.mod
  18. go.sum
  19. internal/
  20. makefiles/
  21. tests/
  22. tools/
  23. vendor/

BroadBand Simulator (BBSim)


BBSim is managed via a Makefile, plese run the following command to display all the available targets

make help


More advanced documentation lives in here.

You can generate and browse the documentation by executing:

make docs

This project structure is based on golang-standards/project-layout.