xos-integration test pipeline to use 'testdir' parameter due to folder structure change

Change-Id: I54a2cb1c7c9ec9d82915f505b209393187f40586
diff --git a/jjb/xos-integration-tests.yaml b/jjb/xos-integration-tests.yaml
index f0096ca..7ebce2c 100644
--- a/jjb/xos-integration-tests.yaml
+++ b/jjb/xos-integration-tests.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@
          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
       - string:
+         name: TestDir
+         default: 'xos-scale-tests'
+         description: 'Directory where tests reside'
+      - string:
          name: TestCommand
          default: 'robot -d Log -T -v xos_chameleon_url: -v xos_chameleon_port:30006 -v cord_kafka:\$CORD_KAFKA_IP -v num_olts:10 -v num_onus:1 -v num_pon_ports:10 xos-scale-att-workflow.robot'
          description: 'Exact command to execute the tests including arguments'
@@ -95,6 +100,11 @@
          description: 'Name of the repo branch to use'
       - string:
+         name: TestDir
+         default: 'xos-migration-tests'
+         description: 'Directory where tests reside'
+      - string:
          name: TestCommand
          default: 'robot -d Log -T -v helm_chart:$WORKSPACE/cord/helm-charts/xos-services/simpleexampleservice xos-remove-service.robot xos-service-migrations.robot'
          description: 'Exact command to execute the tests including arguments'