Update Blackduck jobs

- Add post-merge jobs
- Rename periodic jobs
- Add an ONOS gerrit periodic check
- Use `blackduck-project` and eliminate use of `project-name`

Change-Id: I37cbb13c9b8f3915a76e1a125df9f38f189fc116
diff --git a/jjb/defaults.yaml b/jjb/defaults.yaml
index d8cf63e..cfcd176 100644
--- a/jjb/defaults.yaml
+++ b/jjb/defaults.yaml
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
     platform-branches-regexp: '^(master|cord-6.1)$'
     seba-branches-regexp: '^(master|seba-1.0)$'
+    # matchs all project repos
+    all-projects-regexp: '.*'
     # for matching repos that build docker images with imagebuilder
     # As of 2019-04-16 most of the services actively being developed use the
     # make-based image generation process managed by the `docker-publish` job
diff --git a/jjb/omec-ci.yaml b/jjb/omec-ci.yaml
index 6540486..0de0763 100644
--- a/jjb/omec-ci.yaml
+++ b/jjb/omec-ci.yaml
@@ -7,13 +7,12 @@
 - project:
     name: omec-license-check
-    project-name: '{name}'
+    blackduck-project: omec
-      - 'synopsys-check':
-          build-node: "ubuntu16.04-basebuild-2c-4g"
-          blackduck-project: omec
+      - 'synopsys-periodic-check':
           github-organization: omec-project
+          build-node: "ubuntu16.04-basebuild-2c-4g"
           git-server-url: "https://github.com/omec-project"
 # generic OMEC test-case jobs, shared by other projects and triggered within pipelines
diff --git a/jjb/onos.yaml b/jjb/onos.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..153b86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/onos.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# onos jobs
+# Currently is only the license check across all repos on onos gerrit
+# Kind of a hack as it should happen in ONOS gerrit, but temporary
+- project:
+    name: onos-license-check
+    blackduck-project: onos
+    jobs:
+      - 'synopsys-periodic-check':
+          build-node: "ubuntu16.04-basebuild-2c-4g"
+          git-server-url: "https://gerrit.onosproject.org"
diff --git a/jjb/opencord.yaml b/jjb/opencord.yaml
index 7b41d59..cf23aea 100644
--- a/jjb/opencord.yaml
+++ b/jjb/opencord.yaml
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 # Currently is only the license check across all repos
 - project:
-    name: opencord-license-check
+    name: cord-licensing-check
-    project-name: '{name}'
+    blackduck-project: cord
-      - 'synopsys-check':
+      - 'synopsys-periodic-check':
           build-node: "ubuntu16.04-basebuild-2c-4g"
-          blackduck-project: opencord
           git-server-url: "{gerrit-server-url}"
+      - 'synopsys-merge-check'
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/docker-publish.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/docker-publish.groovy
index 9279635..dce23f1 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/docker-publish.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/docker-publish.groovy
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
 /* docker-publish pipeline */
 pipeline {
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-check.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-check.groovy
index f111415..c0fca94 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-check.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-check.groovy
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         script {
           repos.each { gitRepo ->
             sh "echo Running Synopsys Detect on: ${gitRepo}"
-            synopsys_detect("--detect.source.path=${gitRepo} --detect.project.name=${blackduck_project} --detect.project.version.name=${branch} --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.snippet.mode=true --detect.tools=ALL --detect.cleanup=false")
+            synopsys_detect("--detect.source.path=${gitRepo} --detect.project.name=${blackduck_project}_${gitRepo} --detect.project.version.name=${branch} --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.snippet.mode=true --detect.tools=ALL --detect.cleanup=false")
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-single.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-single.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1df6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/synopsys-single.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// synopsys-single.groovy
+// checks a single repo against synopsys
+pipeline {
+  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
+  agent {
+    label "${params.executorNode}"
+  }
+  options {
+      timeout(30)
+  }
+  stages {
+    stage ("Clean workspace") {
+      steps {
+        sh 'rm -rf *'
+      }
+    }
+    stage('checkout') {
+      steps {
+        checkout([
+          $class: 'GitSCM',
+          userRemoteConfigs: [[
+            url: "${params.gitUrl}",
+            name: "${params.gitRef}",
+          ]],
+          extensions: [
+            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
+            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "${params.projectName}"],
+            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
+          ],
+        ])
+        script {
+          git_tag_or_branch = sh(script:"cd $projectName; if [[ \$(git tag -l --points-at HEAD) ]]; then git tag -l --points-at HEAD; else ${branchName}; fi", returnStdout: true).trim()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    stage ("Synopsys Detect") {
+      steps {
+        sh "echo Running Synopsys Detect on: ${params.projectName}"
+        synopsys_detect("--detect.source.path=${params.projectName} --detect.project.name=${blackduck_project}_${params.projectName} --detect.project.version.name=$git_tag_or_branch --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.snippet.mode=true --detect.tools=ALL --detect.cleanup=false")
+      }
+    }
+    stage ("Save logs") {
+      steps {
+        sh returnStdout: true, script: """
+          echo COPYING LOGS
+          mkdir -p bd_logs
+          cp -r /home/jenkins/blackduck/runs/* bd_logs
+          ls -l bd_logs/*/*
+          """
+        archiveArtifacts artifacts:'bd_logs/**/*.*'
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml b/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml
index 979554a..5fbf4a1 100644
--- a/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml
+++ b/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 # Check for license issues with the Synopsys "Black Duck" tool
 - job-template:
-    id: 'synopsys-check'
-    name: 'synopsys-check_{blackduck-project}'
+    id: 'synopsys-periodic-check'
+    name: 'synopsys-periodic-check_{blackduck-project}'
     description: |
+                  Periodic merge check of code with synopsys toolset
                   Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml<br/>
                   Copyright (c) 2018-present Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
@@ -55,3 +56,67 @@
        - timed: |
                  H 3 * * *
+- job-template:
+    id: 'synopsys-merge-check'
+    name: 'synopsys-merge-check_{blackduck-project}'
+    description: |
+                  Post-merge check of code with synopsys toolset
+                  Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/synopsys-check.yaml<br/>
+                  Copyright (c) 2018-present Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+    triggers:
+      - cord-infra-gerrit-trigger-merge:
+          gerrit-server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
+          project-regexp: '{all-projects-regexp}'
+          branch-regexp: '{all-branches-regexp}'
+          file-include-regexp: '{all-files-regexp}'
+          dependency-jobs: '{dependency-jobs}'
+    properties:
+      - cord-infra-properties:
+          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
+          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
+    wrappers:
+      - lf-infra-wrappers:
+          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
+          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+         name: executorNode
+         default: '{build-node}'
+         description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
+      - string:
+          name: gitUrl
+          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/$GERRIT_PROJECT'
+          description: 'URL to the git repo'
+      - string:
+          name: gitRef
+          default: '$GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION'
+          description: 'git ref to build (commit hash or tag)'
+      - string:
+          name: projectName
+          default: '$GERRIT_PROJECT'
+          description: 'Name of the project in Gerrit'
+      - string:
+          name: branchName
+          default: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
+          description: 'Branch of the project in Gerrit'
+      - string:
+         name: blackduck_project
+         default: '{blackduck-project}'
+         description: 'The project to assign repos to in the BlackDuck dashboard'
+    project-type: pipeline
+    concurrent: true
+    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/synopsys-single.groovy