VOL-4905 - Deploy new voltctl version.

  o Added --help text and command line switches.
  o Deprecate github-release command, replace with github gh cli.
  o Update authentication to use new pac strings or token file.
  o Create and auto-cleanup a scratch area for the script to use.
  o Added callstack display on error to help identify source.
  o Command line args added to facilitate interactive use.
    + Local access functions provide value lookup and defaults.
  o Begin to modularize the script, added named functions and
    wrapped global vars with accessor methods that format
    values for passing to the gh command.
  o Updated script to fail hard VS mask error conditions.  For ex do not
    publish a source-only release when artifact count is zero.
  o Script currently runs in (gh --draft) mode to exercise these changes.
  o Always call 'gh auth logout', esp for failure conditions.
  o Added the ability to query for repository release strings.
    + Simple verification for gh repository access.

  o Use new job template jjb/github-release/voltha.yaml.
  o Update to use a new jenkins credential id.

  o Use new job template jjb/github-release/voltha.yaml

Change-Id: I75432ea353d60d655c4558c6370d91f184d3b8ad
diff --git a/.onf/github-release-notes b/.onf/github-release-notes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43e6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.onf/github-release-notes
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+[Prototyping Edits]
+Sun Mar 26 09:36:24 AM EDT 2023
+Copy jjb/github-release.yaml into jjb/github-release/voltha.yaml:
+  o credential-id
+    - old: github-release-token
+    - new: onf-bot-voltha (todo: github-release-voltha)
+  o Change id template:
+    - old: github-release
+    - new: github-release-voltha
+  o Change job template from github-release to github-release-voltha.
+   o Replace legacy github-release command with newer github gh cli.
\ No newline at end of file