Clone this repo:
  1. 616772c Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master' by Sapan Bhatia · 8 years ago cord-3.0 cord-4.0 cord-4.1 cord-5.0 master null
  2. 195a91b Initial empty repository by Larry Peterson · 8 years ago cord-2.0
  3. 14df56a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' by Sapan Bhatia · 9 years ago
  4. ffd73a9 Current version of xos core in Django converted to YANG, minus by Sapan Bhatia · 9 years ago
  5. 4d93689 fixes #7. I'm preserving all the typedefs inside xos-types for now but I don't think they're necessary. The intent of YANG typedef system is to define distinct forms of type for reusability but since all these typedefs are of the 'unique-identifier' type, they are largely redundant. by Peter K. Lee · 9 years ago

YANG model-driven CORD

This is a work-in-progress effort to create YANG data models for the CORD project and deliver flexible service compositions.

You may contact Larry Peterson and Peter Lee to learn more about this initiative and find out how you can help.


$ npm install yang-cord

Getting Started

Following the installation, you can start an instance of the YANG model-driven REST API web server. It utilizes yang-express middleware framework built on Express.js to provide dynamic YANG model-driven API routing capability.

$ npm start

> yang-cord@1.0.8 start /home/plee/hack/yang-cord
> node lib/api/server.js

[yang-express] start of a new journey
[openapi] enabling...
[openapi] enabled ok
[restjson] enabling...
[restjson] enabled ok
[websocket] enabling...
[yang-express] registering a new link
[yang-express] registered 'link:cord-core'
[yang-express] registering a new link
[yang-express] registered 'link:xos-core'
[websocket] binding to server
[websocket] enabled ok

An option --port is provided to specify the port to listen on, it can be used with:

npm start -- --port 3000

Reference Guides

  • API Guide - provides a walkthrough on interacting with the REST API endpoints
  • Modeler's Guide - provides information on current YANG models for XOS and CORD and what's coming up next
  • Developer's Guide - provides technical detail on controller logic and dynamic interfaces and how to best leverage YANG model-driven developer tools for getting things done fast.


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test.

$ npm install
$ npm test

Mocha test suite is currently under development...


Apache 2.0