Fix filename for helm-lint JJB

By convention, and requirement of the validation and merge jobs all JJB
files must be named with a .yaml and not .yml. Failing to do so will
cause validation and merge jobs to not properly trigger if changes are
only done in a file with .yml as the extension.

Change-Id: Ic060bac36f9c33ab46b0181f3f2ad4ed179feffb
Signed-off-by: Linux Foundation Administrators <>
1 file changed
tree: 760743744333dd5e41fc2c9a5c6275db6f9ce9d5
  1. .coafile
  2. .editorconfig
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitmodules
  5. .gitreview
  6. Makefile
  8. jenkins-scripts/
  9. jenkins.ini.example
  10. jjb/
  11. packer/
  12. tox.ini
  13. yamllint.conf

ci-management for CORD

This repo holds configuration for the Jenkins testing infrastructure used by CORD.

The best way to work with this repo is to check it out with repo, per these instructions: Downloading testing and QA repositories

NOTE: This repo uses git submodules. If you have trouble with the tests or other tasks, please run: git submodule init && git submodule update to obtain these submodules, as repo won't do this automatically for you.

Testing job definitions

Documentation for Jenkins Job Builder (JJB)

JJB job definitions can be tested by running:

make test

Which will create a python virtualenv, install jenkins-job-builder in it, then try building all the job files.