Setting Up CORD Tester Environment

Configure Automation Framework

  • When the POD/Cord-in-a-Box is installed, cord-tester repo is downloaded on the head node at /opt/cord/test directory
  • Tests can be run directly from the headnode or from a different VM then it can be done using the following command
$ git clone
  • Before executing any tests, proper modules need to be installed which can be done using the following command
cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/setup
sudo ./ --cord

Executing Tests

Most of the tests in cord-tester framework are written in python and RobotFramework. Few examples for test execution are shown below

  • Executing a sample test
cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/robot/
pybot SanityPhyPOD.robot

Executing Control Plane Tests

  • Each control plane test uses input data in json format which are present under /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/data
  • Before running control plane tests, a properties file need to be edited as shown below. Update the following attributes accordingly
cd  /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Properties
$ cat

SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
SERVER_PORT = '9101'
USER = ''
  • To run tests
$ cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/
$ pybot <testcase.txt>

Executing Functional/Module Tests

  • There are several functional tests written to test various modules of CORD independently.
  • Before executing module based tests, following steps need to be performed which will create a test container and sets up the environment in the container to run tests.
cd /opt/cord/test/cord-tester/src/test/setup/
sudo ./ setup -m manifest-cord.json
  • Run a single test from a module
sudo ./  run -t dhcp:dhcp_exchange.test_dhcp_1request

For more detailed explanations of the cord-tester options please check