    Removed redundant test scenario w.r.t VPN.
    Also removed, added for CRUD PoC of neutron services.

Change-Id: I6df0dd3a61fabd6976cd9dcbafe06c4e31c25307
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/ b/src/test/cordvtn/
index 62b3310..f16d006 100644
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/
+++ b/src/test/cordvtn/
@@ -1335,19 +1335,6 @@
-    def test_cordvtn_creating_virtual_public_network(self):
-	"""
-	Algo:
-	    1) Validate that required openstack service is up and running.
-	    2) Validate that compute node is being created and get compute node name by using "sudo cord prov list".
-	    3) From CORD-Test container, use python-neutron client and create network with name - NetA with an IP as public network.
-	       (neutron net-create net-A-public, neutron subnet-create net-A-public
-	    4) Verify that NetA is being created and validate IP in nova list command.
-	    5) Verify that flow is being added in ovs-switch in compute-node.
-	    6) Verify that onos-ml2 plugin syncs through ReST call  from openstack service neutron.
-	"""
-	pass
     def test_cordvtn_creating_virtual_local_management_network(self):
diff --git a/src/test/cordvtn/ b/src/test/cordvtn/
deleted file mode 100755
index af35e3a..0000000
--- a/src/test/cordvtn/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-set -x
-function die() {
-    local exitcode=$?
-    set +o xtrace
-    echo $@
-    cleanup
-    exit $exitcode
-function cleanup() {
-    echo Removing test port, subnet and net...
-    neutron port-delete $port_name
-    neutron subnet-delete $subnet_name
-    neutron net-delete $net_name
-if [ "$1" == "noauth" ]; then
-    NOAUTH="--tenant_id $noauth_tenant_id"
-    NOAUTH=
-echo "NOTE: User should be admin in order to perform all operations."
-sleep 3
-# test the CRUD of network
-neutron net-create $NOAUTH $network || die "fail to create network $network"
-temp=`neutron net-list -- --name $network --fields id | wc -l`
-echo $temp
-if [ $temp -ne 5 ]; then
-   die "networks with name $network is not unique or found"
-network_id=`neutron net-list -- --name $network --fields id | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 |  cut -d' ' -f 2`
-echo "ID of network with name $network is $network_id"
-neutron net-show $network ||  die "fail to show network $network"
-neutron net-show $network_id ||  die "fail to show network $network_id"
-neutron  net-update $network --admin_state_up False  ||  die "fail to update network $network"
-neutron  net-update $network_id --admin_state_up True  ||  die "fail to update network $network_id"
-neutron net-list -c id -- --id fakeid  || die "fail to list networks with column selection on empty list"
-# test the CRUD of subnet
-neutron subnet-create $NOAUTH $network $cidr --name $subnet  || die "fail to create subnet $subnet"
-tempsubnet=`neutron subnet-list -- --name $subnet --fields id | wc -l`
-echo $tempsubnet
-if [ $tempsubnet -ne 5 ]; then
-   die "subnets with name $subnet is not unique or found"
-subnet_id=`neutron subnet-list -- --name $subnet --fields id | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 |  cut -d' ' -f 2`
-echo "ID of subnet with name $subnet is $subnet_id"
-neutron subnet-show $subnet ||  die "fail to show subnet $subnet"
-neutron subnet-show $subnet_id ||  die "fail to show subnet $subnet_id"
-neutron  subnet-update $subnet --dns_nameservers list=true  ||  die "fail to update subnet $subnet"
-neutron  subnet-update $subnet_id --dns_nameservers list=true  ||  die "fail to update subnet $subnet_id"
-# test the crud of ports
-neutron port-create $NOAUTH $network --name $port  || die "fail to create port $port"
-tempport=`neutron port-list -- --name $port --fields id | wc -l`
-echo $tempport
-if [ $tempport -ne 5 ]; then
-   die "ports with name $port is not unique or found"
-port_id=`neutron port-list -- --name $port --fields id | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 |  cut -d' ' -f 2`
-echo "ID of port with name $port is $port_id"
-neutron port-show $port ||  die "fail to show port $port"
-neutron port-show $port_id ||  die "fail to show port $port_id"
-neutron  port-update $port --device_id deviceid1  ||  die "fail to update port $port"
-neutron  port-update $port_id --device_id deviceid2  ||  die "fail to update port $port_id"
-neutron  port-update $port_id --allowed-address-pair ip_address=,mac_address=10:00:00:00:00:00 --allowed-address-pair ip_address=,mac_address=10:00:00:00:00:01 ||  die "fail to update port $port_id --allowed-address-pair"
-neutron port-show $port ||  die "fail to show port $port"
-neutron port-show $port_id ||  die "fail to show port $port_id"
-neutron  port-update $port_id --no-allowed-address-pairs ||  die "fail to update port $port_id --no-allowed-address-pairs"
-neutron port-show $port ||  die "fail to show port $port"
-neutron port-show $port_id ||  die "fail to show port $port_id"
-neutron port-delete $port_id
-# test the create port with allowed-address-pairs
-neutron port-create $NOAUTH $network --name $port -- --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=,mac_address=10:00:00:00:00:00 ip_address=,mac_address=10:00:00:00:00:01 || die "fail to create port $port"
-tempport=`neutron port-list -- --name $port --fields id | wc -l`
-echo $tempport
-if [ $tempport -ne 5 ]; then
-   die "ports with name $port is not unique or found"
-port_id=`neutron port-list -- --name $port --fields id | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 |  cut -d' ' -f 2`
-echo "ID of port with name $port is $port_id"
-neutron port-show $port ||  die "fail to show port $port"
-neutron port-show $port_id ||  die "fail to show port $port_id"
-neutron  port-update $port_id --no-allowed-address-pairs ||  die "fail to update port $port_id --no-allowed-address-pairs"
-neutron  port-show $port_id
-# test quota commands RUD
-neutron quota-update --tenant_id $tenant_id --network 30 || die "fail to update quota for tenant $tenant_id"
-neutron quota-update --tenant_id $tenant_id_b --network 20 || die "fail to update quota for tenant $tenant_id"
-networks=`neutron quota-list -c network -c tenant_id | grep $tenant_id | awk '{print $2}'`
-if [ $networks -ne 30 ]; then
-   die "networks quota should be 30"
-networks=`neutron quota-list -c network -c tenant_id | grep $tenant_id_b | awk '{print $2}'`
-if [ $networks -ne 20 ]; then
-   die "networks quota should be 20"
-networks=`neutron quota-show --tenant_id $tenant_id | grep network | awk -F'|'  '{print $3}'`
-if [ $networks -ne 30 ]; then
-   die "networks quota should be 30"
-neutron quota-delete --tenant_id $tenant_id || die "fail to delete quota for tenant $tenant_id"
-networks=`neutron quota-show --tenant_id $tenant_id | grep network | awk -F'|'  '{print $3}'`
-if [ $networks -ne $DEFAULT_NETWORKS ]; then
-   die "networks quota should be $DEFAULT_NETWORKS"
-# update self
-if [ "t$NOAUTH" = "t" ]; then
-    # with auth
-    neutron quota-update --port 99 || die "fail to update quota for self"
-    ports=`neutron quota-show | grep port | awk -F'|'  '{print $3}'`
-    if [ $ports -ne 99 ]; then
-       die "ports quota should be 99"
-    fi
-    ports=`neutron quota-list -c port | grep 99 | awk '{print $2}'`
-    if [ $ports -ne 99 ]; then
-       die "ports quota should be 99"
-    fi
-    neutron quota-delete || die "fail to delete quota for tenant self"
-    ports=`neutron quota-show | grep port | awk -F'|'  '{print $3}'`
-    if [ $ports -ne $DEFAULT_PORTS ]; then
-       die "ports quota should be $DEFAULT_PORTS"
-    fi
-    # without auth
-    neutron quota-update --port 100
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-        die "without valid context on server, quota update command should fail."
-    fi
-    neutron quota-show
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-        die "without valid context on server, quota show command should fail."
-    fi
-    neutron quota-delete
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-        die "without valid context on server, quota delete command should fail."
-    fi
-    neutron quota-list || die "fail to update quota for self"
-echo "Success! :)"