Merge "Avoid failure in case no port-forwards are present. Without || true the result will be ps aux grep port-forw grep -v grep awk '{print $2}' xargs --no-run-if-empty kill -9 kill: (15338): No such process"
diff --git a/jjb/device-management.yaml b/jjb/device-management.yaml
index 1c6d46f..08e62b5 100644
--- a/jjb/device-management.yaml
+++ b/jjb/device-management.yaml
@@ -1,22 +1,6 @@
 # device-management tests
-- project:
-    name: device-management-e2e
-    project-name: '{name}'
-    jobs:
-      # Per-patchset Pod builds on Tucson pod
-      - 'verify_physical_device-management_patchset_manual':
-          name: 'verify_physical_device-management_patchset_manual'
-          testvm: 'tucson-pod'
-          config-pod: 'tucson-pod'
-          branch: 'master'
-          oltDebVersion: 'openolt_asfvolt16-3.3.3-1a5d68b50d8bcc5ba6cb1630d3294c30c37cd2f5-40G-NNI.deb'
-          profile: 'Default'
-          time-trigger: "@daily"
 - job-template:
     id: 'device-management-patch-test'
     name: 'verify_{project}_sanity-test{name-extension}'
@@ -64,7 +48,7 @@
       - string:
           name: extraHelmFlags
           default: '{extra-helm-flags}'
-          description: 'Helm flags to pass to ./voltha up'
+          description: 'Helm flags to pass to every helm install command'
       - string:
           name: volthaSystemTestsChange
@@ -108,144 +92,3 @@
             failed: '{skip-vote}'
             unstable: '{skip-vote}'
             notbuilt: '{skip-vote}'
-# POD Per Patchset Pipeline Jobs
-- job-template:
-    name: '{name}'
-    id: verify_physical_device-management_patchset_manual
-    description: |
-                  <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
-                  Automated build on POD {config-pod} using {pipeline-script} <br /><br />
-                  Created from job-template {id} from ci-management/jjb/device-management.yaml <br />
-                  Created by Andy Bavier, <br />
-                  Copyright (c) 2019 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
-    sandbox: true
-    pipeline-script: 'device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy'
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: '{testvm}'
-          description: 'Pod management node'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{voltha-test-manifest-repo}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: master
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritProject
-          default: 'device-management'
-          description: 'Name of the Gerrit project'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritRefSpec
-          default: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
-          description: 'Refspec for the Gerrit patchset'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritEventCommentText
-          default: '$GERRIT_EVENT_COMMENT_TEXT'
-          description: 'Comment text from gerrit commit'
-      - string:
-          name: cordRepoUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}'
-          description: 'The URL of the CORD Project repository'
-      - string:
-          name: podName
-          default: '{config-pod}'
-      - string:
-          name: deploymentConfigFile
-          default: 'pod-configs/deployment-configs/{config-pod}.yaml'
-          description: 'Path of deployment config file'
-      - string:
-          name: kindVolthaValuesFile
-          default: 'pod-configs/kubernetes-configs/voltha/{config-pod}.yml'
-          description: 'Path of kind-voltha values override file'
-      - string:
-          name: sadisConfigFile
-          default: 'voltha/voltha-system-tests/tests/data/{config-pod}-sadis.json'
-          description: 'Path of SADIS config to load'
-      - string:
-          name: localConfigDir
-          default: null
-          description: 'If specified, config file paths are relative to this dir; otherwise $WORKSPACE'
-      - string:
-          name: configRepo
-          default: 'pod-configs'
-          description: 'A repository containing the config files, will be checked out if specified'
-      - string:
-          name: oltDebVersion
-          default: '{oltDebVersion}'
-          description: 'OLT Software version to install'
-      - string:
-          name: branch
-          default: '{branch}'
-      - string:
-          name: profile
-          default: '{profile}'
-          description: 'Technology Profile pushed to the ETCD'
-      - string:
-          name: notificationEmail
-          default: ''
-          description: ''
-      - bool:
-          name: reinstallOlt
-          default: true
-          description: "Re-install OLT software"
-      - string:
-          name: extraRobotArgs
-          default: '-i sanity'
-          description: 'Arguments to pass to robot'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: true
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/{pipeline-script}
-    triggers:
-      - gerrit:
-          server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
-          dependency-jobs: '{dependency-jobs}'
-          silent-start: false
-          successful-message: "PASSED hardware test"
-          failure-message: "FAILED hardware test"
-          unstable-message: "UNSTABLE hardware test"
-          trigger-on:
-            - comment-added-contains-event:
-                comment-contains-value: '^hardware test$'
-            - comment-added-contains-event:
-                comment-contains-value: '^hardware test with delay$'
-          projects:
-            - project-compare-type: REG_EXP
-              project-pattern: '^device-management$'
-              branches:
-                - branch-compare-type: PLAIN
-                  branch-pattern: 'master'
-      - timed: |
-                 TZ=America/Los_Angeles
-                 {time-trigger}
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6579cc4..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/device-management-physical-build-and-tests.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// deploy VOLTHA built from patchset on a physical pod and run e2e test
-// uses kind-voltha to deploy voltha-2.X
-// Need this so that deployment_config has global scope when it's read later
-deployment_config = null
-localDeploymentConfigFile = null
-localKindVolthaValuesFile = null
-localSadisConfigFile = null
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  options {
-      timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')
-  }
-  environment {
-    KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/kind-config-voltha-minimal"
-    VOLTCONFIG="$HOME/.volt/config-minimal"
-    PATH="$WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
-    NAME="minimal"
-    FANCY=0
-    //VOL-2194 ONOS SSH and REST ports hardcoded to 30115/30120 in tests
-    ONOS_SSH_PORT=30115
-    ONOS_API_PORT=30120
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage ('Initialize') {
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        test -e $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/voltha && cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha && ./voltha down
-        cd $WORKSPACE
-        rm -rf $WORKSPACE/*
-        """
-        script {
-          if (env.configRepo && ! env.localConfigDir) {
-            env.localConfigDir = "$WORKSPACE"
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: "git clone -b master ${cordRepoUrl}/${configRepo}"
-          }
-          localDeploymentConfigFile = "${env.localConfigDir}/${params.deploymentConfigFile}"
-          localKindVolthaValuesFile = "${env.localConfigDir}/${params.kindVolthaValuesFile}"
-          localSadisConfigFile = "${env.localConfigDir}/${params.sadisConfigFile}"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Repo') {
-      steps {
-        checkout(changelog: true,
-          poll: false,
-          scm: [$class: 'RepoScm',
-            manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}",
-            manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}",
-            currentBranch: true,
-            destinationDir: 'voltha',
-            forceSync: true,
-            resetFirst: true,
-            quiet: true,
-            jobs: 4,
-            showAllChanges: true]
-          )
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Patch') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           pushd $WORKSPACE/
-           git clone${gerritProject}
-           cd "${gerritProject}"
-           if [[ ! -z "${gerritRefSpec}" ]]; then
-               git fetch${gerritProject} "${gerritRefSpec}" && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
-           fi
-           popd
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Check config files') {
-      steps {
-        script {
-          try {
-            deployment_config = readYaml file: "${localDeploymentConfigFile}"
-          } catch (err) {
-            echo "Error reading ${localDeploymentConfigFile}"
-            throw err
-          }
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-          if [ ! -e ${localKindVolthaValuesFile} ]; then echo "${localKindVolthaValuesFile} not found"; exit 1; fi
-          if [ ! -e ${localSadisConfigFile} ]; then echo "${localSadisConfigFile} not found"; exit 1; fi
-          """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build olt addr list') {
-      steps {
-        script {
-          sh """
-          echo "ADDR_LIST:" > /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
-          """
-          deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-            sh """
-            echo " - ${olt.ip}:8888" >> /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
-            """
-          }
-          sh """
-          cat /tmp/robot_vars.yaml
-          """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Create KinD Cluster') {
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
-        JUST_K8S=y ./voltha up
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build Redfish Importer Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1 DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build-importer
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build demo_test Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/demo_test DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Build mock-redfish-server  Image') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management/\$1/mock-redfish-server DOCKER_REPOSITORY=opencord/ DOCKER_TAG=citest docker-build
-           """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Push Images') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-             docker images | grep citest
-             for image in \$(docker images -f "reference=*/*citest" --format "{{.Repository}}"); do echo "Pushing \$image to nodes"; kind load docker-image \$image:citest --name voltha-\$NAME --nodes voltha-\$NAME-worker,voltha-\$NAME-worker2; done
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Deploy Voltha') {
-      environment {
-        WITH_SIM_ADAPTERS="no"
-        WITH_RADIUS="yes"
-        DEPLOY_K8S="no"
-      }
-      steps {
-        script {
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-          export EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS='--set log_agent.enabled=False -f ${localKindVolthaValuesFile} '
-          cd $WORKSPACE/voltha/kind-voltha/
-          echo \$EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS
-          kail -n voltha -n default > $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log &
-          ./voltha up
-          """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Deploy Kafka Dump Chart') {
-      steps {
-        script {
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-              helm repo add cord
-              helm repo update
-              helm del --purge voltha-kafka-dump || true
-              helm install -n voltha-kafka-dump cord/voltha-kafka-dump
-          """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Push Tech-Profile') {
-      when {
-        expression { params.profile != "Default" }
-      }
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        etcd_container=\$(kubectl get pods -n voltha | grep voltha-etcd-cluster | awk 'NR==1{print \$1}')
-        kubectl cp $WORKSPACE/voltha/voltha-system-tests/tests/data/TechProfile-${profile}.json voltha/\$etcd_container:/tmp/flexpod.json
-        kubectl exec -it \$etcd_container -n voltha -- /bin/sh -c 'cat /tmp/flexpod.json | ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl put service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/64'
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Push Sadis-config') {
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        curl -sSL --user karaf:karaf -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json http://${deployment_config.nodes[0].ip}:$ONOS_API_PORT/onos/v1/network/configuration --data @${localSadisConfigFile}
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Reinstall OLT software') {
-      when {
-        expression { params.reinstallOlt }
-      }
-      steps {
-        script {
-          deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service openolt stop' || true"
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'killall dev_mgmt_daemon' || true"
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'dpkg --remove asfvolt16 && dpkg --purge asfvolt16'"
-            waitUntil {
-              olt_sw_present = sh returnStdout: true, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'dpkg --list | grep asfvolt16 | wc -l'"
-              return olt_sw_present.toInteger() == 0
-            }
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'dpkg --install ${oltDebVersion}'"
-            waitUntil {
-              olt_sw_present = sh returnStdout: true, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'dpkg --list | grep asfvolt16 | wc -l'"
-              return olt_sw_present.toInteger() == 1
-            }
-            if ( olt.fortygig ) {
-              // If the OLT is connected to a 40G switch interface, set the NNI port to be downgraded
-              sh returnStdout: false, script: "sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'echo port ce128 sp=40000 >> /broadcom/qax.soc ; /opt/bcm68620/'"
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Restart OLT processes') {
-      steps {
-        script {
-          deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-            sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-            ssh-keyscan -H ${olt.ip} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service openolt stop' || true
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'killall dev_mgmt_daemon' || true
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'rm -f /var/log/openolt.log'
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'rm -f /var/log/dev_mgmt_daemon.log'
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service dev_mgmt_daemon start &'
-            sleep 5
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service openolt start &'
-            # restart redfish server
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service psme stop' || true
-            sleep 10
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'service psme start'
-            sleep 10
-            sshpass -p ${olt.pass} ssh -l ${olt.user} ${olt.ip} 'ps auxw | grep -i psme'
-            """
-            // Note: ONU Discovery wait loop removed as it was not necessary
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Run E2E Tests') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-           mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/RobotLogs
-           # tell the kubernetes script to use images tagged citest and pullPolicy:Never
-           sed -i 's/master/citest/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
-           sed -i 's/imagePullPolicy: Always/imagePullPolicy: Never/g' $WORKSPACE/device-management/kubernetes/deploy*.yaml
-           # passing a list to robot framework on the command line is hard, so put the vars in a file
-           make -C $WORKSPACE/device-management ROBOT_EXTRA_ARGS="-V /tmp/robot_vars.yaml"  functional-physical-test-single || true
-           '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage('After-Test Delay') {
-      when {
-        expression { params.withPatchset }
-      }
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        # Note: Gerrit comment text will be prefixed by "Patch set n:" and a blank line
-        REGEX="hardware test with delay\$"
-        [[ "${gerritEventCommentText}" =~ \$REGEX ]] && sleep 10m || true
-        """
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    always {
-      sh returnStdout: false, script: '''
-      set +e
-      cp kind-voltha/install-minimal.log $WORKSPACE/
-      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.image}{'\\t'}{.imageID}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq -c
-      kubectl get nodes -o wide
-      kubectl get pods -o wide
-      kubectl get pods -n voltha -o wide
-      sync
-      pkill kail || true
-      ## Pull out errors from log files
-      extract_errors_go() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep $1 $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep '"level":"error"' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | jq -r '.msg'
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_python() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep $1 $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log | grep 'ERROR' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_go voltha-rw-core > $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_go adapter-open-olt >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python adapter-open-onu >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python voltha-ofagent >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      gzip $WORKSPACE/onos-voltha-combined.log
-      ## collect events, the chart should be running by now
-      kubectl get pods | grep -i voltha-kafka-dump | grep -i running
-      if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-         kubectl exec -it `kubectl get pods | grep -i voltha-kafka-dump | grep -i running | cut -f1 -d " "` ./ > $WORKSPACE/voltha-events.log
-      fi
-      '''
-      script {
-        deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp ${olt.user}@${olt.ip}:/var/log/openolt.log $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.ip}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.ip}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp ${olt.user}@${olt.ip}:/var/log/dev_mgmt_daemon.log $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.ip}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.ip}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          """
-        }
-      }
-      step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
-        disableArchiveOutput: false,
-        logFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/log*.html',
-        otherFiles: '',
-        outputFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/output*.xml',
-        outputPath: '.',
-        passThreshold: 100,
-        reportFileName: 'device-management/demo_test/functional_test/report*.html',
-        unstableThreshold: 0]);
-      archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log,*.gz'
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-atest-provisioning.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha-atest-provisioning.groovy
deleted file mode 100755
index 297c27d..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-atest-provisioning.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* voltha-atest-provisioning pipeline */
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage ('Clean up') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-        sudo rm -rf *
-        sudo rm -rf /home/cord/cord*
-        '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Voltha Repo') {
-      steps {
-        checkout(changelog: false, \
-          poll: false,
-          scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', \
-            manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}", \
-            manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}", \
-            currentBranch: true, \
-            destinationDir: 'cord', \
-            forceSync: true,
-            resetFirst: true, \
-            quiet: true, \
-            jobs: 4, \
-            showAllChanges: true] \
-          )
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Build Voltha and ONOS') {
-      when { expression { return params.BuildVoltha } }
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-        sudo service docker restart
-        cd $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha
-        repo download "${GERRIT_PROJECT}" "${gerritChangeNumber}/${gerritPatchsetNumber}"
-        chmod +x
-        source
-        make fetch
-        make clean
-        make build
-        '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Build BBSIM') {
-      when { expression { return params.BuildBbsim } }
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-        sudo service docker restart
-        cd $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha-bbsim
-        repo download "${GERRIT_PROJECT}" "${gerritChangeNumber}/${gerritPatchsetNumber}"
-	make DOCKER_TAG=latest docker-build
-        docker images | grep bbsim
-        '''
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Start Voltha Test Suite') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-        cd $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha/tests/atests/common/
-        ./ jenkinstest ${params.adapter} || true
-        """
-      }
-    }
-     stage('Publish') {
-      steps {
-        sh """
-           if [ -d RobotLogs ]; then rm -r RobotLogs; fi; mkdir RobotLogs
-           cp -r $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha/jenkinstest/ ./RobotLogs
-           cp -r $WORKSPACE/cord/incubator/voltha/jenkinstest/voltha_test_results/*.log $WORKSPACE/
-           """
-        step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
-            disableArchiveOutput: false,
-            logFileName: 'RobotLogs/jenkinstest/log*.html',
-            otherFiles: '',
-            outputFileName: 'RobotLogs/jenkinstest/output*.xml',
-            outputPath: '.',
-            passThreshold: 100,
-            reportFileName: 'RobotLogs/jenkinstest/report*.html',
-            unstableThreshold: 0]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    always {
-         archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log'
-         step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: ",", sendToIndividuals: false])
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-automated-build.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha-automated-build.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2ac05..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-automated-build.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* voltha-automated-build pipeline */
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage ('Cleanup workspace') {
-        steps {
-        sh 'rm -rf ./build ./component ./incubator ./onos-apps ./orchestration ./test ./.repo'
-        }
-    }
-    stage('repo') {
-      steps {
-        checkout(changelog: false, \
-          poll: false,
-          scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', \
-            manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}", \
-            manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}", \
-            currentBranch: true, \
-            destinationDir: 'cord', \
-            forceSync: true,
-            resetFirst: true, \
-            quiet: true, \
-            jobs: 4, \
-            showAllChanges: true] \
-          )
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Bring up voltha dev vm') {
-      steps {
-        sh '''
-        pushd incubator/voltha
-        vagrant up voltha
-        popd
-        '''
-        }
-      }
-    stage ('Remove the pre-created venv-linux') {
-      steps {
-        sh 'vagrant ssh -c "rm -rf /cord/incubator/voltha/venv-linux"'
-        }
-      }
-    stage ('Build voltha') {
-      steps {
-        sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && make fetch-jenkins && make jenkins" voltha' }
-        }
-    stage ('Bring up voltha containers') {
-      steps {
-        sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-docutests.yml up -d" voltha' }
-        }
-    stage ('Run Integration Tests') {
-      steps {
-        sh 'vagrant ssh -c "cd /cord/incubator/voltha && source && make jenkins-test" voltha' }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-dt-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha-dt-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index f60bd3f..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-dt-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-node {
-  // Need this so that deployment_config has global scope when it's read later
-  deployment_config = null
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  options {
-    timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')
-  }
-  environment {
-    KUBECONFIG="$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir}/${configFileName}.conf"
-    VOLTCONFIG="$HOME/.volt/config-minimal"
-    PATH="$WORKSPACE/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage('Clone kind-voltha') {
-      steps {
-        step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${kindVolthaChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "master", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "kind-voltha"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Clone voltha-system-tests') {
-      steps {
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${volthaSystemTestsChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "${branch}", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "voltha-system-tests"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Clone cord-tester') {
-      steps {
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${cordTesterChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "master", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "cord-tester"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    // This checkout allows us to show changes in Jenkins
-    // we only do this on master as we don't branch all the repos for all the releases
-    // (we should compute the difference by tracking the container version, not the code)
-    stage('Download All the VOLTHA repos') {
-      when {
-        expression {
-          return "${branch}" == 'master';
-        }
-      }
-      steps {
-       checkout(changelog: true,
-         poll: false,
-         scm: [$class: 'RepoScm',
-           manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}",
-           manifestBranch: "${params.branch}",
-           currentBranch: true,
-           destinationDir: 'voltha',
-           forceSync: true,
-           resetFirst: true,
-           quiet: true,
-           jobs: 4,
-           showAllChanges: true]
-         )
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Initialize') {
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: "git clone -b master ${cordRepoUrl}/${configBaseDir}"
-        script {
-           deployment_config = readYaml file: "${configBaseDir}/${configDeploymentDir}/${configFileName}-DT.yaml"
-        }
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/bin
-        bash <( curl -sfL -b "$WORKSPACE/bin"
-        cd $WORKSPACE
-        if [ "${params.branch}" != "master" ]; then
-           cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha
-           source releases/${params.branch}
-        else
-           VOLTCTL_VERSION=\$(curl -sSL | jq -r .tag_name | sed -e 's/^v//g')
-        fi
-        HOSTOS=\$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:"])
-        HOSTARCH=\$(uname -m | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:"])
-        if [ \$HOSTARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
-            HOSTARCH="amd64"
-        fi
-        curl -o $WORKSPACE/bin/voltctl -sSL\${VOLTCTL_VERSION}/voltctl-\${VOLTCTL_VERSION}-\${HOSTOS}-\${HOSTARCH}
-        chmod 755 $WORKSPACE/bin/voltctl
-        voltctl version --clientonly
-        # Default kind-voltha config doesn't work on ONF demo pod for accessing kvstore.
-        # The issue is that the mgmt node is also one of the k8s nodes and so port forwarding doesn't work.
-        # We should change this. In the meantime here is a workaround.
-        if [ "${params.branch}" == "master" ]; then
-           set +e
-        # Remove noise from voltha-core logs
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-        # Remove noise from openolt logs
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-        fi
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Functional Tests') {
-      environment {
-        ROBOT_CONFIG_FILE="$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configDeploymentDir}/${configFileName}-DT.yaml"
-        ROBOT_FILE="Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot"
-        ROBOT_LOGS_DIR="$WORKSPACE/RobotLogs/dt-workflow/FunctionalTests"
-      }
-      steps {
-        timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-          sh """
-          cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts
-          ./ > /dev/null &
-          ./ > /dev/null &
-          mkdir -p $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR
-          if ( ${powerSwitch} ); then
-               export ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="--removekeywords wuks -i PowerSwitch -i sanityDt -i functional -e bbsim -e notready -d $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR -v POD_NAME:${configFileName} -v KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR:$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir} -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE"
-          else
-               export ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="--removekeywords wuks -e PowerSwitch -i sanityDt -i functional -e bbsim -e notready -d $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR -v POD_NAME:${configFileName} -v KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR:$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir} -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE"
-          fi
-          make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests voltha-dt-test || true
-          """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    always {
-      sh returnStdout: false, script: '''
-      set +e
-      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.image}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.imageID}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-      kubectl get nodes -o wide
-      kubectl get pods -n voltha -o wide
-      sleep 60 # Wait for log-collector and log-combine to complete
-      # Clean up "announcer" pod used by the tests if present
-      kubectl delete pod announcer || true
-      ## Pull out errors from log files
-      extract_errors_go() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep '"level":"error"' $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/$1*
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_python() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep 'ERROR' $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/$1*
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_go voltha-rw-core > $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_go adapter-open-olt >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python adapter-open-onu >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python voltha-ofagent >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python onos >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      gzip error-report.log || true
-      cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/
-      tar czf $WORKSPACE/container-logs.tgz *
-      cd $WORKSPACE
-      gzip *-combined.log || true
-      # collect ETCD cluster logs
-      mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/etcd
-      printf '%s\n' $(kubectl get pods -l app=etcd -o=jsonpath="{.items[*]['']}") | xargs -I% bash -c "kubectl logs % > $WORKSPACE/etcd/%.log"
-      '''
-      script {
-        deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/openolt.log $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.sship}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/dev_mgmt_daemon.log $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.sship}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/startup.log $WORKSPACE/startup-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/startup-${olt.sship}.log || true # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/openolt_process_watchdog.log $WORKSPACE/openolt_process_watchdog-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/openolt_process_watchdog-${olt.sship}.log || true # Remove escape sequences
-          """
-        }
-      }
-      step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
-        disableArchiveOutput: false,
-        logFileName: '**/log*.html',
-        otherFiles: '',
-        outputFileName: '**/output*.xml',
-        outputPath: 'RobotLogs',
-        passThreshold: 100,
-        reportFileName: '**/report*.html',
-        unstableThreshold: 0
-        ]);
-      archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log,*.gz,*.tgz,etcd/*.log'
-    }
-    unstable {
-      step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "${notificationEmail}", sendToIndividuals: false])
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6850bc2..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-physical-functional-tests-openonu-go.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-node {
-  // Need this so that deployment_config has global scope when it's read later
-  deployment_config = null
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  options {
-    timeout(time: 380, unit: 'MINUTES')
-  }
-  environment {
-    KUBECONFIG="$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir}/${configFileName}.conf"
-    VOLTCONFIG="$HOME/.volt/config-minimal"
-    PATH="$WORKSPACE/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage('Clone kind-voltha') {
-      steps {
-        step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${kindVolthaChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "master", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "kind-voltha"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Clone voltha-system-tests') {
-      steps {
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${volthaSystemTestsChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "${branch}", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "voltha-system-tests"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Clone cord-tester') {
-      steps {
-        checkout([
-          $class: 'GitSCM',
-          userRemoteConfigs: [[
-            url: "",
-            refspec: "${cordTesterChange}"
-          ]],
-          branches: [[ name: "master", ]],
-          extensions: [
-            [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
-            [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: "cord-tester"],
-            [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 0, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false],
-          ],
-        ])
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Download All the VOLTHA repos') {
-      when {
-        expression {
-          return "${branch}" == 'master';
-        }
-      }
-      steps {
-       checkout(changelog: true,
-         poll: false,
-         scm: [$class: 'RepoScm',
-           manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}",
-           manifestBranch: "${params.branch}",
-           currentBranch: true,
-           destinationDir: 'voltha',
-           forceSync: true,
-           resetFirst: true,
-           quiet: true,
-           jobs: 4,
-           showAllChanges: true]
-         )
-      }
-    }
-    stage ('Initialize') {
-      steps {
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: "git clone -b master ${cordRepoUrl}/${configBaseDir}"
-        script {
-          deployment_config = readYaml file: "${configBaseDir}/${configDeploymentDir}/${configFileName}.yaml"
-        }
-        sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-        mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/bin
-        bash <( curl -sfL -b "$WORKSPACE/bin"
-        cd $WORKSPACE
-        if [ "${params.branch}" != "master" ]; then
-           cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha
-           source releases/${params.branch}
-        else
-           VOLTCTL_VERSION=\$(curl -sSL | jq -r .tag_name | sed -e 's/^v//g')
-        fi
-        HOSTOS=\$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:"])
-        HOSTARCH=\$(uname -m | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:"])
-        if [ \$HOSTARCH == "x86_64" ]; then
-            HOSTARCH="amd64"
-        fi
-        curl -o $WORKSPACE/bin/voltctl -sSL\${VOLTCTL_VERSION}/voltctl-\${VOLTCTL_VERSION}-\${HOSTOS}-\${HOSTARCH}
-        chmod 755 $WORKSPACE/bin/voltctl
-        voltctl version --clientonly
-        if [ "${params.branch}" == "master" ]; then
-        # Default kind-voltha config doesn't work on ONF demo pod for accessing kvstore.
-        # The issue is that the mgmt node is also one of the k8s nodes and so port forwarding doesn't work.
-        # We should change this. In the meantime here is a workaround.
-           set +e
-        # Remove noise from voltha-core logs
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-        # Remove noise from openolt logs
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-           voltctl log level set WARN
-        fi
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Functional Tests') {
-      environment {
-        ROBOT_CONFIG_FILE="$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configDeploymentDir}/${configFileName}.yaml"
-        ROBOT_FILE="Voltha_PODTests.robot"
-        ROBOT_LOGS_DIR="$WORKSPACE/RobotLogs/FunctionalTests"
-      }
-      steps {
-        sh """
-        cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts
-        ./ > /dev/null &
-        ./ > /dev/null &
-        mkdir -p $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR
-        if ( ${powerSwitch} ); then
-             export ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="--removekeywords wuks -i PowerSwitch -i sanity -i functional -e bbsim -e notready -d $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR -v POD_NAME:${configFileName} -v KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR:$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir} -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE"
-        else
-             export ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="--removekeywords wuks -e PowerSwitch -i sanity -i functional -e bbsim -e notready -d $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR -v POD_NAME:${configFileName} -v KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR:$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir} -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE"
-        fi
-        make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests voltha-test || true
-        """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('Dataplane Tests') {
-      environment {
-        ROBOT_CONFIG_FILE="$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configDeploymentDir}/${configFileName}.yaml"
-        ROBOT_FILE="Voltha_PODTests.robot"
-        ROBOT_LOGS_DIR="$WORKSPACE/RobotLogs/DataplaneTests"
-      }
-      steps {
-        sh """
-        mkdir -p $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR
-        export ROBOT_MISC_ARGS="--removekeywords wuks -i dataplane -e bbsim -e notready -d $ROBOT_LOGS_DIR -v POD_NAME:${configFileName} -v KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR:$WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir} -v container_log_dir:$WORKSPACE"
-        make -C $WORKSPACE/voltha-system-tests voltha-test || true
-        """
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    always {
-      sh returnStdout: false, script: '''
-      set +e
-      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.image}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{.imageID}{'\\n'}" | sort | uniq
-      kubectl get nodes -o wide
-      kubectl get pods -n voltha -o wide
-      kubectl get pods -o wide
-      sleep 60 # Wait for log-collector and log-combine to complete
-      # Clean up "announcer" pod used by the tests if present
-      kubectl delete pod announcer || true
-      ## Pull out errors from log files
-      extract_errors_go() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep '"level":"error"' $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/$1*
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_python() {
-        echo
-        echo "Error summary for $1:"
-        grep 'ERROR' $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/$1*
-        echo
-      }
-      extract_errors_go voltha-rw-core > $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_go adapter-open-olt >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python adapter-open-onu >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python voltha-ofagent >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      extract_errors_python onos >> $WORKSPACE/error-report.log
-      gzip error-report.log || true
-      rm error-report.log || true
-      cd $WORKSPACE/kind-voltha/scripts/logger/combined/
-      tar czf $WORKSPACE/container-logs.tgz *
-      rm * || true
-      cd $WORKSPACE
-      gzip *-combined.log || true
-      rm *-combined.log || true
-      # collect ETCD cluster logs
-      mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/etcd
-      printf '%s\n' $(kubectl get pods -l app=etcd -o=jsonpath="{.items[*]['']}") | xargs -I% bash -c "kubectl logs % > $WORKSPACE/etcd/%.log"
-      '''
-      script {
-        deployment_config.olts.each { olt ->
-          sh returnStdout: false, script: """
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/openolt.log $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/openolt-${olt.sship}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/dev_mgmt_daemon.log $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/dev_mgmt_daemon-${olt.sship}.log  # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/startup.log $WORKSPACE/startup-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/startup-${olt.sship}.log || true # Remove escape sequences
-          sshpass -p ${olt.pass} scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${olt.user}@${olt.sship}:/var/log/openolt_process_watchdog.log $WORKSPACE/openolt_process_watchdog-${olt.sship}.log || true
-          sed -i 's/\\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' $WORKSPACE/openolt_process_watchdog-${olt.sship}.log || true # Remove escape sequences
-          """
-        }
-      }
-      step([$class: 'RobotPublisher',
-        disableArchiveOutput: false,
-        logFileName: '**/log*.html',
-        otherFiles: '',
-        outputFileName: '**/output*.xml',
-        outputPath: 'RobotLogs',
-        passThreshold: 100,
-        reportFileName: '**/report*.html',
-        unstableThreshold: 0
-        ]);
-      archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log,*.gz,*.tgz,etcd/*.log'
-    }
-    unstable {
-      step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "${notificationEmail}", sendToIndividuals: false])
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-publish.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha-publish.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af9a53..0000000
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha-publish.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* voltha-publish pipeline */
-pipeline {
-  /* no label, executor is determined by JJB */
-  agent {
-    label "${params.buildNode}"
-  }
-  stages {
-    stage('repo') {
-      steps {
-        checkout(changelog: false, \
-          poll: false,
-          scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', \
-            manifestRepositoryUrl: "${params.manifestUrl}", \
-            manifestBranch: "${params.manifestBranch}", \
-            manifestGroup: 'voltha', \
-            currentBranch: true, \
-            destinationDir: 'cord', \
-            forceSync: true, \
-            resetFirst: true, \
-            quiet: true, \
-            jobs: 4, \
-            showAllChanges: true] \
-          )
-      }
-    }
-    stage('build'){
-      steps {
-        sh """
-          #!/usr/bin/env bash
-          pushd cord/incubator/voltha
-          if [ "${params.manifestBranch}" == "master" ]
-          then
-            TAG="latest"
-          else
-            TAG="${params.manifestBranch}"
-          fi
-          VOLTHA_BUILD=docker DOCKER_CACHE_ARG=--no-cache TAG=\$TAG make build
-          popd
-          """
-      }
-    }
-    stage('push'){
-      steps {
-        withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: 'docker-artifact-push-credentials', url: '']) {
-          sh """
-            #!/usr/bin/env bash
-            pushd cord/incubator/voltha
-            if [ "${params.manifestBranch}" == "master" ]
-            then
-              TAG="latest"
-            else
-              TAG="${params.manifestBranch}"
-            fi
-            # Check for SemVer in VERSION (only numbers and dots)
-            RELEASETAG=\$(cat voltha/VERSION|tr -d ' '|egrep '^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*\$'||true)
-            if [ "\$RELEASETAG" != "" ]
-            then
-              VOLTHA_BUILD=docker TAG=\$TAG TARGET_REPOSITORY=voltha/ TARGET_TAG=\$RELEASETAG make push
-            else
-              VOLTHA_BUILD=docker TAG=\$TAG TARGET_REPOSITORY=voltha/ TARGET_TAG=\$TAG make push
-            fi
-            popd
-            """
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  post {
-    failure {
-      emailext (
-        subject: "$PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS",
-        body: "Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results.",
-        to: "${params.failureEmail}"
-      )
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/periodic-bbsim-tests.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/periodic-bbsim-tests.groovy
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 5d5085a..d05a406
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/periodic-bbsim-tests.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/periodic-bbsim-tests.groovy
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@
           " --set onos-classic.onosApiPort=30120 " +
           " --set onos-classic.onosOfPort=31653 " +
           " --set onos-classic.individualOpenFlowNodePorts=true " + testSpecificHelmFlags
+          if (gerritProject != "") {
+            localHelmFlags = "${localHelmFlags} " + getVolthaImageFlags("${gerritProject}")
+          }
             infraNamespace: infraNamespace,
             volthaNamespace: volthaNamespace,
@@ -90,6 +95,11 @@
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG="voltha-voltha-api" bash -c "while true; do kubectl port-forward --address -n ${volthaNamespace} svc/voltha-voltha-api 55555:55555; done"&
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG="voltha-infra-etcd" bash -c "while true; do kubectl port-forward --address -n ${infraNamespace} svc/voltha-infra-etcd 2379:2379; done"&
       JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG="voltha-infra-kafka" bash -c "while true; do kubectl port-forward --address -n ${infraNamespace} svc/voltha-infra-kafka 9092:9092; done"&
+      bbsimDmiPortFwd=50075
+      for i in {0..${olts.toInteger() - 1}}; do
+        JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE="dontKillMe" _TAG="bbsim\${i}" bash -c "while true; do kubectl port-forward --address -n ${volthaNamespace} svc/bbsim\${i} 50075:\${bbsimDmiPortFwd}; done"&
+        ((bbsimDmiPortFwd++))
+      done
       ps aux | grep port-forward
@@ -152,7 +162,7 @@
     label "${params.buildNode}"
   options {
-    timeout(time: 130, unit: 'MINUTES')
+    timeout(time: "${timeout}", unit: 'MINUTES')
   environment {
@@ -173,6 +183,19 @@
+    stage('Build patch') {
+      // build the patch only if gerritProject is specified
+      when {
+        expression {
+          return !gerritProject.isEmpty()
+        }
+      }
+      steps {
+        // NOTE that the correct patch has already been checked out
+        // during the getVolthaCode step
+        buildVolthaComponent("${gerritProject}")
+      }
+    }
     stage('Create K8s Cluster') {
       steps {
         script {
@@ -185,6 +208,16 @@
+    stage('Load image in kind nodes') {
+      when {
+        expression {
+          return !gerritProject.isEmpty()
+        }
+      }
+      steps {
+        loadToKind()
+      }
+    }
     stage('Parse and execute tests') {
         steps {
           script {
diff --git a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/physical-build.groovy b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/physical-build.groovy
index 5150ad5..05a059e 100644
--- a/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/physical-build.groovy
+++ b/jjb/pipeline/voltha/master/physical-build.groovy
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
             // should the config file be suffixed with the workflow? see "deployment_config"
-            def extraHelmFlags = "-f $WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir}/voltha/${configFileName}.yml "
+            def extraHelmFlags = "-f $WORKSPACE/${configBaseDir}/${configKubernetesDir}/voltha/${configFileName}.yml --set global.log_level=${logLevel} "
             if (workFlow.toLowerCase() == "dt") {
               extraHelmFlags += " --set radius.enabled=false "
diff --git a/jjb/software-upgrades.yaml b/jjb/software-upgrades.yaml
index 971511d..687face 100644
--- a/jjb/software-upgrades.yaml
+++ b/jjb/software-upgrades.yaml
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
       - string:
           name: extraHelmFlags
           default: ''
-          description: 'Helm flags to pass to ./voltha up'
+          description: 'Helm flags to pass to every helm install command'
       - string:
           name: volthaSystemTestsChange
diff --git a/jjb/verify/kind-voltha.yaml b/jjb/verify/kind-voltha.yaml
index cf7e1ff..8b43798 100644
--- a/jjb/verify/kind-voltha.yaml
+++ b/jjb/verify/kind-voltha.yaml
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@
           pipeline-script: 'voltha/voltha-2.7/voltha-bbsim-tests.groovy'
           name-extension: '-2.7'
           override-branch: 'voltha-2.7'
+          kindVolthaChange: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-atest-provisioning.yaml b/jjb/voltha-atest-provisioning.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 703baf4..0000000
--- a/jjb/voltha-atest-provisioning.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# VOLTHA-Automated-Tests
-- project:
-    name: voltha-atests
-    project-name: 'voltha'
-    jobs:
-      - 'voltha-atest-provisioning'
-- job-template:
-    id: voltha-atest-provisioning
-    name: 'voltha-atest-provisioning'
-    description: |
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/voltha-atest-provisioning.yaml
-      Voltha automated tests run per commit. Voltha testing with ponsim to validate voltha+ponsim
-    triggers:
-      - cord-infra-gerrit-trigger-patchset:
-          gerrit-server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
-          project-regexp: 'voltha'
-          branch-regexp: '^(master|voltha-1.7)$'
-          dependency-jobs: '{dependency-jobs}'
-          file-include-regexp: '{all-files-regexp}'
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: 'qct-pod3-voltha-testing'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{cord-repo-manifest}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: 'master'
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritChangeNumber
-          default: '$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER'
-          description: 'Changeset number in Gerrit'
-      - string:
-          name: gerritPatchsetNumber
-          default: '$GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER'
-          description: 'PatchSet number in Gerrit'
-      - string:
-          name: adapter
-          default: ''
-          description: 'BLANK for ponsim'
-      - bool:
-          name: BuildVoltha
-          default: true
-          description: 'Build modified voltha component'
-      - bool:
-          name: BuildBbsim
-          default: false
-          description: 'Build modified bbsim component'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: false
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/voltha-atest-provisioning.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-automated-build.yaml b/jjb/voltha-automated-build.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a852607..0000000
--- a/jjb/voltha-automated-build.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Run build+test of voltha
-- project:
-    name: voltha-automated-build
-    project-name: '{name}'
-    jobs:
-      - 'voltha-build'
-- job-template:
-    id: voltha-build
-    name: 'voltha-automated-build'
-    description: |
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/voltha-automated-build.yaml
-    triggers:
-      - timed: |
-                 TZ=America/Los_Angeles
-                 H 2 * * *
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '60'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: 'onf-build'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{cord-repo-manifest}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: 'master'
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: true
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/voltha-automated-build.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-e2e.yaml b/jjb/voltha-e2e.yaml
index f830fe7..aca9ed9 100755
--- a/jjb/voltha-e2e.yaml
+++ b/jjb/voltha-e2e.yaml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     make-target-multipleolt: bbsim-multiolt-kind
     make-target-1t4gemtest: 1t4gem-openonu-go-adapter-test
     make-target-1t8gemtest: 1t8gem-openonu-go-adapter-test
-    make-target-reconciletest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test
+    make-target-reconciletest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-att
     make-target-reconciledttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-dt
     make-target-reconciletttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-tt
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
           time-trigger: "H H/12 * * *"
           logLevel: 'DEBUG'
           testTargets: |
-            - target: openonu-go-adapter-test
+            - target: 1t1gem-openonu-go-adapter-test
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
               workflow: att
               flags: "--set pon=2,onu=2,controlledActivation=only-onu"
               teardown: true
-            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test
+            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-att
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
           gerritRefspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
           logLevel: 'DEBUG'
           testTargets: |
-            - target: openonu-go-adapter-test
+            - target: 1t1gem-openonu-go-adapter-test
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
               workflow: att
               flags: "--set pon=2,onu=2,controlledActivation=only-onu"
               teardown: true
-            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test
+            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-att
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
           olts: 2
           logLevel: 'DEBUG'
           testTargets: |
-            - target: openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
+            - target: 1t1gem-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
-            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
+            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test-att
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
           gerritRefspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
           logLevel: 'DEBUG'
           testTargets: |
-            - target: openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
+            - target: 1t1gem-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
-            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
+            - target: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test-att
               workflow: att
               flags: ""
               teardown: true
@@ -241,6 +241,97 @@
               teardown: true
           olts: 2
+      - 'voltha-periodic-test':
+          name: 'periodic-voltha-pm-data-test-bbsim'
+          code-branch: 'master'
+          extraHelmFlags: '--set global.image_tag=master --set onos-classic.image.tag=master'
+          time-trigger: "H H/23 * * *"
+          logLevel: 'DEBUG'
+          testTargets: |
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-att
+              workflow: att
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-dt
+              workflow: dt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-tt
+              workflow: tt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+          timeout: 140
+      - 'voltha-periodic-test':
+          name: 'patchset-voltha-pm-data-test-bbsim'
+          trigger-comment: "voltha test pm data singleolt"
+          code-branch: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
+          extraHelmFlags: '--set global.image_tag=master --set onos-classic.image.tag=master'
+          code-branch: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
+          gerrit-project: '$GERRIT_PROJECT'
+          gerritRefspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+          logLevel: 'DEBUG'
+          testTargets: |
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-att
+              workflow: att
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-dt
+              workflow: dt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-single-kind-tt
+              workflow: tt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+          timeout: 140
+      - 'voltha-periodic-test':
+          name: 'periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-pm-data-test-bbsim'
+          code-branch: 'master'
+          extraHelmFlags: '--set global.image_tag=master --set onos-classic.image.tag=master --set onu=2,pon=2'
+          olts: 2
+          timeout: 180
+          logLevel: 'DEBUG'
+          testTargets: |
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-att
+              workflow: att
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-dt
+              workflow: dt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-tt
+              workflow: tt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+          time-trigger: "H H/23 * * *"
+      - 'voltha-periodic-test':
+          name: 'patchset-voltha-multiple-olts-pm-data-test-bbsim'
+          trigger-comment: "voltha test pm data multiolt"
+          code-branch: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
+          extraHelmFlags: '--set global.image_tag=master --set onos-classic.image.tag=master --set onu=2,pon=2'
+          gerrit-project: '$GERRIT_PROJECT'
+          gerritRefspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+          logLevel: 'DEBUG'
+          testTargets: |
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-att
+              workflow: att
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-dt
+              workflow: dt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+            - target: voltha-pm-data-multiolt-kind-tt
+              workflow: tt
+              flags: ""
+              teardown: true
+          olts: 2
+          timeout: 180
       - 'voltha-periodic-test-kind-voltha-based':
           name: 'periodic-voltha-multiple-olts-openonu-go-test-bbsim-2.7'
           pipeline-script: 'voltha/voltha-2.7/voltha-openonu-go-test-bbsim.groovy'
@@ -248,9 +339,9 @@
           make-target: openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
           make-target-1t4gemtest: 1t4gem-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
           make-target-1t8gemtest: 1t8gem-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
-          make-target-reconciletest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test
-          make-target-reconciledttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-dt
-          make-target-reconciletttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-test-tt
+          make-target-reconciletest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test
+          make-target-reconciledttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test-dt
+          make-target-reconciletttest: reconcile-openonu-go-adapter-multi-olt-test-tt
           withAlarms: false
           code-branch: 'voltha-2.7'
           olts: 2
@@ -448,6 +539,7 @@
     sandbox: true
     olts: 1
+    timeout: 130
     logLevel: 'INFO'
     trigger-comment: vv7CBoQQYYonvaN8xcru
@@ -484,7 +576,7 @@
       # the provided configuration and then the make target is invoked,
       # example value (has to be valid YAML):
       # testTargets: |
-      #   - target: openonu-go-adapter-test
+      #   - target: 1t1gem-openonu-go-adapter-test
       #     workflow: att
       #     flags: ""
       #     teardown: true
@@ -538,6 +630,11 @@
           default: '{logLevel}'
           description: 'Log level for all the components'
+      - string:
+          name: timeout
+          default: '{timeout}'
+          description: 'Timeout of pipeline job [minutes]'
     project-type: pipeline
     concurrent: true
@@ -743,6 +840,7 @@
     volthaHelmChartsChange: ''
     extraHelmFlags: ''
     branch-regexp: '{all-branches-regexp}'
+    kindVolthaChange: '' # this is only needed to test kind-voltha patches
     description: |
       <!-- Managed by Jenkins Job Builder -->
@@ -795,6 +893,12 @@
           default: '{override-branch}'
           description: 'Name of the branch to use'
+      # Used in the 2.7 based pipeline, can be removed after 2.8
+      - string:
+          name: kindVolthaChange
+          default: '{kindVolthaChange}'
+          description: 'Download a change for gerrit in the kind-voltha repo, example value: "refs/changes/32/19132/1" (only used to test kind-voltha changes in 2.7)'
     project-type: pipeline
     concurrent: true
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-publish.yaml b/jjb/voltha-publish.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index aa68028..0000000
--- a/jjb/voltha-publish.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# CORD docker image building + dockerhub publishing tasks
-- project:
-    name: voltha-publish
-    # add repos that have documentation to the project list in both jobs
-    jobs:
-      - 'voltha-publish':
-          project-regexp: 'voltha'
-          branch-regexp: '^(master|voltha-1.6|voltha-1.7)$'
-          build-node: 'ubuntu18.04-basebuild-1c-2g'
-          dependency-jobs: ''
-- job-template:
-    id: voltha-publish
-    name: 'voltha-publish'
-    description: |
-      Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/jjb/voltha-publish.yaml
-    triggers:
-      - cord-infra-gerrit-trigger-merge:
-          gerrit-server-name: '{gerrit-server-name}'
-          project-regexp: '{project-regexp}'
-          branch-regexp: '{branch-regexp}'
-          file-include-regexp: '{all-files-regexp}'
-          dependency-jobs: '{dependency-jobs}'
-    properties:
-      - cord-infra-properties:
-          build-days-to-keep: '{build-days-to-keep}'
-          artifact-num-to-keep: '{artifact-num-to-keep}'
-    wrappers:
-      - lf-infra-wrappers:
-          build-timeout: '{build-timeout}'
-          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
-    parameters:
-      - string:
-          name: buildNode
-          default: '{build-node}'
-          description: 'Name of the Jenkins node to run the job on'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestUrl
-          default: '{gerrit-server-url}/{cord-repo-manifest}'
-          description: 'URL to the repo manifest'
-      - string:
-          name: manifestBranch
-          default: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
-          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
-      - string:
-          name: failureEmail
-          default: '{failure-email-address}, $GERRIT_PATCHSET_UPLOADER_EMAIL'
-          description: 'On job failure, send an email to these addresses'
-    project-type: pipeline
-    concurrent: false
-    dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipeline/voltha-publish.groovy
diff --git a/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml b/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
index e9e960e..e5ac6bc 100644
--- a/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
+++ b/jjb/voltha-test/voltha-nightly-jobs.yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
           description: 'DEPRECATED - use buildNode instead'
       - string:
+          name: logLevel
+          default: '{logLevel}'
+          description: 'Log level for all the components'
+      - string:
           name: cordRepoUrl
           default: '{gerrit-server-url}'
           description: 'The URL of the CORD Project repository'
@@ -195,6 +200,7 @@
     configurePod: true
     volthaHelmChartsChange: ''
     profile: 'Default'
+    logLevel: 'DEBUG'
     <<: *voltha-build-job-parameters
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@
     release: '2.7'
     branch: 'voltha-2.7'
     volthaHelmChartsChange: '' # this is not supported in the VOLTHA-2.7 build, but the parameters are shared, ideally we should split them
+    logLevel: 'DEBUG'
     <<: *voltha-build-job-parameters
diff --git a/vars/createKubernetesCluster.groovy b/vars/createKubernetesCluster.groovy
index 36bd510..a1a2bde 100644
--- a/vars/createKubernetesCluster.groovy
+++ b/vars/createKubernetesCluster.groovy
@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@
       mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
       kind get kubeconfig --name ${} > $HOME/.kube/config
-      # add helm repositories
-      helm repo add onf
-      helm repo update
       # download kail
       bash <( curl -sfL -b "$WORKSPACE/bin"
diff --git a/vars/volthaDeploy.groovy b/vars/volthaDeploy.groovy
index 07146ee..d8d679f 100644
--- a/vars/volthaDeploy.groovy
+++ b/vars/volthaDeploy.groovy
@@ -35,10 +35,18 @@
       registryFlags += " --set onos-classic.atomix.image.repository=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/atomix/atomix "
       registryFlags += " --set freeradius.images.radius.registry=${cfg.dockerRegistry}/ "
-      // we want to alway leave the user provided flags at the end, to override changes
+      // we want to always leave the user provided flags at the end, to override changes
       cfg.extraHelmFlags = registryFlags + " " + cfg.extraHelmFlags
+    // Add helm repositories
+    println "Updating helm repos"
+    sh """
+      helm repo add onf
+      helm repo update
+    """
     println "Deploying VOLTHA with the following parameters: ${cfg}."