Exclude fabric test on head-node from sanity tests

Change-Id: Ic57609b262c41d6e0f1fbd1dc7b37423a9956ca2
(cherry picked from commit be30ffe496c667581cff18fffd39eb79f63b020b)
(cherry picked from commit 524b88d16a74fb2a5538e73449cf65bac682db4e)
diff --git a/src/test/robot/SanityPhyPOD.robot b/src/test/robot/SanityPhyPOD.robot
index 9e09072..5e17572 100755
--- a/src/test/robot/SanityPhyPOD.robot
+++ b/src/test/robot/SanityPhyPOD.robot
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
 Verify Headnode Interfaces
-    [Tags]    fabric
+    [Tags]    fabric    notready
     [Documentation]    Verifies the headnode interface is up and has external connectivity
     Verify HeadNode Interfaces Detected
     Test Ping    ${PUBLIC_IFACE}    www.opennetworking.org