[VOL-5094] - Fix periodic-voltha-memory-leak-test-bbsim
o Changed install target from venv-activate-script to
venv-activate-patched to better support installation
of the v3.10+ python interpreter.
o bbsim-tests is a central script used by multiple repo jobs.
There is a chance some external repos/jobs may fail if they are not using
the latest version of makefiles/virtualenv.mk. Fix for that problem
(if it even surfaces) is update to the latest version in repo:onf-make.
o repo:voltha-system-tests is using the latest virtualenv.mk so update
target name.
o Insert stage banners to improve log readability.
o make lint / whitespace clenaup in the master/bbsim script.
Change-Id: I845a700e080b61ea27ad1884f391b49bdbe12e9c
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
index 753e0a4..3ffe223 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/bbsim-tests.groovy
@@ -256,18 +256,32 @@
} // if (teardown)
} // stage('Deploy Voltha')
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stage("Run test ${testTarget} on workflow ${workflow}")
sh """
- echo -e "\n** Monitor using mem_consumption.py ?"
+ echo -e '** Monitor memory consumption: ENTER'
if [ ${withMonitoring} = true ] ; then
+ cat <<EOM
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Monitoring memory usage with mem_consumption.py
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow}"
cd "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests"
- make venv-activate-script
+ echo '** Installing python virtualenv'
+ make venv-activate-patched
set +u && source .venv/bin/activate && set -u
# Collect initial memory consumption
python scripts/mem_consumption.py -o $WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow} -a -n ${volthaNamespace}
+ echo -e '** Monitor memory consumption: LEAVE\n'
sh """
@@ -293,11 +307,22 @@
echo -e '** Gather robot Framework logs: LEAVE\n'
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sh """
echo -e '** Monitor pod-mem-consumption: ENTER'
if [ ${withMonitoring} = true ] ; then
+ cat <<EOM
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Monitoring pod-memory-consumption using mem_consumption.py
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cd "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests"
- make venv-activate-script
+ echo '** Installing python virtualenv'
+ make venv-activate-patched
set +u && source .venv/bin/activate && set -u
# Collect memory consumption of voltha pods once all the tests are complete
python scripts/mem_consumption.py -o $WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow} -a -n ${volthaNamespace}
@@ -321,15 +346,15 @@
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
println("${iam}: ENTER (exitStatus=${exitStatus})")
sh """
kubectl logs -n voltha -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=voltha > $WORKSPACE/${exitStatus}/voltha.log
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log,**/*.gz,**/*.txt,**/*.html,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-att/*,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-dt/*,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-tt/*'
sh(returnStdout:true, script: '''
echo '** Running: pgrep --list-full kail-startup (ENTER)'
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
index dd92425..ddb9708 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/voltha-2.12/bbsim-tests.groovy
@@ -256,18 +256,32 @@
} // if (teardown)
} // stage('Deploy Voltha')
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stage("Run test ${testTarget} on workflow ${workflow}")
sh """
- echo -e "\n** Monitor using mem_consumption.py ?"
+ echo -e '** Monitor memory consumption: ENTER'
if [ ${withMonitoring} = true ] ; then
+ cat <<EOM
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Monitoring memory usage with mem_consumption.py
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow}"
cd "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests"
- make venv-activate-script
+ echo '** Installing python virtualenv'
+ make venv-activate-patched
set +u && source .venv/bin/activate && set -u
# Collect initial memory consumption
python scripts/mem_consumption.py -o $WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow} -a -n ${volthaNamespace}
+ echo -e '** Monitor memory consumption: LEAVE\n'
sh """
@@ -293,11 +307,22 @@
echo -e '** Gather robot Framework logs: LEAVE\n'
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sh """
echo -e '** Monitor pod-mem-consumption: ENTER'
if [ ${withMonitoring} = true ] ; then
+ cat <<EOM
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+** Monitoring pod-memory-consumption using mem_consumption.py
+** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cd "$WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests"
- make venv-activate-script
+ echo '** Installing python virtualenv'
+ make venv-activate-patched
set +u && source .venv/bin/activate && set -u
# Collect memory consumption of voltha pods once all the tests are complete
python scripts/mem_consumption.py -o $WORKSPACE/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-${workflow} -a -n ${volthaNamespace}
@@ -321,15 +346,15 @@
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
println("${iam}: ENTER (exitStatus=${exitStatus})")
sh """
kubectl logs -n voltha -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=voltha > $WORKSPACE/${exitStatus}/voltha.log
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log,**/*.gz,**/*.txt,**/*.html,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-att/*,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-dt/*,**/voltha-pods-mem-consumption-tt/*'
sh(returnStdout:true, script: '''
echo '** Running: pgrep --list-full kail-startup (ENTER)'