[VOL-5297] - (dep) Install pre-commit lint tool.

  o Capture detail for future repository enahancements.
  o Populating TODO.md with a table of jira tickets would be a cleaner
    answer but not enough enhacnement volume yet.

  o Disable '$(RM) build' in the makefile clean target.
  o rm build/ normally cleans sphinx generated documentation.
  o Cannot perform this default clean action in repo:bbsim due to
    files under VCS has been checked into directory build.
  o 'make clean' inadvertenly breaks 'make lint' and 'make build'

Change-Id: Ib28caebdb82a3eb82dc9573606c2e2314dac8af7
Signed-off-by: Joey Armstrong <jarmstrong@linuxfoundation.org>
3 files changed
tree: 38e8c108eba7f58a9bb5495d3d2b68c71db09867
  1. .dockerignore
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitmodules
  4. .gitreview
  5. .golangci.yml
  6. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  8. Dockerfile.builder.dockerignore
  9. LICENSE.md
  10. Makefile
  11. README.md
  12. TODO.md
  14. api/
  15. build/
  16. cmd/
  17. config.mk
  18. configs/
  19. docs/
  20. examples/
  21. go.mod
  22. go.sum
  23. internal/
  24. lf/
  25. makefiles/
  26. requirements.txt
  27. tests/
  28. tools/
  29. vendor/

BroadBand Simulator (BBSim)


BBSim is managed via a Makefile, plese run the following command to display all the available targets

make help


More advanced documentation lives in here.

You can generate and browse the documentation by executing:

make docs

This project structure is based on golang-standards/project-layout.