Add pull request verification job for UP4

Previously ran on CircleCI. The actual pipeline is obtained
from the same PR we want to verify.

Change-Id: Id570d7bf6538be225b23be2f4691f435ad13f2e3
diff --git a/jjb/verify/up4.yaml b/jjb/verify/up4.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524fa39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/verify/up4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# jobs for
+-  project:
+      name: up4
+      project: "{name}"
+      github-organization: "omec-project"
+      github_pr_auth_id: "64fe2b1a-b33a-4f13-8442-ad8360434003"
+      github_pr_org_list:
+         - "omec-project"
+      jobs:
+         -  "up4-jobs":
+               stream: "master"
+               # As we run integration tests with 3 ONOS instances,
+               # we need a beefy node.
+               build-node: "ubuntu16.04-basebuild-8c-15g"
+-  job-group:
+      name: "up4-jobs"
+      jobs:
+         - "up4-pr-verify"
+-  job-template:
+      id: "up4-pr-verify"
+      name: "up4-pr-verify"
+      description: |
+         Created by {id} job-template from ci-management/up4.yaml<br/>
+      project-type: pipeline
+      concurrent: true
+      properties:
+         # Visibility restricted to Aether members only.
+         -  cord-infra-aether-private:
+         -  cord-infra-properties:
+               build-days-to-keep: "15"
+               artifact-num-to-keep: "-1"
+         -  github:
+               url: "{github-organization}/{project}"
+      parameters:
+         -  string:
+               name: buildNode
+               default: "{build-node}"
+               description: "Name of the Jenkins executor node to run the job on."
+         -  string:
+               name: sha1
+               default: "origin/{stream}"
+               description: "The actual commit or branch to build."
+      # Run pipeline that is checked-in in the same PR we want to verify.
+      pipeline-scm:
+         script-path: ".jenkins/Jenkinsfile"
+         scm:
+            -  git:
+                  url: "{github-organization}/{project}.git"
+                  credentials-id: "github-onf-bot-ssh-key"
+                  refspec: "+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*"
+                  branches:
+                     - "$sha1"
+                  submodule:
+                     disable: true
+                  shallow-clone: true
+      triggers:
+         -  cord-infra-github-pr-trigger:
+               github_pr_org_list: "{obj:github_pr_org_list}"
+               github_pr_auth_id: "{github_pr_auth_id}"
+               status_context: "up4-pr-verify"
+      wrappers:
+         -  lf-infra-wrappers:
+               build-timeout: "{build-timeout}"
+               jenkins-ssh-credential: "{jenkins-ssh-credential}"