removing submodules

Change-Id: I43007f35dc45e01aa690b8833c387e8d5d643d25
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index d2d31cd..8fd06d5 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
 ext {
-    appVersion = null
     // Upstream registry to simplify filling out the comps table below
     upstreamReg = project.hasProperty('upstreamReg') ? project.getProperty('upstreamReg') : ''
@@ -48,59 +46,10 @@
     // The tag used to tag the docker images push to the target registry
     targetTag = project.hasProperty('targetTag') ? project.getProperty('targetTag') : 'candidate'
-    comps = [
-            'aaa' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/aaa'
-            ],
-            'vtn' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/vtn'
-            ],
-            'mcast' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/mcast'
-            ],
-            'igmp' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/igmp'
-            ],
-            'olt' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/olt'
-            ],
-            'config' : [
-                    'type':     'gitmodule',
-                    'upstream': '',
-                    'branch' : 'master',
-                    'tag' : appVersion,
-                    'componentDir': './apps/config'
-            ]
-    ]
     deployConfig = project.hasProperty('deployConfig') ? project.getProperty('deployConfig') : './config/default.yml'
-task fetchGitSubmodules {
-    comps.each { name, spec -> if (spec.type == 'gitmodule') { dependsOn "gitupdate" + name } }
 task buildOnosApps (type: Exec) {
     workingDir './apps'
     commandLine 'mvn', 'clean', 'install', '-U'
@@ -156,21 +105,20 @@
 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 task fetch {
-    dependsOn fetchGitSubmodules
+ 'Nothing to fetch for me'
-task buildImages (dependsOn: fetch) {
+task buildImages {
     dependsOn buildOnosApps
     dependsOn copyLocalRepo
     dependsOn buildRepoImage
 task publish {
-    dependsOn buildImages
     dependsOn publishMavenRepoImage
-task deployBase (type: Exec) {
+task deploy (type: Exec) {
         println "Using deployment config: $deployConfig"
         File configFile = new File(deployConfig)
         def yaml = new Yaml()
@@ -214,5 +162,3 @@
     workingDir './apps'
     commandLine 'mvn', 'clean', 'deploy'
-tasks.addRule(new GitSubmoduleUpdateRule(project))