adding voltha api checks to bbsim scale tests

Change-Id: I88e8a055f318d643987c51960bca2cc03f2dedce
diff --git a/src/test/cord-api/Tests/BBSim/BBSIMScale.robot b/src/test/cord-api/Tests/BBSim/BBSIMScale.robot
index f62f4f7..b2507fd 100644
--- a/src/test/cord-api/Tests/BBSim/BBSIMScale.robot
+++ b/src/test/cord-api/Tests/BBSim/BBSIMScale.robot
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 Library           RequestsLibrary
 Library           ../../Framework/utils/
-Resource          ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
 Library           ../../Framework/
 Resource          ../../Framework/Subscriber.robot
 Resource          ../../Framework/ATTWorkFlowDriver.robot
@@ -45,39 +44,34 @@
     CORD Post    ${VOLT_DEVICE}    {'device_type': 'openolt', 'host': 'bbsim.voltha.svc', 'port': 50060, 'switch_datapath_id': 'of:0000000000000002', 'switch_port': '3', 'outer_tpid': '0x8100', 'uplink': '65536', 'nas_id': 'NAS_ID', 'serial_number': 'bbsim.voltha.svc:50060', 'volt_service_id': ${volt_service_id}}
     @{subscribers}=    Generate Subscribers    ${number_of_onus}    ${rcord_service_id}
     : FOR    ${subscriber}    IN    @{subscribers}
-    \    Log To Console    ${subscriber}
     \    CORD Post    ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}    ${subscriber}
     @{whitelists}=    Generate Whitelists    ${number_of_onus}    ${att_workflow_service_id}
     : FOR    ${whitelist}    IN    @{whitelists}
-    \    Log To Console    ${whitelist}
     \    CORD Post    ${ATT_WHITELIST}    ${whitelist}
-ONUs Discovered
+Validate ONUs in VOLTHA
+    [Tags]    voltha
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    5s    Validate Voltha    ${number_of_onus}
+Validate ONUs in XOS
     [Documentation]    Validates All ONU Devices are discovered and retrieve SNs
     [Tags]    onudiscovery
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    5s    Validate Number of ONU Devices    ${number_of_onus}
-Validate ONU States
+Validate ONU States in XOS
     [Documentation]    Validates All ONU Device states are "enabled" and "active"
     [Tags]    onustates
     : FOR    ${onu}    IN    @{serial_numbers}
     \    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    5s    Validate ONU States    ACTIVE    ENABLED    ${onu}
-Validate ATT WF Driver SIs
-    [Documentation]    Validates all service instances per onu devices become "approved" and "dhcpdiscovered"
-    [Tags]    serviceinstances    notready
-    : FOR    ${onu}    IN    @{serial_numbers}
-    \    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    180s    2s    Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI    ENABLED    APPROVED    ${onu}
-    \    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    240s    2s    Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI DHCP State    DHCPACK    ${onu}
 *** Keywords ***
     ${server_ip}=    Get Environment Variable    SERVER_IP    localhost
     ${port}=    Get Environment Variable    SERVER_PORT    30001
     ${auth} =    Create List    ${XOS_USER}    ${XOS_PASSWD}
     ${HEADERS}    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/json
-    Create Session    ${server_ip}    http://${server_ip}:${port}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
+    Create Session    XOS    http://${server_ip}:${port}    auth=${AUTH}    headers=${HEADERS}
+    Create Session    VOLTHA    http://${server_ip}:30125    headers=${HEADERS}
     @{container_list}=    Create List
     Append To List    ${container_list}    att-workflow-att-workflow-driver
     Append To List    ${container_list}    seba-services-volt
@@ -92,7 +86,7 @@
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${ATT_WHITELIST}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${VOLT_DEVICE}
-     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${ATT_SERVICEINSTANCES}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s    Clean Up Objects    ${ATT_SERVICEINSTANCES}
     Delete All Sessions
     #Get Pod Logs
@@ -106,8 +100,19 @@
 Validate Number of ONU Devices
     [Arguments]    ${expected_onus}
     ${resp}=    CORD Get    ${ONU_DEVICE}
+    Validate ONUs in Response    ${resp}    ${expected_onus}
+Validate Voltha
+    [Arguments]    ${expected_onus}
+    ${resp}=    Get Request    VOLTHA    api/v1/devices
+    Log    ${resp.content}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    Validate ONUs in Response    ${resp}    ${expected_onus}
+Validate ONUs in Response
+    [Arguments]    ${resp}    ${expected_onus}
     ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${resp.content}
-    Log    ${jsondata}
+    Should Not Be Empty    ${jsondata['items']}
     ${length}=    Get Length    ${jsondata['items']}
     @{serial_numbers}=    Create List
     : FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    0    ${length}
@@ -119,3 +124,19 @@
     ${length_of_bbsim_onus}=    Get Length    ${serial_numbers}
     Should Be Equal as Integers    ${length_of_bbsim_onus}    ${expected_onus}
+    [Documentation]    Make a GET call to XOS
+    [Arguments]    ${service}
+    ${resp}=    Get Request    XOS    ${service}
+    Log    ${resp.content}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Return]    ${resp}
+CORD Post
+    [Documentation]    Make a POST call to XOS
+    [Arguments]    ${service}    ${data}
+    ${data}=    Evaluate    json.dumps(${data})    json
+    ${resp}=    Post Request    XOS    uri=${service}    data=${data}
+    Log    ${resp.content}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+    [Return]    ${resp}