Adding scale tests and detailed test methods for various test
Change-Id: I9f826148061c26b7966cfdd981e2b88daacfa56c
diff --git a/src/test/scale/scaleTest.py b/src/test/scale/scaleTest.py
index 1c031a2..2829ea8 100644
--- a/src/test/scale/scaleTest.py
+++ b/src/test/scale/scaleTest.py
@@ -482,6 +482,11 @@
def test_latency_of_cord_for_control_packets_using_icmp_packet(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Ping from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup
+ 2. Grep latency of ping packets
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
cmd = "ping -c 4 {0} | tail -1| awk '{{print $4}}'".format(self.wan_intf_ip)
@@ -500,6 +505,12 @@
def test_latency_of_cord_for_control_packets_using_increasing_sizes_of_icmp_packet(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Ping from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup
+ 2. Grep the latency of ping packet
+ 3. Repeat the process for varying sizes of ping packets
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
pckt_sizes = [100,500,1000,1500]
@@ -520,6 +531,12 @@
def test_latency_of_cord_with_traceroute(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Traceroute from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup
+ 2. Grep the latency of ping packet
+ 3. Repeat the process for varying sizes of ping packets
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
cmd = "traceroute -q1 {} | tail -1| awk '{{print $4}}'".format(self.wan_intf_ip)
@@ -540,6 +557,13 @@
#tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup
def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_500_multicast_groups_and_check_cpu_usage(self, group_count=500):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Register 500 igmp groups in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups
+ 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups
+ 4. Verify traffic forwards properly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_igmp_joins(df):
@@ -563,6 +587,15 @@
#tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup
def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_1000_multicast_groups_and_igmp_app_toggle(self, group_count=1000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Register 1000 igmp groups in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups
+ 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups
+ 4. Verify traffic forwards properly
+ 5. deactivate and activate igmp app in onos
+ 6. Verify multicast traffic do not forward after igmp app deactivated
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_igmp_joins(df):
@@ -583,7 +616,7 @@
status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index])
assert_equal(status, False)
log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index))
- OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).ctivate()
+ OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate()
except Exception as error:
log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error)
@@ -595,6 +628,13 @@
#tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup
def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_2000_multicast_groups_and_check_cpu_usage(self, group_count=2000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Register 500 igmp groups in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups
+ 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups
+ 4. Verify traffic forwards properly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_igmp_joins(df):
@@ -621,6 +661,13 @@
#tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup
def test_scale_of_igmp_joins_for_2000_multicast_groups_and_check_cpu_usage_after_app_deactivation_and_activation(self,group_count=2000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Register 2000 igmp groups in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups
+ 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups
+ 4. Verify traffic forwards properly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_igmp_joins(df):
cpu_usage1 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage()
@@ -653,6 +700,12 @@
#tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup
def test_scale_adding_1k_flow_entries_in_onos_with_dynamic_tcp_ports(self,count=1000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 1000 flow entries with varying tcp port number in onos
+ 2. Send data traffic for added tcp port numbers
+ 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic propoerly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_flow_entries(df):
@@ -701,6 +754,12 @@
#tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup
def test_scale_adding_5k_ip_flow_entries_in_onos_and_checking_cpu_usage(self,count=5000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 5000 flow entries with varying source and destination IP
+ 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries
+ 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic propoerly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_flow_entries(df):
@@ -751,6 +810,12 @@
#tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup
def test_scale_adding_10k_flow_entries_in_onos_with_dynamic_udp_ports(self,count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 10000 flow entries with varying udp port number in onos
+ 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries
+ 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic propoerly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_flow_entries(df):
@@ -799,6 +864,12 @@
#tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup
def test_scale_adding_10k_constant_destination_mac_flow_entries_in_onos_and_check_cpu_usage(self,count=100):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 10000 flow entries with varying source mac
+ 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries
+ 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic propoerly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_flow_entries(df):
@@ -849,86 +920,192 @@
def test_scale_adding_10k_acl_rules_to_deny_matching_destination_tcp_port_traffic(self,count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 10000 acl deny rules with varying tcp port number
+ 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries
+ 3. Verify onos drops data traffic propoerly
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
- def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
+ def scale_acl_rules(df):
+ acl_rule = ACLTest()
+ ingress = self.ingress_iface
+ egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM
+ status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11'
+ dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1]
+ scale().acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress )
+ try:
+ for index in range(0,count):
+ status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
+ log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s and dst tcp port = %d'%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port))
+ status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip, ipProto ='TCP', dstTpPort =dst_port, action = 'deny')
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp = src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'TCP',positive_test = False)
+ scale().acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error)
+ self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ raise
+ df.callback(0)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ return df
+ @deferred(1000)
+ def test_scale_adding_10k_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_check_cpu_usage(self,count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Grep system usage before starting test case
+ 2. Configure 10000 acl rules in onos
+ 3. Verify traffic test for all 10000 acl rules configured
+ 4. Grep system usage again now
+ """
+ df = defer.Deferred()
+ def scale_acl_rules(df):
cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
+ ingress = self.ingress_iface
+ egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM
+ status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11'
+ dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1]
+ self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress )
acl_rule = ACLTest()
- for index in range(0,count):
- src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
- log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s and dst tcp port = %d'%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port))
- status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip, ipProto ='TCP', dstTpPort =dst_port, action = 'deny')
- assert_equal(status, True)
- if index % 100 == 0:
- cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- log.info('CPU usage is %s for multicast group entries %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1))
- time.sleep(1)
+ try:
+ for index in range(0,count):
+ status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
+ log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip))
+ status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow')
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456)
+ if index % 100 == 0:
+ cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
+ log.info('CPU usage is %s for acl rule number %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1))
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error)
+ self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ raise
cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f and after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2))
- reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df)
return df
- def test_scale_adding_and_deleting_10k_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_check_cpu_usage(self,count=10000):
+ def test_scale_adding_and_deleting_10k_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic(self,count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 10000 acl rules to allow source and destinaiton IP matching traffic
+ 2. Send acl rules matching traffic
+ 3. Delete all the added acl rules
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
- def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
- cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
+ def scale_acl_rules(df):
+ ingress = self.ingress_iface
+ egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM
+ status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11'
+ dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1]
+ self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress )
acl_rule = ACLTest()
- for index in range(0,count):
- src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
- log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip))
- status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow')
- assert_equal(status, True)
- if index % 100 == 0:
- cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- log.info('CPU usage is %s for acl rule number %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1))
- time.sleep(1)
- cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- result = acl_rule.get_acl_rules()
- result = result.json()['aclRules']
- for acl in result:
- acl_rule.remove_acl_rule(acl['id'])
- #log.info('acl is %s'%acl)
- cpu_usage3 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f and after %d flows added = %f, after deleting all acl rules = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2,cpu_usage3))
+ try:
+ for index in range(0,count):
+ status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
+ log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip))
+ status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow')
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456)
+ result = acl_rule.get_acl_rules()
+ result = result.json()['aclRules']
+ for acl in result:
+ acl_rule.remove_acl_rule(acl['id'])
+ log.info('removed acl with Id --> %s'%acl['id'])
+ self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error)
+ self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress)
+ raise
- reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df)
return df
- def test_scale_adding_20k_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_and_deactivate_acl_app_checking_cpu_usage(self,count=20000):
+ def test_scale_adding_20k_acl_rules_to_deny_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_with_acl_app_toggle(self,count=20000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 20000 acl rules to allow source and destinaiton IP matching traffic
+ 2. Send acl rules matching traffic
+ 3. Verify onos drops the traffic as the rule is deny type
+ 4. Deactivate the acl app in onos
+ 4. Verify now onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
- def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
- cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
+ def scale_acl_rules(df):
+ ingress = self.ingress_iface
+ egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM
+ status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11'
+ dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1]
+ self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress )
acl_rule = ACLTest()
- for index in range(0,count):
- src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
- dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
- log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip))
- status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow')
- assert_equal(status, True)
- if index % 200 == 0:
- cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- log.info('CPU usage is %s for acl rule number %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1))
- time.sleep(1)
- cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- OnosCtrl(cls.acl_app).deactivate()
- time.sleep(3)
- cpu_usage3 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
- log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f, after %d flows added = %f, and after deactivating acl app = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2,cpu_usage3))
+ try:
+ for index in range(0,count):
+ status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP)
+ self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1
+ src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32'
+ dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535)
+ log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip))
+ status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'deny')
+ assert_equal(status, True)
+ self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456)
+ OnosCtrl(cls.acl_app).deactivate()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ except Exception as error:
+ log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error)
+ raise
- reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df)
return df
def test_scale_adding_igmp_and_acl_with_flow_entries_and_check_cpu_usage(self,igmp_groups=1300, flows_count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add igmp and flow entries in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for corresponding igmp entries
+ 3. Send multicast data traffic to registered igmp groups
+ 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ 4. Send traffic matching the flow entries
+ 4. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
- def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
+ def scale_igmp_acl_flows(df):
cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
egress = 1
ingress = 2
@@ -967,13 +1144,24 @@
cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f, after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2))
- reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_acl_flows, df)
return df
def test_scale_adding_igmp_acl_and_flow_entries_and_simultaneously_toggling_app_activation(self,igmp_groups=1300, flows_count=10000):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add igmp, acl and flow entries in onos
+ 2. Send igmp joins for corresponding igmp entries
+ 3. Send multicast data traffic to registered igmp groups
+ 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ 4. Send traffic matching the flow entries
+ 4. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ 5. Send traffic matching acl rules
+ 6. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
- def scale_vcpe_instances(df):
+ def scale_igmp_acl_flows(df):
cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage()
def adding_igmp_entries():
@@ -1028,11 +1216,18 @@
- reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df)
+ reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_acl_flows, df)
return df
def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_10_routes_with_10_peers(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 10 routes with 10 pairs in quagga
+ 2. Verify routes pushed to onos from quagga
+ 3. Send traffic destined the routes added
+ 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vrouter_routes(df):
@@ -1048,7 +1243,14 @@
#tested with 100 routes on CiaB
- def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_20000_routes_with_100_peers(self):
+ def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_10000_routes_with_100_peers(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 100000 routes with 100 pairs in quagga
+ 2. Verify routes pushed to onos from quagga
+ 3. Send traffic destined the routes added
+ 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vrouter_routes(df):
@@ -1064,12 +1266,19 @@
#tested with 100 routes on CiaB
- def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_20000_routes_with_100_peers(self):
+ def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_20000_routes_with_200_peers(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Add 20000 routes with 200 pairs in quagga
+ 2. Verify routes pushed to onos from quagga
+ 3. Send traffic destined the routes added
+ 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def scale_vrouter_routes(df):
- res = scale().vrouter_network_verify(20000, peers = 100)
+ res = scale().vrouter_network_verify(20000, peers = 200)
assert_equal(res, True)
except Exception as error:
log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error)
@@ -1081,6 +1290,11 @@
#tested with 100 subscribers on CiaB
def test_scale_of_eap_tls_with_5k_sessions_using_diff_mac(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users
+ 2. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac(df):
@@ -1099,6 +1313,14 @@
#tested with 100 subscribers on CiaB
def test_scale_of_eap_tls_with_5k_sessions_using_diff_mac_with_aaa_deactivate_and_activated(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users
+ 2. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users
+ 3. Deactivate and activate the aaa app in onos
+ 4. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users
+ 5. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac(df):
@@ -1126,6 +1348,12 @@
#tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB
def test_scale_5k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Simulate 5000 subscribers to get authentication access
+ 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers
+ 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 5000 subscribers
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def cordsub_auth_invalid_cert(df):
@@ -1149,6 +1377,12 @@
#tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB
def test_scale_5k_cord_subscribers_igmp_join_jump_1500channel(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Simulate 5000 subscribers
+ 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers
+ 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 5000 subscribers
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def cordsub_igmp_join_jump(df):
@@ -1173,6 +1407,12 @@
#tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB
def test_scale_10k_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing(self):
+ """
+ Test-Method:
+ 1. Simulate 10000 subscribers to get authentication access
+ 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers
+ 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 10000 subscribers
+ """
df = defer.Deferred()
def cordsub_auth_valid_cert(df):
@@ -1193,3 +1433,4 @@
reactor.callLater(0, cordsub_auth_valid_cert, df)
return df
diff --git a/src/test/utils/Scale.py b/src/test/utils/Scale.py
index 1a53c52..04cb5f5 100644
--- a/src/test/utils/Scale.py
+++ b/src/test/utils/Scale.py
@@ -199,6 +199,21 @@
IGMP_DST_MAC = "01:00:5e:00:00:16"
igmp_eth = Ether(dst = IGMP_DST_MAC, type = ETH_P_IP)
igmp_ip = IP(dst = IP_DST)
+ ingress_iface = 1
+ egress_iface = 2
+ MAX_PORTS = 100
+ CURRENT_PORT_NUM = egress_iface
+ ACL_SRC_IP = ''
+ ACL_DST_IP = ''
+ ACL_SRC_IP_RULE_2 = ''
+ ACL_DST_IP_RULE_2 = ''
+ HOST_DST_IP = ''
@@ -338,8 +353,75 @@
return self.success
+##################### acl utility functions ###############################
+ def acl_hosts_add(cls, dstHostIpMac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = None):
+ index = 0
+ if egress_iface_num is None:
+ egress_iface_num = cls.egress_iface
+ for ip,_ in dstHostIpMac:
+ egress = cls.port_map[egress_iface_num]
+ log.info('Assigning ip %s to interface %s' %(ip, egress))
+ config_cmds_egress = ( 'ifconfig {} 0'.format(egress),
+ 'ifconfig {0} up'.format(egress),
+ 'ifconfig {0} {1}'.format(egress, ip),
+ 'arping -I {0} {1} -c 2'.format(egress, ip.split('/')[0]),
+ 'ifconfig {0}'.format(egress),
+ )
+ for cmd in config_cmds_egress:
+ os.system(cmd)
+ index += 1
+ if index == egress_iface_count:
+ break
+ egress_iface_count += 1
+ egress_iface_num += 1
+ @classmethod
+ def acl_hosts_remove(cls, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = None):
+ if egress_iface_num is None:
+ egress_iface_num = cls.egress_iface
+ n = 0
+ for n in range(egress_iface_count):
+ egress = cls.port_map[egress_iface_num]
+ config_cmds_egress = ('ifconfig {} 0'.format(egress))
+ os.system(config_cmds_egress)
+ egress_iface_num += 1
+ def acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(self, srcMac, dstMac, srcIp, dstIp, ingress =None, egress=None, ip_proto=None, dstPortNum = None, positive_test = True):
+ if ingress is None:
+ ingress = self.ingress_iface
+ if egress is None:
+ egress = self.egress_iface
+ ingress = self.port_map[ingress]
+ egress = self.port_map[egress]
+ self.success = False if positive_test else True
+ timeout = 10 if positive_test else 1
+ count = 2 if positive_test else 1
+ self.start_sending = True
+ def recv_task():
+ def recv_cb(pkt):
+ log.info('Pkt seen with ingress ip %s, egress ip %s' %(pkt[IP].src, pkt[IP].dst))
+ self.success = True if positive_test else False
+ sniff(count=count, timeout=timeout,
+ lfilter = lambda p: IP in p and p[IP].dst == dstIp.split('/')[0] and p[IP].src == srcIp.split('/')[0],
+ prn = recv_cb, iface = egress)
+ self.start_sending = False
+ t = threading.Thread(target = recv_task)
+ t.start()
+ L2 = Ether(src = srcMac, dst = dstMac)
+ L3 = IP(src = srcIp.split('/')[0], dst = dstIp.split('/')[0])
+ pkt = L2/L3
+ log.info('Sending a packet with dst ip %s, src ip %s , dst mac %s src mac %s on port %s to verify if flows are correct' %
+ (dstIp.split('/')[0], srcIp.split('/')[0], dstMac, srcMac, ingress))
+ while self.start_sending is True:
+ sendp(pkt, count=50, iface = ingress)
+ t.join()
+ assert_equal(self.success, True)
+############################# vrouter utility functiuons ####################
+ @classmethod
def vrouter_setup(cls):
apps = ('org.onosproject.proxyarp', 'org.onosproject.hostprovider', 'org.onosproject.vrouter', 'org.onosproject.fwd')
for app in apps:
@@ -432,7 +514,6 @@
cls.peer_list = peer_list
return (cls.vrouter_device_dict, ports_dict, quagga_dict)
def generate_conf(cls, networks = 4, peer_address = None, router_address = None):
num = 0
@@ -727,7 +808,6 @@
ssm_groups = map(lambda sub: sub.channels, self.subscriber_list)
ssm_list = reduce(lambda ssm1, ssm2: ssm1+ssm2, ssm_groups)
def subscriber_join_verify( self, num_subscribers = 10, num_channels = 1,
channel_start = 0, cbs = None, port_list = [],
services = None, negative_subscriber_auth = None):
@@ -962,9 +1042,9 @@
return ':'.join(mac)
def inc_ip(self, ip, i):
ip[i] =str(int(ip[i])+1)
return '.'.join(ip)
def next_ip(self, ip):
lst = ip.split('.')
@@ -985,4 +1065,3 @@
lst[0] = '182'
return '.'.join(lst)