Initial set of Fabric switch test cases
Change-Id: I86fd2b67d3b773aa496f5ef61f1e1fdf51fd9925
diff --git a/Fabric/Tests/oft b/Fabric/Tests/oft
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cae63b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Fabric/Tests/oft
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+@package oft
+OpenFlow test framework top level script
+This script is the entry point for running OpenFlow tests using the OFT
+framework. For usage information, see --help or the README.
+To add a new command line option, edit both the CONFIG_DEFAULT dictionary and
+the config_setup function. The option's result will end up in the global
+oftest.config dictionary.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import optparse
+import logging
+import unittest
+import time
+import os
+import imp
+import random
+import signal
+import fnmatch
+import copy
+ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir)
+LOG_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Log")+time.strftime("/%Y-%m/%d%H%M%S")
+#LOG_FILE = time.strftime("%H%M%S")+"oft.log"
+PY_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Utilities', 'src', 'python')
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(PY_SRC_DIR, 'oftest')):
+ # Running from source tree
+ sys.path.insert(0, PY_SRC_DIR)
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Utilities', 'accton')):
+ PY_ACCTON_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Utilities', 'accton')
+ sys.path.insert(0, PY_ACCTON_DIR)
+import oftest
+from oftest import config
+import oftest.ofutils
+import oftest.help_formatter
+import loxi
+# Map from strings to debugging levels
+ 'debug' : logging.DEBUG,
+ 'verbose' : logging.DEBUG,
+ 'info' : logging.INFO,
+ 'warning' : logging.WARNING,
+ 'warn' : logging.WARNING,
+ 'error' : logging.ERROR,
+ 'critical' : logging.CRITICAL
+# The default configuration dictionary for OFT
+ # Miscellaneous options
+ "list" : False,
+ "list_test_names" : False,
+ "allow_user" : False,
+ # Test selection options
+ "test_spec" : "",
+ "test_file" : None,
+ "test_dir" : os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Tests"),
+ # Switch connection options
+ "controller_host" : "", # For passive bind
+ "controller_port" : 6653,
+ "switch_ip" : None, # If not none, actively connect to switch
+ "switch_type" : None, # If not none, adapt flows to pipeline differences for switch type
+ "platform" : "eth",
+ "platform_args" : None,
+ "platform_dir" : os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Utilities", "platforms"),
+ "interfaces" : [],
+ "openflow_version" : "1.0",
+ # Logging options
+ "log_file" : time.strftime("%H%M%S")+"oft.log",
+ "log_dir" : LOG_DIR,
+ "debug" : "verbose",
+ "profile" : False,
+ "profile_file" : "profile.out",
+ "xunit" : False,
+ "xunit_dir" : "xunit",
+ # Test behavior options
+ "relax" : False,
+ "test_params" : "None",
+ "fail_skipped" : False,
+ "default_timeout" : 2.0,
+ "default_negative_timeout" : 0.01,
+ "minsize" : 0,
+ "random_seed" : None,
+ "disable_ipv6" : False,
+ "random_order" : False,
+ "dump_packet" : True,
+ "cicada_poject" : False,
+ "force_ofdpa_restart": False,
+ # Other configuration
+ "port_map" : {},
+def config_setup():
+ """
+ Set up the configuration including parsing the arguments
+ @return A pair (config, args) where config is an config
+ object and args is any additional arguments from the command line
+ """
+ usage = "usage: %prog [options] (test|group)..."
+ description = """\
+OFTest is a framework and set of tests for validating OpenFlow switches.
+The default configuration assumes that an OpenFlow 1.0 switch is attempting to
+connect to a controller on the machine running OFTest, port 6653. Additionally,
+the interfaces veth1, veth3, veth5, and veth7 should be connected to the switch's
+If no positional arguments are given then OFTest will run all tests that
+depend only on standard OpenFlow 1.0. Otherwise each positional argument
+is interpreted as either a test name or a test group name. The union of
+these will be executed. To see what groups each test belongs to use the
+--list option. Tests and groups can be subtracted from the result by
+prefixing them with the '^' character.
+ # Parse --interface
+ def check_interface(option, opt, value):
+ try:
+ ofport, interface = value.split('@', 1)
+ ofport = int(ofport)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise optparse.OptionValueError("incorrect interface syntax (got %s, expected 'ofport@interface')" % repr(value))
+ return (ofport, interface)
+ class Option(optparse.Option):
+ TYPES = optparse.Option.TYPES + ("interface",)
+ TYPE_CHECKER = copy.copy(optparse.Option.TYPE_CHECKER)
+ TYPE_CHECKER["interface"] = check_interface
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1",
+ usage=usage,
+ description=description,
+ formatter=oftest.help_formatter.HelpFormatter(),
+ option_class=Option)
+ # Set up default values
+ parser.set_defaults(**CONFIG_DEFAULT)
+ parser.add_option("--list", action="store_true",
+ help="List all tests and exit")
+ parser.add_option("--list-test-names", action='store_true',
+ help="List test names matching the test spec and exit")
+ parser.add_option("--allow-user", action="store_true",
+ help="Proceed even if oftest is not run as root")
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Test selection options")
+ group.add_option("-T", "--test-spec", "--test-list", help="Tests to run, separated by commas")
+ group.add_option("-f", "--test-file", help="File of tests to run, one per line")
+ group.add_option("--test-dir", type="string", help="Directory containing tests")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Switch connection options")
+ group.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="controller_host",
+ help="IP address to listen on (default %default)")
+ group.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="controller_port",
+ type="int", help="Port number to listen on (default %default)")
+ group.add_option("-S", "--switch-ip", dest="switch_ip",
+ help="If set, actively connect to this switch by IP")
+ group.add_option("-Y", "--switch-type", dest="switch_type",
+ help="If set to qmx, flows will adapt to pipline differences")
+ group.add_option("-P", "--platform", help="Platform module name (default %default)")
+ group.add_option("-a", "--platform-args", help="Custom arguments for the platform")
+ group.add_option("--platform-dir", type="string", help="Directory containing platform modules")
+ group.add_option("--interface", "-i", type="interface", dest="interfaces", metavar="INTERFACE", action="append",
+ help="Specify a OpenFlow port number and the dataplane interface to use. May be given multiple times. Example: 1@eth1")
+ group.add_option("--of-version", "-V", dest="openflow_version", choices=loxi.version_names.values(),
+ help="OpenFlow version to use")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Logging options")
+ group.add_option("--log-file", help="Name of log file (default %default)")
+ group.add_option("--log-dir", help="Name of log directory")
+ dbg_lvl_names = sorted(DEBUG_LEVELS.keys(), key=lambda x: DEBUG_LEVELS[x])
+ group.add_option("--debug", choices=dbg_lvl_names,
+ help="Debug lvl: debug, info, warning, error, critical (default %default)")
+ group.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", dest="debug",
+ const="verbose", help="Shortcut for --debug=verbose")
+ group.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", dest="debug",
+ const="warning", help="Shortcut for --debug=warning")
+ group.add_option("--profile", action="store_true", help="Enable Python profiling")
+ group.add_option("--profile-file", help="Output file for Python profiler")
+ group.add_option("--xunit", action="store_true", help="Enable xUnit-formatted results")
+ group.add_option("--xunit-dir", help="Output directory for xUnit-formatted results")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Test behavior options")
+ group.add_option("--relax", action="store_true",
+ help="Relax packet match checks allowing other packets")
+ test_params_help = """Set test parameters: key=val;... (see --list)
+ """
+ group.add_option("-t", "--test-params", help=test_params_help)
+ group.add_option("--fail-skipped", action="store_true",
+ help="Return failure if any test was skipped")
+ group.add_option("--default-timeout", type=float,
+ help="Timeout in seconds for most operations")
+ group.add_option("--default-negative-timeout", type=float,
+ help="Timeout in seconds for negative checks")
+ group.add_option("--minsize", type="int",
+ help="Minimum allowable packet size on the dataplane.")
+ group.add_option("--random-seed", type="int",
+ help="Random number generator seed")
+ group.add_option("--force-ofdpa-restart",
+ help="If set force ofdpa restart on user@switchIP")
+ group.add_option("--disable-ipv6", action="store_true",
+ help="Disable IPv6 tests")
+ group.add_option("--random-order", action="store_true",
+ help="Randomize order of tests")
+ group.add_option("--dump_packet", action="store_true",
+ help="Dump packet content on log when verify packet fail")
+ group.add_option("--cicada_poject", action="store_true",
+ help="True verify Cicada behavior, False verify AOS behaviro")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Might need this if other parsers want command line
+ # parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ # If --test-dir wasn't given, pick one based on the OpenFlow version
+# if options.test_dir == None:
+# if options.openflow_version == "1.3":
+# options.test_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Test", "ofdpa")
+ # Convert options from a Namespace to a plain dictionary
+ config = CONFIG_DEFAULT.copy()
+ for key in config.keys():
+ config[key] = getattr(options, key)
+ return (config, args)
+#def logging_directory()
+ """
+ creates a specific log directory based on day of execution
+ """
+# log_dir=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Log")+time.strftime("/%Y/%m/%d")
+# return(log_dir)
+def logging_setup(config):
+ """
+ Set up logging based on config
+ """
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(DEBUG_LEVELS[config["debug"]])
+ if config["log_dir"] != None:
+ if not os.path.exists(config["log_dir"]):
+ os.makedirs(config["log_dir"])
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(config["log_file"]):
+ os.remove(config["log_file"])
+ oftest.open_logfile('main')
+def xunit_setup(config):
+ """
+ Set up xUnit output based on config
+ """
+ if not config["xunit"]:
+ return
+ if os.path.exists(config["xunit_dir"]):
+ import shutil
+ shutil.rmtree(config["xunit_dir"])
+ os.makedirs(config["xunit_dir"])
+def pcap_setup(config):
+ """
+ Set up dataplane packet capturing based on config
+ """
+ if config["log_dir"] == None:
+ filename = os.path.splitext(config["log_file"])[0] + '.pcap'
+ oftest.dataplane_instance.start_pcap(filename)
+ else:
+ # start_pcap is called per-test in base_tests
+ pass
+def profiler_setup(config):
+ """
+ Set up profiler based on config
+ """
+ if not config["profile"]:
+ return
+ import cProfile
+ profiler = cProfile.Profile()
+ profiler.enable()
+ return profiler
+def profiler_teardown(profiler):
+ """
+ Tear down profiler based on config
+ """
+ if not config["profile"]:
+ return
+ profiler.disable()
+ profiler.dump_stats(config["profile_file"])
+def load_test_modules(config):
+ """
+ Load tests from the test_dir directory.
+ Test cases are subclasses of unittest.TestCase
+ Also updates the _groups member to include "standard" and
+ module test groups if appropriate.
+ @param config The oft configuration dictionary
+ @returns A dictionary from test module names to tuples of
+ (module, dictionary from test names to test classes).
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(config["test_dir"]):
+ # Iterate over each python file
+ for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '[!.]*.py'):
+ modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+ try:
+ if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
+ mod = sys.modules[modname]
+ else:
+ mod = imp.load_module(modname, *imp.find_module(modname, [root]))
+ except:
+ logging.warning("Could not import file " + filename)
+ raise
+ # Find all testcases defined in the module
+ tests = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in mod.__dict__.items() if type(v) == type and
+ issubclass(v, unittest.TestCase) and
+ hasattr(v, "runTest"))
+ if tests:
+ for (testname, test) in tests.items():
+ # Set default annotation values
+ if not hasattr(test, "_groups"):
+ test._groups = []
+ if not hasattr(test, "_nonstandard"):
+ test._nonstandard = False
+ if not hasattr(test, "_disabled"):
+ test._disabled = False
+ # Put test in its module's test group
+ if not test._disabled:
+ test._groups.append(modname)
+ # Put test in the standard test group
+ if not test._disabled and not test._nonstandard:
+ test._groups.append("standard")
+ test._groups.append("all") # backwards compatibility
+ result[modname] = (mod, tests)
+ return result
+def prune_tests(test_specs, test_modules, version):
+ """
+ Return tests matching the given test-specs and OpenFlow version
+ @param test_specs A list of group names or test names.
+ @param version An OpenFlow version (e.g. "1.0")
+ @param test_modules Same format as the output of load_test_modules.
+ @returns Same format as the output of load_test_modules.
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for e in test_specs:
+ matched = False
+ if e.startswith('^'):
+ negated = True
+ e = e[1:]
+ else:
+ negated = False
+ for (modname, (mod, tests)) in test_modules.items():
+ for (testname, test) in tests.items():
+ if e in test._groups or e == "%s.%s" % (modname, testname):
+ result.setdefault(modname, (mod, {}))
+ if not negated:
+ if not hasattr(test, "_versions") or version in test._versions:
+ result[modname][1][testname] = test
+ else:
+ if modname in result and testname in result[modname][1]:
+ del result[modname][1][testname]
+ if not result[modname][1]:
+ del result[modname]
+ matched = True
+ if not matched:
+ die("test-spec element %s did not match any tests" % e)
+ return result
+def die(msg, exit_val=1):
+ logging.critical(msg)
+ sys.exit(exit_val)
+# Main script
+# Setup global configuration
+(new_config, args) = config_setup()
+xunit_setup(config)"++++++++ " + time.asctime() + " ++++++++")
+# Pick an OpenFlow protocol module based on the configured version
+name_to_version = dict((v,k) for k, v in loxi.version_names.iteritems())
+sys.modules["ofp"] = loxi.protocol(name_to_version[config["openflow_version"]])
+# HACK: imports, which needs the ofp module
+import oftest.testutils
+# Allow tests to import each other
+test_specs = args
+if config["test_spec"] != "":
+ logging.warning("The '--test-spec' option is deprecated.")
+ test_specs += config["test_spec"].split(',')
+if config["test_file"] != None:
+ with open(config["test_file"], 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line, _, _ = line.partition('#') # remove comments
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line:
+ test_specs.append(line)
+if test_specs == []:
+ test_specs = ["standard"]
+test_modules = load_test_modules(config)
+# Check if test list is requested; display and exit if so
+if config["list"]:
+ mod_count = 0
+ test_count = 0
+ all_groups = set()
+ print("""
+Tests are shown grouped by module. If a test is in any groups beyond
+"standard" and its module's group then they are shown in parentheses.
+Tests marked with '*' are non-standard and may require vendor extensions or
+special switch configuration. These are not part of the "standard" test group.
+Tests marked with '!' are disabled because they are experimental,
+special-purpose, or are too long to be run normally. These are not part of
+the "standard" test group or their module's test group.
+Tests marked (TP1) after name take --test-params including:
+ 'vid=N;strip_vlan=bool;add_vlan=bool'
+Test List:
+ for (modname, (mod, tests)) in test_modules.items():
+ mod_count += 1
+ desc = (mod.__doc__ or "No description").strip().split('\n')[0]
+ print(" Module %13s: %s" % (mod.__name__, desc))
+ for (testname, test) in tests.items():
+ desc = (test.__doc__ or "No description").strip().split('\n')[0]
+ groups = set(test._groups) - set(["all", "standard", modname])
+ all_groups.update(test._groups)
+ if groups:
+ desc = "(%s) %s" % (",".join(groups), desc)
+ if hasattr(test, "_versions"):
+ desc = "(%s) %s" % (",".join(sorted(test._versions)), desc)
+ start_str = " %s%s %s:" % (test._nonstandard and "*" or " ",
+ test._disabled and "!" or " ",
+ testname)
+ print(" %22s : %s" % (start_str, desc))
+ test_count += 1
+ print
+ print("'%d' modules shown with a total of '%d' tests\n" %
+ (mod_count, test_count))
+ print("Test groups: %s" % (', '.join(sorted(all_groups))))
+ sys.exit(0)
+test_modules = prune_tests(test_specs, test_modules, config["openflow_version"])
+# Check if test list is requested; display and exit if so
+if config["list_test_names"]:
+ for (modname, (mod, tests)) in test_modules.items():
+ for (testname, test) in tests.items():
+ print("%s.%s" % (modname, testname))
+ sys.exit(0)
+# Generate the test suite
+#@todo Decide if multiple suites are ever needed
+suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+sorted_tests = []
+for (modname, (mod, tests)) in sorted(test_modules.items()):
+ for (testname, test) in sorted(tests.items()):
+ sorted_tests.append(test)
+if config["random_order"]:
+ random.shuffle(sorted_tests)
+for test in sorted_tests:
+ suite.addTest(test())
+# Allow platforms to import each other
+# Load the platform module
+platform_name = config["platform"]"Importing platform: " + platform_name)
+platform_mod = None
+ platform_mod = imp.load_module(platform_name, *imp.find_module(platform_name, [config["platform_dir"]]))
+ logging.warn("Failed to import " + platform_name + " platform module")
+ raise
+ platform_mod.platform_config_update(config)
+ logging.warn("Could not run platform host configuration")
+ raise
+if not config["port_map"]:
+ die("Interface port map was not defined by the platform. Exiting.")
+logging.debug("Configuration: " + str(config))"OF port map: " + str(config["port_map"]))
+oftest.ofutils.default_timeout = config["default_timeout"]
+oftest.ofutils.default_negative_timeout = config["default_negative_timeout"]
+oftest.testutils.MINSIZE = config['minsize']
+if os.getuid() != 0 and not config["allow_user"]:
+ die("Super-user privileges required. Please re-run with sudo or as root.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if config["random_seed"] is not None:
+"Random seed: %d" % config["random_seed"])
+ random.seed(config["random_seed"])
+ # Generate random seed and report to log file
+ seed = random.randrange(100000000)
+"Autogen random seed: %d" % seed)
+ random.seed(seed)
+# Remove python's signal handler which raises KeyboardError. Exiting from an
+# exception waits for all threads to terminate which might not happen.
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ profiler = profiler_setup(config)
+ # Set up the dataplane
+ oftest.dataplane_instance = oftest.dataplane.DataPlane(config)
+ pcap_setup(config)
+ for of_port, ifname in config["port_map"].items():
+ oftest.dataplane_instance.port_add(ifname, of_port)
+"*** TEST RUN START: " + time.asctime())
+ if config["xunit"]:
+ try:
+ import xmlrunner # fail-fast if module missing
+ except ImportError as ex:
+ oftest.dataplane_instance.kill()
+ profiler_teardown(profiler)
+ raise ex
+ runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=config["xunit_dir"],
+ outsuffix="",
+ verbosity=2)
+ result =
+ else:
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ oftest.open_logfile('main')
+ if oftest.testutils.skipped_test_count > 0:
+ message = "Skipped %d test(s)" % oftest.testutils.skipped_test_count
+"*** TEST RUN END : %s", time.asctime())
+ # Shutdown the dataplane
+ oftest.dataplane_instance.kill()
+ oftest.dataplane_instance = None
+ profiler_teardown(profiler)
+ if result.failures or result.errors:
+ # exit(1) hangs sometimes
+ os._exit(1)
+ if oftest.testutils.skipped_test_count > 0 and config["fail_skipped"]:
+ os._exit(1)