Merge "[AETHER]-615 Update the Jenkins job"
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy
index 17dbf04..2925236 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
environment {
KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
- git_password = credentials("${params.git_password_env}")
- rancher_token = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
+ rancher_token = credentials("${params.rancher_cli_env}")
stages {
stage('Install tools') {
@@ -36,23 +35,33 @@
- stage('Clone Config Repo') {
- options {
- timeout(time: 10, unit: "SECONDS")
- }
- steps {
- sh '''
- git clone https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/${git_repo}
+ stage('Init git') {
+ steps {
+ withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "aether_jenkins", keyFileVariable: 'keyfile')]) {
+ sh """#!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 ${git_server} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/config
+Host ${git_server}
+ User ${git_user}
+ Hostname ${git_server}
+ Port 29418
+ IdentityFile ${keyfile}
+ git clone "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}"
if [ ! -z ${config_review} ] && [ ! -z ${config_patchset} ]; then
- cd ${git_repo}
- CFG_LAST2=$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
- git fetch "https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/a/${git_repo}" refs/changes/${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- cd ..
+ CFG_LAST2=\$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
+ git fetch "ssh://@${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}" refs/changes/\${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- '''
- }
+ """
+ }
+ }
stage('Login Rancher') {
steps {
sh '''
@@ -78,7 +87,7 @@
steps {
sh '''
- cd ${git_repo}/deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/
until rancher apps install --answers fluentbit-ans.yml --namespace ${fluentbit_ns} cattle-global-data:fluent-fluent-bit fluentbit; do :; done
apps=$(rancher apps -q | grep fluentbit)
for app in $apps; do until rancher wait $app --timeout 20; do :; done; rancher apps ls; done
@@ -89,6 +98,9 @@
post {
always {
+ sh """
+ rm -rf ${workspace}/${git_repo}
+ """
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-onos.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-onos.groovy
index d2c062a..24a7914 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-onos.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-onos.groovy
@@ -7,80 +7,71 @@
environment {
KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
- registry_password = credentials("${params.registry_password_env}")
- git_password = credentials("${params.git_password_env}")
onos_password = credentials("${params.onos_password}")
- rancher_token = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
+ git_password = credentials("${params.git_password_env}")
+ gcp = credentials("${params.gcp_credential}")
+ rancher_dev = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
stages {
stage('Install tools') {
steps {
- sh '''
+ sh """
set -x
apt-get update -y
- apt-get install -y curl wget jq git
+ apt-get install -y curl wget jq git unzip
+ # Install yq
+ wget -O /usr/bin/yq &&\
+ chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
+ yq --help
# Install kubectl
curl -LO ""
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
- # Install rancher
- wget
- tar -xvf rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- mv rancher-v2.4.5/rancher /usr/local/bin
- rm rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- rm -rf rancher-v2.4.5
- # Test Kubectl & Rancher
- KUBE_CONFIG=$KUBECONFIG kubectl get nodes
- rancher --version
- '''
+ # Install terraform
+ wget
+ unzip
+ mv terraform /usr/local/bin
+ terraform version
+ """
- stage('Clone Config Repo') {
- options {
- timeout(time: 10, unit: "SECONDS")
- }
- steps {
- sh '''
- git clone https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/${git_repo}
+ stage('Init Terraform') {
+ steps {
+ withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "aether_jenkins", keyFileVariable: 'keyfile')]) {
+ sh """#!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 ${git_server} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/config
+Host ${git_server}
+ User ${git_user}
+ Hostname ${git_server}
+ Port 29418
+ IdentityFile ${keyfile}
+ git clone "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}"
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/onos
if [ ! -z ${config_review} ] && [ ! -z ${config_patchset} ]; then
- cd ${git_repo}
- CFG_LAST2=$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
- git fetch "https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/a/${git_repo}" refs/changes/${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- echo " ${config_review}" >> deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/onos-ans.yml
- echo "config.patchset: ${config_patchset}" >> deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/onos-ans.yml
- cd ..
+ CFG_LAST2=\$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
+ git fetch "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}" refs/changes/\${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+ cp onos.yaml tmp.yaml
+cat <<EOF >> config.yaml
+ review: ${config_review}
+ patchset: ${config_patchset}
+ yq merge tmp.yaml config.yaml > onos.yaml
- '''
- }
- }
- stage('Login Rancher') {
- steps {
- sh '''
- rancher login ${rancher_server} --token ${rancher_token} --context ${rancher_context}:${rancher_project}
- '''
- }
- }
- stage('Push Secrets') {
- steps {
- sh '''
- rancher namespaces ls | grep ${onos_ns} || rancher namespaces create ${onos_ns}
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} delete secret git-secret --ignore-not-found=true
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} create secret generic git-secret --from-literal=username=${git_user} --from-literal=password=${git_password}
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} delete secret aether-registry-credential --ignore-not-found=true
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} create secret docker-registry aether-registry-credential --docker-server=${registry_server} --docker-username=${registry_user} --docker-password=${registry_password}
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} delete secret onos-secret --ignore-not-found=true
- kubectl -n ${onos_ns} create secret generic onos-secret --from-literal=username=${onos_user} --from-literal=password=${onos_password}
- '''
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform init
+ """
+ }
@@ -89,22 +80,24 @@
timeout(time: 90, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- for app in $(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(onos-tost)'); do rancher apps delete $app; done
- until [ "$(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(onos-tost)')" = "" ]; do echo "wait deleted apps"; rancher apps ls ; sleep 1; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/onos
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform destroy -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
- stage('Remove PVC') {
+ stage('Remove resources') {
options {
timeout(time: 300, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- pvcs=$(kubectl -n onos-tost get pvc -lapp=onos-tost-atomix -o name)
- for pv in $pvcs; do kubectl -n onos-tost delete $pv; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ pvcs=\$(kubectl -n onos-tost get pvc -lapp=onos-tost-atomix -o name)
+ for pv in \${pvcs}; do kubectl -n onos-tost delete \${pv}; done
+ kubectl -n ${onos_ns} delete secret onos-git-secret || true
+ kubectl -n ${onos_ns} delete secret onos-secret || true
+ """
stage('Install apps') {
@@ -112,19 +105,29 @@
timeout(time: 600, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- cd ${git_repo}/deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/
- until rancher apps install --answers onos-ans.yml --namespace ${onos_ns} cattle-global-data:${onos_catalog_name}-onos-tost onos-tost; do :; done
- apps=$(rancher apps -q | grep onos-tost)
- for app in $apps; do until rancher wait $app --timeout 20; do :; done; rancher apps ls; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/onos
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform apply -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
+ stage('Push Secrets') {
+ steps {
+ sh """
+ kubectl -n ${onos_ns} create secret generic onos-git-secret --from-literal=username=${git_user} --from-literal=password=${git_password}
+ kubectl -n ${onos_ns} create secret generic onos-secret --from-literal=username=${onos_user} --from-literal=password=${onos_password}
+ """
+ }
+ }
post {
always {
+ sh """
+ rm -rf ${workspace}/${git_repo}
+ """
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-shared.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-shared.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2869696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-shared.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+pipeline {
+ agent {
+ docker {
+ image 'ubuntu:18.04'
+ args '-u root:sudo'
+ }
+ }
+ environment {
+ KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
+ registry_password = credentials("${params.registry_password_env}")
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage('Install tools') {
+ steps {
+ sh '''
+ set -x
+ apt-get update -y
+ apt-get install -y curl
+ # Install kubectl
+ curl -LO ""
+ chmod +x ./kubectl
+ mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
+ # Test Kubectl & Rancher
+ kubectl get nodes
+ '''
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Perform Terraform') {
+ steps {
+ sh """
+ kubectl -n ${target_namespace} create secret docker-registry aether-registry-credential --docker-server=${registry_server} --docker-username=${registry_user} --docker-password=${registry_password}
+ """
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ post {
+ always {
+ cleanWs()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-stratum.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-stratum.groovy
index 24a777b..c662f37 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-stratum.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-stratum.groovy
@@ -7,89 +7,82 @@
environment {
KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
- registry_password = credentials("${params.registry_password_env}")
+ gcp = credentials("${params.gcp_credential}")
git_password = credentials("${params.git_password_env}")
- rancher_token = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
+ rancher_dev = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
stages {
stage('Install tools') {
steps {
- sh '''
+ sh """
set -x
apt-get update -y
- apt-get install -y curl wget jq git
+ apt-get install -y curl wget jq git unzip
+ # Install yq
+ wget -O /usr/bin/yq &&\
+ chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
+ yq --help
# Install kubectl
curl -LO ""
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
- # Install rancher
- wget
- tar -xvf rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- mv rancher-v2.4.5/rancher /usr/local/bin
- rm rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- rm -rf rancher-v2.4.5
- # Test Kubectl & Rancher
- KUBE_CONFIG=$KUBECONFIG kubectl get nodes
- rancher --version
- '''
+ # Install terraform
+ wget
+ unzip
+ mv terraform /usr/local/bin
+ terraform version
+ """
- stage('Clone Config Repo') {
- options {
- timeout(time: 10, unit: "SECONDS")
- }
- steps {
- sh '''
- git clone https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/${git_repo}
+ stage('Init Terraform') {
+ steps {
+ withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "aether_jenkins", keyFileVariable: 'keyfile')]) {
+ sh """#!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 ${git_server} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+cat <<EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
+Host ${git_server}
+ User ${git_user}
+ Hostname ${git_server}
+ Port 29418
+ IdentityFile ${keyfile}
+ git clone "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}"
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/stratum
if [ ! -z ${config_review} ] && [ ! -z ${config_patchset} ]; then
- cd ${git_repo}
- CFG_LAST2=$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
- git fetch "https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/a/${git_repo}" refs/changes/${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- echo " ${config_review}" >> deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/stratum-ans.yml
- echo "config.patchset: ${config_patchset}" >> deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/stratum-ans.yml
- cd ..
+ CFG_LAST2=\$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
+ git fetch "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}" refs/changes/\${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+ cp stratum.yaml tmp.yaml
+cat <<EOF >> config.yaml
+ review: ${config_review}
+ patchset: ${config_patchset}
+ yq merge tmp.yaml config.yaml > stratum.yaml
- '''
- }
- }
- stage('Login Rancher') {
- steps {
- sh '''
- rancher login ${rancher_server} --token ${rancher_token} --context ${rancher_context}:${rancher_project}
- '''
- }
- }
- stage('Push Secrets') {
- steps {
- sh '''
- rancher namespaces ls | grep ${stratum_ns} || rancher namespaces create ${stratum_ns}
- kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} delete secret git-secret --ignore-not-found=true
- kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} create secret generic git-secret --from-literal=username=${git_user} --from-literal=password=${git_password}
- kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} delete secret aether-registry-credential --ignore-not-found=true
- kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} create secret docker-registry aether-registry-credential --docker-server=${registry_server} --docker-username=${registry_user} --docker-password=${registry_password}
- '''
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform init
+ """
+ }
stage('Uninstall Apps') {
options {
timeout(time: 90, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- for app in $(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(stratum)'); do rancher apps delete $app; done
- until [ "$(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(stratum)')" = "" ]; do echo "wait deleted apps"; rancher apps ls ; sleep 1; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/stratum
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform destroy -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} delete secret stratum-git-secret || true
+ """
stage('Install apps') {
@@ -97,19 +90,29 @@
timeout(time: 600, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- cd ${git_repo}/deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/
- until rancher apps install --answers stratum-ans.yml --namespace ${stratum_ns} cattle-global-data:${stratum_catalog_name}-stratum stratum; do :; done
- apps=$(rancher apps -q | grep stratum)
- for app in $apps; do until rancher wait $app --timeout 20; do :; done; rancher apps ls; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/stratum
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform apply -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
+ stage('Push Secrets') {
+ steps {
+ sh """
+ kubectl -n ${stratum_ns} create secret generic stratum-git-secret --from-literal=username=${git_user} --from-literal=password=${git_password}
+ """
+ }
+ }
post {
always {
+ sh """
+ rm -rf ${workspace}/${git_repo}
+ """
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy
index aa5daa1..ac61496 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy
@@ -7,69 +7,64 @@
environment {
KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
- git_password = credentials("${params.git_password_env}")
- rancher_token = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
+ gcp = credentials("${params.gcp_credential}")
+ rancher_dev = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
stages {
stage('Install tools') {
steps {
- sh '''
+ sh """
set -x
apt-get update -y
- apt-get install -y curl wget jq git
+ apt-get install -y curl wget jq git unzip
# Install kubectl
curl -LO ""
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
- # Install rancher
- wget
- tar -xvf rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- mv rancher-v2.4.5/rancher /usr/local/bin
- rm rancher-linux-amd64-v2.4.5.tar.gz
- rm -rf rancher-v2.4.5
- # Test Kubectl & Rancher
- KUBE_CONFIG=$KUBECONFIG kubectl get nodes
- rancher --version
- '''
+ wget
+ unzip
+ mv terraform /usr/local/bin
+ terraform version
+ """
- stage('Clone Config Repo') {
- options {
- timeout(time: 10, unit: "SECONDS")
- }
+ stage('Init Terraform') {
steps {
- sh '''
- git clone https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/${git_repo}
+ withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "aether_jenkins", keyFileVariable: 'keyfile')]) {
+ sh """#!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 ${git_server} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/config
+Host ${git_server}
+ User ${git_user}
+ Hostname ${git_server}
+ Port 29418
+ IdentityFile ${keyfile}
+ git clone "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}"
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/telegraf
if [ ! -z ${config_review} ] && [ ! -z ${config_patchset} ]; then
- cd ${git_repo}
- CFG_LAST2=$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
- git fetch "https://${git_user}:${git_password}@${git_server}/a/${git_repo}" refs/changes/${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+ CFG_LAST2=\$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
+ git fetch "ssh://@${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}" refs/changes/\${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
- cd ..
- '''
- }
- }
- stage('Login Rancher') {
- steps {
- sh '''
- rancher login ${rancher_server} --token ${rancher_token} --context ${rancher_context}:${rancher_project}
- '''
- }
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform init
+ """
+ }
+ }
stage('Uninstall Apps') {
options {
timeout(time: 90, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- for app in $(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(telegraf)'); do rancher apps delete $app; done
- until [ "$(rancher apps ls -q | grep -E '(telegraf)')" = "" ]; do echo "wait deleted apps"; rancher apps ls ; sleep 1; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/telegraf
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform destroy -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
stage('Install apps') {
@@ -77,18 +72,19 @@
timeout(time: 600, unit: "SECONDS")
steps {
- sh '''
- cd ${git_repo}/deployment-configs/aether/apps/${config_env}/
- until rancher apps install --answers telegraf-ans.yml --namespace ${telegraf_ns} cattle-global-data:influxdata-telegraf telegraf; do :; done
- apps=$(rancher apps -q | grep telegraf)
- for app in $apps; do until rancher wait $app --timeout 20; do :; done; rancher apps ls; done
- '''
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost/telegraf
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform apply -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var 'project_name=tost' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
post {
always {
+ sh """
+ rm -rf ${workspace}/${git_repo}
+ """
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy.groovy
index 42961ff..2eba5ad 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/tost-deploy.groovy
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
environment {
KUBECONFIG = credentials("${params.k8s_config}")
+ gcp = credentials("${params.gcp_credential}")
+ rancher_dev = credentials("${params.rancher_api_env}")
stages {
stage('Install tools') {
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@
sh '''
set -x
apt-get update -y
- apt-get install -y curl wget jq git
+ apt-get install -y curl wget jq git unzip
# Install kubectl
curl -LO ""
@@ -23,9 +25,61 @@
# Test Kubectl & Rancher
kubectl get nodes
+ # Install
+ wget
+ unzip
+ mv terraform /usr/local/bin
+ terraform version
+ stage('Init Terraform') {
+ steps {
+ withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: "aether_jenkins", keyFileVariable: 'keyfile')]) {
+ sh """#!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 29418 ${git_server} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+cat <<EOF > ~/.ssh/config
+Host ${git_server}
+ User ${git_user}
+ Hostname ${git_server}
+ Port 29418
+ IdentityFile ${keyfile}
+ git clone "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}"
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost
+ if [ ! -z ${config_review} ] && [ ! -z ${config_patchset} ]; then
+ CFG_LAST2=\$(echo ${config_review} | tail -c 3)
+ git fetch "ssh://${git_server}:29418/${git_repo}" refs/changes/\${CFG_LAST2}/${config_review}/${config_patchset} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+ fi
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform init
+ """
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Perform Terraform') {
+ steps {
+ sh """
+ cd ${workspace}/${git_repo}/${terraform_dir}/tost
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform destroy -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ GOOGLE_BACKEND_CREDENTIALS=${gcp} terraform apply -var-file=${rancher_dev} -var 'cluster_name=${rancher_cluster}' -var-file=app_map.tfvars -auto-approve
+ """
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Install shared resources') {
+ steps {
+ sh(script: "date -u")
+ build(job: "${params.job_name}-shared")
+ }
+ }
stage('Parallel Stage') {
parallel {
stage('onos') {
@@ -48,7 +102,7 @@
- stage('E2E Testing') {
+ stage('E2E Testing') {
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: "SECONDS")
@@ -101,6 +155,7 @@
if [ ! -z "${params.target_server}" ]; then
kubectl delete -f test.yaml
+ rm -rf ${workspace}/${git_repo}
diff --git a/jjb/tost.yaml b/jjb/tost.yaml
index cf2947c..76125a0 100644
--- a/jjb/tost.yaml
+++ b/jjb/tost.yaml
@@ -1,294 +1,373 @@
-# TOST deployment tasks
+- project:
+ name: deploy-menlo-tost-dev
+ rancher_cluster: "tost-dev"
+ k8s_config: "tost-dev-k8s"
+ config_env: "menlo-tost-dev"
+ terraform_dir: "developing/ace-menlo"
+ #remove after migrating to terraform
+ rancher_context: "c-lggdr"
+ rancher_project: "p-npzjd"
+ rancher_server: ""
+ rancher_cli_api: "rancher_dev_token"
+ jobs:
+ - "deploy"
+ - "deploy-shared"
+ - "deploy-onos"
+ - "deploy-stratum"
+ - "deploy-telegraf"
+ - "deploy-fluentbit"
- project:
- name: deploy-menlo-tost-dev
- rancher_context: "c-lggdr"
- rancher_project: "p-2nd5q"
- k8s_config: "tost-dev-k8s"
- config_env: "menlo-tost-dev"
- jobs:
- - "deploy"
- - "deploy-onos"
- - "deploy-stratum"
- - "deploy-telegraf"
- - "deploy-fluentbit":
- rancher_project: "p -npzjd"
-- project:
- name: deploy-menlo-tost-prod2
- rancher_context: "c-5cfd8"
- rancher_project: "p-54glz"
- k8s_config: "tost-prod-k8s"
- config_env: "menlo-prd"
- rancher_server: ""
- rancher_api: "rancher_prod_token"
- jobs:
- - "deploy-onos"
- - "deploy-stratum"
- - "deploy-telegraf"
- - "deploy-fluentbit":
- rancher_project: "p-7kx2z"
+ name: deploy-menlo-production
+ rancher_cluster: "production-edge-onf-menlo"
+ k8s_config: "tost-prod-k8s"
+ config_env: "menlo-prd"
+ terraform_dir: "production/ace-menlo"
+ rancher_api: "rancher_prod_terraform"
+ #remove after migrating to terraform
+ rancher_context: "c-5cfd8"
+ rancher_project: "p-htfwq"
+ rancher_server: ""
+ rancher_cli_api: "rancher_prod_token"
+ scm_type: "prod-scm"
+ jobs:
+ - "deploy"
+ - "deploy-onos"
+ - "deploy-shared"
+ - "deploy-stratum"
+ - "deploy-telegraf"
+ - "deploy-fluentbit"
- job-template:
- name: "{name}-onos"
- id: "deploy-onos"
- rancher_server: ""
- rancher_api: "rancher_dev_token"
- git_server: ""
- git_user: "aether_jenkins"
- git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
- registry_server: ""
- registry_user: "admin"
- disabled: true
- pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-onos.groovy"
- project-type: pipeline
- dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
- parameters:
- - string:
- name: rancher_server
- default: "{rancher_server}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_context
- default: "{rancher_context}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_project
- default: "{rancher_project}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_api_env
- default: "{rancher_api}"
- - string:
- name: git_repo
- default: "{git_repo}"
- - string:
- name: git_server
- default: "{git_server}"
- - string:
- name: git_user
- default: "{git_user}"
- - string:
- name: git_password_env
- default: "gerrit_password"
- - string:
- name: onos_catalog_name
- default: "onos"
- - string:
- name: onos_ns
- default: "onos-tost"
- - string:
- name: onos_user
- default: "onos"
- - string:
- name: onos_password
- default: "onos_password"
- - string:
- name: registry_server
- default: "{registry_server}"
- - string:
- name: registry_user
- default: "{registry_user}"
- - string:
- name: registry_password_env
- default: "aether_registry_password"
- - string:
- name: config_review
- - string:
- name: config_patchset
- - string:
- name: config_env
- default: "{config_env}"
- - string:
- name: k8s_config
- default: "{k8s_config}"
+ name: "{name}-onos"
+ id: "deploy-onos"
+ rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
+ git_server: ""
+ git_user: "aether_jenkins"
+ git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
+ gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-onos.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: gcp_credential
+ default: "{gcp_credential}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cluster
+ default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_api_env
+ default: "{rancher_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_repo
+ default: "{git_repo}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_server
+ default: "{git_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_user
+ default: "{git_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_password_env
+ default: "gerrit_password"
+ - string:
+ name: terraform_dir
+ default: "{terraform_dir}"
+ - string:
+ name: onos_catalog_name
+ default: "onos"
+ - string:
+ name: onos_ns
+ default: "tost"
+ - string:
+ name: onos_user
+ default: "onos"
+ - string:
+ name: onos_password
+ default: "onos_password"
+ - string:
+ name: config_review
+ - string:
+ name: config_patchset
+ - string:
+ name: config_env
+ default: "{config_env}"
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
- name: "{name}-stratum"
- id: "deploy-stratum"
- rancher_server: ""
- rancher_api: "rancher_dev_token"
- git_server: ""
- git_user: "aether_jenkins"
- git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
- registry_server: ""
- registry_user: "admin"
- disabled: true
- pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-stratum.groovy"
- project-type: pipeline
- dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
- parameters:
- - string:
- name: rancher_server
- default: "{rancher_server}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_context
- default: "{rancher_context}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_project
- default: "{rancher_project}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_api_env
- default: "{rancher_api}"
- - string:
- name: git_repo
- default: "{git_repo}"
- - string:
- name: git_server
- default: "{git_server}"
- - string:
- name: git_user
- default: "{git_user}"
- - string:
- name: git_password_env
- default: "gerrit_password"
- - string:
- name: stratum_ns
- default: "stratum"
- - string:
- name: stratum_catalog_name
- default: "stratum"
- - string:
- name: registry_server
- default: "{registry_server}"
- - string:
- name: registry_user
- default: "{registry_user}"
- - string:
- name: registry_password_env
- default: "aether_registry_password"
- - string:
- name: config_review
- - string:
- name: config_patchset
- - string:
- name: config_env
- default: "{config_env}"
- - string:
- name: k8s_config
- default: "{k8s_config}"
+ name: "{name}-stratum"
+ id: "deploy-stratum"
+ rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
+ git_server: ""
+ git_user: "aether_jenkins"
+ git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
+ gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-stratum.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: gcp_credential
+ default: "{gcp_credential}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cluster
+ default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_api_env
+ default: "{rancher_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_repo
+ default: "{git_repo}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_server
+ default: "{git_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_user
+ default: "{git_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_password_env
+ default: "gerrit_password"
+ - string:
+ name: terraform_dir
+ default: "{terraform_dir}"
+ - string:
+ name: stratum_ns
+ default: "tost"
+ - string:
+ name: stratum_catalog_name
+ default: "stratum"
+ - string:
+ name: config_review
+ - string:
+ name: config_patchset
+ - string:
+ name: config_env
+ default: "{config_env}"
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
- name: "{name}-telegraf"
- id: "deploy-telegraf"
- rancher_server: ""
- rancher_api: "rancher_dev_token"
- git_server: ""
- git_user: "aether_jenkins"
- git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
- disabled: true
- pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy"
- project-type: pipeline
- dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
- parameters:
- - string:
- name: rancher_server
- default: "{rancher_server}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_context
- default: "{rancher_context}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_project
- default: "{rancher_project}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_api_env
- default: "{rancher_api}"
- - string:
- name: git_repo
- default: "{git_repo}"
- - string:
- name: git_server
- default: "{git_server}"
- - string:
- name: git_user
- default: "{git_user}"
- - string:
- name: git_password_env
- default: "gerrit_password"
- - string:
- name: telegraf_ns
- default: "telegraf"
- - string:
- name: config_review
- - string:
- name: config_patchset
- - string:
- name: config_env
- default: "{config_env}"
- - string:
- name: k8s_config
- default: "{k8s_config}"
+ name: "{name}-telegraf"
+ id: "deploy-telegraf"
+ rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
+ git_server: ""
+ git_user: "aether_jenkins"
+ git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
+ gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-telegraf.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: gcp_credential
+ default: "{gcp_credential}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cluster
+ default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_api_env
+ default: "{rancher_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_repo
+ default: "{git_repo}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_server
+ default: "{git_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_user
+ default: "{git_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: terraform_dir
+ default: "{terraform_dir}"
+ - string:
+ name: telegraf_ns
+ default: "tost"
+ - string:
+ name: config_review
+ - string:
+ name: config_patchset
+ - string:
+ name: config_env
+ default: "{config_env}"
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
- name: "{name}-fluentbit"
- id: "deploy-fluentbit"
- rancher_server: ""
- rancher_api: "rancher_dev_token"
- git_server: ""
- git_user: "aether_jenkins"
- git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
- disabled: true
- pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy"
- project-type: pipeline
- dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
- parameters:
- - string:
- name: rancher_server
- default: "{rancher_server}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_context
- default: "{rancher_context}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_project
- default: "{rancher_project}"
- - string:
- name: rancher_api_env
- default: "{rancher_api}"
- - string:
- name: git_repo
- default: "{git_repo}"
- - string:
- name: git_server
- default: "{git_server}"
- - string:
- name: git_user
- default: "{git_user}"
- - string:
- name: git_password_env
- default: "gerrit_password"
- - string:
- name: fluentbit_ns
- default: "logging"
- - string:
- name: config_review
- - string:
- name: config_patchset
- - string:
- name: config_env
- default: "{config_env}"
- - string:
- name: k8s_config
- default: "{k8s_config}"
+ name: "{name}-fluentbit"
+ id: "deploy-fluentbit"
+ # Remove after migrating to Terraform
+ rancher_cli_api: "rancher_dev_token"
+ # End of parametes
+ rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
+ git_server: ""
+ git_user: "aether_jenkins"
+ git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
+ gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-fluentbit.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ # Remove after migrating to Terraform
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cli_env
+ default: "{rancher_cli_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_server
+ default: "{rancher_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_context
+ default: "{rancher_context}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_project
+ default: "{rancher_project}"
+ # End of parametes
+ - string:
+ name: gcp_credential
+ default: "{gcp_credential}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cluster
+ default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_api_env
+ default: "{rancher_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_repo
+ default: "{git_repo}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_server
+ default: "{git_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_user
+ default: "{git_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: terraform_dir
+ default: "{terraform_dir}"
+ - string:
+ name: fluentbit_ns
+ default: "logging"
+ - string:
+ name: config_review
+ - string:
+ name: config_patchset
+ - string:
+ name: config_env
+ default: "{config_env}"
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"
- job-template:
- name: "{name}"
- id: "deploy"
- disabled: true
- pipeline-script: "tost-deploy.groovy"
- project-type: pipeline
- dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
- parameters:
- - string:
- name: job_name
- default: "{name}"
- - string:
- name: target_server
- - string:
- name: k8s_config
- default: "{k8s_config}"
+ name: "{name}"
+ id: "deploy"
+ git_server: ""
+ git_user: "aether_jenkins"
+ git_repo: "aether-pod-configs"
+ rancher_api: "Rancher_Dev_Terraform"
+ gcp_credential: "gcp_bucket_terraform"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: job_name
+ default: "{name}"
+ - string:
+ name: gcp_credential
+ default: "{gcp_credential}"
+ - string:
+ name: target_server
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_api_env
+ default: "{rancher_api}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_repo
+ default: "{git_repo}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_server
+ default: "{git_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: git_user
+ default: "{git_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: rancher_cluster
+ default: "{rancher_cluster}"
+ - string:
+ name: terraform_dir
+ default: "{terraform_dir}"
+ - string:
+ name: config_review
+ - string:
+ name: config_patchset
+- job-template:
+ name: "{name}-shared"
+ id: "deploy-shared"
+ registry_server: ""
+ registry_user: "admin"
+ target_namespace: "tost"
+ project-type: pipeline
+ disabled: true
+ pipeline-script: "tost-deploy-shared.groovy"
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 7
+ numToKeep: 10
+ artifactDaysToKeep: 7
+ artifactNumToKeep: 10
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: job_name
+ default: "{name}"
+ - string:
+ name: registry_server
+ default: "{registry_server}"
+ - string:
+ name: registry_user
+ default: "{registry_user}"
+ - string:
+ name: registry_password_env
+ default: "aether_registry_password"
+ - string:
+ name: target_namespace
+ default: "{target_namespace}"
+ - string:
+ name: k8s_config
+ default: "{k8s_config}"