[VOL-5051] - Triage bbsim build

[VOL-5092] - verify_bbsim_unit-test repository failures in jenkins job history.

  o Merge in latest library makefiles.
  o Some legacy retained:
      tools.mk => makefiles/docker/include.mk
      makefiles/lint/docker/*.mk (replace with docker/include.mk.new)

  o Remove bogus foobar target.
  o Target docs-lint now maps to library target lint-doc8.

  o venv install now handled by makefiles/virtualenv.mk
  o Replaced inlined doc8 lint target with makefiles/lint/doc8 (lint-doc8)
  o Use std defines for SHELL= and other constants.
  o Replace separator ';' with '&&' in commands using venv (detect errors).

  o Enable lint targets for doc8, docker & json.
  o More lint checks can be enabled but cleanup is needed first.

  o Identified a few python module problems documented in VOL-5092.
  o Makefile wild target(%) matching stray dependencies so hardcode sphinx targets to act on.
  o Added hyphen/success to "make docs" until VOL-5092 can be straightened out.

Change-Id: Ibe4006747ee610bfe8ac0fdbb339e5e18e6e9176
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0817e3b..2939732 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,14 +20,21 @@
 .DEFAULT_GOAL   := help
 MAKECMDGOALS    ?= help
-TOP     ?= .
-MAKEDIR ?= $(TOP)/makefiles
+##---]  GLOBALS  [---##
+TOP ?=$(strip \
+  $(dir \
+    $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))\
+   )\
 ##---]  INCLUDES  [---##
-include $(MAKEDIR)/include.mk
-include $(MAKEDIR)/release/include.mk
+include $(TOP)/config.mk
+include $(TOP)/makefiles/include.mk
+include $(ONF_MAKEDIR)/release/include.mk
 ##---]  INCLUDES  [---##
@@ -88,32 +95,41 @@
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$(call banner-enter,Target $@)
 	@echo "Running dependency check..."
 	@${GO} mod verify
 	@echo "Dependency check OK. Running vendor check..."
 	@git status > /dev/null
 	@git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Staged or modified files must be committed before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1)
 	@[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files must be cleaned up before running this test" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1)
-	${GO} mod tidy
-	${GO} mod vendor
+	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory mod-update
 	@git status > /dev/null
 	@git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- go.mod go.sum vendor || (echo "ERROR: Modified files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1)
 	@[[ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others go.mod go.sum vendor` == "" ]] || (echo "ERROR: Untracked files detected after running go mod tidy / go mod vendor" && git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor && git checkout -- go.mod go.sum vendor && exit 1)
 	@echo "Vendor check OK."
+	$(call banner-enter,Target $@)
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 lint: lint-mod lint-dockerfile
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent: Generate a static code analysis report
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sca-report-dir := ./sca-report
+sca-report-xml := $(sca-report-dir)/sca-report.xml
-	@$(RM) -r ./sca-report
-	@mkdir -p ./sca-report
+	$(call begin-enter,Target $@)
+	@$(RM) -r $(sca-report-dir)
+	@mkdir -p $(sca-report-dir)
 	@echo "Running static code analysis..."
-	@${GOLANGCI_LINT} run -vv --deadline=6m --out-format junit-xml ./... | tee ./sca-report/sca-report.xml
+	@${GOLANGCI_LINT} run -vv --deadline=6m --out-format junit-xml ./... \
+	  | tee ./sca-report/sca-report.xml
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "Static code analysis OK"
+	$(call begin-leave,Target $@)
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -129,60 +145,49 @@
 test-unit: clean local-omci-lib-go # @HELP Execute unit tests
-	@echo
-	@echo '** -----------------------------------------------------------------------'
-	@echo '** Target: $@'
-	@echo '** -----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	$(call banner-enter,Target $@)
 	@mkdir -p $(dir $(results-out))
-#	@chmod -R 777 $(dir $(results-out))# dev-mode: local
-	@find $(dir $(results-out)) -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
-	@echo
-	@echo "Running unit tests..."
-	@echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	$(call banner,Running unit tests...)
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o+w $(dir $(results-out) $(results-out)))
 	set -euo pipefail \
 	&& ${GO} test -mod=vendor -bench=. -v \
 	  -coverprofile $(coverage-out) \
 	  -covermode count ./... \
 	  2>&1 | tee "$(results-out)"
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o-w $(dir $(results-out) $(results-out)))
-	@echo
-	@echo "Coverage report: junit"
-	@echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	$(call banner,Coverage report: junit)
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o+w $(dir $(results-xml) $(results-xml)))
 	${GO_JUNIT_REPORT} < $(results-out) > $(results-xml)
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o-w $(dir $(results-xml) $(results-xml)))
-	@echo
-	@echo "Coverage report: Cobertura"
-	@echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	$(call banner,Coverage report: Cobertura)
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o+w $(dir $(results-xml) $(coverage-xml)))
 	${GOCOVER_COBERTURA} < $(coverage-out) > $(coverage-xml)
+	$(if $(LOCAL_FIX_PERMS),\
+	    chmod o-w $(dir $(results-xml) $(coverage-xml)))	
+	$(call banner,Coverage report directory perms:)
-	@echo "Coverage report directory perms:"
-	@echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
-	find $(dir $(results-out)) -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
+	@/bin/ls -ld tests tests/results
-	@echo "Locally modified files (git status)"
-	@echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	@find $(dir $(results-out)) -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
+        # chown -R $$(id -u):$$(id -g) $(dir $(results-xml)
+	$(call banner,Locally modified files: git status)
 	git status
-# foobar:
-#	&& RETURN=$$? \
-	&& echo "** $@ will exit with status $$(declare -p RETURN)" \
-	&& echo \
-	&& echo "Coverage report: juni" \
-	&& ${GO_JUNIT_REPORT}   < $(results-out) > $(results-xml) \
-	&& echo \
-	&& echo "Coverage report: Cobertura" \
-	&& ${GOCOVER_COBERTURA} < $(coverage-out) > $(coverage-xml) \
-	&& echo \
-	&& echo "Coverage report directory perms:" \
-	&& find $(dir $(results-out)) -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l \
-	&& echo \
-	&& echo "List locally modified files" \
-	&& git status \
-	exit $$RETURN
+	$(call banner-leave,Target $@)
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -193,18 +198,6 @@
 	docker $(RM) -f bbsim
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Intgent: Update sources in the vendor/ directory.
-## Todo:
-##   o chicken-n-egg problem:
-##     - vendor/ is under revision control
-##     - go mod tidy will delete vendor
-##     - sandbox left unbuildable when mod-update target fails.
-## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-mod-update: # @HELP Download the dependencies to the vendor folder
-	${GO} mod tidy
-	${GO} mod vendor
-## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 docker-build: local-omci-lib-go local-protos# @HELP Build the BBSim docker container (contains BBSimCtl too)
 	docker build \
@@ -255,13 +248,17 @@
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 .PHONY: docs docs-lint
 docs: swagger # @HELP Generate docs and opens them in the browser
-	$(MAKE) -C docs html
+	$(call begin-enter,Target $@)
+	-$(MAKE) -C docs html
+	$(call begin-leave,Target $@)
 	@echo -e "\nBBSim documentation generated in file://${PWD}/docs/build/html/index.html"
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	$(MAKE) -C docs lint
+	$(MAKE) -C docs lint-doc8
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -304,6 +301,8 @@
 	@$(RM) $(results-out)
 	@$(RM) $(results-xml)
+	@$(RM) $(sca-report-xml)
 sterile :: clean
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -379,6 +378,12 @@
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Intent:
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+clean ::
+	$(RM) -r "docs/$(venv-name)"
+## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Intent: Helper target used to exercise release script changes
 ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 include $(MAKEDIR)/release/onf-publish.mk