Initial set of Fabric switch test cases
Change-Id: I86fd2b67d3b773aa496f5ef61f1e1fdf51fd9925
diff --git a/Fabric/Doc/docs/flow_query_test_plan.txt b/Fabric/Doc/docs/flow_query_test_plan.txt
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+Draft 2 - 23 Apr 2012
+1.1 Test particular implementation, not OpenFlow protocol
+This test plan is intended to test the function of those features of an OF
+agent implementation that would be particular to a given switch,
+i.e. semantics of various OF operations are correctly implemented on a given
+It is NOT intended to test:
+- syntactic featues, such as badly formed OF protocol messages, etc., nor
+- semantic features that would be common to all implementations, e.g.
+ qualifying on a VLAN id > 4095, an action to set VLAN PCP to a value > 7,
+ etc.
+2.5 FLOW ADD 5
+- Add flows to switch, read back and verify flow configurations
+- Test acceptance of flow adds
+- Test ability of switch to process additions to flow table in random
+ priority order
+- Test correctness of flow configuration responses
+- NUM_FLOWS: number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as
+ determined from switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Verify that no OFPT_ERROR responses were generated by switch
+5. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+6. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+7. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above are returned in
+ step 5 above; else test FAILED
+- Will use randomized flow configuration, in an attempt to cover combinations
+ of qualifier wildcarding, qualifier values, actions and action parameters
+2.5.1 FLOW ADD 5.1
+- Verify flow canonicalization
+- Test that switch properly canonicalizes a given flow definition
+ (canonicalization is defined as wildcarding out qualifiers when antecedent
+ qualifiers are not set correctly, e.g. nw_tos cannot be specified, and hence
+ must be wildcarded, if dl_type is not specified to be 0x0800 (IP))
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate 1 flow definition, which is different from its canonicalization
+3. Send flow to switch
+4. Retrieve flow from switch
+5. Compare returned flow to canonical form of defined flow
+7. Test PASSED iff flow received in step 4 above is identical to canonical
+ form of flow defined in step 3 above
+2.6 FLOW ADD 6
+- Test flow table capacity
+- Test switch can accept as many flow definitions as it claims
+- Test that attempting to create flows beyond capacity does not corrupt flow
+ table
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Send OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST to determine switch features
+3. For each table reported by step 2 above, send OFPT_STATS_REQUEST/
+ OFPST_TABLE to determine table features
+4. Generate (N + 1) distinct flow configurations, where N is the flow capacity
+ reported by the switch in steps 2 and 3 above
+ - Flow wildcarding must obey supported wildcards, for each table
+5. Send (N + 1) flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 4 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+ was generated by switch, for last flow mod sent
+7. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+8. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+9. Test PASSED iff:
+ - error message received, for correct flow
+ - last flow definition sent to switch is not in flow table
+ else test FAILED
+2.7 FLOW ADD 7
+- Test flow redefinition
+- Verify that successive flow adds with same priority and match criteria
+ overwrite in flow table
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate flow definition F1
+3. Generate flow definition F2, with same key (priority and match) as F1,
+ but with different actions
+4. Send flow adds for F1 and F2 to switch
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+5. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+6. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+7. Test PASSED iff 1 flow returned by switch, matching configuration of F2,
+ and with counters equal to 0; else test FAILED
+2.8 FLOW ADD 8
+- Add overlapping flows to switch, verify that overlapping flows are rejected
+- Test detection of overlapping flows by switch
+- Test generation of OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED/OFPFMFC_OVERLAP messages
+- Test rejection of overlapping flows
+- Test defining overlapping flows does not corrupt flow table
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate flow definition F1
+3. Generate flow definition F2, with key overlapping F1, by wildcarding a
+ qualifier specified in F1
+4. Send flow adds to switch, for flows generated in steps 2 and 3 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 1 (check for overlap)
+4. Verify that OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED/OFPFMFC_OVERLAP error response was
+ generated by switch
+5. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+6. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+7. Test PASSED iff:
+ - error message received, for overlapping flow
+ - overlapping flow is not in flow table
+ else test FAILED
+- Strict modify of single existing flow
+- Verify that strict flow modify operates only on specified flow
+- Verify that flow is correctly modified
+- NUM_FLOWS: number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows,
+ as determined from switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
+5. Generate new action list for F
+6. Send flow modify for F to switch
+4. Verify that no OFPT_ERROR responses were generated by switch
+5. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+6. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+7. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 and 6 above are
+ returned in step 5 above; else test FAILED
+- Loose modify of existing flows
+- Verify that loose flow modify operates only on matching flows
+- Verify that matching flows are correctly modified
+- NUM_FLOWS: number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as
+ determined from switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
+5. Wildcard out 1 qualifier in match of F, creating F', such that F' will
+ match more than 1 existing flow key, and create new actions list A' for F'
+6. Send loose flow modify for F' to switch
+7. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+8. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+9. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in steps 3 and 6 above, are
+ returned in step 7 above, each with correct (original or modified) action
+ list;
+ else test FAILED
+- Strict modify of non-existent flow
+- Verify that strict modify of a non-existent flow is equivalent to a flow add
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Send strict flow modify to switch
+3. Retrieve flows from switch
+4. Test PASSED iff single flow defined in step 2 above is returned in step 3
+ above; else test FAILED
+3.3.1 FLOW MODIFY 3_1
+- No-op modify
+- Verify that modify of a flow with new actions same as old ones operates
+ correctly
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Send single flow mod, as strict modify, to switch
+3. Verify flow table in switch
+4. Send same flow mod, as strict modify, to switch
+5. Verify flow table in switch
+6. Test PASSED iff flow defined in step 2 and 4 above verified; else FAILED
+- Strict delete of single flows
+- Verify correct operation of strict delete of single defined flow
+- NUM_FLOWS: Number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as
+ determined fro switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
+5. Send strict flow delete for F to switch
+6. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+7. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+8. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above, less flow
+ removed in step 5 above, are returned in step 5 above; else test FAILED
+- Loose delete of flows
+- Verify correct operation of loose delete of multiple flows
+- NUM_FLOWS: Number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as
+ determined fro switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 0 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
+5. Wildcard out 1 qualifier in match of F, creating F', such that F' will
+ match more than 1 existing flow key
+6. Send loose flow delete for F' to switch
+7. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+8. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+9. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above, less flows
+ removed in step 6 above (i.e. those that match F'), are returned in step
+ 5 above;
+ else test FAILED
+- Flow removed messages
+- Verify that switch generates OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED/OFPRR_DELETE response
+ messages when deleting flows that were added with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag
+- NUM_FLOWS: Number of flows to define; 0 => maximum number of flows, as
+ determined fro switch capabilities
+1. Delete all flows from switch
+2. Generate NUM_FLOWS distinct flow configurations
+3. Send NUM_FLOWS flow adds to switch, for flows generated in step 2 above
+ - Flow mods with OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 1 (do not send remove message) and
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 0 (do not check for overlap)
+4. Pick 1 defined flow F at random
+5. Send strict flow delete for F to switch
+6. Verify that OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED/OFPRR_DELETE message is received from switch
+7. Retrieve flow stats from switch
+8. Compare flow configurations returned by switch
+9. Test PASSED iff all flows sent to switch in step 3 above, less flow
+ removed in step 5 above, are returned in step 5 above; else test FAILED