Merge "[CORD-3185]v2"
diff --git a/jjb/defaults.yaml b/jjb/defaults.yaml
index 7c9857f..b991127 100644
--- a/jjb/defaults.yaml
+++ b/jjb/defaults.yaml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# The most frequently used type of build node
# see other build node types under "Cloud > Amazon EC2" at
- #
+ #
build-node: ubuntu16.04-basebuild-1c-1g
# CORD Gerrit server definition, set in configuration
diff --git a/jjb/k8install.yaml b/jjb/k8install.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b35b41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/k8install.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# kubespray installation validation job
+- project:
+ name: kubespray-install-test
+ project-name: '{name}'
+ jobs:
+ - 'k8-install'
+- job-template:
+ id: 'k8-install'
+ name: 'k8-install'
+ description: |
+ <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
+ Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/k8install.yaml <br /><br />
+ Validation job for kubespray installation script provided to users/operators
+ properties:
+ - cord-infra-properties:
+ build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
+ artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
+ wrappers:
+ - lf-infra-wrappers:
+ build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
+ jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: executorNode
+ default: 'qa-testvm-pod'
+ description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
+ - string:
+ name: branch
+ default: 'master'
+ description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
+ - string:
+ name: configRepoUrl
+ default: ''
+ description: 'The URL of the POD configs repository'
+ - string:
+ name: configRepoBaseDir
+ default: 'pod-configs/'
+ description: 'The directory inside the POD configs repository'
+ - string:
+ name: configRepoFile
+ default: 'kubernetes-configs/flex-onf-pod1.yml'
+ description: 'The deployment config file'
+ project-type: pipeline
+ concurrent: false
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/kubespray-install.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/kubespray-install.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/kubespray-install.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..676f514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/kubespray-install.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/*kubespray installation script test*/
+pipeline {
+ /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
+ agent {
+ label "${params.executorNode}"
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage ("Parse deployment configuration file") {
+ steps {
+ sh returnStdout: true, script: 'rm -rf ${configRepoBaseDir}'
+ sh returnStdout: true, script: 'git clone -b ${branch} ${configRepoUrl}'
+ script { deployment_config = readYaml file: "${configRepoBaseDir}${configRepoFile}" }
+ }
+ }
+ stage ('Checkout Automation-Tools Repo') {
+ steps {
+ sh '''
+ pushd $WORKSPACE
+ git clone
+ popd
+ '''
+ }
+ }
+ stage ('Install Kubespray on Nodes') {
+ steps {
+ sh '''
+ pushd $WORKSPACE/automation-tools/kubespray-installer
+ ./ -i flex-onf-pod1 ${deployment_config.node1.ip} ${deployment_config.node2.ip} ${deployment_config.node3.ip}
+ popd
+ '''
+ }
+ }
+ stage ('Validate Kube Config File') {
+ steps {
+ sh '''
+ pushd $WORKSPACE/automation-tools/kubespray-installer/configs
+ #Validate the conf file
+ export KUBECONFIG=$WORKSPACE/automation-tools/kubespray-installer/configs${deployment_config.pod_config}
+ kubectl get pods
+ popd
+ '''
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/jjb/shell/ b/jjb/shell/
index e7b76f0..0972793 100755
--- a/jjb/shell/
+++ b/jjb/shell/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
set -e -u -o pipefail
# if no args, and there's a Jenkinsfile in cwd, check it
diff --git a/packer/provision/ b/packer/provision/
index cfee70e..b933ec4 100644
--- a/packer/provision/
+++ b/packer/provision/
@@ -165,10 +165,19 @@
rm -f minikube.deb
- # give sudo permissions on minikube to jenkins user, so `minikube init` can be run
- cat <<EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/88-jenkins-minikube
+ # install protobufs
+ PROTOC_SHA256SUM="feb112bbc11ea4e2f7ef89a359b5e1c04428ba6cfa5ee628c410eccbfe0b64c3"
+ curl -L -o /tmp/protoc-${PROTOC_VERSION}${PROTOC_VERSION}/protoc-${PROTOC_VERSION}
+ echo "$PROTOC_SHA256SUM /tmp/protoc-${PROTOC_VERSION}" | sha256sum -c -
+ unzip /tmp/protoc-${PROTOC_VERSION} -d protoc3
+ mv /tmp/protoc3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
+ mv /tmp/protoc3/include/* /usr/local/include/
+ # give sudo permissions on minikube and protoc to jenkins user
+ cat <<EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/88-jenkins-minikube-protoc
+Cmnd_Alias CMDS = /usr/local/bin/protoc, /usr/bin/minikube
Defaults:jenkins !requiretty
-jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /usr/bin/minikube
# clean up