[VOL-4111] Dinamically generating the MibDB during ONU creation and use
that to drive the MibUploadNextResponse generation

Change-Id: I67dbbe0700a7fbec802516fc6b2a9aff496022de
diff --git a/internal/common/omci/mib_test.go b/internal/common/omci/mib_test.go
index a4ffbb7..139e3e1 100644
--- a/internal/common/omci/mib_test.go
+++ b/internal/common/omci/mib_test.go
@@ -71,27 +71,99 @@
 func TestCreateMibUploadNextResponse(t *testing.T) {
+	const uniPortCount = 4
+	var (
+		onuDataEntityId = EntityID{0x00, 0x00}
+		onu2gEntityId   = EntityID{0x00, 0x00}
+		anigEntityId    = EntityID{tcontSlotId, aniGId}
+	)
+	// create a fake mibDb, we only need to test that given a CommandSequenceNumber
+	// we return the corresponding entry
+	// the only exception is for OnuData in which we need to replace the MibDataSync attribute with the current value
+	mibDb := MibDb{
+		NumberOfCommands: 4,
+		items:            []MibDbEntry{},
+	}
+	mibDb.items = append(mibDb.items, MibDbEntry{
+		me.OnuDataClassID,
+		onuDataEntityId,
+		me.AttributeValueMap{"MibDataSync": 0},
+	})
+	mibDb.items = append(mibDb.items, MibDbEntry{
+		me.CircuitPackClassID,
+		circuitPackEntityID,
+		me.AttributeValueMap{
+			"Type":          ethernetUnitType,
+			"NumberOfPorts": uniPortCount,
+			"SerialNumber":  ToOctets("BBSM-Circuit-Pack", 20),
+			"Version":       ToOctets("v0.0.1", 20),
+		},
+	})
+	mibDb.items = append(mibDb.items, MibDbEntry{
+		me.AniGClassID,
+		anigEntityId,
+		me.AttributeValueMap{
+			"Arc":                         0,
+			"ArcInterval":                 0,
+			"Deprecated":                  0,
+			"GemBlockLength":              48,
+			"LowerOpticalThreshold":       255,
+			"LowerTransmitPowerThreshold": 129,
+			"OnuResponseTime":             0,
+			"OpticalSignalLevel":          57428,
+			"PiggybackDbaReporting":       0,
+			"SignalDegradeThreshold":      9,
+			"SignalFailThreshold":         5,
+			"SrIndication":                1,
+			"TotalTcontNumber":            8,
+			"TransmitOpticalLevel":        3171,
+			"UpperOpticalThreshold":       255,
+			"UpperTransmitPowerThreshold": 129,
+		},
+	})
+	mibDb.items = append(mibDb.items, MibDbEntry{
+		me.Onu2GClassID,
+		onu2gEntityId,
+		me.AttributeValueMap{
+			"ConnectivityCapability":                      127,
+			"CurrentConnectivityMode":                     0,
+			"Deprecated":                                  1,
+			"PriorityQueueScaleFactor":                    1,
+			"QualityOfServiceQosConfigurationFlexibility": 63,
+			"Sysuptime":                                   0,
+			"TotalGemPortIdNumber":                        8,
+			"TotalPriorityQueueNumber":                    64,
+			"TotalTrafficSchedulerNumber":                 8,
+		},
+	})
 	tests := []struct {
 		name string
 		args mibArgs
 		want mibExpected
 		{"mibUploadNext-0", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 1, 0),
-			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 1, entityID: 0, entityClass: me.OnuDataClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"MibDataSync": MDS}}},
+			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 1, entityID: onuDataEntityId.ToUint16(), entityClass: me.OnuDataClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"MibDataSync": MDS}}},
 		{"mibUploadNext-1", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 2, 1),
-			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 2, entityID: 257, entityClass: me.CircuitPackClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"Type": uint8(47), "NumberOfPorts": uint8(4)}}},
-		{"mibUploadNext-4", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 3, 4),
-			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 3, entityID: 257, entityClass: me.CircuitPackClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"PowerShedOverride": uint32(0)}}},
-		{"mibUploadNext-10", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 4, 10),
-			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 4, entityID: 258, entityClass: me.PhysicalPathTerminationPointEthernetUniClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"SensedType": uint8(47)}}},
+			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 2, entityID: circuitPackEntityID.ToUint16(), entityClass: me.CircuitPackClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"Type": uint8(47), "NumberOfPorts": uint8(4)}}},
+		{"mibUploadNext-2", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 3, 2),
+			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 3, entityID: anigEntityId.ToUint16(), entityClass: me.AniGClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"GemBlockLength": uint16(48)}}},
+		{"mibUploadNext-3", createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 4, 3),
+			mibExpected{messageType: omci.MibUploadNextResponseType, transactionId: 4, entityID: onuDataEntityId.ToUint16(), entityClass: me.Onu2GClassID, attributes: map[string]interface{}{"TotalPriorityQueueNumber": uint16(64)}}},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
 			// create the packet starting from the mibUploadNextRequest
-			data, _ := CreateMibUploadNextResponse(tt.args.omciPkt, tt.args.omciMsg, MDS)
+			data, err := CreateMibUploadNextResponse(tt.args.omciPkt, tt.args.omciMsg, MDS, &mibDb)
+			assert.NilError(t, err)
 			omciMsg, omciPkt := omciBytesToMsg(t, data)
 			assert.Equal(t, omciMsg.MessageType, tt.want.messageType)
@@ -107,65 +179,15 @@
 			assert.Equal(t, msgObj.ReportedME.GetEntityID(), tt.want.entityID)
 			for k, v := range tt.want.attributes {
-				attr, _ := msgObj.ReportedME.GetAttribute(k)
+				attr, err := msgObj.ReportedME.GetAttribute(k)
+				assert.NilError(t, err)
 				assert.Equal(t, attr, v)
-type pqueueExpected struct {
-	entityId    uint16
-	relatedPort uint32
-func TestGeneratePriorityQueueMe(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		name     string
-		sequence uint16
-		want     pqueueExpected
-	}{
-		{"generate-pq-downstream-1", 26,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 1, relatedPort: 16842752}},
-		{"generate-pq-downstream-2", 30,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 2, relatedPort: 16842753}},
-		{"generate-pq-downstream-3", 58,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 9, relatedPort: 16842760}},
-		{"generate-pq-upstream-1", 28,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 32769, relatedPort: 2147549184}},
-		{"generate-pq-upstream-2", 32,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 32770, relatedPort: 2147549185}},
-		{"generate-pq-upstream-3", 60,
-			pqueueExpected{entityId: 32777, relatedPort: 2147614720}},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			reportedMe, meErr := GeneratePriorityQueueMe(tt.sequence)
-			if meErr.GetError() != nil {
-				t.Fatal(meErr.Error())
-			}
-			assert.Equal(t, reportedMe.GetEntityID(), tt.want.entityId)
-			relatedPort, _ := reportedMe.GetAttribute("RelatedPort")
-			assert.Equal(t, relatedPort, tt.want.relatedPort)
-		})
-	}
-	// test that the related ports are unique
-	allRelatedPorts := make(map[uint32]struct{})
-	for v := 26; v <= 281; v++ {
-		reportedMe, meErr := GeneratePriorityQueueMe(uint16(v))
-		if meErr.GetError() != nil {
-			t.Fatal(meErr.Error())
-		}
-		relatedPort, _ := reportedMe.GetAttribute("RelatedPort")
-		allRelatedPorts[relatedPort.(uint32)] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	// we report 128 queues total, but each of them is comprised of 2 messages
-	// that's why the 256 iterations
-	assert.Equal(t, len(allRelatedPorts), 128)
+	// now try to get a non existing command from the DB anche expect an error
+	args := createTestMibUploadNextArgs(t, 1, 20)
+	_, err := CreateMibUploadNextResponse(args.omciPkt, args.omciMsg, MDS, &mibDb)
+	assert.Error(t, err, "mibdb-does-not-contain-item")