SEBA-972 fix issues with physical redfish groovy script

Change-Id: If6e994363b6516887ce3c62dd33e01c662938f58
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy
index 1a50e9e..ee16151 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
   environment {
-    PATH="$WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
+    PATH="$WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
     //VOL-2194 ONOS SSH and REST ports hardcoded to 30115/30120 in tests
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     stage ('Initialize') {
       steps {
         sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        test -e $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/voltha && cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha && ./voltha down
+        test -e $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/voltha && cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha && ./voltha down
         cd $WORKSPACE
         rm -rf $WORKSPACE/*
@@ -88,15 +88,17 @@
-    stage('Get Patch') {
-      when {
-        expression { params.withPatchset }
-      }
+    stage('Patch') {
       steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        cd voltha
-        repo download "${gerritProject}" "${gerritChangeNumber}/${gerritPatchsetNumber}"
-        """
+        sh """
+           pushd $WORKSPACE/
+           echo "${gerritProject}" "${gerritChangeNumber}" "${gerritPatchsetNumber}"
+           echo "${GERRIT_REFSPEC}"
+           git clone${gerritProject}
+           cd "${gerritProject}"
+           git fetch${gerritProject} "${GERRIT_REFSPEC}" && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+           popd
+           """
@@ -117,42 +119,79 @@
+    stage('Build olt addr list') {
+      steps {
+        script {
+          sh """
+          echo "ADDR_LIST:" > /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
+          """
+          deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
+            sh """
+            echo " - ${olt.ip}:8888" >> /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
+            """
+          }
+          sh """
+          cat /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
+          """
+        }
+      }
+    }
     stage('Create KinD Cluster') {
       steps {
         sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        git clone
-        cd kind-voltha/
+        cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
         JUST_K8S=y ./voltha up
-    stage('Build and Push Images') {
-      when {
-        expression { params.withPatchset }
-      }
+    stage('Build Redfish Importer Image') {
       steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha/\$1 DOCKER_REPOSITORY=voltha/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
-        docker images | grep citest
-        for image in \$(docker images -f "reference=*/*citest" --format "{{.Repository}}"); do echo "Pushing \$image to nodes"; kind load docker-image \$image:citest --name voltha-\$TYPE --nodes voltha-\$TYPE-worker,voltha-\$TYPE-worker2; done
-        """
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1 DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build-importer
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Build demo_test Image') {
+      steps {
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/demo_test DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Build mock-redfish-server  Image') {
+      steps {
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/mock-redfish-server DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Push Images') {
+      steps {
+        sh '''
+             docker images | grep citest
+             for image in \$(docker images -f "reference=*/*citest" --format "{{.Repository}}"); do echo "Pushing \$image to nodes"; kind load docker-image \$image:citest --name voltha-\$TYPE --nodes voltha-\$TYPE-worker,voltha-\$TYPE-worker2; done
+           '''
     stage('Deploy Voltha') {
       environment {
-        WITH_SIM_ADAPTERS="n"
-        WITH_RADIUS="y"
-        DEPLOY_K8S="n"
-        VOLTHA_LOG_LEVEL="debug"
+        WITH_SIM_ADAPTERS="no"
+        WITH_RADIUS="yes"
+        DEPLOY_K8S="no"
       steps {
         script {
           sh returnStdout: false, script: """
           export EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS='--set log_agent.enabled=False -f ${localKindVolthaValuesFile} '
-          cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/
+          cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
           echo \$EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS
           kail -n voltha -n default > $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log &
           ./voltha up
@@ -235,33 +274,29 @@
             sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service dev_mgmt_daemon start &'
             sleep 5
             sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service openolt start &'
+            # restart redfish server
+            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service psme stop' || true
+            sleep 10
+            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service psme start'
+            sleep 10
+            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'ps auxw | grep -i psme'
-            waitUntil {
-              onu_discovered = sh returnStdout: true, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'grep \"onu discover indication\" /var/log/openolt.log | wc -l'"
-              return onu_discovered.toInteger() > 0
-            }
+            // Note: ONU Discovery wait loop removed as it was not necessary
     stage('Run E2E Tests') {
-      environment {
-        ROBOT_CONFIG_FILE="${localDeploymentConfigFile}"
-        ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="${params.extraRobotArgs} --removekeywords wuks -d $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE "
-        ROBOT_FILE="Voltha_PODTests.robot"
-      }
       steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        cd voltha
-        git clone -b ${branch} ${cordRepoUrl}/cord-tester
-        mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs
-        # tell the kubernetes script to use images tagged citest and pullPolicy:Never
-        sed -i 's/master/citest/g' $WORKSPACE/voltha/device-management/kubernetes/deploy-redfish-importer.yaml
-        sed -i 's/imagePullPolicy: Always/imagePullPolicy: Never/g' $WORKSPACE/voltha/device-management/kubernetes/deploy-redfish-importer.yaml
-        make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha/device-management functional-mock-test || true
-        """
+        sh '''
+           mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs
+           # tell the kubernetes script to use images tagged citest and pullPolicy:Never
+           sed -i 's/master/citest/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
+           sed -i 's/imagePullPolicy: Always/imagePullPolicy: Never/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
+           # passing a list to robot framework on the command line is hard, so put the vars in a file
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management ROBOT_EXTRA_ARGS="-V /tmp/robot_vars.yaml"  functional-physical-test-single || true
+           '''
@@ -332,12 +367,12 @@
       step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
         disableArchiveOutput: false,
-        logFileName: 'RobotLogs/log*.html',
+        logFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/log*.html',
         otherFiles: '',
-        outputFileName: 'RobotLogs/output*.xml',
+        outputFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/output*.xml',
         outputPath: '.',
         passThreshold: 100,
-        reportFileName: 'RobotLogs/report*.html',
+        reportFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/report*.html',
         unstableThreshold: 0]);
       archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log,*.gz'