Added build_voltha_pod_manual_test job to trigger test jobs manually
Change-Id: I35a0e046d3c24fbfd315591bb5c28cd9cad22554
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml b/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
index 7ba8dbb..d00d1be 100644
--- a/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
+++ b/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
@@ -551,3 +551,122 @@
- timed: |
+# VOLTHA Manual Test Job
+# This job is triggered manually
+- job-template:
+ name: 'build_{config-pod}_{profile}{name-extension}_voltha_{release}_manual_test'
+ id: build_voltha_pod_manual_test
+ disabled: '{disable-job}'
+ description: |
+ Post Tests on {config-pod} triggered by build_{config-pod}_{branch}, using {pipeline-script}<br /><br />
+ Created from job-template {id} from ci-management/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml <br />
+ Created by Suchitra Vemuri, <br />
+ Copyright (c) 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+ <<: *voltha-pipe-job-boiler-plate
+ pipeline-script: 'voltha-physical-functional-tests.groovy'
+ manifest-url: ''
+ manifest-branch: 'master'
+ oltAdapterAppLabel: 'adapter-open-olt'
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: buildNode
+ default: '{build-node}'
+ description: 'Name of the Jenkins executor node to run the job on'
+ - string:
+ name: TestNodeName
+ default: '{build-node}'
+ description: 'DEPRECATED - use buildNode instead'
+ - string:
+ name: cordRepoUrl
+ default: '{gerrit-server-url}'
+ description: 'The URL of the CORD Project repository'
+ - string:
+ name: configBaseDir
+ default: 'pod-configs'
+ description: 'The directory inside the POD configs repository'
+ - string:
+ name: configDeploymentDir
+ default: 'deployment-configs'
+ description: 'The deployment configs folder'
+ - string:
+ name: configKubernetesDir
+ default: 'kubernetes-configs'
+ description: 'The kubernetes config folder'
+ - string:
+ name: configToscaDir
+ default: 'tosca-configs'
+ description: 'The tosca config folder'
+ - string:
+ name: configFileName
+ default: '{config-pod}'
+ description: 'The config file'
+ - string:
+ name: profile
+ default: '{profile}'
+ description: 'Technology Profile pushed to the ETCD'
+ - string:
+ name: branch
+ default: '{branch}'
+ description: 'Branch of the test libraries to check out'
+ - string:
+ name: manifestUrl
+ default: '{manifest-url}'
+ description: 'Repo manifest URL for code checkout (so we can display changes in Jenkins)'
+ - string:
+ name: manifestBranch
+ default: '{manifest-branch}'
+ description: 'Repo manifest branch for code checkout (so we can display changes in Jenkins)'
+ - string:
+ name: workFlow
+ default: '{work-flow}'
+ description: 'Installs and uses the specified work flow on the POD'
+ - bool:
+ name: powerSwitch
+ default: '{power-switch}'
+ description: "Indicate whether POD has power switch to reboot ONUs/OLT remotely"
+ - string:
+ name: oltAdapterAppLabel
+ default: '{oltAdapterAppLabel}'
+ description: 'OLT adapter pod name'
+ - string:
+ name: testType
+ default: '{test-type}'
+ description: 'Passes the required test category to the groovy script'
+ - string:
+ name: volthaSystemTestsChange
+ default: '{volthaSystemTestsChange}'
+ description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the voltha-system-tests repo, example value: "refs/changes/79/18779/13"'
+ - string:
+ name: kindVolthaChange
+ default: '{kindVolthaChange}'
+ description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the kind-voltha repo, example value: "refs/changes/32/19132/1"'
+ - string:
+ name: cordTesterChange
+ default: '{cordTesterChange}'
+ description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the kind-voltha repo, example value: "refs/changes/32/19132/1"'
+ concurrent: true
+ project-type: pipeline
+ dsl: !include-raw-escape: ../pipeline/{pipeline-script}