Test: Review changes.
Remove sudo dependency from fetch phase of gradle for cord-tester.
Build all cord-tester docker images locally without using the cord-test.py interface.

Change-Id: Ib00f6d8c854900eaf77f97da0d9e090511aa4ed8
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index ad078ef..6ef8a83 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -26,47 +26,27 @@
     dockerPath = project.hasProperty('dockerPath') ? project.getProperty('dockerPath') : '/usr/bin'
-    cordTesterAptDeps = [ 'python', 'python-dev', 'python-pip', 'python-setuptools' ]
-    cordTesterPipDeps = [ 'scapy', 'nose', 'monotonic', 'configObj', 'docker-py', 'pyyaml', 'nsenter', 'pyroute2', 'netaddr', 'scapy-ssl_tls' ]
+    cordTesterImages = [ 'cord-test/radius:latest' : 'Dockerfile.radius', 'cord-test/quagga:latest' : 'Dockerfile.quagga', 'cord-test/nose:latest' : 'Dockerfile.tester' ]
 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-task aptFetch() {
-    // fetch the dependencies for cord tester
-    cordTesterAptDeps.each {
-        String pkg ->
-        exec {
-            executable 'apt-get'
-            args "install", "-y", pkg
-        }
-    }
-task pipFetch() {
-    // fetch the dependencies for cord tester
-    dependsOn aptFetch
-    cordTesterPipDeps.each {
-        String pkg ->
-        exec {
-            executable 'pip'
-            args "install", "-U", pkg
-        }
-    }
 // To be used to fetch upstream binaries, clone repos, etc.
-task fetch (type: Exec) {
-    dependsOn pipFetch
-    commandLine "$cordTesterPath/onos_pull.sh", 'latest'
+task fetch {
+    //commandLine "$cordTesterPath/onos_pull.sh", 'latest'
 // To be used to generate all needed binaries that need to be present on the target
 // as docker images in the local docker runner.
-task buildImages (type: Exec) {
+task buildImages {
     // ...
-    commandLine "$cordTesterPath/cord-test.py", 'build', 'all'
+    cordTesterImages.each { tag, dockerfile ->
+        println "Building Docker image ${tag} using ${dockerfile}"
+        exec {
+             executable "$dockerPath/docker"
+             args "build", "-t", "${tag}", "-f", "${dockerfile}", "."
+        }
+    }
 // Publish image(s) built during the build step into targetReg registry using the targetTag