| |
| # Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| |
| """
| Flow Test
| Test each flow table can set entry, and packet rx correctly.
| """
| import logging
| from oftest import config
| import oftest.base_tests as base_tests
| import ofp
| from oftest.testutils import *
| from accton_util import *
| class L2McastFlow(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Test output function for an exact-match flow
| Add some multicast flows
| Then, for all ports, verifies that sending a matching packet
| to a multicast match results in an output to all ports.
| """
| def runTest(self):
| ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| # table 10: vlan
| # send to table 20
| add_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1)
| # group table
| # set up untag groups for each port
| add_l2_interface_grouop(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1, False, False)
| # set up multicast group
| add_l2_mcast_group(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1, 1)
| test_macs = [[0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xff]]
| for test_mac in test_macs:
| group_id = encode_l2_mcast_group_id(1, 1)
| add_bridge_flow(self.controller, test_mac, 1, group_id, True)
| for test_mac in test_macs:
| mactest = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in test_mac])
| for in_port in ports:
| # change dest based on port number
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(eth_dst=mactest)
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| logging.info("OutputExact test, from port %d to mac %s", in_port, mactest)
| self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
| for ofport in ports:
| if ofport == in_port: #tx port won't rx packet, unless L3 mcast routing
| continue
| verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L2UnicastFlow(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Test output function for an exact-match flow
| For each port A, adds a flow directing matching packets to that port.
| Then, for all other ports B != A, verifies that sending a matching packet
| to B results in an output to A.
| """
| def runTest(self):
| ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| # table 10: vlan
| # send to table 20
| #add_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(),1)
| # group table
| # set up tag groups for each port
| add_l2_interface_group(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1, True, 1)
| for port in ports:
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, 1)
| group_id = encode_l2_interface_group_id(1, port)
| add_bridge_flow(self.controller, [0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, port], 1, group_id, True)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| for out_port in ports:
| # change dest based on port number
| mac_dst= '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % out_port
| for in_port in ports:
| if in_port == out_port:
| continue
| # change source based on port number to avoid packet-ins from learning
| mac_src= '00:12:34:56:79:%02X' % in_port
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=1, eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=mac_src)
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| logging.info("OutputExact test, ports %d to %d", in_port, out_port)
| self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
| for ofport in ports:
| if ofport in [out_port]:
| verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| else:
| verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L2Flood(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Test L2 unknown unicast flooding and broadcast flood
| """
| def runTest(self):
| ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| # table 10: vlan
| # send to table 20
| add_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, ports, 1)
| # group table
| # set up untag groups for each port
| add_l2_interface_grouop(self.controller, ports, 1, False, 1)
| input_port = ports.pop()
| flood_ports= ports
| #no fllod group create, veriy all drop
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(eth_dst='00:12:34:56:78:9a')
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(input_port, pkt)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(eth_dst='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(input_port, pkt)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #add flood groupo
| msg=add_l2_flood_group(self.controller, flood_ports, 1, 1)
| add_bridge_flow(self.controller, None, 1, msg.group_id, True)
| #verify flood
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(eth_dst='00:12:34:56:78:9a')
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(input_port, pkt)
| for ofport in flood_ports:
| verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| for ofport in flood_ports:
| self.dataplane.send(ofport, pkt)
| #self won't rx packet
| verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| #others will rx packet
| tmp_ports=[]
| for tmp in flood_ports:
| if tmp != ofport:
| tmp_ports.append(tmp)
| verify_packets(self, pkt, tmp_ports)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(eth_dst='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(input_port, pkt)
| for ofport in flood_ports:
| verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
| class PacketInMiss(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Test packet in function for a table-miss flow
| Send a packet to each dataplane port and verify that a packet
| in message is received from the controller for each
| NOTE: Verify This case the oft option shall not use --switch-ip
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100)
| parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=104,
| vlan_vid=0x1001, dl_vlan_enable=True)
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
| # table 10: vlan
| # send to table 20
| add_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1)
| # group table
| # set up untag groups for each port
| add_l2_interface_grouop(self.controller, config["port_map"].keys(), 1, False, 1)
| # create match
| match = ofp.match()
| match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(0x1001))
| request = ofp.message.flow_add(
| table_id=60,
| cookie=42,
| match=match,
| instructions=[
| ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
| actions=[
| ofp.action.output(
| max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]),
| ],
| buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
| priority=1)
| logging.info("Inserting packet in flow to controller")
| self.controller.message_send(request)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
| logging.info("PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
| self.dataplane.send(of_port, pkt)
| #AOS current packet in will not have vlan tag
| if config["cicada_poject"]:
| verify_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
| else:
| verify_packet_in(self, pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class PacketOut(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Verify action Flood, ALL, in port
| """
| def runTest(self):
| if config["cicada_poject"]:
| pass
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100)
| parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=104,
| vlan_vid=0x1002, dl_vlan_enable=True)
| pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
| vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
| #packet out flood, untag packet
| self.controller.message_send(ofp.message.packet_out(in_port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
| buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
| actions=[ofp.action.output(
| port=ofp.OFPP_FLOOD)],
| data=pkt))
| for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
| verify_packet(self, pkt, of_port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #packet out flood, tag packet, because it can't identify vlan has which port
| #so we do as all action.
| self.controller.message_send(ofp.message.packet_out(in_port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
| buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
| actions=[ofp.action.output(
| port=ofp.OFPP_FLOOD)],
| data=vlan_pkt))
| for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
| verify_packet(self, vlan_pkt, of_port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #packet out all
| self.controller.message_send(ofp.message.packet_out(in_port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
| buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
| actions=[ofp.action.output(
| port=ofp.OFPP_FLOOD)],
| data=pkt))
| for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
| verify_packet(self, pkt, of_port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #packet out to in port
| in_port = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| self.controller.message_send(ofp.message.packet_out(in_port=in_port,
| buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
| actions=[ofp.action.output(
| port=in_port)],
| data=pkt))
| verify_packet(self, pkt, in_port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastRoute(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port2(vlan2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| if len(config["port_map"]) <2:
| logging.info("Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
| return
| vlan_id=1
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| dst_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
| dip=0xc0a80001
| for port in config["port_map"].keys():
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| dst_mac[5]=vlan_id
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=dst_mac)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
| #add unicast routing flow
| dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id<<8)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0, l3_msg.group_id)
| vlan_id += 1
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
| #port 1 to port 2
| switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac[5]=1
| port1_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=port1_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac[5]=2
| port2_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port2_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #port 2 to port 1
| switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac[5]=2
| port2_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=port2_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port2, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac[5]=1
| port1_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port1_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port1)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastRouteOnSamVLANSamPort(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| port = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| vlan_id=1
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| port_mac1=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01]
| port_mac2=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02]
| port_ip1=0xc0a80101
| port_ip1_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip1)
| port_ip2=0xc0a80201
| port_ip2_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip2)
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=1, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac2)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip2, 0, l3_msg.group_id)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=2, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac1)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip1, 0, l3_msg.group_id)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| """send packet to verify"""
| """>"""
| switch_mac_str = convertMACtoStr(intf_src_mac)
| port_mac1_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac1)
| port_mac2_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac2)
| ttl=64
| #send packet
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac1_str,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac2_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| """>"""
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac2_str,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac1_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastRouteOnDiffVLANSamPort(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port1(vlan2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| port = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| port_vlan_id1=1
| port_vlan_id2=2
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| port_mac1=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01]
| port_mac2=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02]
| port_ip1=0xc0a80101
| port_ip1_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip1)
| port_ip2=0xc0a80201
| port_ip2_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip2)
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=port_vlan_id1, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=port_vlan_id2, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, port_vlan_id1, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, port_vlan_id2, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, port_vlan_id1)
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, port_vlan_id2)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=port_vlan_id2, id=1, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac2)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip2, 0, l3_msg.group_id)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=port_vlan_id1, id=2, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac1)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip1, 0, l3_msg.group_id)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| """send packet to verify"""
| """>"""
| switch_mac_str =convertMACtoStr(intf_src_mac)
| port_mac1_str= convertMACtoStr(port_mac1)
| port_mac2_str= convertMACtoStr(port_mac2)
| ttl=64
| #send packet
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac1_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=port_vlan_id1,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac2_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=port_vlan_id2,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| """>"""
| switch_mac = convertMACtoStr(intf_src_mac)
| port_mac2_str=convertMACtoStr(port_mac2)
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac2_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=port_vlan_id2,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac1_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=port_vlan_id1,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastVrfRouteOnSamVLANSamPort(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, VRF1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port1(vlan1, VRF1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| Port1(vlan2, VRF2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port1(vlan2, VRF2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| port = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| vrf1=1
| vrf2=2
| vrf1_vlan_id=1
| vrf2_vlan_id=2
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| port_mac1=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01]
| port_mac2=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02]
| port_ip1=0xc0a80101
| port_ip1_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip1)
| port_ip2=0xc0a80201
| port_ip2_str=convertIP4toStr(port_ip2)
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vrf1_vlan_id, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vrf2_vlan_id, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vrf1_vlan_id, vrf=vrf1, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vrf2_vlan_id, vrf=vrf2, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, 0, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vrf1_vlan_id)
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, 0, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vrf2_vlan_id)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vrf1_vlan_id, id=1, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac2)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip2, 0, l3_msg.group_id, vrf1)
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vrf2_vlan_id, id=2, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac2)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip2, 0, l3_msg.group_id, vrf2)
| """>"""
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vrf1_vlan_id, id=3, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac1)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip1, 0, l3_msg.group_id, vrf1)
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vrf2_vlan_id, id=4, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=port_mac1)
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, port_ip1, 0, l3_msg.group_id, vrf2)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| """send packet to verify on VRF vrf1"""
| """>"""
| switch_mac_str = convertMACtoStr(intf_src_mac)
| port_mac1_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac1)
| port_mac2_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac2)
| ttl=64
| #send packet
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac1_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf1_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac2_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf1_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| """>"""
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac2_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf1_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac1_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf1_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| """send packet to verify on VRF vrf2"""
| """>"""
| switch_mac_str = convertMACtoStr(intf_src_mac)
| port_mac1_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac1)
| port_mac2_str = convertMACtoStr(port_mac2)
| ttl=64
| #send packet
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac1_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf2_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac2_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf2_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip1_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip2_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| """>"""
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac_str,
| eth_src=port_mac2_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf2_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=ttl,
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port_mac1_str,
| eth_src=switch_mac_str,
| dl_vlan_enable=True,
| vlan_vid=vrf2_vlan_id,
| ip_ttl=(ttl-1),
| ip_src=port_ip2_str,
| ip_dst=port_ip1_str)
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastECMP(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port2(vlan2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| if len(config["port_map"]) <2:
| logging.info("Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
| return
| vlan_id=1
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| dst_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
| dip=0xc0a80001
| for port in config["port_map"].keys():
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| dst_mac[5]=vlan_id
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=dst_mac)
| ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [l3_msg.group_id])
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
| #add unicast routing flow
| dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id<<8)
| #ECMP shall have prefix not 32
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id)
| vlan_id += 1
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
| #port 1 to port 2
| switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac[5]=1
| port1_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=port1_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac[5]=2
| port2_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port2_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| #port 2 to port 1
| switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac[5]=2
| port2_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=port2_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port2, pkt)
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac[5]=1
| port1_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=port1_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src="",
| ip_dst='')
| pkt=str(exp_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port1)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3UcastECMP2(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Port1(vlan1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x01, ,
| Port2(vlan2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x02,
| Portn(vlann, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x0n, 19.168.n.1)
| """
| def runTest(self):
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| if len(config["port_map"]) <3:
| logging.info("Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
| return
| vlan_id=1
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| same_dst_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22]
| l3_ucast_gips=[]
| tx_port = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| for port in config["port_map"].keys():
| #add l2 interface group
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| if tx_port != port:
| l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=same_dst_mac)
| l3_ucast_gips.append(l3_msg.group_id)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
| vlan_id += 1
| tx_dip=0x0a0a0a0a
| tx_sip=0x0b0a0a0a
| ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, l3_ucast_gips)
| #ECMP shall have prefix not 32
| add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, tx_dip, 0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id)
| do_barrier(self.controller)
| switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| packet_src_mac="00:00:33:44:55:66"
| #from unknown src ip to unknown dst ip, to verify ecmp
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=packet_src_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src=convertIP4toStr(tx_sip),
| ip_dst=convertIP4toStr(tx_dip))
| self.dataplane.send(tx_port, str(parsed_pkt))
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in same_dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=dst_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src=convertIP4toStr(tx_sip),
| ip_dst=convertIP4toStr(tx_dip))
| verify_packet(self, exp_pkt, config["port_map"].keys()[2])
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| tx_sip=tx_sip+0x01000000
| #from unknown scr ip to unknown dst ip, to verify ecmp
| parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=switch_mac,
| eth_src=packet_src_mac,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src=convertIP4toStr(tx_sip),
| ip_dst=convertIP4toStr(tx_dip))
| self.dataplane.send(tx_port, str(parsed_pkt))
| #build expect packet
| dst_mac=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in same_dst_mac])
| exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=dst_mac,
| eth_src=switch_mac,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src=convertIP4toStr(tx_sip),
| ip_dst=convertIP4toStr(tx_dip))
| verify_packet(self, exp_pkt, config["port_map"].keys()[1])
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3McastRoute1(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Mcast routing, From VLAN 1 to VLAN 2
| """
| def runTest(self):
| """
| port1 (vlan 1)-> port 2 (vlan 2)
| """
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| if len(config["port_map"]) <3:
| logging.info("Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
| return
| vlan_id =1
| port2_out_vlan=2
| port3_out_vlan=3
| in_vlan=1 #macast group vid shall use input vlan diffe from l3 interface use output vlan
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| intf_src_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac=[0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
| dst_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| port1_mac=[0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
| port1_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
| src_ip=0xc0a80101
| src_ip_str=""
| dst_ip=0xe0010101
| dst_ip_str=""
| port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
| port3=config["port_map"].keys()[2]
| #add l2 interface group
| for port in config["port_map"].keys():
| add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| vlan_id +=1
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
| #add l3 interface group
| port2_ucast_msg=add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port2, port2_out_vlan, 2, intf_src_mac)
| port3_ucast_msg=add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port3, port3_out_vlan, 3, intf_src_mac)
| mcat_group_msg=add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, in_vlan, 2, [port2_ucast_msg.group_id, port3_ucast_msg.group_id])
| add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, in_vlan, src_ip, 0, dst_ip, mcat_group_msg.group_id)
| parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
| eth_src=port1_mac_str,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src=src_ip_str,
| ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
| parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
| eth_src=intf_src_mac_str,
| ip_ttl=63,
| ip_src=src_ip_str,
| ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port3)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)
| class L3McastRoute2(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
| """
| Mcast routing, but on same vlan (l2mcast)
| """
| def runTest(self):
| """
| port1 (vlan 1)-> port 2 (vlan 1)
| """
| delete_all_flows(self.controller)
| delete_all_groups(self.controller)
| if len(config["port_map"]) <2:
| logging.info("Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
| return
| vlan_id =1
| intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
| intf_src_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
| dst_mac=[0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
| dst_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
| port1_mac=[0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
| port1_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
| src_ip=0xc0a80101
| src_ip_str=""
| dst_ip=0xe0010101
| dst_ip_str=""
| port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
| port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
| #add l2 interface group
| l2_intf_group_list=[]
| for port in config["port_map"].keys():
| if port != port1 and port !=port2:
| continue
| l2_intf_gid, msg=add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
| l2_intf_group_list.append(l2_intf_gid)
| #add vlan flow table
| add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_BOTH)
| #add termination flow
| add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
| #add l3 interface group
| mcat_group_msg=add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, vlan_id, 2, l2_intf_group_list)
| add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, vlan_id, src_ip, 0, dst_ip, mcat_group_msg.group_id)
| parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
| eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
| eth_src=port1_mac_str,
| ip_ttl=64,
| ip_src=src_ip_str,
| ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
| pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
| self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
| verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
| verify_no_other_packets(self)