Changes to vsgTest to query dhcp vcpes by querying the test config.
Add support and functions to locate vsg for a vcpe.
And send remote vcpe commands. (wan/lan port up for the vcpe)
Care has to be taken to reach the vcpes considering that after the dhcp ip is obtained on the vcpe,
the compute nodes would become inaccessible through the fabric.
Hence the test wrapper running commands on vcpe through compute node tries to open up the management port for the test.

Change-Id: I987bea9c92d3866c82151f21fd3ba16283585887
diff --git a/src/test/vsg/ b/src/test/vsg/
index 877da49..62fe82c 100644
--- a/src/test/vsg/
+++ b/src/test/vsg/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import random
 import collections
 import paramiko
+import re
 from paramiko import SSHClient
 from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
 from novaclient import client as nova_client
@@ -52,6 +53,9 @@
     PASS = "vagrant"
     head_node = os.environ['HEAD_NODE']
     HEAD_NODE = head_node + '.cord.lab' if len(head_node.split('.')) == 1 else head_node
+    test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    olt_conf_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config.json')
+    ip_addr_pattern = re.compile('[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/[0-9]{1,2}$')
     def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -59,6 +63,21 @@
         cls.controller = cls.controllers[0]
         cls.cli = None
         cls.interface_map = {}
+        cls.vcpe_map = {}
+        cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file)
+        cls.vcpes = cls.olt.get_vcpes()
+        cls.vcpes_dhcp = cls.olt.get_vcpes_by_type('dhcp')
+        vcpe_dhcp = None
+        vcpe_dhcp_stag = None
+        vcpe_container = None
+        #cache the first dhcp vcpe in the class for quick testing
+        if cls.vcpes_dhcp:
+            vcpe_container = 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['c_tag'])
+            vcpe_dhcp = 'vcpe0.{}.{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['c_tag'])
+            vcpe_dhcp_stag = 'vcpe0.{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'])
+        cls.vcpe_container = vcpe_container
+        cls.vcpe_dhcp = vcpe_dhcp
+        cls.vcpe_dhcp_stag = vcpe_dhcp_stag
             shutil.copy('/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/resolv.conf.orig')
@@ -134,6 +153,28 @@
     def get_compute_node(self, vsg):
         return vsg._info['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']
+    def run_cmd_compute(self, compute, cmd, timeout = 5):
+        ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(compute)
+        st, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd, timeout = timeout)
+        if st == True and output:
+            output = output.strip()
+        else:
+            output = None
+        return st, output
+    def run_cmd_vsg(self, compute, vsg_ip, cmd, timeout = 5, mgmt = 'eth0'):
+        last_gw = self.open_compute(mgmt)
+        ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(compute)
+        ssh_cmd = 'ssh {} {}'.format(vsg_ip, cmd)
+        st, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(ssh_cmd, timeout = timeout)
+        if st == True and output:
+            output = output.strip()
+        else:
+            output = None
+        self.close_compute(last_gw, mgmt)
+        return st, output
     #ping the vsg through the compute node.
     #the ssh key is already used by SSHTestAgent in cord-tester
     def get_vsg_health(self, vsg):
@@ -141,8 +182,8 @@
         vsg_ip = self.get_vsg_ip(
         if vsg_ip is None:
             return False
-        ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(compute_node)
-        st, _ = ssh_agent.run_cmd('ping -c 1 {}'.format(vsg_ip))
+        cmd = 'ping -c 1 {}'.format(vsg_ip)
+        st, _ = self.run_cmd_compute(compute_node, cmd)
         return st
     #returns 0 if all active vsgs are reachable through the compute node
@@ -154,6 +195,133 @@
         unreachable = filter(lambda st: st == False, vsg_status)
         return len(unreachable) == 0
+    #find the vsg hosting the vcpe service
+    def get_vcpe_vsg(self, vcpe):
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            return self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['vsg']
+        vsgs = self.get_vsgs()
+        for vsg in vsgs:
+            vsg_ip = self.get_vsg_ip(
+            compute_node = self.get_compute_node(vsg)
+            cmd = 'sudo docker exec {} ls 2>/dev/null'.format(vcpe)
+            st, _ = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd, timeout = 30)
+            if st == True:
+                return vsg
+        return None
+    def save_vcpe_config(self, vsg, vcpe):
+        if vcpe not in self.vcpe_map:
+            cmd_gw = "sudo docker exec %s ip route show | grep default | head -1 | awk '{print $3}'" %(vcpe)
+            vsg_ip = self.get_vsg_ip(
+            if vsg_ip is None:
+                return False
+            compute_node = self.get_compute_node(vsg)
+            st, output = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd_gw, timeout = 30)
+            if st == False or not output:
+                return False
+            gw = output
+            cmd_wan = "sudo docker exec %s ip addr show eth0 |grep inet |head -1 | tr -s ' ' | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'" %(vcpe)
+            cmd_lan = "sudo docker exec %s ip addr show eth1 |grep inet |head -1 | tr -s ' ' | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'" %(vcpe)
+            st, output = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd_wan, timeout = 30)
+            ip_wan = ''
+            ip_lan = ''
+            if st and output:
+                if self.ip_addr_pattern.match(output):
+                    ip_wan = output
+            st, output = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd_lan, timeout = 30)
+            if st and output:
+                if self.ip_addr_pattern.match(output):
+                    ip_lan = output
+            self.vcpe_map[vcpe] = { 'vsg': vsg, 'vsg_ip': vsg_ip, 'gw': gw, 'wan': ip_wan, 'lan': ip_lan }
+        return True
+    def restore_vcpe_config(self, vcpe, gw = True, wan = False, lan = False):
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            vsg = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['vsg']
+            vsg_ip = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['vsg_ip']
+            compute_node = self.get_compute_node(vsg)
+            cmds = []
+            if gw is True:
+                #restore default gw
+                gw = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['gw']
+                cmds.append('sudo docker exec {} ip link set eth0 up'.format(vcpe))
+                cmds.append('sudo docker exec {} route add default gw {} dev eth0'.format(vcpe, gw))
+            if wan is True:
+                ip_wan = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['wan']
+                cmds.append('sudo docker exec {} ip addr set {} dev eth0'.format(vcpe, ip_wan))
+            if lan is True:
+                ip_lan = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['lan']
+                cmds.append('sudo docker exec {} ip addr set {} dev eth1'.format(vcpe, ip_lan))
+            ret_status = True
+            for cmd in cmds:
+                st, _ = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd, timeout = 30)
+                if st == False:
+                    ret_status = False
+            return ret_status
+        return False
+    def get_vcpe_gw(self, vcpe):
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            return self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['gw']
+        return None
+    def get_vcpe_wan(self, vcpe):
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            return self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['wan']
+        return None
+    def get_vcpe_lan(self, vcpe):
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            return self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['lan']
+        return None
+    def vcpe_wan_up(self, vcpe, vsg = None):
+        if vsg is None:
+            vsg = self.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe)
+            if vsg is None:
+                return False
+        return self.restore_vcpe_config(vcpe)
+    def vcpe_lan_up(self, vcpe, vsg = None):
+        if vsg is None:
+            vsg = self.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe)
+            if vsg is None:
+                return False
+        if vcpe in self.vcpe_map:
+            vsg_ip = self.vcpe_map[vcpe]['vsg_ip']
+        else:
+            vsg_ip = self.get_vsg_ip(
+        compute_node = self.get_compute_node(vsg)
+        cmd = 'sudo docker exec {} ip link set eth1 up'.format(vcpe)
+        st, _ = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd, timeout = 30)
+        return st
+    #we cannot access compute node if the vcpe port gets dhcp as default would be through fabric
+    def vcpe_port_down(self, vcpe, port, vsg = None):
+        if vsg is None:
+            vsg = self.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe)
+            if vsg is None:
+                return False
+        if not self.save_vcpe_config(vsg, vcpe):
+            return False
+        vsg_ip = self.get_vsg_ip(
+        compute_node = self.get_compute_node(vsg)
+        cmd = 'sudo docker exec {} ip link set {} down'.format(vcpe, port)
+        st, _ = self.run_cmd_vsg(compute_node, vsg_ip, cmd, timeout = 30)
+        if st is False:
+            self.restore_vcpe_config(vcpe)
+            return False
+        return st
+    def vcpe_wan_down(self, vcpe, vsg = None):
+        return self.vcpe_port_down(vcpe, 'eth0', vsg = vsg)
+    def vcpe_lan_down(self, vcpe, vsg = None):
+        return self.vcpe_port_down(vcpe, 'eth1', vsg = vsg)
     #use SSHTestAgent to talk to the vsg through the compute node like in get_vsg_health
     # def connect_ssh(vsg_ip, private_key_file=None, user='ubuntu'):
     #     key = ssh.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(private_key_file)
@@ -222,6 +390,34 @@
             for cmd in cmds:
+    #open up access to compute node
+    def open_compute(self, intf = 'eth0'):
+        if intf in self.interface_map:
+            gw = self.interface_map[intf]['gw']
+            ip = self.interface_map[intf]['ip']
+            if gw != '':
+                current_gw, _ = get_default_gw()
+                cmds = [ 'route del default gw {}'.format(current_gw),
+                         'ifconfig {} {} up'.format(intf, ip),
+                         'route add default gw {}'.format(gw) ]
+                for cmd in cmds:
+                    os.system(cmd)
+                shutil.copy('/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/resolv.conf.lastdhcp')
+                shutil.copy('/etc/resolv.conf.orig', '/etc/resolv.conf')
+                return current_gw
+        return None
+    def close_compute(self, restore_gw, intf = 'eth0'):
+        if restore_gw:
+            cmds = [ 'route del default gw',
+                     'route add default gw {}'.format(restore_gw),
+                     'cp /etc/resolv.conf.lastdhcp /etc/resolv.conf',
+                     'rm -f /etc/resolv.conf.lastdhcp'
+                     ]
+            for cmd in cmds:
+                os.system(cmd)
     def restore_interface_config(self, intf, vcpe = None):
         if intf in self.interface_map:
             ip = self.interface_map[intf]['ip']
@@ -241,7 +437,9 @@
     def vcpe_get_dhcp(self, vcpe, mgmt = 'eth0'):
+        getstatusoutput('pkill -9 dhclient')
         st, output = getstatusoutput('dhclient -q {}'.format(vcpe))
+        getstatusoutput('pkill -9 dhclient')
         vcpe_ip = get_ip(vcpe)
         if vcpe_ip is None:
@@ -263,12 +461,11 @@
     #these need to first get dhcp through dhclient on vcpe interfaces (using OltConfig get_vcpes())
     def test_vsg_external_connectivity_with_sending_icmp_echo_requests(self):
-        vcpe = 'vcpe0.222.111'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
         mgmt = 'eth0'
         host = ''
         self.success = False
-        #we can assume that dhcp vcpe is tagged 222.111 for now.
-        #otherwise we can make the list for others with OltConfig get_vcpes
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
         vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
         assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))
@@ -299,26 +496,28 @@
     def test_vsg_external_connectivity_pinging_with_single_tag_negative_scenario(self):
         host = ''
         self.success = False
+        assert_not_equal(self.vcpe_dhcp_stag, None)
         def mac_recv_task():
             def recv_cb(pkt):
       'Recieved icmp echo reply which is not expected')
                 self.success = True
             sniff(count=1, timeout=5,
-                 lfilter = lambda p: IP in p and p[ICMP].type == 0,
-                 prn = recv_cb, iface = 'vcpe0.222')
+                  lfilter = lambda p: IP in p and p[ICMP].type == 0,
+                  prn = recv_cb, iface = self.vcpe_dhcp_stag)
         t = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
         L3 = IP(dst = host)
         pkt = L3/ICMP()'Sending icmp echo requests to external network')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222')
+        send(pkt, count=3, iface = self.vcpe_dhcp_stag)
         assert_equal(self.success, False)
     def test_vsg_external_connectivity_pinging_to_google(self):
         host = ''
-        vcpe = 'vcpe0.222.111'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
         mgmt = 'eth0'
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
         vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
         assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))
@@ -329,8 +528,9 @@
     def test_vsg_external_connectivity_pinging_to_non_existing_website(self):
         host = ''
-        vcpe = 'vcpe0.222.111'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
         mgmt = 'eth0'
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
         vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
         assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))
@@ -341,8 +541,9 @@
     def test_vsg_external_connectivity_ping_to_google_with_ttl_1(self):
         host = ''
-        vcpe = 'vcpe0.222.111'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
         mgmt = 'eth0'
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
         vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
         assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))
@@ -353,71 +554,69 @@
     def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_wan_interface_down_and_making_up_in_vcpe_container(self):
         host = ''
-        self.success = False
-        def mac_recv_task():
-            def recv_cb(pkt):
-      'icmp ping reply received')
-                self.success = True
-            sniff(count=1, timeout=5,
-                 lfilter = lambda p: ICMP in p and p[ICMP].type == 0,
-                 prn = recv_cb, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t1 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t2 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t3 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t1.start()
-        L3 = IP(dst = host)
-        pkt = L3/ICMP()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network before wan interface on vpce container does down')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t1.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, True)
-        #logging into vcpe and down wan interface
-        self.success = False
-        t2.start()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network after wan interface on vpce container does down')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t2.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, False)
-        #logging into vcpe and bringing up wan interface
-        t3.start()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network after wan interface on vpce container comes up')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t3.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, True)
+        mgmt = 'eth0'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_container
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
+        assert_not_equal(self.vcpe_dhcp, None)
+        #first get dhcp on the vcpe interface
+        vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(self.vcpe_dhcp, mgmt = mgmt)
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)
+'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, self.vcpe_dhcp))
+'Sending ICMP pings to host %s' %(host))
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st != 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, 0)
+        #bring down the wan interface and check again
+        st = self.vcpe_wan_down(vcpe)
+        if st is False:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, True)
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st == 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_not_equal(st, 0)
+        st = self.vcpe_wan_up(vcpe)
+        if st is False:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, True)
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st != 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, 0)
     def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_lan_interface_down_and_up_in_vcpe_container(self):
         host = ''
-        self.success = False
-        def mac_recv_task():
-            def recv_cb(pkt):
-      'icmp ping reply received Pkt is %s'
-                self.success = True
-            sniff(count=1, timeout=5,
-                 lfilter = lambda p: ICMP in p and p[ICMP].type == 1,
-                 prn = recv_cb, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t1 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t2 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t3 = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task)
-        t1.start()
-        L3 = IP(dst = host)
-        pkt = L3/ICMP()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network before lan interface on vpce container does down')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t1.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, True)
-        #logging into vcpe and down lan interface
-        self.success = False
-        t2.start()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network after lan interface on vpce container does down')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t2.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, False)
-        #logging into vcpe and bringing up lan interface
-        t3.start()
-'Sending icmp ping requests to external network after lan interface on vpce container comes up')
-        send(pkt, count=3, iface = 'vcpe0.222.111')
-        t3.join()
-        assert_equal(self.success, True)
+        mgmt = 'eth0'
+        vcpe = self.vcpe_container
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
+        assert_not_equal(self.vcpe_dhcp, None)
+        #first get dhcp on the vcpe interface
+        vcpe_ip = self.vcpe_get_dhcp(self.vcpe_dhcp, mgmt = mgmt)
+        assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)
+'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, self.vcpe_dhcp))
+'Sending ICMP pings to host %s' %(host))
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st != 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, 0)
+        #bring down the lan interface and check again
+        st = self.vcpe_lan_down(vcpe)
+        if st is False:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, True)
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st == 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_not_equal(st, 0)
+        st = self.vcpe_lan_up(vcpe)
+        if st is False:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, True)
+        st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
+        if st != 0:
+            self.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
+        assert_equal(st, 0)
     def test_vsg_for_ping_from_vsg_to_external_network(self):