Optionally allow empty junit test results

Change-Id: Ic0f8f939e32bdbc2bf264e0386cb97489877aacb
diff --git a/jjb/defaults.yaml b/jjb/defaults.yaml
index cc7c685..f7770bb 100644
--- a/jjb/defaults.yaml
+++ b/jjb/defaults.yaml
@@ -128,3 +128,7 @@
     # siab helm-charts
     siab-projects-regexp: '^(xos-core/.*|xos-profiles/seba-services/.*|xos-profiles/base-kubernetes/.*|workflows/att-workflow/.*|voltha/.*|onos/.*)$'
+    # Optionally allow JUnit results to be empty when test framework is set up,
+    # but no tests exist. Default behavior is to fail when test results are empty.
+    junit-allow-empty-results: false
diff --git a/jjb/python-unit.yaml b/jjb/python-unit.yaml
index e035f45..a11b533 100644
--- a/jjb/python-unit.yaml
+++ b/jjb/python-unit.yaml
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
       - junit:
           results: "**/*junit.xml,**/*results.xml,**/*report.xml"
+          allow-empty-results: '{junit-allow-empty-results}'
       - cobertura:
           report-file: "**/*coverage.xml"
diff --git a/jjb/verify/chameleon.yaml b/jjb/verify/chameleon.yaml
index 63cfbc9..02bb32c 100644
--- a/jjb/verify/chameleon.yaml
+++ b/jjb/verify/chameleon.yaml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
       - 'verify-chameleon-jobs':
           branch-regexp: '{supported-branches-regexp}'
+          junit-allow-empty-results: true
       - 'publish-chameleon-jobs'
 - job-group: