[VOL-3780] Migrating pipelines to use voltha-infra and voltha-stack charts through shared keywords

Change-Id: I55a9847126b4ecfa326fa882d57e6381e4cef425
diff --git a/jjb/bbsim-e2e-scale.yaml b/jjb/bbsim-e2e-scale.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 741941a..0000000
--- a/jjb/bbsim-e2e-scale.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# bbsim end to end scale test job
-- project:
-    name: bbsim-e2e-scale
-    project-name: '{name}'
-    jobs:
-      - 'bbsim-e2e-setup'
-- job-template:
-    id: 'bbsim-e2e-setup'
-    name: 'bbsim-end-to-end-setup'
-    description: |
-      <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/bbsim-e2e-scale.yaml  <br /><br />
-      E2E Validation for Seba-in-a-Box
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: 'ubuntu16.04-basebuild-4c-8g'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: false
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/bbsim-scale.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/bbsim-validation.yaml b/jjb/bbsim-validation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a8aa632..0000000
--- a/jjb/bbsim-validation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# bbsim test job
-- project:
-    name: bbsim-test
-    project-name: '{name}'
-    jobs:
-      - 'bbsim-validation-voltha-1.6'
-      - 'bbsim-validation-master'
-- job-template:
-    id: 'bbsim-validation-voltha-1.6'
-    name: 'BBSIM-Validation-Voltha-1.6'
-    description: |
-      <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/bbsim-validation.yaml  <br /><br />
-      Tests run for validation of BBSIM. Tests reside in the helm chart template
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: 'qct-pod2-node1'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{cord-repo-manifest}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: 'master'
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-      - string:
-          name: deploymentConfig
-          default: 'bbsim-voltha-1.6.yml'
-          description: 'kubernetes configurations file'
-      - string:
-          name: OnuCount
-          default: '16'
-          description: 'Number of ONUs per pon port'
-      - string:
-          name: EmulationMode
-          default: '--set emulation_mode=both'
-          description: 'Emulation for BBSIM (both|aaa)'
-      - string:
-          name: TestTags
-          default: ''
-          description: 'Tests to include/exclude. eg "-e serviceinstances"'
-      - string:
-          name: TestTimeout
-          default: '300s'
-          description: 'timeout for each test case (increase as you scale up)'
-      - bool:
-          name: ArchiveLogs
-          default: true
-          description: 'Archive all pod logs after test run'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: false
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/bbsim-validation.groovy
-- job-template:
-    id: 'bbsim-validation-master'
-    name: 'BBSIM-Validation-Voltha-master'
-    description: |
-      <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/bbsim-validation.yaml  <br /><br />
-      Tests run for validation of BBSIM. Tests reside in the helm chart template
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: 'qct-pod2-node1'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{cord-repo-manifest}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: 'master'
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-      - string:
-          name: deploymentConfig
-          default: 'bbsim-voltha-master.yml'
-          description: 'kubernetes configurations file'
-      - string:
-          name: OnuCount
-          default: '16'
-          description: 'Number of ONUs per pon port'
-      - string:
-          name: EmulationMode
-          default: '--set emulation_mode=both'
-          description: 'Emulation for BBSIM (both|aaa)'
-      - string:
-          name: TestTags
-          default: ''
-          description: 'Tests to include/exclude. eg "-e serviceinstances"'
-      - string:
-          name: TestTimeout
-          default: '300s'
-          description: 'timeout for each test case (increase as you scale up)'
-      - bool:
-          name: ArchiveLogs
-          default: true
-          description: 'Archive all pod logs after test run'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: false
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/bbsim-validation.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/device-management.yaml b/jjb/device-management.yaml
index cb929f5..dcbf82b 100644
--- a/jjb/device-management.yaml
+++ b/jjb/device-management.yaml
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
     name: 'verify_{project}_sanity-test{name-extension}'
     extra-helm-flags: ''
     skip-vote: false
+    volthaSystemTestsChange: ''
+    volthaHelmChartsChange: ''
     description: |
       <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
@@ -45,12 +47,7 @@
           description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
       - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{voltha-test-manifest-repo}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
+          name: branch
           default: 'master'
           description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
@@ -60,20 +57,25 @@
           description: 'Name of the Gerrit project'
       - string:
-          name: gerritChangeNumber
-          default: '$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER'
-          description: 'Changeset number in Gerrit'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritPatchsetNumber
-          default: '$GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER'
-          description: 'PatchSet number in Gerrit'
+          name: gerritRefspec
+          default: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+          description: 'PatchSet REFSPEC in Gerrit, example value: "refs/changes/79/18779/13"'
       - string:
           name: extraHelmFlags
           default: '{extra-helm-flags}'
           description: 'Helm flags to pass to ./voltha up'
+      - string:
+          name: volthaSystemTestsChange
+          default: '{volthaSystemTestsChange}'
+          description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the voltha-system-tests repo, example value: "refs/changes/79/18779/13"'
+      - string:
+          name: volthaHelmChartsChange
+          default: '{volthaHelmChartsChange}'
+          description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the voltha-helm-charts repo, example value: "refs/changes/79/18779/13"'
     project-type: pipeline
     concurrent: true
@@ -247,4 +249,3 @@
       - timed: |
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/bbsim-scale.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/bbsim-scale.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a05cfd..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/bbsim-scale.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* bbsim-scale test */
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  options {
-      timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')
-  }
-  environment {
-      NAME="minimal"
-      WITH_RADIUS="y"
-      WITH_BBSIM="y"
-      CONFIG_SADIS="y"
-      FANCY=0
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage('Create K8s Cluster') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           git clone https:/gerrit.opencord.org/kind-voltha
-           cd kind-voltha/
-           DEPLOY_K8S=y JUST_K8S=y ./voltha up
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Deploy Voltha') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-           cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/
-           echo \$HELM_FLAG
-           ./voltha up
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-  }
-    post {
-        always {
-          sh '''
-             WAIT_ON_DOWN=y ./voltha down
-             cd $WORKSPACE/
-             rm -rf kind-voltha/ voltha/ || true
-             '''
-        }
-        failure {
-          sh '''
-             '''
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-mock-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/device-management-mock-tests.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index ac575a5..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-mock-tests.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// voltha-2.x e2e tests
-// uses kind-voltha to deploy voltha-2.X
-// uses bbsim to simulate OLT/ONUs
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  options {
-    timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')
-  }
-  environment {
-    KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/kind-config-voltha-minimal"
-    VOLTCONFIG="$HOME/.volt/config-minimal"
-    PATH="$WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
-    NAME="minimal"
-    FANCY=0
-    WITH_RADIUS="y"
-    WITH_BBSIM="y"
-    DEPLOY_K8S="y"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage('Repo') {
-      steps {
-        step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
-        checkout(changelog: false, \
-          poll: false,
-          scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', \
-            manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}", \
-            manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}", \
-            currentBranch: true, \
-            destinationDir: 'voltha', \
-            forceSync: true,
-            resetFirst: true, \
-            quiet: true, \
-            jobs: 4, \
-            showAllChanges: true] \
-          )
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Patch') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           pushd $WORKSPACE/
-           echo "${gerritProject}" "${gerritChangeNumber}" "${gerritPatchsetNumber}"
-           echo "${GERRIT_REFSPEC}"
-           git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/${gerritProject}
-           cd "${gerritProject}"
-           git fetch https://gerrit.opencord.org/${gerritProject} "${GERRIT_REFSPEC}" && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
-           popd
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Create K8s Cluster') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
-           JUST_K8S=y ./voltha up
-           bash <( curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boz/kail/master/godownloader.sh) -b "$WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/bin"
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build Redfish Importer Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1 DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build-importer
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build demo_test Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/demo_test DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build mock-redfish-server  Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/mock-redfish-server DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Push Images') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-             docker images | grep citest
-             for image in \$(docker images -f "reference=*/*citest" --format "{{.Repository}}"); do echo "Pushing \$image to nodes"; kind load docker-image \$image:citest --name voltha-\$NAME --nodes voltha-\$NAME-worker,voltha-\$NAME-worker2; done
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Deploy Voltha') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-           export EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS="--set log_agent.enabled=False ${extraHelmFlags} "
-           cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
-           echo \$EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS
-           kail -n voltha -n default > $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log &
-           ./voltha up
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Run E2E Tests') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-           mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs
-           # tell the kubernetes script to use images tagged citest and pullPolicy:Never
-           sed -i 's/master/citest/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
-           sed -i 's/imagePullPolicy: Always/imagePullPolicy: Never/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management functional-mock-test || true
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    always {
-      sh '''
-         set +e
-         cp $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/install-minimal.log $WORKSPACE/
-         kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.image}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-         kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.imageID}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-         kubectl get nodes -o wide
-         kubectl get pods -o wide
-         kubectl get pods -n voltha -o wide
-         sync
-         pkill kail || true
-         md5sum $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/bin/voltctl
-         ## Pull out errors from log files
-         extract_errors_go() {
-           echo
-           echo "Error summary for $1:"
-           grep $1 $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep '"level":"error"' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | jq -r '.msg'
-           echo
-         }
-         extract_errors_python() {
-           echo
-           echo "Error summary for $1:"
-           grep $1 $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep 'ERROR' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-
-           echo
-         }
-         extract_errors_go voltha-rw-core > $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-         extract_errors_go adapter-open-olt >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-         extract_errors_python adapter-open-onu >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-         extract_errors_python voltha-ofagent >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-         gzip $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log
-         ## shut down kind-voltha
-         cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha
-	       WAIT_ON_DOWN=y ./voltha down
-         '''
-         step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
-            disableArchiveOutput: false,
-            logFileName: 'RobotLogs/log*.html',
-            otherFiles: '',
-            outputFileName: 'RobotLogs/output*.xml',
-            outputPath: '.',
-            passThreshold: 80,
-            reportFileName: 'RobotLogs/report*.html',
-            unstableThreshold: 0]);
-         archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log,*.gz'
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
index 779c506..8b02a88 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
@@ -66,15 +66,6 @@
     stage('Deploy - '+ name + ' workflow') {
         def extraHelmFlags = "${extraHelmFlags} --set global.log_level=DEBUG,onu=1,pon=1 "
-        // use harbor as passthrough cache for docker containers
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set global.image_registry=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org/ "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set etcd.image.registry=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set kafka.image.registry=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set kafka.zookeper.image.registry=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set onos-classic.image.repository=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org/voltha/voltha-onos "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set onos-classic.atomix.image.repository=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org/atomix/atomix "
-        extraHelmFlags += " --set freeradius.images.radius.registry=mirror.registry.opennetworking.org/ "
         if (gerritProject != "") {
           extraHelmFlags = extraHelmFlags + customImageFlags("${gerritProject}")
@@ -84,7 +75,12 @@
           localCharts = true
-        volthaDeploy([workflow: name, extraHelmFlags: extraHelmFlags, localCharts: localCharts])
+        volthaDeploy([
+          workflow: name,
+          extraHelmFlags:extraHelmFlags,
+          localCharts: localCharts,
+          dockerRegistry: "mirror.registry.opennetworking.org"
+        ])
         // start logging
         sh """
         mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/${name}
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/device-management-mock-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/device-management-mock-tests.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a15ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/device-management-mock-tests.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// NOTE we are importing the library even if it's global so that it's
+// easier to change the keywords during a replay
+library identifier: 'cord-jenkins-libraries@master',
+    retriever: modernSCM([
+      $class: 'GitSCMSource',
+      remote: 'https://gerrit.opencord.org/ci-management.git'
+def localCharts = false
+pipeline {
+  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
+  agent {
+    label "${params.buildNode}"
+  }
+  options {
+    timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')
+  }
+  environment {
+    KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/kind-config-voltha-minimal"
+    PATH="$PATH:$WORKSPACE/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
+  }
+  stages {
+    stage('Download Code') {
+      steps {
+        getVolthaCode([
+          branch: "${branch}",
+          gerritProject: "${gerritProject}",
+          gerritRefspec: "${gerritRefspec}",
+          volthaSystemTestsChange: "${volthaSystemTestsChange}",
+          volthaHelmChartsChange: "${volthaHelmChartsChange}",
+        ])
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Build Redfish Importer Image') {
+      steps {
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1 DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build-importer
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Build demo_test Image') {
+      steps {
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/demo_test DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Build mock-redfish-server  Image') {
+      steps {
+        sh """
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/mock-redfish-server DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
+           """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Create K8s Cluster') {
+      steps {
+        createKubernetesCluster([nodes: 3])
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Load image in kind nodes') {
+      steps {
+        loadToKind()
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Deploy Voltha') {
+      steps {
+        script {
+          if (branch != "master" || volthaHelmChartsChange != "") {
+            // if we're using a release or testing changes in the charts, then use the local clone
+            localCharts = true
+          }
+        }
+        volthaDeploy([
+          workflow: "att",
+          extraHelmFlags: extraHelmFlags,
+          dockerRegistry: "mirror.registry.opennetworking.org",
+          localCharts: localCharts,
+        ])
+        // start logging
+        sh """
+        mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/att
+        _TAG=kail-att kail -n infra -n voltha -n default > $WORKSPACE/att/onos-voltha-combined.log &
+        """
+        // forward ONOS and VOLTHA ports
+        sh """
+        _TAG=onos-port-forward kubectl port-forward --address -n infra svc/voltha-infra-onos-classic-hs 8101:8101&
+        _TAG=onos-port-forward kubectl port-forward --address -n infra svc/voltha-infra-onos-classic-hs 8181:8181&
+        _TAG=voltha-port-forward kubectl port-forward --address -n voltha svc/voltha-voltha-api 55555:55555&
+        """
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Run E2E Tests') {
+      steps {
+        sh '''
+           mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs
+           # tell the kubernetes script to use images tagged citest and pullPolicy:Never
+           sed -i 's/master/citest/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
+           sed -i 's/imagePullPolicy: Always/imagePullPolicy: Never/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
+           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management functional-mock-test || true
+           '''
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  post {
+    always {
+      sh '''
+         set +e
+         kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.image}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
+         kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.imageID}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
+         kubectl get nodes -o wide
+         kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
+         sync
+         pkill kail || true
+         ## Pull out errors from log files
+         extract_errors_go() {
+           echo
+           echo "Error summary for $1:"
+           grep $1 $WORKSPACE/att/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep '"level":"error"' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | jq -r '.msg'
+           echo
+         }
+         extract_errors_python() {
+           echo
+           echo "Error summary for $1:"
+           grep $1 $WORKSPACE/att/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep 'ERROR' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-
+           echo
+         }
+         extract_errors_go voltha-rw-core > $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
+         extract_errors_go adapter-open-olt >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
+         extract_errors_python adapter-open-onu >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
+         extract_errors_python voltha-ofagent >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
+         gzip $WORKSPACE/att/onos-voltha-combined.log
+         '''
+         step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
+            disableArchiveOutput: false,
+            logFileName: 'RobotLogs/log*.html',
+            otherFiles: '',
+            outputFileName: 'RobotLogs/output*.xml',
+            outputPath: '.',
+            passThreshold: 80,
+            reportFileName: 'RobotLogs/report*.html',
+            unstableThreshold: 0]);
+         archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log,**/*.gz'
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/jjb/verify/device-management.yaml b/jjb/verify/device-management.yaml
index 3921ad9..58f2dec 100644
--- a/jjb/verify/device-management.yaml
+++ b/jjb/verify/device-management.yaml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
           junit-allow-empty-results: true
           build-node: 'ubuntu16.04-basebuild-2c-4g'
       - 'device-management-patch-test':
-          pipeline-script: 'device-management-mock-tests.groovy'
+          pipeline-script: 'voltha/master/device-management-mock-tests.groovy'
 - job-group:
     name: 'publish-device-management-jobs'